How to use patches correctly?

Currently, cosmetology offers a wide range of products for the effects on the skin of the face and body. Store shelves are bursting with the abundance of beauty products. The mass media is replete with advertisements for miraculous drugs that have very different effects. Patches are one of these tools. Let's try to figure out what it is and how to use this wonderful product correctly.

What to use for?
The word "patch" is derived from the English. "patch". Usually patches are adhesive strips with a specialized composition that nourish tissues, have a lifting effect, lighten dark circles under the eyes, tone the skin, protect against ultraviolet rays, help fight acne, and more.
The most common area of exposure for patches is the skin of the eyelids.
It is very gentle and will be the first to show signs of lack of sleep in the form of edema or blue circles of fatigue. Cosmetologists recommend starting to care for the skin of the eyelids from the age of 18. Glasses owners are encouraged to start these manipulations 2 years earlier, since due to vision problems, the woman is squinting a lot.

But progress does not stand still, and the skin of the eyelids is far from the only one that is looked after with nourishing patches. Patches have long been used in the care of the nasolabial fold, glabellar space, lip skin, neck and décolleté, cheeks and elbows.

The composition of active ingredients for exposure is extensive, while each ingredient of the composition has its own purpose:
- glycerin, collagen and hyaluronic acid moisturize and restore the skin;
- caffeine will increase blood circulation, relieve swelling;
- pearl powder, panthenol and tartaric acid relieve bruises under the eyes;
- peptides add elasticity to the skin;
- antioxidants and coenzymes help with a rejuvenating effect;
- essential oils have a wide range of actions - they will help to give the skin freshness, tone;
- may also include vitamins, promoting rejuvenation or hydration;
- active ingredientssuch as seaweed, ginseng, snail mucin, avocado, aloe, chestnut, caviar extracts, gold ions and many others have their own effect.

The most common patches in shape are divided into drops, glasses, crescents with round elements, triangles. Another recently announced variety is shape "angel wings", it is larger in area, about the size of a human's palm. The form does not affect the effect of the patches, only the place of deployment. By their structure, patches are divided into fabric, silicone, gel, collagen. Each species has its own purpose. Almost all of them are disposable.

Cloth patches are composed of cellulose, resembling an adhesive wet wipe. Usually, such plasters adhere well to the skin, practically do not slip. Due to their structure, they transport vitamins and minerals, active elements to the skin well. Tissue strips have a weak lifting effect. In some cases, the manufacturer suggests wetting such patches lightly before use, this will help ensure the best adhesion. These plasters are much cheaper than other representatives.

Silicone Patches they poorly absorb and give off useful substances, but they are excellently used for the lifting effect. Such patches can be cooled in the refrigerator and left overnight. Only silicone patches can be used multiple times. They are often used as protection for the delicate skin of the eyelids when dyeing eyelashes.

Hydrogel Patches They resemble jelly in structure, contain a lot of hyaluronic acid, ideally fill fine wrinkles, help retain moisture, and give off nutrients perfectly. In addition to hyaluronic acid, such patches contain many other nutrients such as ascorbic acid, peptides and antioxidants that perfectly brighten and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is recommended to slightly warm the hydrogel patches with your hands before use.

Collagen Patches also perfectly absorb useful microelements. They bring a lifting effect, do an excellent job with fine wrinkles, and help launch the natural processes of skin regeneration.

Recently the so-called liquid patches. They are produced in the form of a transparent gel or serum, which are applied directly to the skin of the eyelids. Placed in a regular jar or bottle with a pump dispenser. It is difficult to call them patches, in fact it is a marketing ploy that confuses buyers. Liquid patches also have their pros and cons.
Thanks to their light structure, they are perfectly absorbed into the skin in a short time, they do not need to be washed off.

In liquid patches, you can absolutely calmly go about your business without fear of slipping. Due to the consistency, a woman herself can control the amount of liquid gel that she needs, respectively, the consumption can be economical. Liquid patches also have their downsides. Among the reviews, the fact is often mentioned that they have little effect on mimic wrinkles, have a mild main effect.
One of the obvious disadvantages of most patches is the creeping effect, therefore, when using this product, it is recommended to lie down.

Almost all patches can only be applied once. This is exactly what the manufacturer is counting on. The patch releases all the nutrients and is no longer beneficial. In some cases, it can even begin to take moisture back.
Under the eyes
To influence the skin of the eyelids, two methods are used.To nourish, reduce edema and circles under the eyes, patches are glued with a wide part on the inner edge of the eyes, and to reduce fine wrinkles at the temples, they are placed on the outer edge. The patches are glued at a distance of about 2 millimeters below the eyelash level. The variety of release forms gives freedom of variation in the choice of the place of impact. If, for example, you use patches in the form of glasses, then the effect will be on the inner and outer corners at the same time.

On the neck
The skin of the neck is also one of the full-fledged indicators of age, so patches are often applied to the clavicle and wrinkles around the neck. It is for this zone that the shape "angel wings" is made.

On the forehead
In order to get rid of mimic wrinkles, you can stick plasters in the glabellar area or on a horizontal wrinkle in the middle of the forehead. Such wrinkles become deep very quickly.

To the area of nasolabial folds
With age, two curved wrinkles from the wings of the nose treacherously trickle down to the corners of the lips. In the initial stages, further development of wrinkles can be avoided through the constant use of patches.

On lips
Lip patches appeared on the market not so long ago - more unique patches are hard to find. By their structure, they are classified as hydrogel or collagen. They taste like berries, but you can't eat them for obvious reasons.
The main feature of lip patches is that under their influence this area receives nourishing and protective substances, and the lips slightly increase in size, acquire a clearer contour and bright color.
Lip patches are great at dealing with peeling and small wounds, accelerate their healing, tighten the skin around the lips. They can also be used to prepare skin for lipstick application. Perfect for cold or too hot climates. Before use, beauticians recommend using a light scrubbing of the skin of the lips.

In addition to the advantages, the lip mask also has some disadvantages.
- Lack of facial movements - it will not be possible to eat, drink and talk for 15-20 minutes.
- Almost all lip patches slide off during use, therefore, it is necessary to take a horizontal position for the duration of exposure or constantly correct them. It is not recommended to apply such patches at night.

There is even a special lip program consisting of three products: scrub + patch + caring balm. Apply jelly strips once a week with severe peeling or 1-2 times a month with normal lips.

For cheeks
The composition of these patches is classic: algae, rose extracts, aloe. They are usually worn for about 20-30 minutes. The product nourishes tissues, moisturizes, relieves irritation, refreshes and evens out complexion, tightens pores. However, the number of positive reviews is significantly less than negative. Consumers claim a weak effect, emphasize that when compared with a cloth mask, the effect is many times weaker.

For elbows
Nourish and moisturize the skin, prevent the appearance of small cracks in the bend of the elbows. The composition uses rice bran, which perfectly polish the skin and even out the color. Lipids retain moisture.

For legs
Another unusual member of the patch family. This product is based on a patch and herbal bag. The package includes tourmaline, chitosan, starch, herbs and oils. Such patches are used to remove toxins and toxins, cleanse the blood and lymph, relieve fatigue, improve sleep, tone the body as a whole, and warm up the feet according to the principle of mustard plasters. At the same time, they will no longer nourish and moisturize the skin as hydrogel patches or socks soaked in a mask do, they have a different purpose.
The bag is applied to the patch and glued to the sole of the foot. It is better to use foot patches at night, because the effect lasts at least 6 hours.
Public opinion on the effectiveness of anti-slag foot patches is highly controversial.Someone speaks about their low efficiency, someone questions the very idea of influence and speaks of cheating, someone claims a miraculous effect.

It is worth noting that it will be quite difficult for patches to deal with pronounced wrinkles, they are best used in the early stages of wrinkle formation, before they are deep.

How to prepare your skin?
Preparing the skin for applying patches does not require any complex manipulations. It is enough to thoroughly cleanse your face from makeup and other impurities. Make-up removal is performed with gentle movements so as not to damage the delicate layer of the skin of the eyelids, face and neck.
It is better to wash with foam or milk, but not with soap!
It will be enough to wash the skin of the elbows and legs well with water. You can perform a preparatory massage for about 20 seconds - this way the nutrients will get into the skin faster.

How and when to apply correctly?
How and when to use patches depends on the wishes of the consumer and their impact. If the patches have the property of draining, tightening wrinkles or lightening bruises under the eyes, then it is wiser to apply them in the morning. If the patches have a regenerating and tonic effect, then it is better to hold them on the skin before going to bed. At the same time, do not forget about their wonderful property of quick effect, which means that they can also be used as SOS recovery before an important event.

Due to the fact that patches it is recommended to use the time specified by the manufacturer, then they should not be left to influence the whole evening, especially all night. It is necessary to take into account the fact that patches are designed to accumulate and give off a certain amount of nutrients. Further, the plasters dry out, and this will lead to the appearance of the effect of pulling these most useful elements back. In addition, the drying patch can shrink, which contributes to skin tightening and the appearance of additional wrinkles.

How long to keep?
The exposure time for the strips is also different. Therefore, it is recommended to take into account the time of use that the manufacturer stated on the package. This is usually 10 to 60 minutes. Specialized patches for smoothing deep wrinkles on the forehead are worn for up to 3 hours. Silicone patches and some hydrogel patches can be left on overnight.

Do I need to wash my face after application?
Eyes are usually not washed after using the nourishing strips. An exception will be the option when the manufacturer asks for it. The remnants of useful components are driven into the lower eyelid or other area of influence by gentle patting of the fingertips. After the components are completely absorbed, you can lubricate the skin with a cream.

How often to use?
In the instructions, the manufacturer clearly indicates how often his product should be used. Usually these are recommendations to apply the product. every day for the first 2 weeks for the accumulation of the effect and further preventive action 2 times a week... And there are also options for using 2-3 times a week. Patches with daily use are gaining in popularity.
It is better not to break the given schedule, except for emergency assistance in SOS situations.

Another common mistake is when a used patch is put back in the nutrient jar and reused. This is unacceptable.
When in contact with the skin of the eyelids, the strips receive their portion of the skin secretion, which also includes microbes. These microorganisms begin to multiply in the nutrient medium of the agent, which leads to its premature acidification, and the spoiled product will no longer have the effect declared by the manufacturer. In doing so, it can even harm your skin.

Modern cosmetics for face and body care have a huge range of products. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing and use them correctly, then your skin will retain its beauty for many years.

In the next video, you will learn some tips for using patches.