Biogels for a pedicure: how to choose and use?

Not only hands need care, but also legs, especially when summer comes and it's time for short dresses and sandals. If there is no time for spa salons, well-groomed nails can be achieved using biogels. It is enough to steam the feet, treat them with a manicure set and apply the composition to the nail plate.
Over time, the feet and heels become rough, the skin flakes off and needs to be removed. Calluses and cracks are normal, and as a result, the legs lose their attractiveness. Biogel will help to remove keratinized skin, which excludes the use of such devices as:
- files;
- graters;
- scrapers.
They are actively used both in specialized salons and at home. Simplicity and convenience have made the products popular in the modern cosmetology market. Even experts say that fruit acid is the most gentle treatment for heels and feet, resulting in soft skin in a short time, which not only looks different, but also pleasant to the touch.

Cosmetology never stands still, and more and more often we are offered novelties in this area, which only delight the fair sex with their price and result.
Some of the most popular are products that include aloe vera extract. It helps to solve many problems, foot care becomes much more affordable and easier. Self-use of the gel does not cause problems, incredible results become visible after a short period of time. Just a few procedures - and the girl has beautiful heels with which she is not ashamed to put on open shoes.

No matter how amazing it may sound, a strong half of humanity does not lag behind women and also wants to look beautiful. Biogels can also be used for men. The salon procedure is performed easily at home, no additional equipment is required, just a little free time - and you are already the owner of gorgeous legs that everyone can envy.
In addition, in the salon you will have to pay a lot of money to take the course, at home these costs are reduced several times, respectively, the use of the described funds helps to save the family budget.

If we talk about the features of biogels, then the whole secret lies in the composition. They contain a variety of fruit acids, including malic and citric. They guarantee gentle peeling, while remaining completely safe for humans, since only natural ingredients are used.
But removing keratinized skin is not the only effect that biogels have. They demonstrate an antiseptic effect, kill pathogenic microflora, thus providing the necessary hygiene for the feet.

Speaking specifically about aloe, it is capable of:
- have a healing effect on microcracks that appear over time;
- soothe irritation;
- restore the skin.
Biogel can be used during pregnancy and even during breastfeeding, since its components do not affect the quality of milk in any way. So far, there are no recorded cases of an allergic reaction to this component. Such a remedy helps in the fight against corns, removes hardened tissue after the first application. Several tricks help to remove old calluses on the feet, remove the fungus. One 60 ml bottle is designed for use by one user for 9-12 months.

Operating principle
For a pedicure, such a remedy works in several stages. At first it is well absorbed, softening the hardened epidermis, then separates it, and you can easily remove the skin that is already dead with a simple pumice stone. This method is also called acidic. He copes well with calluses, which are not one month old, calluses. It is recommended to use it for people who have launched foot care, but want to correct the situation in a short period of time.
It is worth choosing such a pedicure for those who want:
- to thin and make the cuticle more well-groomed;
- exclude cuts from the manicure set;
- get rid of hardened formations;
- make your feet beautiful.

If we talk about the advantages of this method, then it does not take much time. Sometimes even old varnish is not washed if it still looks decent. This is a huge savings, but sometimes it is difficult to apply the product correctly, as some manufacturers did not provide a dispenser.
If the gel is purchased in a simple glass bottle, then you need to think about how to apply it to the surface of the skin. Do not be surprised if the product in the bottle does not have any smell, and when you use it, an unpleasant aroma appears.
And also do not forget about individual intolerance, because in rare cases, but still there is redness and itching, but most often, when the user has not read the instructions and kept the composition on the skin for longer than the prescribed time.

Instructions for use
If you read the instructions, it becomes clear that it is not difficult to use biogel so that there will be no problems in the future. The procedure time can vary from five to fifteen minutes.
Before applying, the bottle must be shaken, and the product itself is applied in a thin layer to dry skin. Leave for three minutes and immerse your feet in warm water to steam them. On average, it will take up to five minutes to keep the feet in water, after which the keratinized skin can be easily removed with a simple pumice stone, and the cuticle is removed with a bamboo stick.

At the end of the procedure, you should rinse your feet under running water, apply a moisturizer or balm. If you feel like it, you can use a special file on the heels, but with small abrasive inclusions. This is an additional peeling for the feet, but it is only necessary for severely coarse skin.
The procedure is carried out once a week, not more often, otherwise you can damage young skin and get unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling, increased sensitivity. If you follow the instructions, then the procedure can be easily carried out even by a non-professional and will achieve good results.

Indeed, there are contraindications to the procedure, and they cannot be neglected. The skin should not be damaged, since scratches and wounds will allow fruit acid to penetrate deep into the epidermis, which is more necessary, hence burning and pain will appear.
It is better to apply a small amount of the product on the skin as a test and see what the reaction will be. Any of their components can cause allergies, but this is an individual intolerance to the body, and you cannot get rid of it, you can only try to change the biogel.

User reviews
Users learned about such a pedicure tool not so long ago, but the Internet is already full of positive reviews. If the product is of high quality, it does an excellent job with the task.
Men and women say that after using biogel, the skin on the heels and feet becomes pink, like a child's. It is gentle, pleasant to the touch, smooth and flawless. All roughness and imperfections go away. The duration of the effect is striking, so biogel has become an excellent alternative to an expensive pedicure.
You can use a universal professional tool at any age, but the need appears from the age of sixteen, with someone later.
For more information on how to use biogel for a pedicure, see below.