
How can you decorate Easter cakes?

How can you decorate Easter cakes?
  1. Icing options for Easter cake
  2. Decorating with edible elements
  3. Use of inedible decor

When preparing Easter cakes, many try to decorate them in their own way. Therefore, there are a large number of glaze options, as well as edible and inedible decor. From all this variety, you can easily choose something suitable for yourself.

Icing options for Easter cake

First you need to decide on the choice of glaze.


Most often, Easter cakes are decorated with simple sugar icing. To prepare products, powdered sugar is mixed with boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 4. You can add a little quality dye to the resulting mixture. Next, the product must be heated, stirring constantly. This will make it thicker.

If the product is too runny, you can add a little more powdered sugar to the container. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to apply the mass to the cake. Too thick mixture is diluted with water or milk. The product is applied to the surface of the cake immediately after preparation.


The second most popular cream is made from eggs and sugar. To prepare the mixture, use a tablespoon of powdered sugar, protein and a teaspoon of lemon juice. It can be optionally replaced with orange juice or any other citrus. A little vanilla can be added to this mixture to add flavor.

The sugar-protein glaze is prepared as follows.

  • First you need to slowly separate the white from the yolk. It is very important to do this carefully. Otherwise, the fudge will not thicken. The eggs used to make the frosting must be fresh and well chilled.
  • Next, beat the protein mass with a mixer.The mixture should be firm.
  • After that, powdered sugar is added to the container. Do this slowly, gradually kneading the future glaze.
  • At the end, add a little fresh lemon juice to the container. After that, everything is mixed well again.

The whipped cream should be applied immediately after preparation. Otherwise, it will solidify in the bowl and become unusable. If done correctly, the icing will lay on the baked goods in an even layer.

In addition, it will be very easy to fix all decorative elements on its surface.


You can make the taste of cakes more intense by using aromatic chocolate fondant. It is made from cocoa powder and sugar. To begin with, 3-4 tablespoons of powdered sugar must be mixed with 4 tablespoons of warm water. Add a pinch of citric acid to them. All this is thoroughly mixed. The product is cooked over low heat until thickened.

When the sugar has dissolved, add a little cocoa to the container. The powder must be of very high quality. Otherwise, the glaze will be tasteless. The chocolate mass is cooked for 3-4 minutes. Then the container with the glaze is removed from the stove. Before applying the mass to the surface of the cake, it should be allowed to brew for a couple of minutes.


This frosting recipe is considered one of the easiest. Only two ingredients are used for its preparation. It is powdered sugar and milk, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 4. The icing is prepared very quickly. First you need to warm up the milk. In the heated liquid, you need to carefully add powdered sugar. The glaze is cooked over low heat until thickened.

If you wish, the cream can be tinted a little. But in this case only natural dyes are used. The best option is fresh berry juice.


This frosting is also prepared without using eggs. Plus, you don't need a mixer to prepare it. The recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • 200 g classic butterscotch;
  • butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of heavy cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

You can replace the cream with milk. But the powder product cannot be used for the preparation of the glaze. To prepare a delicate cream, the cream is heated in a water bath. After that, a small amount of powdered sugar is carefully added there.

The contents of the container are constantly mixed. Toffee is added to the bowl at the very end. Then the mixture is stirred until they are completely dissolved.

You can use products for decorating Easter cakes in different ways. It is usually applied with a silicone brush or from a tube. Caramel glaze can be combined with other products, for example, with protein cream. In this case, the product is used to paint various patterns.

With gelatin and sugar

The classic icing for this recipe is very simple to prepare. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • 200 g white sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 5 tablespoons of water;
  • lemon juice.

The cooking process does not take much time. To begin with, fill the gelatin with half of the available warm water. After that, the container with such a product is left for 10-12 minutes. Next, sugar and the rest of the water are added to the gelatin. The container is sent to the stove and cooked over low heat. After a couple of minutes, the fire is turned off. The syrup should cool slightly. After that, you can start whipping the product with a mixer. At this stage, a small amount of fresh lemon juice is added to the frosting. This makes the product more aromatic.

It is worth remembering that this glaze hardens very quickly. Therefore, all decorations must be attached to it immediately.

Marshmallow fudge

Such delicious and sweet fondant can be used to decorate both classic cakes and curd cakes. It is very simple to make it yourself. The main ingredient used for this purpose is pastry marshmallow of any color. The fudge is prepared as follows.

  • To begin with, add 100 grams of the product to a bowl along with a tablespoon of butter. Sprinkle everything on top with a little lemon juice.
  • The container is sent to a water bath. There she cooks for a few minutes. During this time, the mass must be constantly stirred with a spoon.
  • Next, add 100 grams of powdered sugar to the container. The contents of the bowl are mixed. The mass should be homogeneous, without any lumps.

The fondant is applied to the cake immediately. It hardens within 15-20 minutes.


Fans of unusual desserts will love the aromatic cream with a slight sour lemon flavor. The following ingredients are used for its preparation:

  • 1 spoon of powdered sugar;
  • 1 fresh protein;
  • lemon peel;
  • lemon juice;
  • dye.

First, the powder must be sieved. It should be light and smooth. After that, protein is added to a container with a sugar base. Beat the products until foam appears. Then add a few drops of fresh lemon juice and grated lemon zest to the mass. The product is thoroughly whipped with a mixer. Then a yellow dye is added to the mass. The mixture is stirred again. The color of the finished product will turn out to be bright and very beautiful. Easter cakes are decorated with a similar mass immediately. Then they are left for a couple of minutes so that the fragrant glaze solidifies.

Decorating with edible elements

Having decided on the choice of glaze, it is worth moving on to the search for other decorative elements. Most often, Easter cakes are decorated with edible details.


Soft mastic is a material from which almost anything can be molded. The following ingredients are used to prepare this product at home:

  • 100 g milk powder;
  • 100 g of powder;
  • 150 g of condensed milk;
  • fresh lemon juice.

To begin with, dry ingredients are mixed in a separate container and sieved. This helps to make the mastic lighter and more uniform. High-quality condensed milk and a small amount of lemon juice are added to such a dry mixture. The product is kneaded until smooth. If there is a desire, dyes are added to the mass at this stage. It is best to use gel-based products.

Homemade mastic is put into a bag and sent to the refrigerator. You can use it to create original figures the next day after preparation. Small flowers, nests with colorful eggs or volumetric inscriptions are most often made from mastic. Both adults and children enjoy working with this product. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to young parents.


Very often, the remnants of the dough used for baking Easter cakes are also used for their decoration. Leaves or letters are cut out of it, braids are woven and voluminous flowers are formed. To make the decor more original, some dyes are added to the dough.

The dough decorative elements are attached to the cake before baking. Do this after the cake has risen. Fix them with protein. The top of the decorative elements is oiled. Too large parts can be fixed with pieces of a toothpick for reliability. They will be very easy to remove after baking.


On the eve of the Easter holidays, bags with colored sprinkles appear in most stores. The assortment includes both simple balls of different sizes and original stars or hearts. Even novice cooks will be able to decorate baked goods in an original way using protein glaze and multi-colored sprinkles.


A universal way to decorate Easter cakes is to lay out various inscriptions on them. Most often, the phrase "Christ is Risen" is depicted on top, with which believers greet each other at this time. On small cakes, only the first two letters are left. The inscription can consist of multi-colored sprinkles, candied fruits or nuts.

If there are no decorative elements at hand, it can be laid out from the dough.


You can also decorate your pastries with sweet meringue. This option will appeal to lovers of gourmet delicacies. Meringues can be made at home or bought at the store. The multi-colored squirrel figurines are easily attached to the glazed Easter cakes. Treats decorated in this way look very stylish.

Fruits and berries

Another original idea is decorating Easter cakes with fresh berries. Any product can be used to decorate the tops. The main thing is that they are fresh. After all, frozen berries melt, spoiling the appearance of the finished dish. In addition, they themselves do not look very pretty. The same goes for canned foods. Decorated with strawberries, raspberries or blueberries, cakes are often sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

Large berries can be dipped in chocolate before fastening. They are fixed on the basis of the cake after the sweet mass has completely solidified. Any fruit can also be used instead of berries. But if they were cut into slices, the cake should be eaten as soon as possible after cooking. Otherwise, the fruit will lose its attractiveness and become less tasty.


In addition to these common decorative elements, there are more unusual ideas to look out for.

  • Chocolate side. This idea will definitely appeal to those with a sweet tooth. Easter cakes can be decorated with both black and white chocolate. The product must be melted in a water bath and poured into a pastry bag. When the food has cooled slightly, you can use it to paint various patterns on the baking surface. Instead of a pastry bag, you can use a regular bag with a hole made in the right place. As a rule, melted chocolate is used to decorate the side of the baked goods. But it can also be used to decorate the base of the dish.
  • Caramel. This product is used in the same way as chocolate. Working with caramel, you can quickly and easily decorate cakes of any size. You can simplify your task by purchasing simple stencils.
  • Natural dressing. Instead of purchased synthetic topping, Easter cakes can be decorated with coconut flakes or almond petals. The cakes are sprinkled with these products immediately after the glaze is applied to their surface. Almond and coconut baked goods are delicious.
  • Dried fruits. Easter cakes decorated with dried fruits or candied fruits also look original. Place nuts next to dried oranges or apple slices. Candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits can also be added to baked goods. These dishes will be appreciated by lovers of healthier food.
  • Sweets. Bulky cakes can be decorated with small sweet gingerbread cookies, figured marmalade or marshmallows. Such a delicacy will definitely surprise all family members and guests.
  • Sugar pencils. This method of decorating Easter cakes has appeared recently. He is especially popular with young children. Sugar pencils are sold in many shops before Easter. As a rule, a set includes several items of different colors. Using them, the surface of the Easter cake can be covered with beautiful patterns or inscriptions.

Easter cakes can also be decorated with edible molecular moss, colorful beads, or premade figurines sold in supermarkets.

Use of inedible decor

Inedible decor is also used to decorate Easter cakes. Most often, pastry chefs work with the following products.

  • Dry flowers and herbs. The baked goods decorated with flowers look unusual. Most often it is decorated with dry buds and spikelets. A more expensive decor option is fresh flowers. They use it less often, because they fade very quickly.
  • Willow. Many believers use a pre-consecrated pussy willow to decorate Easter baked goods.
  • Ribbons. The base of the Easter cake can be decorated with colored ribbons. It is worth picking them up, focusing on how the base of the dish was decorated. After all, all the details must be combined with each other.An artificial or live flower can be additionally attached to the ribbon.
  • Lace. To serve the cakes more effectively, they are often placed on lace napkins. Hand-made "linings" look especially beautiful. This material can be used in other ways as well. In this case, the cake is wrapped with a strip of lace before baking. A pattern is imprinted on it very quickly. Therefore, the lace can be removed immediately. In this form, the cake is baked within the prescribed time. The finished dish turns out to be very beautiful.
  • Colored wrappers. You can also decorate the base of the Easter cake with the help of a multi-colored wrapper. Its surface can be covered with simple patterns or even some complex thematic designs. Easter cakes in such wrappers look very beautiful.

Decorating Easter cakes is a great way to show your creative imagination. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to familiar things.

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