Black Pekingese: features of color and care

More recently, dog lovers preferred red-haired Pekingese. Now the black pets have won universal love. Their owners claim that their favorites are the most charming.

Color features
Among the representatives of this breed you can find animals with several variations of black color.
- Black. The color of the puppy's coat is laid in the embryonic stage and depends on the predominance of one or another gene over the rest. If the genes for solid color and black turned out to be dominant, the puppy will be born completely black. This shade is formed due to the high content of the coloring pigment melanin in the hair structure. However, it can easily disintegrate, and babies of a completely different color can be born.

- Black and white. The appearance of black and white pets also depends on the dominant genes. If the spotting gene prevailed in the dog, then black and white puppies may appear in the litter. Color pigment also plays a role. If its location in the villi of the wool is ring-shaped, then the color of the Pekingese will turn out to be uneven.

White markings by breed standards can be found on the legs, chest and forehead of the animal. A white spot on the forehead is acceptable in all colors of this breed.
According to legend, this mark is believed to be the blessing of the Buddha himself.
- Black and tan... This type of color is characterized by zones of a different color, which are located in certain places according to the breed standard: on the chest, on the inner side of the thigh, around the anus, above the eyes, on the cheeks. The color of the markings is determined by the pigment phaeomelanin. They can be either deep red or light yellow.

- Gray or black with gray hair Dogs seem to be of a zone-gray color if the rings of black pigment are wide, and the pigment itself is located at the tips of the hairs.

Pekingese require special care.
For puppies
- When purchasing a pet, do not forget to buy a clipper for it, scissors with round ends, massage comb with rare teeth. Pekingese's claws are very sharp and grow back quickly. They can even grow into the pads of the paws, and then the baby will need the help of a surgeon.
- Wool dumps under the armpits, on the legs and behind the ears, not only in adult Pekingese, but also in babies. The puppy needs to be combed daily.... Teaching your dog to do this from an early age is an important task. In the first months of a puppy's life, his coat is like down. As the animal grows, it is replaced by a longer coat. Brushing your dog can help prevent puffs from forming all over the house.
- Little Pekingese don't get their hair cut and scissors are used to gently remove hair around the genitals so that the puppy is always clean. This is also recommended for adult animals.
- Often you do not need to bathe babies: they can get sick. It is enough to wash the dog's belly, tail, butt and paws. You can wipe your pets with special napkins. To make the animal less dirty, you need to walk it in overalls, and feed it in a bib, tying its ears.
- Every day you need to wipe your pet's eyes and ears.

For adult dogs
If the animal is black and less dirty, this does not mean that caring for it will be less demanding and thorough. We perform the following procedures daily:
- we wash the eyes, nose and ears of the dog with a damp swab dipped in a special lotion or boiled water;
- we brush our teeth with dog toothpaste;
- remove tartar with a special scraper;
- we wash the animal and blot it with a cotton napkin;
- combing out the pet.

To keep the coat neat, in addition to the massage comb, get a tool with metal teeth and a massage brush with bristles
Use a dry shampoo and antistatic spray for your dog. Pekingese are bathed completely only 2 times a year, so they are periodically cleaned with dry talcum powder.
- The dog's hair is carefully untangled with hands, paying attention to problem areas behind the ears, on the pants and under the armpits. Don't forget about feathering and legs.
- The strands are moisturized with conditioner. Dry shampoo is driven into the wet coat with soft, gentle movements, and then combed out with a brush according to the growth of the coat.
- Feet hair is trimmed during the procedure. On the front paws, they are rounded off according to the standard and leave a length of 3.5 cm, and on the hind legs they are made in the form of a boat and shorter: 2.5 cm. It is important to cut the hair on the pads of the paws between the toes so that the dog rests correctly on the foot. They also trim an elegant collar, puffy ponytail and pants.

Choose the right shampoo and conditioner for long-haired breeds for bathing your pet. Bathe your dog indoors, draft-free, and then blow dry. Do not leave wet pet hair. It dries for a long time, and the animal may catch a cold.
The health of the dog should be monitored and regularly shown to the veterinarian. And it is also necessary:
- check the condition of the pet's eyes: eyeballs in adult dogs may fall out;
- remove the accumulated secret of the anal glands in time;
- examine the pet's skin for rashes and damage and treat them promptly.

See below for the pros and cons of keeping Pekingese.