Patchwork potholders

A potholder is the very little thing in the kitchen, which is difficult for real housewives to do without. Today you can find any kind of potholder on sale - silicone, textile, knitted. But what is done with your own hands wins even the most attractive product. The most popular are patchwork-style potholders, a patchwork technique associated with home comfort.
Purchased potholders have many advantages, but often the shape is not the same, the seam is not of the highest quality, then the colors are not chosen the way we would like it in the context of the kitchen. Then there is no choice but to get down to business yourself. And now about the patchwork itself. This is a patchwork sewing that allows you to create a product from different pieces of fabric. The strips of fabric are combined into small blocks, and the block forms one or another geometric figure. In this style, pillows, blankets, bedspreads, capes, needle cushions and, of course, kitchen potholders are sewn.

Once upon a time, patchwork was inevitable - a shortage of material forced needlewomen to sew unclaimed pieces of fabric. Today, this is an exquisite work, from which it breathes with coziness and warmth. In the patchwork style, the potholders are sewn and knitted. The first method can probably be called simpler. It takes less time, yarn, crochet hooks, knitting needles and special skills are also not required. Potholders are easy to sew, even for those who have never sat at a sewing machine in their life. Their schemes are not so complicated, everyone will master a simple algorithm.

The nuances of sewing are as follows.
- If the fabric is frayed, it will have to be processed first. - ideally this is done with an overlock. But you can simply walk through the fabric by hand with a needle using a standard overlock stitch. Or you can simply overcast the seams with tape and hide it inside.
- Potholders are almost always hung on a hook, therefore, its presence must be foreseen.
- Whatever the pattern, you should leave a centimeter allowance for the strength of the product.
- You should not write on the pattern with felt-tip pens or pens, they may not be washed off and shine through from the inside out.
Usually, potholders are sewn in batches at once. It is convenient to make them in pairs: you can make them of equal size, you can use a set "large + small".

Materials (edit)
Any thick fabric will work fine for sewing a patch of potholder. If it's a natural material, great. But semi-synthetic fabrics are fine too. Thermally stable linen and cotton. If the material is taken new, it should be washed, as it can shrink. Denim should not be neglected either; it is in patchwork that it looks organic. It is enough to rip open an old skirt or jeans - and denim shreds will become part of a kitchen accessory.

What else do you need to work:
- sewing needle and thread;
- centimeter and scissors;
- a piece of soap or crayon;
- pins;
- sewing machine.

Of course, potholders will not do without filler... It can be formed from thin padding polyester, batting and drape are also suitable. If none of this is there, you can fold the fabric in two layers. Of the modern available options, felt is a good filler.
Tape may be needed to trim the potholder.

Required tools
Basically, you have to sew a potholder on a sewing machine. Handwork is not excluded, although it is more difficult to make the perfect patchwork product here. The scissors should be sharp, the measuring tape with a brightly marked scale. You need to make a pattern with a small or pointed bar of soap.

It makes sense to store the used patterns in some box, because they may still be useful. It is possible that in the process of making the tack, the craftswoman will want to make some other product in the kit. Using the same fabrics and the same technique, you can actually make, for example, a beautiful runner on the dining table or a napkin for open shelves.

Interesting ideas
Novice seamstresses use ready-made patterns and patterns. In the proposed technique, it is interesting to sew a New Year's potholder or a potholder for Easter (seasonal kitchen decor), you can make a round product or a potholder in the shape of a star, a triangle. If there are children in the house, it is interesting to please their eyes with an accessory in the form of a mouse or a bunny, a chicken or a fish.
What you need to work:
- cotton printed fabrics 6 options (variegated, polka dots, floral prints will do);
- thin synthetic winterizer or other sealant;
- scissors, threads, binding needle;
- sewing machine;
- pins for fastening patches.

Master class - "Owl" potholder step by step.
- Print the pattern (template), wash all used fabrics for shrinkage. Before opening the fabric, steam it off with an iron. Transfer the details of the pattern to the fabric.
- For the wings, you need 4 parts (2 from variegated fabric with a front picture, 2 from fabric for the tummy). For the eyes, you need 2 pieces of white material, 2 pieces of dark fabric with polka dots. For the little body there are 2 parts, for the beak - 1. For the oblique inlay, you need 4 strips 4 cm wide. For the body, the length of the bias inlay is 60 cm, for the wings - 20 cm, for the top of the head with ears - 30 cm. From the filler you need to cut out 2 parts for the wings and 1 for the calf.
- Sewing starts with the wings. The algorithm for folding the parts is as follows: the reverse part is face down - filler - the top of the wing is face up. Everything is held together with a pin. The stitches are laid so that there are 3 seams on each side of the winglet. One of the edges of the wing is processed with a bias tape.
- You can start with the little body of an owl. The edges of all parts must be combined, the body elements, the filler and the beak detail must be chopped off with pins. The beak is sewn on both sides with a zigzag seam. To tighten the seam, take a short stride length.
- Further, the details of the eyes are pinned with pins.... And also a zigzag seam is applied along the contour.Pupils are difficult to chop off with pins; they can be temporarily fixed with two hand stitches. After that, you can safely stitch their edge.
- Now we need to fasten the details of the owl's wings and body. A bias tape is sewn in a circle. The ends of the bias tape on the bird's head are sewn by hand, as the ears need to be formed.
So, it is beautiful, relatively easy to make a cute potholder owl for your favorite kitchen with your own hands.

To work you need:
- 2 cuts of cotton or flax - squares 24 x 24 cm;
- 24 strips of fabric of different colors (length - 24 cm, width - 2.5 cm);
- 2 pieces of cotton batting 24 x 24 cm;
- border - 250 cm;
- iron, scissors, thread, pins, sewing machine.

Work algorithm.
- Plain linen is placed under the cotton batting... 2 blank squares are superimposed on one another. From above you need to lay out multi-colored strips, they are sewn directly to the batting.
- The front sides of the two strips dock to each other in the center of the batting square. Sewing is done on one side. Bend the top strip and iron the seam. Another strip is put face down on the attached one, and the strips are sewn again along the edge. The last strip is folded back, the seam is smoothed. With the other part of the tack - all according to the same algorithm.
- If desired, each strip can be finished with a finishing seam.... Next, the border is applied to the wrong side of the product, which has already been sewn from shreds. The raw edge of the border should be connected to the same edge of the garment. The border is first sewn on one side of the square. Before the new corner, it should be bent 45 degrees. So the border is sewn around the perimeter of the entire product.
- Next, the border is folded onto the front side and this is done until the last piece is sewn, almost reaching the corner. Cut off the excess, leaving 9-10 cm of the border for the loop. It remains only to form a loop and sew the border to the face of the product.
Square pot holders are classics of the genre, making them easier than described. You just have to try!

Save the pattern and print. From any comfortable fabric you like, make details according to the pattern - 2 large ones for the body and 4 small ones for the wings. Duplicate the details from the filler.

"Butterfly" in a simple way.
- After duplicating the outer part of the wing with a synthetic winterizer, fold the parts with the front side inward and sew together along the outer side of the wing... Make several cuts along the fold line (otherwise the wings will bulge). Turn out and sew a stitch to the width of the foot from the seam.
- Every detail of the base is duplicated with padding polyester. Details are folded inward. For the antennae, 2 fragments of braid are cut off, they need to be pinned and 2 lines must be laid. At the base of the wings, incisions are made, the butterfly is turned inside out.
- Next, you need to make a decorative stitch - you can arbitrarily, you can according to the pattern. The wings are decorated with appliqué. It can be different beautiful fragments, buttons, whatever.
- It remains only to add to the bow tie and make a loop.
Before you sew an oven mitt, you need to carefully study the pattern and first understand it theoretically.

Needed for work:
- green and red fabric (author's options are possible);
- lining fabric and heat resistant lining;
- narrow inlay (better - ready-made);
- thread and sewing machine, pins.

- The pattern must be made according to the proposed pattern. 5 mm is a required allowance.
- Sepals need sew with an appliqué or zigzag seam.
- Next, you need to collect all the layers of the bell by quilting them. Immediately outline the top of the bell. A circle should be drawn from the top with a compass. Excess fabric is trimmed around this circle.
- Slices are processed with inlay... If there is no ready-made and suitable color, you can cut out a strip from the desired fabric yourself. Cutting is performed obliquely.
- The edge of the product is trimmed, the excess trim is cut off. The part must be folded in half by inserting a loop of braid into the corner. This is to be sewn with a machine seam.
- Sweep the cuts, Turn out the finished bell.
Now you're done!

What you need to work:
- fabric in two color options;
- tape and synthetic winterizer;
- buttons, threads and sewing supplies.

Work description.
- You can draw a cupcake pattern on your own, the shape and size are arbitrary. Fold the fabric in half, mark and cut out the part. Do the same with padding polyester.
- In expanded form, the elements should be sewn in the center in 2 lines, folded in half. Then sew along the perimeter, leaving a small open area.
- Turn out the details, make a seam along the edge with an indent of 2 mm. At this moment, the open part becomes obscured.
- 2 blanks are cut out for the cap, they should be folded facing each other, first inserting the eyelet... Stitch off, leaving a small section open. Then turn out, sew along the perimeter with an interval of 2 mm from the edge.
- Fold the main part and the cap, aligning the edge, stitch along the edge... Sew a bow and a button to the cupcake.
The cute potholder is ready!

A simple potholder can appear in the house on Valentine's Day.
What you need:
- suitable color and print fabric - for the main part and sides;
- plain fabric for lower details;
- flannel or other filler;
- ready inlay;
- button;
- threads, sewing tools.

- Patterns are cut by pattern... All fabric and filler blanks are made according to the patterns marked with letters.
- The upper and lower parts are folded with the wrong parts to each other, a filler is laid between them.
- According to the second template, a blank for the upper sides is cut out of colored fabric, and a blank for the lower ones from a single-color fabric. Details are folded in pairs, seamy side to each other, fixed with pins.
- Slices are processed with bias inlay... A decorative stitch is more suitable for processing. The excess pieces of inlay need to be cut off.
- Then the tack is folded, the elements must converge along the contour. Dimensions, if necessary, can be corrected.
- The perimeter of the product is processed with an inlay. The area in the center for the future loop remains open. The loop is made from a 15 cm inlay. It is inserted from the back with a downward orientation.
- It remains only to iron the finished tack, sew a decorative button to it.
The heart is ready!

Other options
It's great if the house has so-called seasonal potholders - by the New Year, by summer and by autumn, by the time of spring awakening. They allow the kitchen to change without major expense and changing big details.
What other potholders can be:
- in the form of an apple;
- standard - in the form of a mitten;
- trapezoidal;
- in the form of a leaf;
- nesting dolls;
- acorns;
- pumpkins.

It's great if they find a roll call in the interior. These can be table runners, napkins, tablecloths, interior toys for the kitchen (for example, a goose for bags), kitchen aprons and aprons. Decorative covers for chairs and stools go well with patchwork potholders. They can be cushioned or simply any suitable filler. Window blinds are also a good example of textile consonance in a kitchen interior.

Examples of products
Interesting patterns of potholders using the patchwork technique.
- Apples. Always nice, bright, “appetizing”. They are sewn from strips of fabric, decorated with buttons and felt leaves.

- Wonderful round potholders, which are also used as textile coasters for cups. They are sewn in sets. They add coziness even to the most brutal interior.

- Potholder-mitten in the form of a teapot. Specifically, there is almost no patchwork sewing here, but author's alterations are only welcome. Looks perfect as wall decor, yet is easy to use.

- Another option for a very beautiful round oven mitt. The most delicate fabrics, sector sewing, braiding are suitable for a kitchen decorated in romantic, calm colors.

- Potholders in the autumn style. They can be used both for their intended purpose and as napkins to create the desired atmosphere of the season.

- Cutest Christmas trees for New Year's kitchen decor.

- Another variation on the New Year's theme.

- More than a potholder - a real work of art with elegant applique.

- Inspiration Option for lovers of minimalism.

- Patchwork mice - a little humor will not hurt in the kitchen.

Successful ideas and their successful implementation!
A master class on sewing kitchen potholders in the patchwork style in the video below.