
Can I clean up on Easter and how to do it?

Can I clean up on Easter and how to do it?
  1. Possibility of cleaning at Easter
  2. When can I clean my house?
  3. How to quickly clean up?

People who have recently become religious or for some reason do not know much of the world of Orthodoxy are rather scrupulous in relation to rituals and traditions. They are often afraid to make a mistake, to sin in something out of ignorance. You can also hear such a question from them - is it permissible to clean the house on Easter.

Possibility of cleaning at Easter

Giving up worldly bustle (and cleaning, of course, refers to it) is a tradition. However, there is no ban on such simple household chores. And the sinfulness of washing or washing floors on a church holiday is greatly exaggerated. Easter Day is a central holiday for all Christians, so it would be strange to devote it to cleaning. Of course, we are talking about truly religious people, as well as those who respect Easter traditions and strive to comply with them.

There is nothing wrong if guests are waiting for the Easter table, and before their arrival they will wipe the floor and somewhere once again sweep away the dust. Yes, general cleaning is usually planned for Maundy Thursday, but during the preparation of holiday dishes, some order in the house may be violated.

Not too troublesome actions are not at all scary - they will not take up a lot of time, will not distract from important thoughts and preparations for the holiday.

But if the situation suffers, and the house is more or less clean, it is better to postpone the cleaning to another day. Ideally, of course, everything should be done on Thursday, then during the remaining days the house is unlikely to be "overgrown" with mud. For example, there are really urgent concerns that can occur on Saturday and on Easter Sunday itself: feeding children, pets, fixing something that cannot be delayed. And if there was no way to clean the house before the holiday, it is still better to celebrate Easter clean.Therefore, getting up early and express cleaning will in no way "offend" the tradition. It's simple - house cleaning is part of your daily work. There is nothing reprehensible in it. There is no sin in wanting to keep your home clean. It's great if it turned out to distribute things in the pre-Easter week in such a way that cleaning fell on Thursday (or earlier days), and Friday and Saturday are already days of focusing on thoughts about the Lord, his path and suffering. These are the days when the mundane should be less distracting. Also, cleaning should not become an obstacle to attending services. On Friday evening, if all other things are done, and there is time before the service, you can remove it. You can also do something on trifles on Sunday morning.

Why do they clean up before Easter in the house:

  • cleansing and freeing up space for everything new and good;
  • getting rid of unnecessary;
  • attraction of positive energy.

One should not, of course, confuse Orthodoxy with esotericism, but Christian traditions and teachings also say that it is useless for a person to celebrate a bright holiday in confusion. It is also expressed, among other things, by disorder. Easter is a bright holiday, therefore it requires purity and beauty, mental and external harmony.

There is no need for chic decorations, since Easter decor can be modest, but in a clean house, where windows shine and all mirrors are washed, all surfaces are free of dust, an atmosphere of solemnity, light, and celebration is felt.

When can I clean my house?

For many people, on the pre-Easter week, a natural tradition is getting rid of trash, putting things in order at home, preparing for the holiday. And all this is done in a planned manner, without chaos and haste. For example, on Monday you can start sorting things out: get rid of what is definitely not used, sort the trash, and so on. Cleaning, therefore, can be distributed over the days of the week.

An approximate list of the distribution of cleaning:

  • Monday - sorting things, choosing (transferring to those who need) unnecessary;
  • Tuesday - cleaning the kitchen, bathroom;
  • Wednesday - cleaning of rooms;
  • Thursday - washing windows, putting things in order on the balcony.

And then, by Good Friday, the house will shine, you will not have to worry about anything, you can fully concentrate on the upcoming holiday. But this does not work for everyone, therefore, cleaning often takes place on Friday and Saturday. As already noted, you can put things in order the day before, so long as it does not interfere with thoughts about the day ahead and prayers. Better, of course, to be in time from Monday to Thursday, and postpone something very small for the remaining days. Maundy Thursday is a good day for global cleaning, if you haven't done at least a little before. True, this is also an ordinary working week, so not everyone can devote a whole day to general cleaning. For those who have such an opportunity, it may seem small to put in order only at home - they still have time to tidy up at the dacha. This is not to say that this is so necessary, but it will not be superfluous. Some sources say it's best to get everything done on Thursday before lunchtime. And there is truth in this statement, since Easter cakes and Easter are usually prepared on Thursday evenings.

The scheduler helps a lot of people: The pre-Easter week is awe-inspiring for believers, so scheduling it a little ahead of time can be helpful. The divisions can be different, the main thing is to distribute everything as possible, roughly representing how long things will take.

For example, washing windows in an entire apartment will take at least 2-3 hours. And then there will be a glider and timing: a modern approach will not harm tradition.

How to quickly clean up?

Everyone has their own algorithm, but many really would not like to drag out the process for a long time. There are some tricks that will come in handy not only before Easter, but on the pre-holiday days can be a very useful hint. Secrets of quick cleaning before Easter.

  • Every thing has its place. Following this principle, not only will everything be in order for the week before the holiday, but also in the future. You just need to determine exactly where each item is in the house, from clothes to hair ties. As a result, the same visual noise will not collect on the shelves, refrigerator, balcony and window sills.
  • Distribution of jobs according to the type of "dirty work / dusty work" and so on... Then not everything will be mixed in one day. First of all, you should start with the most difficult physically and "dirty" tasks.
  • Clear time planning... Cleaning needs to be scheduled by the hour. At the same time, later, at the scheduled time, do not put any additional cases. It is better not to combine cleaning in the living room, for example, with cooking soup. One hour is one thing. The principle is simple, but it works. And when washing windows, you should not be distracted by business in other spaces, organizing something along the way.

Putting off cleaning until later, you may be faced with a pile of unfulfilled tasks on Easter Eve. And this despite the fact that at the moment all your time should have been devoted to completely different chores. It is much more pleasant to do the last days before the holiday, not cleaning, but the decor of the house. And it is also necessary to find time for making cakes, prayer, worship and other traditional pre-Easter affairs, when there are only a couple of days left before the cherished Easter day.

Those who were preparing for the holiday for the first time and faced with a lack of time for cleaning, the second time they do not repeat those mistakes. And not because it is absolutely impossible to do something on Easter, but because it is not very joyful to devote special days to vain affairs.

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