Choosing laser foot files

Every woman dreams of well-groomed heels, in the summer or on vacation this issue becomes especially relevant. Nowadays, this is not a problem, whereas before, perfect and smooth skin could be achieved only by visiting a manicurist in a professional salon. Laser foot files appeared on the market not so long ago, but they have already won the well-deserved attention of the fair sex. What kind of device it is, what it is used for and how to use it correctly - we will talk in our article.

If in the summertime a woman wants to walk in open shoes, a pedicure and smooth heels are a must, otherwise the appearance will be hopelessly ruined. To save time spent on this procedure, as well as to achieve an ideal result, experts recommend paying attention to laser foot files. They will put the skin in order and help remove the stratum corneum without much difficulty.
To ensure that the legs always look well-groomed, the procedure should be carried out regularly. It can be done both in a beauty salon and on your own at home. After using a laser file, the fair sex will forever forget what corns or dry calluses are. In addition, the heels, having got rid of the excess rough layer of skin, will no longer crack, which is sometimes quite unpleasant and painful.

Types of files
To choose a nail file for yourself, you need to understand by what criteria they differ. These tools can have a different principle of operation, the size of the abrasive protrusions, and are made from different materials.You can choose an option in the minimum or maximum configuration, with a variety of nozzles. All these indicators will undoubtedly affect the price of the product. The main thing is that the foot file is of high quality and lasts a long time.
As for professional salons, tools that run on electricity and batteries are most often used here. This is done to save the time of the master, since it is more convenient and quick to handle the legs with such devices. In addition, the skin becomes smooth and soft, which is very popular with clients. Such files can also be used at home, the main thing is to use them correctly.

Disadvantages of tools
A wide selection of foot files appeared on store shelves not too long ago. Before that, women who wanted to have a neat pedicure had to use a metal grater or pumice stone. The effect of pumice is not so bad, however, the procedure takes a lot of time, since the legs have to be steamed for a long time, otherwise you will not get a good result. In addition, it is not so fast to process the heels themselves, besides, the manipulation must be constantly repeated.

It is easier with a metal float, it allows you to achieve smoothness and remove excess skin much faster, but it can easily be injured, besides, the surface becomes dull quickly enough. It was these moments that led to the creation of new, more effective tools. One of them is a laser foot file. Consumers talk about the excellent effectiveness of such devices. They help to put the feet in order quickly enough, and the effect lasts for a long time.

What it is?
The base of the laser foot file is stainless steel. Most often, the handle is made of rubberized plastic. Along the entire surface there are very small notches, their height is less than 0.1 millimeter, which completely excludes trauma to healthy areas of the feet and nails. There are a lot of models on the modern market, you can choose from a variety of shapes and in accordance with the desired abrasive surface.
The basis of the tool is as follows. Sharp teeth cut off microscopic areas of the skin, after which the surface is sanded. It turns out that not only the overgrown and rough skin is removed, but the heels themselves are subjected to a polishing process. The device is intended for manual use.

How to make the right choice?
Before choosing a file for your feet, you need to assess the condition of the skin of your feet and, of course, be guided by the price. Laser devices are in the mid-range. It is also necessary to focus on rigidity, it can be either high or medium.
Double-sided instruments are in great demand nowadays. With their help, you can cope not only with serious problems and remove a thick layer of skin, but also simply sand the surface of the foot.

Users often leave their feedback in favor of different models. The most popular of these is the MERTZ laser file. The abrasive surface is quite wide, and the handle fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and is made of rubberized plastic, which allows you not to slip even in wet or soapy hands. The MERTZ 755 device is often used not only by women, but also by men, in addition, many craftsmen choose this particular option for their work.
The fair sex is most often purchased for personal use models MERTZ 607 and 608. This is due to the fact that they have a comfortable handle with the correct bend, which helps to get to hard-to-reach areas of the foot without exerting effort. However, this device also has one important drawback - a rather high cost.In addition, MERTZ models need to be bought exclusively at trusted retail outlets, since there is a risk of running into a fake, with the use of which a good result cannot be achieved.

How to use?
There are no peculiarities in using a laser foot file. It can be applied in three different ways - by doing a dry or wet pedicure, having previously treated the legs with cream. Let's consider each of them in more detail in order to choose which one is right for each particular case.
As for a dry pedicure, its indisputable advantage is the absence of the need for almost any preparation. In addition, processing the legs is the fastest way. The procedure is done simply - with the help of a file, problem areas of the foot are processed. The process does not require steaming, which can be very convenient in some cases, then even delicate and sensitive skin is not damaged during pedicure.

At the same time, the method has its drawbacks. For example, it will not be possible to achieve the maximum effect in especially advanced cases. Also, experts do not recommend carrying out the procedure for people with cracks in the heel area. In addition, fine dust will appear during grinding, which is not very pleasant to some of the fair sex.
Wet pedicure is the most commonly used type both in salon procedures and at home. To carry it out, the legs must be immersed in hot water so that the skin is steamed. After that, you can start processing the required areas. Experts recommend this method as the most effective for serious leg problems. As for the shortcomings, it should be noted that it takes quite a long time to carry out a wet pedicure. Also, the skin dries more strongly, which means that it will need additional care.

You can also perform this procedure by first applying a nourishing cream to your feet. The method is analogous to a dry pedicure, since steaming is not required. The legs should be thoroughly washed, dried, after which a greasy cream is applied to them. Once it is completely absorbed, manipulations can begin. The effect is not as strong as in the case of steaming, but there are plenty of benefits. First of all, this is the absence of dust, elasticity and softness of the skin, saving time.
After removing the stratum corneum and polishing the surface, experts recommend applying a nourishing cream to the feet. In the first week, the procedure will need to be carried out quite often, several times, since the skin will actively grow. However, over time this will stop and you will need to use the laser file only once every 7-10 days.

This tool has no particular contraindications. It is not recommended to use it if the skin has any wounds and cracks or if there are pronounced allergic and inflammatory processes. Also, you should not do a pedicure in this way for fungal diseases of the feet. If there are any concerns about the safety of this procedure, it is better to consult a specialist.
You will learn how to remove corns and calluses with a laser file in the following video.