Steam cleaners

Xiaomi steam cleaners: variety and choice

Xiaomi steam cleaners: variety and choice
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Models
  3. How to use?

House cleaning is something you can't refuse. And not only so that it is clean and beautiful, but first of all, in order not to harm health. Everyone knows that dirt and dust, which accumulate on absolutely all surfaces, have a very bad effect on well-being and health in general.

Today, for high-quality and efficient cleaning, many household appliances have been created. I would like to separately mention the steam cleaner. There are many manufacturers whose products are on the market, but Xiaomi deserves a separate discussion. It is about the steam cleaners of this brand that we will talk about in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main purpose of such a household appliance is to clean surfaces from various types of contaminants. Hot steam is supplied through a special hose at a sufficiently high pressure, thereby knocking down dirt. Of course, the steam cleaner can be used on surfaces that are resistant to hot steam.

Products of the Xiaomi brand are in demand among the consumer. This is due to the features and advantages that are inherent in the product.

The advantages of the Xiaomi steam cleaner include:

  • compactness;
  • multifunctionality;
  • reliability;
  • high-quality cleaning performance;
  • removing even old dirt that has eaten into the surface;
  • long service life;
  • made of high quality and safe materials;
  • price;
  • availability of a guarantee from the manufacturer;
  • absolutely all products are certified and meet quality standards.

Considering the fact that the Xiaomi manufacturing company is relatively recent in the manufacture of small household appliances, such a number of advantages is really impressive.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then it is worth noting that the Xiaomi steam cleaner is not so easy to buy. The production and office of the company are located in China, and all products, accordingly, are manufactured there. Therefore, most likely, the product must be ordered from the online store.


The range of household appliances that rolls off the Xiaomi production line is quite varied. There are many steam cleaners, each model is unique and has certain technical parameters. We would like to bring to your attention the most popular options for the home.

  • Deerma DEM ZQ610... It is a compact handheld device that is easy to use. It is characterized by the presence of 5 brushes, with which you can clean even in hard-to-reach places, and two elongated tubes. Made of high strength aluminum. Time of continuous work - 11 minutes. The volume of the water tank is 230 ml. This is a fairly light unit, hands will not get tired during cleaning.
  • Electric steam cleaner S3006. It is a multifunctional household appliance. It not only removes dirt, but also sterilizes surfaces, killing all germs and bacteria. Delivers dry steam to keep surfaces dry. Works silently.
  • YOUPIN Deerma DEM ZQ610. Removes any stains, even old ones, cleans, sterilizes. The steam cleaner is equipped with 5 brushes that deeply and efficiently remove dirt. The device is lightweight, compact and easy to use.
  • 7348CH household manual. The cleaner is equipped with a powerful steam engine, due to the presence of which cleaning is carried out efficiently and quickly. Continuous work time is 25 minutes.

How to use?

In order for the steam cleaner to work correctly and efficiently, to serve as long as possible, it is important to follow all operating rules. Necessary, carefully read the instructions before using for the first time and further use, in which the manufacturer indicates how to use the device.

Be sure to follow it to avoid breakdowns, since there are not so many branded service centers for servicing Xiaomi steam cleaners.

Review of the steam cleaner Deerma DEM-Zq600 (Xiaomi), see below.

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