How to make patches at home?

Patches are a popular remedy for keeping the skin around the eyes healthy. A wide variety of options are available that can solve any problems or simply provide complete care. But lovers of natural ingredients can make patches on their own at home, the main thing is to know how to make them and what ingredients can be used for this.

Instructions for making face patches
Despite the fact that patches can be purchased at any cosmetic store or ordered on specialized sites, there are situations when it becomes necessary to make them at home using the materials and components that are at hand. And their purpose will also be different.
To make patches with your own hands, you need to take pieces of cotton wool, bandages, sterile napkins or just a thin cloth, cut out the fragments in the shape of a crescent so that it is convenient to place them under the eyes. There is another option for making patches at home. The made compositions can be placed in silicone molds in a very thin layer, put in the freezer and slightly freeze.

To prepare the composition, you will need a fresh cucumber. It needs to be peeled, cut into pieces, chopped in a blender. In the resulting gruel, you need to moisten the pieces of gauze well and place under the eyes for half an hour. Then gently rinse off the remains with warm water or wipe with micellar liquid.
You can also prepare a composition of cucumber and green tea leaves. The cucumber should be chopped, the tea leaves should be brewed and kept for at least half an hour.

You can cook oil-based patches, mixing olive and almond, adding a few drops of squeezed lemon. After wetting cotton pads in the composition, place them under the eyes.
Another variation of the mixture - take unsweetened yogurt, add a vitamin E capsule to it. Soak gauze napkins well with the mixture and use as small masks.
A composition prepared with from honey and olive oil. You can use any kind of honey - lime, chestnut, acacia.

For acne
Acne, most likely, occurs not only under the eyes, most often in other places - in the area of the nose, forehead, cheeks. Therefore, prepared patches impregnated with a healing composition can be placed in all places where it is required. If acne has taken up a larger area, you can prepare a fabric mask, soak in a useful composition and put on the face... The mask will act like patches.
You can use aloe, green tea to prepare an anti-inflammatory mixture.... First you need to rinse the aloe leaves well, dry them, turn them into gruel with a blender, and squeeze out the juice. Then beat the white of a chicken egg, combine with aloe juice, add a few teaspoons of green tea. The resulting composition can be cooled, and then applied to problem areas using home patches. You can soak cotton pads or gauze napkins with the composition.
Another acne remedy that should only be used on problem areas. Grind the green apple and horseradish root in equal proportions to obtain a uniform consistency. This is the composition with which home patches will be impregnated.

From redness
If the skin is irritated, and this is expressed in the form of redness, soothing applications should be prepared. For these purposes, fit medicinal herbs, which include chamomile, plantain, horsetail. All herbs can be crushed in a coffee grinder, then brewed, squeeze the resulting gruel well through cheesecloth. Soak a thin tissue with a healing broth and place it under the eyes in the form of patches. You can add a few drops of aloe juice to these herbs.

For acne
In this case, it should immediately be said that acne is not a purely cosmetic problem, and it will not be possible to solve it with patches at home. As a rule, in this situation doctor's consultation required, who has to figure out why the disease arose. For treatment, medications, physiotherapy are prescribed, a diet is selected, the patient is examined. This is very important to consider when trying to combat acne at home. Patches can only be an auxiliary tool, and then it is better to check with your doctor whether their use is advisable.
You can prepare a solution of calendula and chamomile flowers with the addition of furacilin, and apply these applications to problem areas.

Excellent homemade gelatin inventions are quite capable of replacing gel patches, slightly tightening, refreshing the skin and giving the look a radiance.
The composition is prepared as follows:
- first you need to dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the sachet;
- then add one tablespoon of elderberry infusion, a teaspoon of almond oil, a few mint leaves and a couple of parsley stalks, previously well chopped, to the resulting mass;
- all this must be thoroughly mixed and poured into molds in a thin layer, then sent to the refrigerator (silicone devices for muffins and cookies are suitable as molds),
- an hour later, homemade patches are ready, you can remove them from the molds, cut into pieces and apply to the area near the eyes.

You can prepare another version of the composition from gelatin:
- a pinch of turmeric is added to a tablespoon of gelatin;
- then a couple of tablespoons of yogurt (unsweetened, no additives);
- all this is kept in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved;
- lastly, add a teaspoon of brown sugar;
- after its dissolution, the mixture is removed from the heat;
- when the mixture has cooled down, add a few drops of olive oil to it;
- then the composition is sent in molds to the refrigerator until it solidifies completely;
- in an hour the patches are ready for use

Another rejuvenating eye mask recipe is very simple. A teaspoon of heavy cream is added to a tablespoon of freshly brewed strong coffee. In the cooled solution, cotton pads, cut in half, are moistened and used as directed.

Homemade eye patch recipes
You can independently prepare a wide variety of formulations that will be beneficial for the delicate skin around the eyes. And most importantly, most of the products for their manufacture are always available at home.
From wrinkles
Many people take "Blefarogel", which can be purchased at the pharmacy, adding various components to it as the basis for the manufacture of anti-wrinkle patches. Add one teaspoon of coffee and argan oil to the base, one ampoule of vitamin E (which is also sold in the pharmacy). Patches made from half cotton pads are soaked well in the resulting solution and placed under the eyes.
In another case, add aloe juice, almond oil and green tea to "Blefarogel" (it can be made from tea bags, but of good quality). The principle of preparation and use is the same.

From bruises
Best of all, with dark circles, blue under the eyes, cucumber patches cope. In the absence of time, you can use slices of cucumbers, cut thinly in the shape of a semicircle. Fast and easy. You can do the same with chamomile. The pharmacy often sells herbs in sachets (the same as for tea). You can brew two bags and attach them to your eyes. This will help relieve fatigue and visually improve the situation.

It is also possible to prepare patches with a more complex composition, but if there is time. The recipe looks like this:
- fresh cucumber, peeled, is sent to a blender;
- prepared aloe leaves, washed and peeled, are also added there;
- the resulting mass is cooled in a refrigerator to obtain a greater effect;
- then impregnated with gauze napkins or cotton pads.

A simpler and also effective option can be prepared very quickly.
Dried chamomile flowers, mint leaves, finely chopped parsley are poured with boiling water, infused in a water bath. Then the composition is filtered. In the resulting broth, wipes are moistened and applied to the eyes.

From tiredness
Most often, fatigue and dark circles under the eyes are 2 factors accompanying each other, and therefore it is quite natural that the patches for both problems will be identical. All formulations designed to combat bruises and circles automatically fight fatigue. But if the skin under the eyes looks quite normal, and the feeling of fatigue and a certain discomfort haunt you, you can prepare several formulations.
- Fresh potatoes (1 pc.) Need to be grated, add a spoonful of cream to it. Cotton pads soaked with the resulting gruel are patches for fatigue.
- Pour a few ice cubes into a container with cream. Once the mixture is quite cold and invigorating, soak tissues with it and place under the eyes.

Helpful hints
In order for the procedures to bring the desired effect, be pleasant and comfortable, you need to follow some simple guidelines:
- patches should be prepared from pure materials, just unpacked;
- if molds are used, they must be rinsed well, and then treated from the inside with alcohol or lotion;
- all products from which the formulations are made must be always fresh;
- after the compositions are prepared, they must be used immediately, cannot be stored (the exceptions are those patches that are placed in the freezer, but even in this case, the shelf life is no more than 3 days);
- procedures need to be given time, with patches on the eyes it is desirable lie down for 30-40 minutes, you can turn on pleasant music and think about something pleasant, this is the only way to get a positive effect;
- preparing any composition, it is important to know if there is an allergy to a particular component, and it is better to first check the action of the composition on a safer part, for example, on the hand;
- you need to apply patches on cleansed dry skin, and after the procedure, you should carefully remove the remnants of the composition with a damp warm cloth or cotton pad soaked in micellar water;
- the final touch after the procedure should be applying serum or cream - if the procedure is performed in the evening, then it will be a night cream, if in the morning, then daytime.

See below for how to make patches at home.