Steam cleaners

Steam cleaners for windows: what are they, how to choose and use?

Steam cleaners for windows: what are they, how to choose and use?
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Terms of use
  4. Selection Tips

The onset of warmth can sometimes darken the mood of the hostess with one inevitable duty - cleaning the windows. It is necessary to remove dirt accumulated over a long time from their surface, and the use of a steam cleaner for windows can be an excellent assistant in this. We will talk about the features of this device and the nuances of its choice in our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

The principle of operation of a steam generator is in many ways similar to the operation of a steaming iron. Before carrying out the procedure, the device must be prepared. For this, water is poured into a special container. In the process, it will heat up, and steam will flow through the hose, perfectly removing plaque and dirt from the glass. At the same time, it should be noted that the air flow is so powerful that it allows you to cope with cleaning even places that are not easy to reach.

The main feature of the device can be called the fact that it is universal.

With the help of a steam generator, you can not only clean windows effectively, but also cope with other tasks. For this, there are additional attachments that allow you to easily affect other surfaces, for example, mirrors in an apartment or kitchen tiles. The consumer can choose a rather compact or more impressive option, it all depends on the needs and preferences.

Let's talk in more detail about the pros and cons of the product. The main advantages are the simplicity and comfort of use. The work does not require special skills, even a teenager can handle the steam cleaning procedure. This device can be used regardless of the season, the result will be perfect in any case.

By using a steam generator, you can achieve a gentle but effective cleaning of windows.

The device does not leave streaks, the presence of lint is excluded, which often stick to the glass when washing it with a regular rag. In addition, cleaning takes place using hot steam, and the use of high temperatures allows you to disinfect the surface, thereby ridding it of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, this is especially important for families with small children, and also helps to protect those living in the apartment from allergic reactions.

The cleaning procedure is carried out using ordinary water. Accordingly, it becomes possible to save on detergents.

However, with so many advantages, the device also has disadvantages. One of them is called by users significant weight. Manufacturers offer both fairly compact and efficient, but bulky models. This nuance can make it difficult to carry out work. Also, some steam cleaners do not allow you to manually adjust the steam output. Another disadvantage relates to safety. Steam can cause burns if used carelessly. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the presence of small children in the immediate vicinity.


The steam cleaner can be divided into types according to the principle of use. There are hand-held and floor-standing models.

Manual steam generators also called portable. They are small in size, have an affordable cost and do not cause problems during operation. However, in such models, the water tank is also small, so it will need to be refilled constantly if the cleaning is planned for a long time.

Floor standing steam generators visually resemble a vacuum cleaner. Their dimensions are much larger than in the previous case. During operation, the device itself stands on the floor, and a flexible hose is intended for use. Users note the convenience and functionality of such products. With their help, it is very convenient to clean plastic windows, tiles and other surfaces.

Terms of use

In order for the device to serve for a long time, keeping the house clean, it must be used correctly. There are a number of operating tips.

One of the main ones is the use of exclusively purified water for the device. Also, the liquid should not be hot: this can damage the device.

Before cleaning the glass, you first need to monitor the condition of the frames. It is recommended to wash plastic and wood with special rags that absorb water well. It makes no sense to carry out the procedure in the rain. It is best to choose a cool day, as the absence of heat will allow the surface to be moistened longer.

Cleaning is carried out starting from the outside, from top to bottom.

Selection Tips

Before making a choice, you should decide on the criteria. It will be useful to listen to consumer reviews. If possible, you can focus on the products of reputable manufacturers, for example, the trademark was awarded high marks Karcher.

When the buyer has decided on a specific model, you need to check its weight. The fact is that during cleaning, the unit is in the hands, which can cause additional difficulties. The water poured into the tank will also increase the indicator.

It is worth saying that experts do not advise choosing models with voluminous containers.

For those who are confused by this moment, it makes sense to focus on floor products. However, it should be borne in mind that their cost will be an order of magnitude higher.

Power is an important factor. For hand-held models, 1600 W is sufficient, for floor-standing models, the minimum value should be 2300 W. Power affects the rate at which the water in the tank is heated. On average, quality models do this in 1-2 minutes. This is followed by the type of heating. It is believed that options with a boiler are more convenient than straight-through ones.

The main thing is to clarify that the boiler is aluminum. This will not only help to avoid the appearance of limescale, but also significantly extend the service life of the device.

For disinfection, it is better to choose models with the hottest steam possible. For the cleaning procedure, the steam can be either hot or cold.

It is also important how long the cord the model has. It is better to choose the maximum value: this will allow you to move away from the outlet at a sufficient distance. With the hose, the opposite is true: the shorter it is, the more chances that the outlet steam temperature will be hot. Steam generators can also work autonomously, if necessary, you can consider purchasing similar products.

The following video provides an overview of the Kitfort KT-912 Professional Series steam cleaner.

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