SPA pedicure: features and technology of execution

Today, there are many different types of foot skin care that help not only maintain their attractive and healthy appearance, but also produce a relaxing effect. This is a good way to relieve tension from your legs after a hard day at work.

What is the essence of SPA pedicure
One of such methods of foot skin care is SPA pedicure. Many, not knowing what it is, confuse it with a regular pedicure. The main advantage of a SPA pedicure over the usual one is a more gentle way of treating the foot, which takes place without the use of sharp metal instruments that can cut the skin. A specialist, using special cosmetic preparations, easily and without any painful sensations removes dead skin cells, as well as its various irregularities, improves blood circulation and makes the skin of the legs smooth and soft.

It consists of several stages, which include: cleansing the stratum corneum of the skin of the legs, its deep hydration, as well as massage and the use of various types of aromatic products.
The main purpose of this procedure is precisely to relax the legs.
This type of pedicure can be done both in specialized centers for SPA procedures and in ordinary beauty salons that provide this type of service.

The process takes place in several stages. Before starting it, it is imperative to analyze the condition of the skin of the legs. This is necessary in order to choose the right skin care aids. Before proceeding directly to the procedure, it is imperative to disinfect the skin of the legs.Among the services provided in some SPA centers, in addition to standard procedures, there may be specific methods for treating the skin of the legs, for example, foot peeling with the help of Garra Rufa fish.
In order for the feet to be always well-groomed and rested, this type of service should be carried out regularly, as it is easier in comparison with other methods of treating the skin of the feet.

Listening to the feedback from their customers, most of the spa pedicure salons use a combined method of treating the skin of the feet. It includes both manual processing of the skin of the legs, and with the use of a special machine. Hardware pedicure is aimed at processing individual parts of the foot using various frazers, and manual pedicure, in turn, is aimed at removing the cuticle around the nail.
There are many nuances in the combined type of pedicure. To tidy up the cuticle of the nail, you must first hold your feet in warm water, however, the skin of the feet is treated only on dry feet.
Now in many salons, in order not to steam the skin of the legs, they combine hardware and European pedicure.

The choice of the method for treating the skin of the legs remains with the client, which, due to their variety, is not a problem. Each individual can choose a convenient way for him to help maintain a well-groomed condition of his legs.

There are many benefits to this type of pedicure. These include:
- gentle cleansing of the stratum corneum without sharp blades;
- the use of various products that soften, nourish and moisturize the skin of the feet;
- the duration of the preservation of the result of such a pedicure is longer than the standard one;
- relaxing effect.

SPA pedicure technique
The main feature of this type of pedicure is its relaxing effect. However, it should be noted that this service is quite lengthy. The whole process can take 2 to 3 hours. But if time is not an issue, then this procedure is exactly what you need.
Indeed, during this period, it is possible to not only put your legs in order, but even take a nap, which will only improve your health.
Relaxation is an essential part of the process. It is achieved through the use of special SPA-materials by the master, various aromatic oils, sticks and, of course, light soothing background music, which is quietly pdexbn during the entire procedure.

Specialist's auxiliary means are various types of salt scrubs, nourishing creams, cosmetic clays, fruit acid is also used for peeling the feet, various refreshing lotions, and more. A device such as a hydromassage bathtub with sea salt added to it helps relieve tension from the legs during the steaming process.
There are an incredible amount of foot care products that are used for SPA pedicure today. Each master individually selects materials that are convenient for him.
Therefore, if there are any contraindications or allergic reactions to certain components, a specialist should be warned about this in order to avoid problems.

Stages of the SPA pedicure
The technology for performing this procedure is individual for each master, but there are four mandatory stages from which it consists. Further it will be possible to get acquainted step by step with the methodology for carrying out each of them.
Stage 1 is the steaming of the skin of the feet. The feet are lowered into a bath of water, to which a disinfectant has previously been added. The average water temperature should be 37-40 degrees, depending on the client's request.
Strongly hot water injures and irritates the skin, while cold water will not steam it out.
The duration of the steaming process lasts up to 12 minutes. Long stay in water will make the skin too soft, flabby. Also, various cosmetics are added to the water, which have a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs.

Stage 2 - peeling. At this stage, the skin of the feet is treated with different types of scrubs, which help to remove the upper dead skin cells and also soften it before applying the fruit acid. It is the acid that breaks down the keratinized skin, which is easily removed with special scrapers. After that, the feet become deliciously soft and silky, as all the calluses and cracks disappear. At the end, the feet are rinsed in clean water to move on to the next step.

Stage 3 - moisturizing. At this stage of the pedicure, the master applies a mask that consists of natural trace elements of plant origin, with the addition of vitamins and minerals. The composition of such masks can be varied: natural plant extracts - chamomile, aloe, papaya, various oils and clays, seaweed and much more. The mask is applied for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water.

Stage 4 - foot massage. Perhaps few people know that there are many acupuncture points on the foot, which are responsible for the work of many internal organs. That is, by doing a foot massage, we not only relax, but also have a positive effect on the work of the body as a whole.
The relaxation process will help relieve headaches, joint aches, and tension in the legs.
At the end of the session, the client feels completely recovered, fatigue and bad mood disappear.

After the end of the massage, the specialist applies a nourishing cream to the legs, gently rubbing it into the skin. This is done to keep the skin soft and hydrated. The end of the procedure is the application of a cooling lotion, as well as manual processing of the cuticle of the nails and their further varnishing, but this is done at the request of the client.

When choosing a beauty salon, you should definitely go to the office where the SPA procedure will be carried out in order to make sure that the room is comfortable. Only a harmonious combination of all the components of the procedure will help you to enjoy the process as much as possible.

See the procedure for performing a SPA pedicure in the following video.