Making a plate using papier-mâché technique

The papier-mâché technique allows you to make a huge number of different things with your own hands. In this article, we will learn how you can make a beautiful plate using this method.

What is required?
Making an attractive plate with your own hands using the papier-mâché technique is not difficult. If you have planned to make such a thing, then you will first need to prepare all the necessary components.

So, for self-production of a plate using the papier-mâché technique, the following positions will be needed:
- several newspapers;
- 4-5 sheets of white paper (it is recommended to take sheets corresponding to A4 size);
- a clean plate filled with the same clean water;
- adhesive composition (ordinary PVA glue is ideal);
- paint of any color you like (in the choice of this component, the master is not limited by anything, it all depends on his own wishes);
- a high-quality paint brush (it is advisable to purchase a good option, the pile of which will not crumble during the manufacture of the plate);
- a plate, which will later serve as the basis for the original homemade product.

It is recommended to immediately place all the necessary components at the workplace, where a person will make an interesting homemade product. This will save him from unnecessary time wasted searching for the required component / tool or material.
As you can see, you don't need to spend money on expensive components to make your own plate using the papier-mâché technique. It is quite possible to make a beautiful homemade product from the simplest and most affordable materials.

Step-by-step execution instructions
If all of the listed components are prepared, you can safely start creating a plate using the papier-mâché technique. Consider in stages the manufacturing technology for novice craftsmen.
- First, you need to tear the newspapers into small pieces. After that, they will need to be moistened in water.
- In the role of a plate, which will act as the basis for homemade products, almost any container of sufficient depth will do. A glass salad bowl is a good solution.
- The glass salad bowl will need to be turned upside down. After that, this base should be gradually "covered" with wet newspaper rags. This must be done over the entire surface of the overturned dish.
- It is not forbidden to put wetted pieces of newspaper in several layers at once. This is even good, because due to such actions, the product will turn out to be more durable, strong and dense. It will be much more difficult to break or damage it.
- Once the entire surface of the inverted salad bowl is completely covered with one or more layers of soaked newspaper, it will need to be dried. For these purposes, the workpiece should be left overnight.
- As soon as the applied newspaper cuts on the salad bowl are completely dry, it will be necessary to once again stick the base with exactly the same moistened pieces of newspaper. Having completed this stage of work, the homemade product will again need to be left in order for it to dry thoroughly.

How to remove?
After the above steps, the moment will come when the glass base will need to be removed from the paper structure. This process can be divided into several main stages.
- You will need to pour the adhesive into a hotel bowl. It is necessary to tear sheets of A4 paper into several small pieces. These pieces must be dipped in the poured glue, and then glued to the surface of the base plate. This should be done as carefully and carefully as possible, because the dried out lower layers, which are still held on the water, will begin to fall off. There is no other way to carry out such manipulations, because the plate must be separated from the base. So, now the entire salad bowl will need to be pasted over with white paper from the outside.
- When the glue dries a little, you will need to carefully remove the glass base. The newspaper was now visible from the inside. It will need to be carefully pasted over with snow-white paper, previously moistened with glue solution.
- When the layer dries, you will need to glue another layer with paper. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the edges of the plate are properly glued as well.
It is recommended to apply approximately 3-4 coats inside and out. Thanks to this, the craft will turn out to be stronger and more stable.

How to color?
When the preparation of the plate is completely completed, you can proceed to painting it. Consider the features of this stage of creating crafts.
- It is advisable to make a plate using the papier-mâché technique in such a way that you can then put washed fruits in it, but so that it does not start to get soaked. For this, it is advisable to paint the product with high-quality enamel paint. You can take absolutely any color - the main thing is that the master likes it.
- It is advisable to paint such a craft in at least 2 layers. After finishing painting the product, you need to wait until it is completely dry. It is recommended to remove the plate to fresh air. In such conditions, the smell of paint will disappear very quickly.

The original plate using the papier-mâché technique is ready. It can be used as a regular decoration or as a container for fruit.
The considered technology makes it possible not only to simply paint the plate in any color you like. The master can also decorate it effectively. Products that are decorated with original painting, beautiful drawings and images look interesting and bright. The master's fantasy is not limited here at all. Homemade design can be absolutely anything.

Useful Tips
The papier-mâché technique is very popular, because if you use it correctly, you can make a lot of beautiful, bright and original crafts. It can be not only interesting plates, but also many other designs, for example, decorative figurines, figurines and festive decorations - there are a great many options.

If you are planning to make a plate with your own hands using the papier-mâché technique, then it makes sense to enlist a few helpful tips and tricks.
- Often the required mixture is prepared from paper and paste, without using conventional PVA glue. If you use paste, then it is not recommended to prepare too much material for work with this component. First of all, it is advisable to choose the optimal consistency, the ratio of all ingredients.
- To make the homemade product of better quality, without unnecessary problems, it is recommended to dry each layer of the laid out paper. To make the process go fast enough, in some situations you can use an ordinary hairdryer. However, the latter should only be used as a last resort.
- The number of paper layers largely depends on what kind of craft the master wants to make. According to many professionals, it is best to stack the paper in 4-5 layers.
- When all the steps for making the original craft are completed, it is highly recommended to leave it to dry completely. Any item must be dried within 24 hours. You can spend more time on this process, but certainly not less. If we are talking about very complex and large products, then this time can be increased up to 3-4 days.
- The paint can only be applied to completely dried crafts made in the considered technique. If you rush to this stage of work, you can harm the quality of the product.
- When making products using the papier-mâché technique, you should not rush too much. Because of this, homemade products can turn out to be sloppy, careless.
- If you are planning to make a beautiful craft, it is recommended that you first stock up on a large oilcloth. It should be spread on the table where you want to work directly. Thus, the work surfaces will be well protected from unnecessary contamination.
- It is not recommended to use radiators or heaters for quick drying of papier-mâché. Such crafts must be dried naturally. If you do not follow this recommendation, the product may crack or deform.
- Finished and completely dry products are recommended to be sanded as accurately as possible. This is the only way to achieve a perfectly flat and smooth surface of the crafts. The master should get rid of any defects and irregularities.
- You can level the surfaces of original crafts made using the papier-mâché technique using a regular putty. It should be applied only after preliminary application of the primer mixture.
- If you want to putty the craft, it is best to give preference to acrylic compounds. If these are not commercially available, you can pick up a plaster version.