Is it possible to work on the land on Easter?

There are many different rules and traditions associated with the celebration of Easter. There are those that almost everyone seeks to comply with. But there are also many questions regarding this holiday, and one of them: is it possible to work on the land on Easter.
What does the church say?
The entire Easter week is scheduled by day, and every Orthodox person knows what to do on the pre-Easter days (paint eggs, bake cakes, clean the apartment, wash) in order to meet the bright holiday with a clean body and soul. Of course, purity in the soul also plays an important role, namely: the desire to forgive everyone and not do evil to people. But it almost always happens that the sun shines brightly on Easter, the day is warm, and many summer residents, of course, want to work in the garden.
Some people adhere to certain rules and believe that it is absolutely impossible to work on the land on Easter - to dig, water, harvest seedlings. This is a day of relaxation and celebration. It's not for nothing that this holiday always falls on Sunday.

But what about, for example, those people whose time is always occupied by work, and only days off are left at the dacha, or those whose activities, in general, are directly related to agriculture? Every summer resident knows very well how much work on the site. And it is worth skipping at least one warm day, then there will only be more work. Many, categorically claiming that it is impossible to work on Easter, refer to the opinion of the church. The priest's answer to this question suggests that the Lord blessed people on this day to rest, but no one imposed a ban on work.That is, it turns out that after all, on such a day it is better to postpone all affairs, especially to people who are sincerely believers, because this is pleasing to God. But at the same time, if there is an urgent need to work on the ground, this can be done, and no punishment will follow for this.
Moreover, if you consider that for some, work in a summer cottage or in a garden is rest, pleasure, to some extent meditation, which means that it is not work at all in the full sense of the word. That is, it all depends on how to relate to this moment. Provided that there is no desire to start planting, and this is done only because it is necessary, it is better to postpone this event, but enjoy the celebration, go to church, visit loved ones, invite friends to visit, and chat. After all, both the ground and the plants must also be approached with a special mood. In many ways, the success of the work depends on this.
The opinion of those who are seriously talking about some punishments and failures because of work these days on personal plots and, in general, labor in general, should be treated as superstition, nothing more.

Can I plant on Maundy Thursday?
Maundy Thursday is a turning point in the Easter week. This is the time when all the main work needs to be done in order to devote the following days to thoughts about the spiritual, and then to the holiday itself. Therefore, it is on Thursday that you can perform a wide variety of work at the summer cottage and in the garden. Those who work in vast fields on some farm or state farm are not prohibited from plowing, if there is such a need for it. Easter is usually a time when people have long ago sown seeds in containers, prepared seedlings, but this does not mean that it needs to be planted on the eve of Easter in open ground.
You should be guided by the conditions of your region and the weather, which stood out this very spring. After all, from year to year, springs are different. And if, for example, in the south on Maundy Thursday it is quite possible to plant tomatoes, potatoes, onions and cucumbers in open ground, then in the middle lane vegetables can be placed only in greenhouses. And even in the northern territories, it is better to keep the plants at home. Therefore, the work depends precisely on these features. But trees can be planted in areas where it is still quite cool. You should have time to place seedlings in the soil before the beginning of the growing season. In favorable conditions, if the air temperature is stable in a positive mode, and the soil has warmed up enough, flowers can also be planted.

But there are also those works in the country and in the garden that do not depend at all on the characteristics of the region and the weather, and they can be done in any case. For example, it will be correct to clean the site on Maundy Thursday. Remove old leaves, branches, sweep. A great time to think about where, for example, trees, shrubs, flower beds will be placed, where to make a recreation area. All this can be drawn on a plan, so that later it can be brought to life when there are more favorable days for this. It is not forbidden on this day to repair something, for example, fix a rickety fence, update the porch, paint in the house, fix the roof.
You can definitely do the pruning of trees and shrubs, as well as whitewash the trunks and skeletal branches. The main thing is to carry out all this work with a soul and good thoughts. Work should be a pleasure. Those gardeners who did not go to their plots that day, along with cleaning the apartment, can also do gardening work at home: sow seeds of late varieties of vegetables, dive seedlings, fertilize and water them, purchase everything that is required for the new season.
In a word, to carry out all the preparatory work so that after the holiday you can safely go to the dacha and open the season.

When to garden after the holiday?
When the weekend is over and all Easter activities are completed, this does not mean that the holiday is over. The whole week after Easter is considered a holiday.On Monday, the next day, people go to their collectives, and traditionally bring colored eggs, Easter cakes, treating each other with them. Immediately after the weekend, many go to visit relatives and friends whom they could not visit on Sunday. But, one way or another, most people get to work, and this is considered normal and justified from any point of view. Therefore, there are definitely no exact recipes for what to do on a personal plot on the second or third day. It is necessary to carry out those works that are planned, or those that cannot be delayed.
For warm regions, these may be the following options:
- preparation of beds for planting plants, fertilization and moistening;
- planting seeds or prepared seedlings in open ground;
- preventive spraying of trees against diseases and pests, fertilization, whitewashing of trunks, pruning;
- the breakdown of new flower beds and flower beds or the beautification of old ones, planting flowers;
- the necessary cleaning on the territory and minor repairs, and maybe even the construction of small objects - the same gazebo, for example, or the equipment of a recreation area.

Summer residents in the northern territories these days may have several other concerns. These include:
- thorough cleaning on the territory of the summer cottage, cleaning up the remnants of snow, if there is any left;
- partial opening for ventilation of those plants that were covered for the winter, examination for surviving and not surviving plants;
- elimination of branches frozen and dried up during the winter;
- preparation of planting pits, placement of harvested seedlings in them;
- restoring order in greenhouses, if possible, under favorable conditions, planting prepared seedlings of the most cold-resistant varieties of vegetables in the ground;
- carrying out repairs in the house and on the site;
- preparation of beds and flower beds for future plants, irrigation tanks, inspection of garden equipment and preparation for future work;
- decoration of the site, paths, compositions with stones and evergreens.
And, finally, these days, owners of plots in both the southern and northern regions simply need to spend pleasant minutes in nature against the backdrop of the awakening spring, having a picnic in the circle of close and pleasant people.