Piano dimensions

Musical instruments have always captivated with their beauty and the sound they made. Over time, many instruments have changed their appearance, transformed, improved. One of the most popular musical instruments is the piano. There are different versions of this tool, so it is important to know how different the sizes of each one are.

Width and length
The appearance of the grand piano was a landmark event, as people learned how to create beautiful music, hosted dinner parties and other musical gatherings. The classical piano is large in size, it is displayed in the middle of a room or hall, because it has a very effective look. The top cover of such instruments opens, which allows you to direct the sound directly to the listener.
Due to the need to save useful space, even the size of the grand piano had to be changed over time, making it more compact.
If a standard piano is 2.7 meters wide, then the best competing instrument for sound quality is 1.5 meters.

If we consider all the currently available piano options based on their size, then we can distinguish the following classification:
- small tool - 1.2-1.5 m;
- children's version - 1.5-1.6 m;
- average - 1.6-1.7 m;
- living room tool - 1.7-1.8 m;
- piano for the hall - 1.9 m;
- a piano for a large hall - 2 m;
- small concert instrument - 2 m;
- concert piano - 2.7 m.
If we talk about a piano, then its standard width is 1.5 meters, and its depth is 60 cm. Depending on the model and brand, these indicators can be either more or less. For small pianos, this mark is 1472 cm, larger models can be 1580 cm wide.The larger the dimensions of the instrument, the better and cleaner the sound, therefore, when choosing a piano, you should decide on your priorities.

Height of different types of pianos
In addition to width, length and depth, another important criterion for the quality of a musical instrument is its height. To measure this, you need to count the values from the floor to the very top of the piano. At the moment, there are 4 types of upright pianos:
- spinet;
- console;
- studio version;
- great tool.
The spinet variant is a representative of a small musical instrument, its height does not exceed 91 cm from floor to lid. The consoles are taller, their height varies from 1 to 1.1 m.For the classic version, which is also called studio, the height can range from 115 to 127 cm. 3 meters.

When planning the choice of a piano, you can focus not only on its size, but also on the firm and brand of the manufacturer. The following brands of pianos have a height of 120 cm:
- "Chord";
- "Wave";
- Zarya;
- Ronisch;
- Zimmermann.

The list of pianos with heights from 120 to 150 cm includes:
- "Ukraine";
- "Belarus";
- "Motherland";
- Volga;
- Petrof;
- A. Kolse;
- Geyer.

Among the pianos with a height of 150 cm or more, it is worth highlighting such as:
- Offenbacher;
- Crown Jewel;
- Kaim;
- Ed. Seiler.

In order to navigate all the variety of grand pianos, it is important to understand what they are in terms of size, weight, features of music reproduction. The Soviet-style piano is characterized by small dimensions and weight, which contributed to the popularization of playing this instrument, both in music schools and at home. The brown lacquered piano fits easily in the apartment due to its compact size. A synthesizer can be considered a modern analogue of a piano, which has a similar playing principle, but the resulting music is radically different, because the classical grand piano is still relevant today.
The dimensions of a musical instrument are important for the quality of the music being played. For beginners, small options are suitable, but professionals need the most voluminous instrument capable of producing a powerful and strong sound. When choosing a piano, you need to understand exactly where it will be located. For a music school, you can purchase a large model, and for an apartment, a small version will be most convenient.
The weight of the equipment also depends on the size, which is important when transporting and bringing it into an apartment on any floor of a high-rise building.

Key sizes
Understanding the device of the piano, it is worth paying attention to the main working element - the keys. All grand pianos have two colors - black and white, however, their number and size may vary. A typical piano has 88 keys, of which 36 are black and 52 are white. Such a standard began to be produced only in the 70s of the XX century, and before that the instrument had 85 keys. Instruments may have different keys depending on the number of octaves.
Typically, 5 octaves are distinguished - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, as well as:
- subcontroctave;
- counter octave;
- large;
- small.

Instruments with 85 keys had only 4 octaves, and the fourth had fewer keys, which narrowed the range of music played. Modern synthesizers have fewer keys, but they have the ability to electronically process the sound stream. Synthesizers can have 61 to 76 keys. For ease of play and a presentable appearance, all keys on the piano are of a certain size. The standard values for white elements are 23x145 mm, and for black ones - 9x85 mm. Depending on the size of the instrument itself, the keys can also change their appearance. The smaller the piano, the more modest the keys will be, and vice versa.
Musical instruments are an example of the greatest intelligence and talent of man, which is reflected in the original design and method of receiving sounds. Not all attempts to change the size, appearance or features of the internal device lead to the desired result.
Due to the constant striving of a person for perfection and craving for something new, various grand pianos appear, which makes it difficult for a beginner to choose an instrument. Having studied in detail all the main criteria of the instrument, you can make a choice in favor of one or another piano.