Children's hairdressing chairs: varieties and selection rules

In a hairdressing salon, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail so that the visitors feel cozy and comfortable. You need to take care of each client, especially the little one. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of children's hairdressing chairs.

Children, especially at a young age, do not welcome visits to hairdressing salons. They are confused by the need to sit for a long time in an armchair, the clicking of sharp scissors, the noise of a hair dryer and other "delights". But if a child sees a bright children's hairdressing chair in an interesting design, then his mood will change dramatically.
A child from visiting a hairdresser should get new emotions and vivid impressions. In this case, he and his parents will become permanent, grateful customers. Do you want to get this result? You need to choose the right childcare seat.

The requirements for children's hairdressing chairs are higher than for similar adult models. There are few requirements, but each of them is important and even obligatory.
- The quality should be excellent. You need to buy a product only from trusted manufacturers who have won the trust of users.
- Safety also plays a big role. You cannot save on this parameter. A hairdressing child seat must be stable and reliable. A new product cannot have extraneous sounds, it must not wobble.
- Original, unusual design, made in the children's theme, will attract little clients and make a trip to the beauty salon memorable. Sitting in an adult chair is boring and completely uninteresting.A completely different thing is a chair in the form of a car or an airplane, a throne for a princess or a pony. The assortment allows you to choose chairs for the theme of the hall, age and gender of future clients.
- Smooth and fast adjustment must be present in any hairdressing chair, especially in a child's chair. Such a function will make the work of the master convenient, and the child's pastime comfortable. The height of the chair and its angle of inclination should be regulated.
- Hygiene provided by the use of materials that are easy to wash and clean. Upholstery that cannot be wiped off with a damp cloth, washed and wiped dry is absolutely not suitable.
- Deep seat and high back Is the most convenient option for children. Bumpers should be located on all sides. For the smallest clients, belts are needed that will reliably fix the fidget.

There are many types of child seats for beauty salons. They differ in many parameters that you need to understand, otherwise you will not be able to choose the ideal option.
- Let's start with the materials. The most popular are metal and plastic. The first option is more reliable and durable, which is reflected in the cost. If the budget allows, then models with a metal base will be the best option.
- The shape can also be very different. - there are a lot of options here. For haircuts for children, you need to choose chairs with a stable shape that can withstand fidgets. Keep in mind that children love to twirl and twirl, and not every chair can handle it.
- A wide base is the best option. The owners of hairdressing salons often choose chairs that stand on five long beams for arranging children's rooms. It is difficult to roll over in such structures, since they are the most stable option of all existing ones.
- The lifting mechanism can be electric, hydraulic or pneumatic. Working with pneumatics is very inconvenient, but it is the most affordable. The hydraulics are more convenient and less expensive than the electric drive.
- A wide variety of materials are used for the seat upholstery. When choosing your option, you need to take into account the need for frequent disinfection. The best material in this regard is high quality leatherette, as well as artificial or vinyl leather.

The area of the room does not always allow the installation of separate child seats. In such cases, special pillows and ottoman-stands come to the rescue. They fit on regular adult chairs.
This option cannot be compared with a full-fledged chair, but when there is no other way out, then such devices come to the rescue.

Selection Tips
A few important tips will come in handy.
- The purchase should be made only from a trusted manufacturer, on whose account there are many positive reviews.
- Bright colors and unusual design attract children's attention. In such chairs, it will be easy for a child to relax and get distracted from the haircut process.
- A good chair cannot be cheap. Suspicious availability may indicate the presence in front of you of a fake that does not have quality certificates.
- During the selection, all the requirements specified above must be taken into account. In the future, such foresight will play into your hands.

The following video will tell you about how you can cut a child's hair in a children's hairdressing chair.