Women's winter park Adidas

What is the Adidas brand associated with in the first place? Of course, with tracksuits and sneakers! But this company has long been producing a huge amount of other clothing, including outerwear - jackets, coats, hats, parkas. You will learn about the latter today.

Long gone are the days when sportswear was considered unattractive and was intended solely for physical education. For several seasons in a row, sports items have been at the very center of fashion trends. And no one talks about any baggy or gray outerwear. And the Adidas brand proves this with its variety of models.

Styles of winter parkas from Adidas are very laconic. But they are made of quality materials, thanks to which this type of elongated jacket looks great. The new collection features several interesting models from Adidas Original and Adidas Neo. Here is some of them.

Insulated parka Climaproof
This is the novelty of the new Adidas Original women's collection. It is designed for outdoor activities. The length below the waist provides reliable protection in bad weather conditions. Crafted from waterproof and windproof climaproof fabric, this model has synthetic insulation and an adjustable hood.
So far, this model is presented in one color - tecear (close to gray).

Insulated Parka Athletics
This parka is one of the most popular Adidas Original models. And not in vain, because it is the warmest of the collection. Waterproof canvas, insulation and knee-length will keep you safe in any cold weather. Also, such a park is part of Adidas's environmental program, which uses technologies that conserve natural resources.
This model is available in two colors - Basgm (khaki) and Collegiate Navy (dark blue).

Hooded outdoor parka
This model is presented in the Adidas Neo collection.The faux fur-trimmed hood and slim fit make her look stylish. Also has adjustable drawstrings at the hood and waist.
This parka is available in three colors - Cburgu (dark red), Cbrown (white) and Conavy (dark blue).

Color solutions
The color palette for women's parkas from Adidas is quite small. Most of it is presented in classic colors - black, gray, white.
The favorite color of many women of fashion is dark blue. This shade is suitable for many things in the wardrobe, slimming and adding freshness to any look.

Also in the collections are trendy khaki and mustard yellow. These colors can easily transform your wardrobe and add style to it.

Selection Tips
There is no doubt about the quality of the goods presented. Adidas has established itself as one of the top sporting goods stores. Therefore, the choice should be guided only by your taste and price category.

You should consider what things from your wardrobe the purchased item will be combined with. And also ask the consultant to guide you in size.
Well, we hope that you will not buy Adidas products from your hands or on the market, because then it is extremely difficult to judge the quality of the product.

What to wear with?
Of course, the insulated parka can be safely worn with any type of sportswear and footwear. Also, you can't go wrong with wearing jeans and a warm sweater.

Experiments with dresses and skirts are possible. From unusual shoes, you can take high boots with flat soles or bulky boots with tractor soles.
But do not combine a sports park with high-heeled shoes, and even more so with stilettos. In general, it is better to wear a classic wardrobe with other elements of outerwear, for example, with a jacket, coat or fur coat.

Of course, one of the main looks will be the combination of a parka with a tracksuit. Here you can play with colors like in the photo. Add a bright orange parka to a dark blue suit, and now the dullness of winter is nothing for you. Such a sports park is also good because, in combination with sports things, you don't have to think about their compatibility at all. Any combination of sportswear looks organic with each other.

Also, the Adidas winter parka goes well with skinny dark trousers or jeans. From footwear to such a set, sneakers or Timberland boots are ideal.

An interesting combination of a sports parka with a light dress and leather knee-high boots. And also do not be afraid to experiment and combine an elongated jacket with a denim skirt, T-shirt and ankle boots. You can complement such an image with a hat from the new Adidas collection. And the image will become much more fashionable, and the head will not freeze.