All about the Pekingese breed

Animal lovers know that there is no better friend than a beloved dog. There are different breeds in the world, and each of them differs in character and habits. There are fighting dogs, there are yard dogs, and there are companion dogs. These include the Pekingese. They are very smart and caring pets.

This breed appeared in ancient China. There, the owners of such dogs were the emperors or the highest nobility. The puppies were fed with cow's milk. In imperial families, the Pekingese was considered a sacred animal. He protected the house from thieves and evil spirits. As a sign of respect and reverence, each such dog had a servant who looked after her.

In Europe, Chinese Pekingese first appeared after Beijing's defeat in the Second Opium War. They became a gift to Queen Victoria as a token of deepest respect.

The Pekingese looks completely extraordinary. The flattened nose, unusual muzzle, long hair make this dog look like a lion cub or a little monkey. And only a proud posture reminds us of belonging to high society.
Due to their qualities, dogs have gained fame outside of Buckingham Palace. In the United States, even the first Pekingese lovers' club was organized, in which only important persons and their pets were registered.

The progenitor of the unusual breed was the Asian wide-faced toy. Scientists, having made DNA, determined the relationship of the Pekingese with such breeds as Shih Tzu, Pug, Papillon, Chihuahua, even wolves were involved in the formation of the breed.

Having existed for many centuries, this breed has not lost its main characteristics. The Pekingese looks the same today as before, except that the dogs have become a little heavier in weight and slightly lower. Today, Pekingese can range in height from very large to very small. Dimensions have also changed. People buy puppies and don't think about standards like real breeders do. Due to the fact that there are amateurs who care about the purity of the breed, the history of the purebred Pekingese continues.
People specially bred these pets in order for them to entertain their owners. The Pekingese have retained this mission: they have remained affectionate, playful and intelligent.
It is the perfect companion for both a single person and the whole family.

Dogs are loyal to their owners. Moreover, they love absolutely all family members equally, unlike other breeds (for example, toy terriers). Despite its small stature, the dog will rush at the offender or start barking loudly until the enemy leaves.
In response, the pet requires increased attention to itself. They need to be fondled and pampered. The dog loves to play, and short paws are not a hindrance. But this does not mean that this breed needs to move a lot. Pekingese adapt to any conditions. And if necessary, they will patiently wait for the owner to choose the time and lead them for a walk. Therefore, these dogs can live both in an apartment and in a large house.
They are clean and have a fairly high intelligence.

Like other dogs, the Pekingese has a variety of crossbreeds. They look like a Pekingese, only they can be with an elongated muzzle. The origin of this dog cannot tell us anything. We are not talking about a newly developed breed, but only considered a whim of the owners. Remember not to mate dogs of very different sizes.

Pros and cons of the breed
For dog lovers, the Pekingese is considered the ideal option. At first glance, he meets all the requirements that can be presented to a domestic dog. This breed does not differ in aggressiveness, loves to play, is attached to the owners.
In principle, every breed of dog that is designed to live in the house has similar characteristics. People choose dogs at the call of the soul. And yet, in order not to be disappointed in the choice, it is necessary to carefully study the qualities and nature of this breed.

The pluses include several features.
- First of all, it is a funny attractive appearance. No one on the street will walk past your company without smiling. From one sight, people get spirited.
- This breed is very rarely sick. With good care, the pet will not cause any special problems in this regard.
- The Pekingese has not only an attractive appearance, but also has a guardian qualities. He will give a sign if thieves climb up to you. His sensitive ear and intransigence towards strangers will allow you to sleep peacefully.
- This breed of dog does not freeze in winter. She does not need special conditions for a walk. A warm coat will keep your pet warm. You can safely take it to the country.
- Pekingese do not quickly get tired on walks (like bulldogs) and can frolic and run with you for a long time. You do not have to drag a dog from a long walk, which is tired and no longer wants to move on its own.

Pekingese have some characteristic features that do not belong to the minuses, but it is also difficult to attribute them to the pluses.
- The dog is essentially spoiled from the start. This trait is inherent in her genetics.Affected by the imperial origin. You will always have to praise and pet her. Do not forget to give a tidbit to your pet, otherwise he will be offended.
- Pekingese require attention from the owner 24 hours a day. The pet will always be with you and follow you everywhere. A kind of tail. This may be annoying for some.

Cons you also need to be aware of.
- Pekingese are prone to various injuries due to their awkwardness and heavy build. They can easily fall off a high couch and injure your paw.
- The head of this breed is very massive, with rather large eyes located on it. They have a convex shape. This is a vulnerable spot. Pekingese should not be injured in the head. As a result of the blow, the pet may fall out of the eye. This can happen for another reason. For example, as a result of a nervous breakdown or severe stress.
- These pets are also prone to other eye diseases. From the endured severe stress, they can go blind. This happens most often in old age.
- Dogs do not tolerate extreme heat due to their thick coat. They begin to suffocate, and it is better not to walk them under the scorching sun.
- Excess weight is another drawback. Pekingese are beggars in the kitchen and can eat large amounts of food. Obesity will be the result. And from here will begin various concomitant diseases.
- But the main problem is molting. Thick, long hair remains on carpets and floors. It can fall out in tatters. If there are allergy sufferers in the house, then it is better to refuse such a pet.
- The peculiar smell is another drawback. Bathing Pekingese is problematic because of the density of the coat. Therefore, when it rains outside, it is better to leave the tailed beast at home. Long wool will "collect" all the dirt from the street. By the way, in good weather, dust in large quantities clings to the dog's coat, which then crumbles to the floor and carpet at home.
- The pet will have to be constantly treated with a special compound against fleas and ticks. In such a hairline, parasites start very quickly. Ticks can crawl from the dog to the owner. Therefore, carefully check the entire body of your pet after a walk.
- Pekingese are very jealous. And if another pet or a small child stands in opposition to him, he will begin to get annoyed. True, it will look funny and not at all aggressive.
- Due to the specific structure of the nasopharynx, this breed is prone to snoring. At night, you will hear characteristic rather loud sounds. The pet will also sneeze loudly, make a characteristic noise when eating food and sniff. Someone thinks this is funny, but someone will start to annoy.
- Another problem is loud barking. But if you teach your pet to be quiet, then this problem can be eliminated. Remember that this breed has good intelligence and understands the commands of the owner.
- Food for this dog is a kind of ritual. Therefore, it needs to be fed in a special way. But again, it all depends on how you raise your dog. Try to teach him not to be picky and eat what they give.

And also remember that dogs of decorative breeds almost always do not feel their size. They can fight a fighting dog. Males are especially prone to this behavior. That's why watch your pet for a walk, otherwise everything may end in tragedy.

A lot of time has passed since the appearance of the breed, perhaps that is why this species has undergone some changes. It is now generally accepted that the Pekingese are divided into species. But this is far from the case. In order to understand what is at stake, you need to know a number of nuances.
Mini Pekingese
It is not an isolated species, but only a simple variety. The fact is that dwarf dogs can appear in the litter and in rather large individuals. This is considered to be a culling. Such representatives are not allowed to attend exhibitions.
Some say that it is possible to determine small growth only when the puppy is 8 months old.Other breeders claim that babies are born very small and lag significantly behind their counterparts in the process of growing, although they have an excellent appetite and are very mobile.

By and large, this deviation is not something out of the ordinary. Having bought such a pet, you will appreciate its qualities:
- babies are very clever - they perfectly understand human gestures and are very benevolent;
- the small stature of a domestic dog is more a plus than a minus.

Purebred Pekingese
Some breeders proudly call their pets "royal" or "imperial". They do this in order to sell the puppies at a higher price. Real Pekingese were already bred to communicate with emperors. Therefore, purebred representatives look graceful.
And if we are already touching on the standards, then it should be noted that there are no varieties among the Pekingese. It's just that kind of breed.

Japanese Chin
Some people confuse Pekingese and Japanese Chin. These breeds are very similar. They are similar in appearance to a lion. Previously belonged to emperors, but not Chinese, but Japanese. Ordinary people could not even look in the direction of the Chins. They were also revered and associated with religious practices.
The profile of this dog is snub-nosed, and the colors are varied, but most often they are red, fawn and shades close to these colors. The nose of this dog is black and is on the same level with the eyes, and the eyes are, as it were, outlined with a black pencil. The coat is long, silky. Light weight - about 3 kg. The large head corresponds to the size of the body. The tail is draped gracefully over the back. The coat falls nicely down the back to the floor.
As you can see from the description, the Pekingese and Hin, although they have some similarities, are still different from each other.

Now I must say about the half-breeds. They appeared as a result of mating of various types of dogs, similar in appearance. The colors of such representatives are different. From red to black and white. And there are even short-haired and smooth-haired half-breeds. But we must remember that there can be no talk of any standards here. You should forget about various exhibitions, where the most purebred representatives are present, as well as about pedigree breeding, if you decide to have a hybrid dog.

The most popular cross is the pickup (Pekingese / Spitz hybrid). Dogs are smart and playful. But they cannot stand loneliness. There is a cross between a Pekingese and a pug. A cute dog that has absorbed all the best from both breeds. When dog breeders tried to pair Shih Tzu and Pekingese breeds, they hoped to influence coat lengthening. The puppies have absorbed the best qualities. They practically do not shed and are distinguished by an agreeable character.

Character traits
Pekingese are phlegmatic. However, each dog has a certain mood and character. These individuals have increased self-esteem, natural aristocracy and self-esteem are present.
Any dog, especially a Pekingese, will try to take a dominant position in your family. This should not be allowed. Strongly, but not rudely, you need to put the baby in place.

The tailed beasts are very loyal to their owners. They love comfort and try to take the best place next to the household. A spoiled pet will not humiliate himself and, with his head down, run to a bowl of food. He will proceed gracefully to food.
Pekingese is a watchdog. With a loud bark, she will warn of the approach of a stranger. His jealous disposition will make other animals nervous if they are around.

They need to be strictly educated from the very beginning. Otherwise, very wayward dogs grow out of such pets. If he doesn't like something, he will hang on a leash, leading himself to suffocation until he gets what he wants. It is necessary to try by all means to wean the tailed bark for no reason.
- Defiantly ignore the guilty dog. Try not to notice, make eye contact, or caress. Pekingese are very smart, and your pet will immediately understand that he is guilty.And physical impact can be bad for the psyche of the puppy.
- By the way, dogs of this breed are perfectly trained and understand commands.
- Pekingese are stubborn by nature. Therefore, try to ensure that your pet fulfills the task at hand. This takes a lot of patience.
- It is advisable not to leave your pet alone for a long time. If he gets bored, he can destroy the apartment. However, if you raise your dog correctly, everything will be fine. She will patiently wait for you from work and calmly go for a walk.
- Although they write that the breed is not suitable for beginners, you should not be afraid to have this animal. Each animal has its own individual character. And remember that it all depends on upbringing and training. In the wrong hands, even the calmest dog can turn into an uncontrollable monster. And if you are determined and really want a Pekingese, then do not give up on your plans.
- Pekingese do not need long walks. It is enough for them to change the environment for a short time and stretch their paws a lot. Stay with them, and this dog will not need anything else but you.
- A companion dog is perfect for people with a measured pace of life or retirees. She understands her master at a glance, does not differ in agility and perfectly walks on a leash. The tailed beast will brighten up your pastime and entertain when you get bored.

How to choose?
First of all, you must decide and understand for what purpose you are acquiring a puppy. There may be several answers. And the answer to the question of how to choose a puppy will depend on them.
For breeding
If you buy a puppy for the subsequent breeding of this breed and participation in exhibitions, then you need to contact the owner of a good kennel. This way you will avoid being deceived.
A dog breeder will not make a compromise with his conscience for two reasons. One of them is the high price of the puppy and the reputation. If he deceives customers, then people will stop contacting him.
Another reason is to provide the puppy with all the necessary documents that will confirm his pedigree (puppy card, brand). Without participation in exhibitions and without membership in the club of dog breeders, a breeder cannot obtain permission to mate animals of elite breeds.

A healthy and strong puppy must be free of defects: correct elbow position, correct bite, tail position, coat length and color. If you are buying a Pekingese for the first time, then on your own you will not be able to notice the flaws that a puppy may have.
The brand and documents can give a small but guarantee that you are purchasing a purebred puppy. Look closely at the room where the young are kept. It must be clean. Serious breeders monitor proper care and will not allow unsanitary conditions in places where dogs are kept.
Look at the parents of your future pet. They should look appropriate.
At least you will have an idea of what the baby will be like when it grows up (size, color, and so on).

Experienced breeders always teach puppies to the toilet and eat independently, and do the first vaccinations. The animal must be fully prepared for the sale before you pay a large sum for it. And these are the main conditions that an honest seller observes.

For the soul
You are not going to be a Pekingese breeder and participate in exhibitions. You need a handsome friend. The Pekingese breed has long attracted your attention. You want to buy a dog that you like, just go for walks with it and enjoy living together with it.
For these purposes, you can purchase a puppy from people who are not engaged in special breeding of Pekingese. So that the beloved animal is not deprived of all the joys of a dog's life, they sometimes happen to him with an animal of a similar breed.Puppies from such parents may well meet the required standards, or only slightly differ from them.

In order to select a healthy puppy, take him in your arms. This will help you determine his physique. Examine your future pet. A healthy animal will be active, the coat should shine.
But there are general rules that need to be considered when choosing.
Important: visit several nurseries at once before buying. This way you will be able to evaluate and compare their content level. Once you start examining animals, there are a number of nuances to consider.
- Nose a future friend should have wide open nostrils. It is this shape of the nostrils that will facilitate the breathing of the Pekingese. On walks with fast walking, these shortcomings will affect the well-being of the dog.
- Eyes Should be set wide apart (look at them from the front) and in line with the bow. The lower jaw should protrude forward, not backward.
- After examining the puppies and choosing the one you like best, take it in your arms. Your palm should be at the level of the abdomen, which should not be large and inflated (the only exception can be the fact that the puppy has just eaten). In other cases, the huge size of the abdomen may indicate the presence of worms or any disease.
- On the back your future pet should contain not only bones (they cannot bulge out in a healthy animal), but also muscles. Remember that a small dog does not have to be skinny. Thinness speaks of improper feeding and grooming, or that the animal has a disease.

So you've made your choice! So that your pet does not get bored, take a small piece where the smell of the mother's nest will be left. Of course, the puppy will be in some shock from what is happening. Therefore, put a clean cloth on your knees, place your pet on it. Continuously run your hand over your head and back. This will make it clear that you are not going to harm him. Gradually, the animal will calm down and feel much more comfortable.

And before making your final decision, please read the following information. You shouldn't buy a Pekingese in the following cases.
- You already have pets (dogs, cats).
- You have small children.
- You don't like fuss and loud barking. Pekingese are very restless dogs and will always make a fuss (with or without reason). Even the most strict upbringing will not help here.
- You don't like wool. Pekingese have a dense cover and shed heavily. Wool will be everywhere at this time. Therefore, it will need to be constantly removed.
- If you are very light asleep, it will be difficult for you to adjust to the strong snoring of the animal. Due to the specific structure of the muzzle, the Pekingese make a lot of noise during sleep.

How to name?
Like any dog, your pet must be named, that is, get a nickname. When choosing her, remember that you will call your pet by this name every day for a long time. This means that you need to choose a nickname that you like, and also delight the people around you. So you and your pet will show your individuality.
If for some reason you don't like the name, and you want to rename your pet, then it will be quite problematic to do this.
To make the nickname look perfect, choose a shorter name. This will help your dog to perceive it faster, to respond to the voice and certain sounds. And one more reason: dogs understand short commands very well, so a not very long name will come in handy. But the nickname should not be in tune with the different teams.
Do not give a nickname to the dog "Foot", as it is consonant with the command "Fu".

If you want to come up with a name for your liking, think about the things (life moments) that were pleasant to you. It is from here that one must proceed. And if nothing comes to your mind, then use the ready-made list of nicknames.
Nicknames for girls: Berta, Vicky, Vega, Viva, Gaby, Gucci, Shelby, Tootsie, Gloria, Goldie, Alma, Leelu, Molly, Doxy, Richie, Sherry, Gerda, Ilsa, Irma, Utah, Yumi, Ollie, Party, Pixie, Paris, Piggy, Chita, Chase, Pug, Chessa, Sheila, Elba, Beans, Taska, Terra, Thea, Tracy, Holdie, Tsara, Chelsea, Cher, Cleo, Tiara, Thaya, Heidi, Foxy, Tessa, Ulli, Umbra, Flash, Chloe, Masya, Miley, Rhonda, Fiona, Elsa, Remy, Sanda, Arrow, Selina, Dusya, Tosya, Aisa, Alba, Amber, Beta, Jeta, Diya, Julia, Zlata, Kira, Kenya, Busya, Beauty, Tori, Penny, Sandy, Casey, Sally, Paulie, Blackie, Vesta, Fanny.

Nicknames for boys: Torias, Umka, Skiff, Milo, Monty, Maurice, Olympus, Stif, Sultan, Stitch, Sonic, Newman, Dave, Dante, Doby, Diesel, Stifler, Tima, Nike, Phil, Gus, Gucci, Osborn, Ernie, Largo, Bond, Butler, Simon, Simba, Sam, Oscar, Yarmak, Oliver, Scooby-doo, Wooddy, Pike, Will, Shorty, Gober, Gray, Stark, Cliff, Nord, Onyx, Hans, Henry, Gore, Harold, Jeri, Nick , Pers, Eric, Snake, Happy, Harris, Theo, Twix, Timon, Walt, Urwin, Fry, Fidel, Khaki, Cesey, Chip, Chase, Justin, Archie, Mike, Marty, Fluff, Teddy, Loyd, Luke, Tyler , Texas, Parker, Rich, Baron, Bucks, Chucky, Chief, Buggy, Beckham, Bike, White, Vic, Vegas, Wonder, Prime, Pele, Ronnie, Sheldon, Shah, Alvin, Ryder, Walter, Yakut, Raymond, Claude , Cupid, Volt, Vegas, Valley, Zidane, Rolf, Rudolph, Ringo, Rustley.

Keeping Pekingese is practically no different from keeping dogs of other breeds. Is it just that you need to take into account the presence of thick wool and the peculiar structure of the nose. Taking these nuances into account, try to create maximum comfort for your pet.
First, set out a permanent place where your tailed friend will sleep. Never take your puppy to bed with you. Dogs get used to such comfort quickly, but it will not work to wean them. Moreover, the Pekingese, who are very stubborn and persistent by nature.

Dogs of this breed must absolutely not overheat in the sun. They do not tolerate the hot season. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire an air conditioner in order to improve the conditions of detention. And, of course, don't carry your pet in your car in the heat. And if there is such a need, then take water with you, and water the dog as often as possible.
And if the newborn puppies are under the care of the mother, then you will have to look after the grown Pekingese on your own. As soon as the puppy arrives at your house, assign him a place where he can go to the toilet.
By accustoming your pet to the litter box, you will eliminate the main and big problem - you may not always be able to take the dog for a walk so that it can relieve itself there.

Naturally, it will not work to train the dog to the litter box with rude actions. You will only intimidate the pet, and he will cease to understand what the owner wants from him. Therefore, proceed carefully. Remember that puddles on the floor are normal for a small puppy. You yourself wanted to make a friend, so be patient.
Take your puppy to the litter box as soon as you notice that he is about to make a puddle. Do it gently but persistently. As soon as you achieve the result, be sure to praise the baby. If the tray is far away, then bring the newspaper. Let the pet pee for her. Gradually, he will get used to the fact that he needs to go to the toilet on a special mat.
At first, the tailed beast will forget that a certain place is allocated for its toilet. For this, do not scold him, but just point him to the tray. And over time, the final understanding will come.

Although you have successfully litter train your dog, do not give up walking on the street... They are necessary for a dog always and at any age. Frequent walking of your pet will have a beneficial effect on its health.
You don't need to wear clothes for the walk. Pekingese cannot be called bald animals. They have a very rich undercoat. But if you want your pet to look special, you can dress it up as you like.If it is cold outside, then a warm jacket will not hurt your dog.

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that you should not feed an adult dog with low-quality, cheap dry food. They have a very bad effect on the health and condition of the coat. This food is made from waste with the addition of various chemicals.
If you are concerned about the health of your dog, then from early childhood feed your puppy natural food... Remember that a puppy, like a child, needs good and quality nutrition.
Meat needs to be thermally processed (especially for feeding puppies) as well as offal (liver, kidneys). This food may contain pathogenic microbes, so it's best not to risk it.

Also in the daily diet should be present cottage cheese, eggs (both boiled and raw - protein), boiled fish. Dairy products are not contraindicated, but are given within reasonable limits.
Do not exclude fruits (bananas, apricots, pears) and vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers). But cut out the sweets. From them wool falls out, and diathesis appears. Water must be available at all times.
Your puppy should receive vitamins and minerals along with natural food. For the correct selection, contact your veterinarian for help.
A specialist will help you to make your pet's nutrition more balanced.

When this question is raised, it is necessary to immediately say about the coat, which is very long and thick in the Pekingese. She needs special care.
Combing will solve many problems:
- the dog will look neat;
- she will not have tangles, they can be very large.
Combing is necessary 2-3 (and even more often) times a week. The number of procedures directly depends on the quality of the animal's coat. If it is very dense, with a good undercoat, then the number of manipulations with the comb will have to be increased.

Try to carry out all actions calmly, do not make sudden movements so that the animal does not experience pain. It also happens that the animal is very negative about this procedure. Then the pet can be cut. Do it yourself, or seek help from a specialist. This procedure is especially necessary in the summer. Excess hair can cause the animal to overheat. When brushing yourself, be careful about body parts such as sides, belly, tail, and tail.
A very unpleasant, but necessary procedure for a dog is a claw cutting (performed with special scissors). Usually Pekingese take it easy. But if your pet is nervous, then seek help from your veterinarian.

Dogs have a positive attitude to water procedures. For bathing, use warm water and a special shampoo to soften the coat. Dry the coat with a hairdryer after bathing. If the dog does not want to dry or is afraid of the hair dryer, do not insist. Otherwise, you will scare the animal and it will get stressed.
It is very often necessary to examine the ears and the fur behind the ears. Comb out the excess. Pekingese often have tangles behind their ears. In the summertime, a tick can crawl. Therefore, pay close attention to this part of the body.
Also, remove wax from Pekingese ears with a cotton swab.

Nice to look at a well-groomed dog. Daily eye care is essential for the prevention of various eye diseases that affect this breed of dog. To remove accumulations and marks around the eyes, use a special clean cloth soaked in water. Various cotton swabs cannot be used for these purposes!
Plaque can be removed with stale bread. Give it to your dog periodically, and your pet will get rid of unpleasant odors and preserve teeth.

Pekingese owners say they are embarrassed by very loud snoring and rather thick hair. In this regard, a dog of this breed brings a lot of inconvenience to its owners.
But if you have strong nerves and good sleep, you may not even notice snoring.The coat problem can be resolved by careful and constant brushing or regular haircuts.
Some breeders talk about losing the Pekingese's individuality when clipping. However, then you get cleanliness in the house. Thus, the animal does not suffer from your irritability.
Other owners are lifelong lovers of their dog. They unanimously argue that there is no best friend for a lonely person. Pekingese just don't speak to people in their language.
But the eyes and actions indicate that these dogs perfectly understand what the owners tell them.

They are trainable, they will always come to the rescue. Despite its small stature, the Pekingese will protect the owner, not paying attention to the mortal threat. He will not give a descent to the thieves. Raise "on the ears" of all neighbors. On the site where the Pekingese lives, there are no burglaries. The tailed beast will bark at strangers as long as they are near their home.
One girl wrote that such a tailed watchman was given to her for her birthday. Since then, he has been guarding the house. He can even grab the leg of a person who came without an invitation.

One villager wrote that her Pekingese carefully bypasses planting beds and flower beds. The pet understands that they are growing useful plants that the hostess loves. When a woman weeds the beds, her faithful dog lies nearby and dozes.
One grandmother even said that she collects her pet's wool, and then knits belts from it, which are good for sciatica. All her neighbors put on miraculous gifts on the lower back and get rid of unbearable pain.
Another elderly woman said she knits socks from Pekingese wool. They relieve cold and pain in the feet.
It turns out that these pets can not only enjoy communicating with them, but also contribute to the cure of certain diseases.

All about the Pekingese dog breed, see the next video.