Papier-mâché Christmas toys

With the onset of December, every family is faced with the question of decorating a Christmas tree and buying new Christmas tree decorations. In kindergartens and elementary schools, during labor lessons, children make interesting crafts that can be used to decorate the house for the New Year. Recently, master classes on making papier-mâché figurines have become very popular. In this article, we will tell you how you can make your own Christmas tree decorations using this technique.

What to make the base from?
The basis of any papier-mâché crafts is paper soaked in a special glue solution. There are two types of foundations that can be used during master classes. The first option is simpler and faster. You will need two bowls, paper, and colored napkins. Cut the paper into small pieces and send to bowls, pour water into them and leave for 15 minutes so that the contents are thoroughly soaked. Next, PVA glue is added to the paper base and the dough is kneaded. Any shape can be coated with the ready-made composition.
To make the paste in the second way, you will need a glass of water and a tablespoon of sifted flour. Combine everything in a small saucepan and place over medium heat, stirring constantly, until slightly thick. This solution will soak the paper.
Remember that the paste deteriorates quickly, so it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator between jobs.

What tools are required?
To create Christmas tree decorations from papier-mâché, you need a rather long list of items, but they are all as simple as possible and can be found at home for any family.
- Any paper. It can be an album sheet, newspaper, napkins.
- PVA glue.
- Glue brush.
- Oilcloth or modeling board.
- Sunflower oil.
- Scissors.
- Stationery knife.

And you should also stock up on jewelry parts of your choice:
- varnish;
- braid;
- paints;
- paint brush;
- sequins;
- sequins;
- rhinestones.
You can decorate the finished product with any other means at hand. It all depends on your imagination and skills.

Manufacturing process
Let's consider several master classes on making Christmas tree decorations from papier-mâché with our own hands.
Christmas tree balls can be made in two ways.
From the newspaper
Newspaper sheets need to be crumpled into tight balls and carefully tied with threads so that they do not open during processing. When everything is firmly in place, add a couple more layers of thread to attach the ribbons. Paper dough, which is prepared according to the first option above, is laid around the circumference of the balls and smoothed by hand.
Leave the finished products to dry completely, after which you can proceed to decorate.

Another easy way is to use a rubber ball as a base. Inflate it to the size you need and glue it with sheets soaked in the solution, wait until everything is dry, and then pierce the ball with a thin needle and carefully remove it from the inside. The remaining hole is also sealed with sheets dipped in paste.
Do not forget to pre-lay the hanging ribbon inside

Snow Maiden
Sculpt the figure of a girl in a long fur coat from plasticine or twist from foil and grease the resulting shape with oil, so that it is easier to remove it later. Moisten the paper sheets with paste and alternately cover the figure with several layers, after allowing the previous one to dry. Additional parts can be formed from paper glue dough. When the final cut is dry, carefully cut it in half and remove the mold. Next, cut a small hole for the tape and slide it in, tying one end into a thick knot for stability. Glue both parts with PVA glue.

This craft is considered one of the simplest, it can be made with children. The shape of a bell can be molded from plasticine, made from foil or newspaper. And also for the form, you can buy ready-made plastic figures, which are sold in almost any supermarket before the New Year holidays. The product must be lubricated with a thin layer of sunflower oil before starting the process itself. Next, moisten the paper in the paste and glue it around the perimeter of the bell. Let the first layer dry and add 3-4 more such layers for strength. When the product is ready, carefully remove the mold from the inside. To do this, it is not necessary to cut the shape, just shake it slightly and the shape will neatly fall out by itself.
You can mold a beautiful bow with ribbons from paper-glue dough and install it on the top of the bell, after having threaded in the ribbon. You can glue the tongue inside for more realism.

Figures from cotton wool
Let's try to make a New Year's toy using the papier-mâché technique using cotton wool. For this, you will additionally need sheets of cotton wool and wire. The frame of the future craft should be prepared from the wire so that it is strong and can last longer. Next, you need to moisten the cotton strips in the glue solution and tie them around the frame with light pressure for tightness. Depending on the size and shape of the decoration, you can make a couple more of these layers. When the base is ready, it should be pasted over with corrugated paper according to the waving principle. Additional details can be made from paper and glue.

How to decorate?
You can decorate papier-mâché Christmas tree figurines in any way you like. Involve all family members in the process and spend time together. Paint the Christmas balls with paints of any color, then mark the places with transparent glue and sprinkle them with sparkles or beads. It will turn out very nicely.It is recommended to cover the finished version with transparent varnish for fixing.
It is better to paint the Snow Maiden with thin brushes, since there are many details. A light blue fur coat with white fur can be decorated with ready-made snowflakes and sparkles. Carefully draw the face, outlining the eyes, nose and lips. Bells are usually painted gold or yellow with brightly colored bows.
In the process of decorating papier-mâché toys, use all your imagination, do not be afraid to do something unusual. The brighter the tree, the more elegant the room looks.

For information on how to make a papier-mâché Christmas tree toy, see the next video.