
Can I wash on and after Easter?

Can I wash on and after Easter?
  1. When to wash on the eve of a holiday?
  2. Sunday wash
  3. When can I do the laundry after the holiday?

Bright Easter is a long-awaited holiday for believers. On the eve of Christ's Resurrection, people are busy preparing for an important celebration, trying to do all the chores around the house in advance. But there are concerns in Holy Week as well. Whether it is possible to wash clothes on Easter and after it, you will learn from this article.

When to wash on the eve of a holiday?

People meet the bright Easter day with the whole family in a good mood at the festive table in a clean house. Traditionally, in Russia, all the big chores with the household were in a hurry to do on the eve of Easter. This list of important things also included washing.

Technological progress gave us an automatic washing machine. This invention saved people from having to wash their clothes by hand. But The traditional time for housework in the week before Easter and after it is clearly observed by believers today. They bustle about the house on certain days, so that during the Holy Week they do not remember routine chores.

On Clean Monday, most of the work was done: cleaning the house, cleaning the outbuildings and doing the laundry. Washing used to take a lot of time and effort.


  • train water;

  • prepare a soapy solution;

  • put the linen to simmer in cast iron in a Russian oven;

  • carry the linen to the river, where with an effort "roll" with a special spatula on the stones;

  • rinse thoroughly and twist things with diligence with your hands.

Today, feel free to start the washing machine on Monday, and start a big wash. It's time to clean bulky things with the onset of spring: curtains, bedspreads, rugs, furniture covers. Refresh your clothes and bedding.

On the following days, on Tuesday and Wednesday during Holy Week, they did other things, but there was no strict ban on the "washing ceremony" at this time. It was considered better to finish work on Thursday in order to free up the last days before the holiday - Friday and Saturday - for other things:

  • attend a service in the temple;

  • confess;

  • decorate the house;

  • prepare gifts for friends and family members, colleagues.

Turning to the issue of washing in Holy Week, church people remember the words of Christ and compare them with the fourth Old Testament commandment that six days you need to do your business and work, and the seventh - give to the Lord God. Dedicate a piece of your soul to him, do good deeds. Jesus Christ acted in this way, healing the sick who came to him on the seventh day.

Washing in the car is good for your neighbors. The main thing is not to do this to the detriment of spiritual life.

Sunday wash

On the day of the Resurrection of the Savior, it is customary to rejoice at this wonderful event and share bright feelings with family and dear people. A trough and a mountain of dirty things are in no way associated with the bright holiday of Easter.

All affairs, including the laundry, which they did not manage to complete, are always postponed by believers until the end of the Bright Week. It's better to take a rest on Sunday. Reflect on the triumph of life over death, rejoice with all your soul at the resurrection of Christ, attend a service in a good mood, pray for your family and dear people.

It is much more pleasant on this spring day to go with your family to nature, to visit or invite friends home and spend time in a pleasant company, than to hunch over a basin of linen. But there are circumstances when daily washing is inevitable. In families with small children, bedridden patients or elderly helpless people, this is an urgent need. What to do in such cases?

Household chores on Holy Sunday are not welcome. But Scripture does not specifically indicate that it is impossible to erase during Easter. Priests and lay believers say that ordinary housework is not considered sinful on this day, and if you work for the good of other people, then you are doing a godly deed.

It is bad to replace spiritual affairs with everyday ones. But if you did everything as it should be, went to church, prayed and greeted the Holy Resurrection with due joy and respect, you have nothing to reproach yourself with.

If there is a need to wash, bless yourself, and with a peace of mind take to work. It is better to start the process in the afternoon, in the late afternoon. Preferably not during church services. Load baby clothes and bedding into the washing machine and start it. You do not take part in the washing, the technician will do everything for you. The only thing that remains for you is to hang the laundry to dry, but this action cannot be attributed to mortal sins.

If you urgently need to wash stains on clothes with your hands, but you are afraid to do this, soak the item with powder and wash it as required at the end of the day. Nobody will blame you for this.

When can I do the laundry after the holiday?

After Christ's Resurrection, Bright Week came. In Russia, celebrations continued throughout the week. On the first and second day, people doused themselves with water so as not to get sick and get rid of ailments. On the third, on Wednesday, the Round Dance, the Orthodox organized mass festivities: they sang and danced, swung on a swing.

It was not customary to engage in physical labor for the first three days during Easter week, therefore it is undesirable to wash things by hand until Thursday. If something needs to be urgently put in order, let the washing machine do the work for you, and you go to the prayer service.

Using the washing machine, you do not violate God's commandments, if you do not substitute other godly chores for homework.

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