Hairdresser: description and training for the profession

The profession of a hairdresser has remained in demand for many years. And this situation is unlikely to change, since both women and men want to be beautiful and well-groomed. Therefore, those who want to become a hairdresser should learn more about the specialty and how the training takes place.
Description of the profession
The history of this profession has more than one millennium. Even in primitive society, people tried to tidy up their hair using available means. For example, there are such interesting facts about the creation of hairstyles in ancient times:
regrown hair was trimmed with a flint knife;
the ends were set on fire on a fire;
men pulled their hair into a bun with leather straps made from animal skins;
women even then twisted their hair into bundles and plaited braids.

Now it is difficult to imagine how one can live without a wide-profile specialist - a modern hairdresser, of course, is useful to society. He helps people create not only beautiful hairstyles, but also mood. After all, everyone knows how a master who knows a lot about the art of hairdressing can transform the appearance and give self-confidence.
The work of a hairdresser involves several areas:
painting and curling;
various grooming procedures.
The hairdresser can be female, male, or all-rounder. Both a woman and a man can master this profession perfectly. Both are popular with clients. The main thing here is what skills and talents a specialist has.
It is enough to cut and dye the client's hair well, and he will definitely return to this specialist - moreover, he will go to him constantly.

It is very important to have such a master who understands at a glance what they want from him, can always help in changing the image and choose the best option.
Advantages and disadvantages
When choosing a profession as a hairdresser, it is worth considering that there are not only advantages of the profession, but also certain disadvantages.
The advantages include the following nuances:
the profession is in demand today, and the situation is unlikely to change in the near future, which means there is always a chance to find a job;
with the ability to do your job well, you can earn good money;
for people inclined to experiment and creative approaches, there is always a chance to show their creativity;
with love for communication with people, you can always discover something new and interesting;
hairdressing does not stand still, new methods, technologies, services are constantly appearing, there is always an opportunity to learn new things and gain additional knowledge.

It also has some drawbacks:
mistakes in work are not excluded at first, you need to be ready for this and not despair right away if something went wrong;
clients are different, including too picky, you need to find an approach to each, and show patience;
- during the working day, with a large influx of clients, it is rarely possible to sit down, which affects the legs and back, preventive procedures are needed to maintain normal health;
in addition, it is often necessary to inhale chemicals that can be harmful, therefore respiratory protection must be provided.
Job responsibilities
If a hairdresser works in a beauty salon or just in a hairdressing salon, he will have to perform a number of duties that are negotiated with the head immediately when applying for a job. But usually a professional standard means that a specialist in any institution of the beauty industry does:
haircuts - male and female (depending on specialization);
hairstyles - everyday, evening, holiday, wedding;
painting using various modern techniques;
perm and styling;
grooming procedures - washing your hair with shampoo, applying balm, conditioner, mask.

At the same time, the specialist must comply with the rules of the organization in which he works, for example, wear a certain uniform, use certain means.
He must also keep his work area and tools in perfect order, clean them up and disinfect them.
Naturally, a hairdresser must be polite and friendly, take into account the wishes of the client, provide him with all the services that are present in the list developed in the salon, offer new products, fully informing about the pros and cons of a particular procedure.
Any specialist in the salon is valuable for his skills and knowledge, as well as for the accumulated client base. This is often required when applying for a job in beauty salons that are in demand among consumers. Often the prices there are quite high, which means that the services must be performed according to the highest class.
In middle-level hairdressing salons, the qualifications of a specialist are also important, he must have a diploma of graduation from the relevant educational institution in the desired profile or a document confirming the completion of hairdressing courses. He must know how basic popular haircuts are performed, understand dyes and other ingredients required for work.

Of course, every salon owner prefers to hire an experienced hairdresser to avoid unpleasant consequences.
But a young specialist also needs to gain experience somewhere. In such cases, there is a chance to work in free hairdressing salons that provide social services to the population.
When you get into the salon, you can bring a model with you and clearly demonstrate your skills - make a haircut, paint, hair. Then the employer will be able to actually make sure of the abilities of his future employee and make a decision on his employment at work.
Personal qualities
A specialist working in a salon must have different qualities. First of all, be friendly, benevolent, able to support any conversation, answer all questions about the upcoming procedure.
At the same time, there must be a certain ethics in communication, do not ask inappropriate questions and do not impose your opinion in any wayif the client does not agree to any offers. You need to be quite flexible in communication..
A creative approach to your work will help you master new techniques and offer them to clients. The desire for everything new and the desire to learn always has its advantages..

A truly creative person is always interested in experimenting with new haircuts, colors, perms and gadgets.
Sometimes it seems to some that you can become a hairdresser from scratch by completing courses. Sometimes this is really enough, but at the same time you need to have a certain talent, artistic thinking, the desire to do something interesting with your own hands.
In order to become a successful hairdresser, in principle, higher education is not required, unless, of course, there are plans to become the head of a large beauty salon. But this is already a different direction and other nuances. To get a diploma, master the specialty of a hairdresser after grade 9, you can go to college... In this case, the main exams for admission will be standard - Russian, mathematics. These may be added to history, social studies, biology, depending on the college.
You may have to take other subjects, all this should be clarified in advance. The term of study at such a college is usually 3 years.
Today there are many opportunities to take various courses and get a lot of useful information and skills. It all depends on which specialist will conduct them. The theory is quite easy to master. Practice is key here. Information technologies today even allow you to master a profession on your own, there are also many online courses, and these are different directions.

In progress every hairdresser necessarily participates in various seminars, takes courses and master classes, which are arranged by famous hairdressers and stylists. Without this, it is impossible to be a fashionable and sought-after hairdresser with an extensive client base.
Most often, a novice hairdresser with no experience begins his way in some small hairdresser located in a residential area for the convenience of people living here. Prices for services are usually low here, but this also attracts many people with modest incomes. But even in such an establishment, it is quite possible to develop a client base. It is enough to cut and color two or three clients well. They will definitely come back again, and they will also tell their friends about a good master.
When the experience is gained, and clients appear, you can get a job in a beauty salon, where the requirements are already higher, and you constantly need to improve yourself. The profession is creative, you need to react on time to all trends in fashion.
With a lot of experience and the ability to teach colleagues certain procedures, you can subsequently get a job as a teacher, teach hairdressing courses at any educational institution.

It should be borne in mind that working with people and tools requires a medical record. And you also need to be prepared for the fact that medical examinations will have to be held regularly.
How much does he earn?
The salary of a hairdresser has an impressive run-up. For example, a professional hairdresser and a good specialist in Moscow can receive more than 100 thousand rubles a month... And there is no limit.It all depends on what he can do. If he frequently dyes using different techniques, he can get impressive amounts. These services are expensive. Other masters specialize in haircuts and in this case receive smaller amounts.
The salary, of course, depends on the level of the salon and on the region of residence. There can be a lot of nuances. But the average monthly salary in Russia is about 30 thousand rubles.
A hairdresser always has the opportunity to earn extra money at home, having issued a self-employed status, he has the opportunity to maintain his page on social networks and demonstrate his best work there. This will also attract new customers. In a word, earnings in this profession depend on the person himself, his professional qualities, creativity, learning ability and the desire to be in trend.