Papier mache

How to make papier-mâché from newspapers?

 How to make papier-mâché from newspapers?
  1. How to cook a mass
  2. Techniques used
  3. Crafts making
  4. Decoration and decor

Papier-mâché translated from French means "chewed paper". This decorative technique is popular all over the world.

Papier-mâché was invented in China in the 2nd century AD. NS. and served for the manufacture of helmets and armor. The material was distinguished by its simplicity of manufacture, did not have much weight, but acquired density after varnishing. The technique eventually reached Egypt, where it was used to make masks covering the faces of mummies, and papyrus was used instead of paper. Technologies for making papier-mâché quickly spread throughout the world, and already in the 10th century they knew about it in Spain, Germany, France, Italy. Once upon a time, cornices, furniture were made from this raw material, it was a favorite subject for the creativity of artists. The proof of the strength of the material is the church, built in 1793 in Norway and standing for 37 years. In Russia, they learned about papier-mâché after Peter I's trip to Europe.

How to cook a mass

To make papier-mâché, they use cheap, simple and environmentally friendly materials available in the house:

  • papier-mâché glue is prepared in advance and in large quantities;
  • scrap paper, old newspapers torn into strips, toilet paper rolls, paper towels, cardboard boxes cut into strips;
  • scissors;
  • paper masking tape to maintain shape, it also facilitates the connection of various elements;
  • for the decoration of finished products, acrylic paints or colored fabrics are chosen.

You can make papier-mâché from newspapers by soaking them for several hours, or to save time by boiling a newspaper torn into small pieces for 30 minutes. This is done so that the paper becomes soft - then it is easier to mold shapes from it.

The longer the boiling lasts, the easier the further work will be, and if you periodically change the water, then the newspaper ink will go away, leaving a light sheet.

Allow the paper to cool down after cooking. To do this, it is transferred to a container with cold water. Water is carefully squeezed out of the cooled paper pulp and left, covered with a nylon cloth.

The next step is to make the glue. It connects the individual layers of paper, due to which the product becomes hard after drying. For these purposes, ordinary PVA glue diluted with water in a 2: 1 ratio, or a traditional paste, which is made from flour or starch and water, is suitable.

The simplest recipe for paste: mix 1 part flour with 2 parts water until the glue acquires the consistency of a cream.

Add a few tablespoons of salt to prevent mold.

You can weld glue like this:

  1. in a container, mix a glass of flour with a glass of water;
  2. in a separate saucepan, boil 3 cups of water and add the prepared mixture there;
  3. cook for several minutes, stirring constantly, preferably with a whisk;
  4. add a few tablespoons of salt to the resulting homogeneous mass;
  5. if the glue becomes too thick, it can be diluted with water during cooking, and if it is too thin, it is allowed to add some flour.

The glue is ready after cooling, then it will thicken a little too.

After the main ingredients have cooled, you can make paper dough for future creations.

Techniques used

There are two main methods of working with waste paper to get a three-dimensional product.

  • The art of creating decor using the papier-mâché technique consists in repeatedly and alternately applying successive layers of paper and glue to each other. In the course of this process, the finished object is gradually given its final shape.
  • The second method involves modeling from glue and paper pulp. The consistency of the piece should be similar to bread dough. It is important to knead the lump thoroughly so that it softens and gives in to work easily. After drying, the product turns into a solid material. It was by this method that very often theatrical scenographic elements, carnival masks or puppet details and even lamps were performed. Depending on the amount of paper and glue applied to the object, the resulting object can be extremely lifelike and durable.

Crafts making

From papier-mâché you can make whatever your imagination dictates.

French artisans made papier-mâché mugs and imitations of plaster and plaster. In England, trays, tables, chairs, sconces, bookshelves, carriage walls, candlesticks, screens and bed frames were made. In France and Germany, papier-mâché furniture and dolls were popular.

It is recommended to start working at home with your own hands with simple forms.

  • Learn to fold a piece of paper into familiar objects: plates, cups, bird or animal figurines.
  • For a fun holiday, they are recommended in the manufacture of masks. Children will especially like the idea if the masks look like cartoon characters, for example, princesses, monsters.
  • You can create accessories for your home: table knick-knacks, seasonal decorations for the holidays, paper-backed paintings, beautiful jewelry boxes.

First, try to glue the balloon over with newspapers to get a hollow balloon (it can be useful in the future, for example, for creating an interior composition). To make it you will need:

  • inflated rubber ball;
  • glue;
  • newspaper.

Detailed instructions step by step:

  1. prepare a newspaper by cutting it into ribbons 3 cm wide;
  2. prepare the paste, diluted with water to the consistency of cream;
  3. Dip each strip in the solution, and drain the excess liquid;
  4. glue the ball with ready-made strips in 4 layers;
  5. the coated ball must dry for more than a day;
  6. pierce a dry product with a needle;
  7. the deflated ball can not be pulled out.

How to make a papier-mâché apple step by step.

  1. Wrinkle several dry newspaper pages with your hands, forming a ball of any size.
  2. Paste the ball over with tape, giving it the shape of an apple. You need to do this carefully so that the form does not disintegrate.
  3. Tear brown paper into pieces, dip in glue. Piece by piece, glue the apple with it. There should be several layers for the apple to be strong.
  4. Leave it to dry completely.
  5. Draw leaves on cardboard, which are then cut out.
  6. Cover the cut leaves with pieces of paper. One layer is enough this time.
  7. Glue a petiole from a rolled sheet of paper and a prepared sheet to an already dried apple. The gluing site is masked with a piece of paper coated in glue.

A papier-mâché mask for a festive evening.

  1. First you need to prepare the shape: crumple the newspapers and form them into the shape of the head, you can with the nose. Then this structure is fastened with adhesive tape so that it does not fall apart. The mask can be shaped in a balloon inflated to the desired size. Before starting work, the ball is lubricated with something greasy, for example, petroleum jelly or olive oil - then it is easier to remove the dried mask from the mold without damaging it.
  2. If the mask is created specifically for someone, it is necessary to take into account the size of the head, and after gluing the film, mark the holes for the eyes, mouth and nose.
  3. The mask is made from newspaper strips. They are soaked in glue and glued in layers to the mold. For the mask to be strong, there must be many layers. It is also worth letting the mask dry from time to time before applying another paper.
  4. Once the pasting is finished, the mask is left to dry in a warm place. Then they remove it from the form and proceed to minor cosmetic work: trimming the edges, leveling the oval of the face, smoothing with fine sandpaper.
  5. A strong elastic band should be attached to the back of the mask to fix it on the head. If it is to serve as a decoration for a room, then by using an elastic band it can be attached to a hanger or hung on a wall.

Decoration and decor

Finished paper products are varnished for greater fixation and hardness. Items made of papier-mâché are decorated with fabrics, dyed, which allows you to make simple and attractive things with your own hands. Interior decoration can be:

  • papier-mâché flowers;
  • flower pots;
  • decorative finishing of the cornice with cardboard;
  • dishes made of paper and with the same fruits in it;
  • decorative frames for photos.

How to make papier-mâché from newspaper and PVA glue, you will see in the next video.

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