All About Microneedle Patches

From time immemorial, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have been doing everything to ensure that the first signs of aging visit them as late as possible. If before for these purposes, improvised natural materials were used, now in the era of the development of modern technologies, a huge number of cosmetic products have been developed that help women stay beautiful and young.

The area under the eyes is considered one of the most delicate, it is on it that the age of a woman is usually determined, which is given by wrinkles, dark circles, and especially bags and swelling. Quite a large part of the beauty industry is aimed at helping women overcome this serious problem. Here are creams, masks, and concealers (as a decorative tool). Recently, patches with microneedles, which are also called "beauty commas", have been especially popular.

Efficiency and principle of operation
In simple terms, a patch is a sticker that is impregnated with a special serum with active substances. It "sticks" under the eyes and has a powerful effect on the area that betrays your fatigue, sleepless nights.
Love for patches went to Russian girls from Asian women. Those have long been using this element of cosmetological progress and cannot imagine their beauty ritual without the use of these miraculous remedies.

There is a great variety of different bases and fillings of patches that work with a certain effect. The cost of the product largely depends on this. Inexpensive ones usually have a tissue base, made in the form of a collagen gel. They are good for moisturizing and whitening skin with unwanted dark circles.... Masks for dry and pigmentation-prone skin are also affordable.
Premium brands often favor materials such as silk or biocellulose... The active ingredient is hyaluronic acid and other elements that provide lifting and skin rejuvenation.

It's obvious that ordinary patches are indisputably popular, however, cosmetologists have developed an effective remedy that has truly unique properties - these are patches with microneedles. At the initial stages, similar technologies were used to inject vaccines and drugs through the skin, and later they began to be used to maintain the beauty of a woman's face.
A filler with needles looks like there are hundreds of tiny needles on its "working" surface, which, upon contact with the skin, break off from the patch itself and deliver the beneficial substance directly to the cells of the dermis. Of course, these are not the needles that we are used to understanding by this word, and particles of the active ingredient, which is brought to a solid state by specialists. Getting into the layers of the skin, they begin to simply dissolve.

An invention such as microneedle patches is a real breakthrough in the field of cosmetology. Conventional fillers are known to provide short-term results and cannot remove dark circles around the eyes for more than half a day. As a result, women began to place high hopes on microneedle patches. And it seems that the invention lives up to expectations.
Advantages and disadvantages
Let's start with the main advantages of microneedle patches:
- they penetrate deeply into the stratum corneum of the skin, without injuring it, but at the same time providing a therapeutic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance around the eyes;
- the result of using patches at home is comparable to cosmetic procedures in the salon;
- if we compare the effect of conventional fillers and those with microneedles, the latter will be more useful for combating swelling and bags.

As for the shortcomings, they also exist.
- In order to achieve a lasting effect from patches with microneedles, a course of use is required. The same cannot be said about conventional fillers that have an immediate effect.
- The cost of quality patches with microneedles is quite high compared to conventional ones, although many experts believe that it is worth paying, because the effect is long-term.

Today, there are several manufacturers of patches with microneedles on the cosmetic market. Since fillers, as mentioned above, came to us from Korea, the conclusion suggests itself that it is there that they make truly high-quality means to combat dark circles under the eyes.
However, there is a perception that the Korean patches, with which the first serious experiments were carried out, were not as effective as expected.

But the patches made by Russian experts in the field of cosmetology received pretty good reviews.
For example, Russian brand Librederm creates really high-quality products... Microneedle patches are no exception. Compared to other brands, they do not have such a high cost, so they are perfect for beginners who are just about to get acquainted with the action of fillers.
This brand produces patches, the base of which consists of 130 microneedles, each of which contains solid hyaluronic acid. Passing through the surface layer of the skin, the needles are directed into its depth, and there they do their job - enrich the dermis with essential substances, eliminating dark circles.

Patches from the brand are also in good demand Vichy... They have 140-160 microneedles, respectively, and are more expensive. Fillers are made from natural ingredients, so the result is sure to be of high quality. To do this, you must follow a number of rules. Cosmetologists say that microneedles with hyaluronic acid begin to dissolve 30 minutes after applying the patches to the skin, and the whole procedure takes 3-4 hours.

Therefore, the best option is to use microneedle fillers at night.
Both brands that are presented above make transparent patches, which cannot be said about the brand Blom. She produces holographic effect patches that are in line with the latest trends in the online blogging industry. The composition of such original anti-dark circles products contains hyaluronic acid of two types, which differ in molecular weight... The first dissolves faster, while the second acts more thoroughly.

How to choose?
When it comes to choosing "commas" for the eyes, then it is best to turn to the advice of true experts, since the issue concerns your health, and cannot be left without close attention.
First of all, you need to decide for what cosmetic purposes you are going to use the patches. Perhaps the most common reason is the desire to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. And also the fair sex buy fillers when they want to overcome expression lines or moisturize dry skin around the eyes.

Obviously, the remedy must be acquired in accordance with the reason for which it will influence. Otherwise, of course, you will achieve a certain effect, but you will not solve the pressing problem. Each brand releases specific sets of patches, the filling of which depends on how they will act. Let's consider some of these options.
- Blom Microneedle Eye Patches. The product of the Russian brand produces 3 variants of fillers: the first one - moisturizes and restores the skin after using decorative cosmetics, the second one helps to get rid of edema and lighten bruises, which is promoted by caffeine, the third one acts on mimic wrinkles, striving to get rid of them completely.

- Radara microneedling patches... These patches are quite difficult to obtain - they are sold in English salons and clinics. Fillers act against crow's feet - wrinkles at and below the outer corner of the eye.

- Natura Bisse Inhibit High Definition Patches... The patches produced by the Spanish cosmetic brand are made from Mu-conotoxin peptide. It is designed to relax the muscles, which helps the skin to look healthy.

- Vichy Liftactiv Micro Hyalu Pads. Their peculiarity lies in the curved shape, due to which 2 zones are covered: a black eye and an outer corner. As a result, the lower eyelid is perfectly moisturized, and the crow's feet are reduced.

- Librederm. Hyaluronic acid microneedle patches. In the Russian beauty industry, these are the first patches that have become available to the general consumer. A universal shape for any type of face. On the official website, you can find a discounted product.

- Swiss Clinic Hyaluronic Microneedle Patches. Each patch contains 148 needles, which contain exceptionally high quality hyaluronic acid. Use for at least two hours or stick overnight. Perfectly moisturize the skin and remove wrinkles.

If you are looking for a quick effect from using patches, then choose products that contain hyaluronic acid, beta-glucan, seaweed or a peptide with the effect of algae. If your goal is to get rid of dark circles, choose products containing extracts of black caviar, horse chestnut, ginkgo biloba.
How to use it correctly?
To get the best effect from using microneedle patches, you need to learn how to apply them correctly. There are some simple rules.
Skin preparation
Before you apply the fillers to the skin under the eyes, you need to take care that to keep it dry and perfectly clean. Wash off makeup with a cleanser you are used to. This will help maximize the effect.

It is also important to pay attention to the skin of the hands - it should be no less clean. You can treat it with an antiseptic, which does not contain alcohol.
After carefully removing the stickers from the package, apply them to the area under the eyes, and then press down slightly - this way the needles can easily penetrate the layers of the skin. It is important to remember that if the filler does not lie flat, do not try to peel it off and reapply it. One microneedle patch is suitable for single use only.
Leave the fillers on the skin for the time indicated in the instructions. There are some that only need 25 minutes, while others need to be applied overnight.
After a certain period of time with disinfected hands, carefully remove the patches without making any sudden movements.

Application frequency
Each brand dictates its own rules regarding the frequency of use of microneedle fillers. It is usually recommended to apply patches before an important day for you so as not to look tired, but you can also follow a course of use to consolidate the result.

To achieve a cumulative effect, cosmetologists recommend applying patches once every 7-9 days. The procedure is repeated 5 to 10 times, depending on your satisfaction with the result.
Follow-up care
In fact, the patches have done their job, and the skin does not need anything else. You need to wait a few minutes, and then you can use decorative cosmetics.

For what microneedles are, see the next video.