Cadastral engineer: description and responsibilities

Such a profession as a cadastral engineer appeared on the labor market relatively recently - only in 2011. However, she has already managed to become popular and in demand. People who work in this specialty are contacted when it is necessary to resolve issues related to land or real estate. We will describe below what this profession is, what responsibilities are assigned to an employee who carries out his activities in this area, and what skills he should have.

The cadastral engineer is one of the professions that belongs to the "young". It appeared quite recently, but has already become quite popular in the labor market.
A person working in this specialty is an expert who performs land surveying tasks, and also deals with cadastral work in the field of real estate. It determines the coordinates of the boundaries of the plots, which are needed in order to secure the ownership of the land, put it on the state. accounting, prepares all the required documentation for the ownership of real estate, develops projects for land management, cadastre and planning of territories.
A cadastral engineer carries out two types of activities at once. One of them is related to documentation, that is, it is bureaucratic, while the second is closely related to interactions with people.
Often, such specialists are contacted in cases where disputes and conflicts arise between neighbors regarding land plots. They are also useful when processing documents for real estate with the aim of their subsequent sale or inheritance.

The profession of a cadastral engineer has both advantages and disadvantages.
Let's start with the pros. The main ones are the prestige of the profession, its popularity and high demand for specialists in this field, that is, after training, with a high probability, a person will not be left without work.
Another great advantage will be the size of the salary. The cost of the services of cadastral engineers can be different. It depends on the region, the complexity of the task, the scale of the site and its distance from the specialist, as well as many other factors. However, we can say for sure that a specialist working in this area is unlikely to experience financial difficulties.
Plus, a person who is a professional in this area can not only work in a company for someone else, but also provide individual services, as well as open his own company in the future.
Besides, no less advantage is the fact that a specialist has the opportunity to improve his qualifications, which will subsequently contribute to his professional growth and career advancement.

Now let's move on to the disadvantages of this profession, of which it has quite a lot.
First of all, it must be said that it is rather difficult to obtain a qualification certificate for a cadastral engineer. This requires: Russian citizenship, higher education and experience, and so on. In addition, after graduating from the institute and receiving a diploma, a person who wants to work in this field will have to undergo an internship, which usually lasts several years.
Passing the exam for this profession is also not an easy task. You will have to prepare for it for a long time and carefully, since there are many questions on the exam, for each of them you need to know the exact answer. After successfully passing the exam, you will finally be able to obtain a license to carry out your activities, however, the issuance of this license may take an indefinite period of time.
The profession of a cadastral engineer also implies a high level of responsibility, so a person who decides to work in this area must be ready for a lot of painstaking work, which is mostly associated with paperwork. Making a lot of mistakes is fraught with problems for customers in the future, as well as the loss of qualifications.
It should also be said that this profession sometimes requires a person to travel on business trips, which are often systematic, since the object may be at a long distance from a specialist.
In general, despite all the difficulties of the profession, its advantages in the form of high wages and high demand for the services of cadastral engineers completely cover the disadvantages.

Job responsibilities
First of all, it should be said that cadastral engineers, like everyone else, have their own professional standard. This includes the compulsory receipt of higher education in the chosen specialty, a set of experience, the availability of qualifications and the obligatory presence of a special license, without which it will be impossible to carry out activities. In addition, it will be important to say that such a specialist must necessarily have his own seal and letterheads, which will indicate the address of the place of work, the number of the qualification certificate.
If we talk about the duties of a cadastral engineer, then he has a lot of them. However, in this work, the correct sequence of performing all the necessary work plays a huge role.
First of all, a specialist who carries out his activities will need to check the availability of the necessary documents from the people who own the property, be it a large summer cottage or a simple garage. If this item is omitted, then there is a high risk that all further activities related to real estate will not make sense.

Further, the specialist needs to conduct a technical inspection of the land plot, carry out the necessary measurements and install boundary marks. If it comes to resolving disputes and conflicts between the owners of two plots that are in the neighborhood, then a specialist needs to make accurate measurements of each of them. This is a very demanding job, since one mistake can subsequently affect the reputation of a specialist and call into question the question of his professionalism.
However, back to the duties of a cadastral engineer. So, only after completing all the work related to measurements, the specialist can proceed to the next stage, which includes drawing a plan and preparing those documents that must be submitted to the relevant state bodies.
It is important to note that if we are talking about the need to carry out such work for a company, then two, and sometimes more specialists who are involved in cadastres and land management should be present at the facility.

A responsibility
As mentioned above, the profession of a cadastral engineer is very responsible and time consuming, which requires high professionalism. A specialist in this area is required to be attentive, assiduous and accurate in performing work. A large number of errors that were made in the measurements can subsequently lead to the fact that the specialist will simply lose the qualification certificate, which he has been working on for so long.
By the way, often it is not even the specialist himself who is to blame for such errors, but low-quality equipment, which allows errors in measurements.
It is worth considering that the cadastral engineer also bears property liability. If his work was performed in bad faith and of poor quality, then in this case the specialist will have to cover the losses. This is done through litigation: the affected party submits an application to the appropriate legislative body and attaches documentation to it, which will confirm the mistakes made by the employee.

If we talk about the rights of a cadastral engineer, then they, like obligations, are regulated by law No. 221-FZ "On cadastral activities."
According to Article 29.1, a specialist who carries out his professional activity has the right to a number of actions.
- Has the ability to freely enter the facility to carry out cadastral work. Customers should be concerned about this. Along with this, the specialist has the right to require customers to provide the documentation that is necessary for the performance of cadastral works.
- The cadastral engineer has the right to refuse to fulfill a specific order. The reason may be a gross violation on the part of the customer of one or another point prescribed in the concluded agreement. Most often, a refusal occurs due to the fact that the customer restricts access to one or another information, documentation or site. Note that, having decided to exercise the right to refuse to fulfill contractual obligations, the specialist must have documentary evidence, otherwise the customer has the right to file a complaint with the SRO KI organization.
- The specialist also has the right not to hire young specialists for internship. However, for this, the organization of the SRO KI is required to provide documentary evidence of the reasons why the specialist is not able to fulfill the responsibilities for the implementation of the leadership of the internship.

Knowledge and skills
A specialist working in this area must have specific qualities, skills and knowledge.
First of all, a person must be hardworking, disciplined, sociable, since in any case he will have to communicate with customers in one way or another, and have a technical mindset. In addition, as a rule, people in this profession have a high level of stress resistance, are diplomats by nature, are able to resolve conflicts and have good analytical skills.
If we talk about the knowledge that such a specialist requires, then there are a lot of them. A person of this profession must necessarily know land, housing, civil, urban planning, water and forestry legislation. It often happens that in order to be employed for this position, a person has to receive additional legal education.
Of course, the cadastral engineer must also be able to work with the special tools that a specialist needs to take measurements. Such devices include, for example, a total station and a level. Difficulties with assessing the reliability of the information that was obtained during the measurements, and the creation of a cartographic plan of the land plot should also not arise.

In addition, the ability to handle and work with a computer plays an important role in this profession. Experience with computer programs such as AutoCAD and MapInfo is especially encouraged.
To get this profession, in any case, you have to finish 11 classes and study at a higher educational institution or undergo retraining. It is required to choose the following areas of study: land management and cadastres, real estate cadastre, city cadastre and real estate management.
If we talk about higher educational institutions, then at the present time on the territory of our country there are a large number of institutions in which training in this direction is carried out. These educational institutions include: Moscow University of Finance and Law, Orenburg State University, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), St. Petersburg State University, State University for Land Management and others.
In general, the learning process for this profession is quite lengthy. So, after receiving a diploma of higher education, it will not be possible to start carrying out activities. After graduating from the institute, you will need to undergo an internship, the duration of which is about two years. After that, the future specialist will need to properly prepare for the exam, which is formed by the cadastral commission.

To successfully pass the exams, a person who decided to become a cadastral engineer will have to work through about two thousand questions. On the exam itself, 100 of any of them can be caught. The exam is considered successful if a person has answered all 100 questions, while making no more than 10 mistakes. After successfully passing the exam, after a certain period of time, a person is issued a qualification certificate, he is entered into the state register of cadastral engineers and receives a personal seal. After that, a person can find a job and further advance up the career ladder by improving their qualifications at the appropriate courses.
However, it is worth considering that, in addition to training, passing an exam and obtaining a qualification certificate, an additional number of requirements are imposed on a person. So, a specialist must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. He should not have a criminal record that has not been removed or canceled. He must have a compulsory civil liability insurance contract for a cadastral engineer. Plus, a specialist should not be disqualified for violations of the legislation on state personnel records.

Place of work
As a rule, specialists working in this field are employed by law firms. Some of them open their own companies or become individual entrepreneurs who provide their services to legal entities and individuals.
In the future, cadastral engineers work with people who need to buy or sell real estate, enter into an inheritance, change the scale of a land plot, resolve property disputes with people who live in the neighborhood and not only.

How much does he earn?
The profession of a cadastral engineer is currently one of the most demanded in the labor market and, as a result, one of the highest paid. The fee for the services of a person of such a profession includes: calling a specialist, providing the necessary services, consulting. The price, as a rule, is formed depending on how far the object is from the location of the specialist, the area and shape of the land plot, and the availability of the necessary documents.
If we talk about specific prices, then in Moscow for the services of such a specialist you will have to pay about 10 thousand rubles, in the region - about 7 thousand, and in the regions - up to 5.
If we talk about how much a cadastral engineer earns as a result, it largely depends on how many responsibilities he takes on. As a rule, with the rise on the career ladder, the salary of a specialist rises.

If you look in general, then in the Russian Federation the salary of a cadastral engineer can range from 20 to 70 thousand rubles. In the capital of our country, the work of such specialists has a higher salary, and their salary can range from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.