
Choosing a piano stand

Choosing a piano stand
  1. Features and purpose
  2. Types and sizes of piano stands
  3. Manufacturing materials
  4. Top brands
  5. Criterias of choice

Digital piano, synthesizer, keyboard controller, midi keyboard need a comfortable and reliable stand. In this article, we will tell you what options for stands are suitable for keyboard instruments and how to choose them correctly.

Features and purpose

Most keyboards are heavy and bulky. They need full support. A regular table is not the best option for playing an electronic piano. Special ergonomic stands have been developed, allowing you to comfortably learn or play learned melodies.

Their advantages are as follows.

  • The stand is easy to adjust to the size and characteristics of a particular person.
  • A large selection of rack types makes it possible to match them to any musical instrument. Moreover, many are universal in nature, and one type of holder can be used alternately to service different keyboards.
  • The transformable modern stands fold and set up in minutes, allowing them to be positioned where they need to be and then easily moved to another room.
  • Folded products are easy to store and transport.
  • A significant price jump makes it possible to choose a rack for a buyer with any budget.
  • The stands are stable, have a simple folding mechanism, and can be easily repaired.

Types and sizes of piano stands

Keyboard stands come in different sizes and serve different purposes. For electronic products, metal racks and classic wooden structures are produced.

Under the grand and traditional upright pianos, stands made of laminated MDF with anti-slip coating. Their task is to protect the floor from damage caused by a heavy musical instrument. Decorative carved music stands (music stand) can be purchased.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at stands for a digital piano, synthesizer, keyboard controller, and even a drum machine.


The arrangement of the X-shaped post is extremely simple. The cross structure at each of the four ends contains crossbars with rubber pads to prevent slipping. The lower elements act as an emphasis on the floor, the upper ones hold the keyboard.

The folding mechanism is not complicated, the stand can be quickly folded and hidden for storage or placed in the trunk for transport. The adjusting device is even simpler, you can set the height while sitting at the keyboard. Its parameters are sufficient for playing in a sitting or standing position. The screw mechanism reliably holds the structure in the exposed version.


The technical device and appearance of the rack is similar to the X-shaped version, they are distinguished only by the double frame, which reinforces the strength of the structure. The digital piano can weigh up to 80 kg and is quite affordable for this type of stand.

The height of the product is adjustable from 30 to 100 cm.


Both sides of the rack are installed in the form of an English letter Z, between them one to three connecting beams are laid. Many Z-shaped structures transform not only in height, but also in width, maximizing the comfort of setting the level of the keyboard. The height is set in the range of 60-95 cm (six positions) and is securely fixed. The maximum width is 85 cm and can be narrowed using a screw mechanism.

The stand can carry up to 165 kg. When folded, the aluminum product is easy to store and transport, which is important for touring accessories. The design looks modern and stylish.

In the form of a table

Table stands can be metallic with a minimalist design and look very modern.

Wooden versions of exclusive tables with covers or pull-out shelves are beautiful and cozy.

Another type of wood structure resembles antique miniature pianos in appearance and looks extremely impressive.

The tables are very durable and can withstand the maximum load of electronic pianos. Such designs are often complemented by shelves, pull-out storage systems and allow you to keep the equipment necessary for the game in one place.


The second name of the stand is "column", since it is presented in the form of a long support (column), located at an angle and installed on three small but stable legs.

The stand has keyboard mounts. They are located in two levels. Both latches can hold electronics or use the top tier as a music stand.

Outwardly, the "column" may seem unstable, but in fact, equipment weighing up to one hundred kilograms in total is installed on it, and it reliably holds it.


These include products with two or more tiers. Racks can look completely different: in the form of a table, "columns", on triangular legs, in the form of shelves and other complex structures. Each level is occupied by keyboard technique, notes, microphone and other equipment necessary for the musician.

Manufacturing materials

There are two types of materials involved in making digital piano stands - metal and wood.


In fact, all types of racks can be made of metal - Z, X, XX, tables, columns, multi-tiered products. The material is durable, responds well to locks and fasteners, allowing you to easily transform and customize the stand models.

In the manufacture of racks, aluminum alloys are used, which allow the structures to be lightweight.

All items are easy to fold and transport, making them ideal for touring trips.


The wooden stand can be made of chipboard, MDF, natural wood. The cost of such products will vary, but this makes it possible for people with different budgets to purchase the necessary product.

Wooden racks look great, rich, respectable and at the same time cozy at home. Unfortunately, you won't be able to quickly assemble and hide or transport the stand, unlike metal racks, they belong to stationary products.

In most cases, the models are not adjustable, therefore they are poorly suited for children. But they can withstand equipment of any weight, without restrictions. In addition, beautiful wooden coasters fit well into many interiors.

Top brands

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with an overview of a variety of racks in different price categories, designed for professional and amateur use.

  • CASIO CS-44. Reliable, stable and relatively cheap model designed for digital piano or synthesizer. Made of plastic and plywood, supplemented with elements that increase rigidity.
  • ATHLETIC KB-S. Stand for professional activities. Provides additional devices that hold several types of keyboard, laptop, music stand. The cost is high.
  • Yamaha L85. The stand is suitable for home, studio and stage. This holds the digital piano securely. The stand is easy to operate, lightweight and stable.
  • ROLAND KS-18Z. Z-shaped stand for digital pianos. With light weight, it can support heavy equipment. There is a 6-level width and height adjustment.
  • STAGG MXS-A3. The stand is made for keyboards and mixing consoles. It has a depth of 50 cm, a width of 85 cm, and can withstand a load of up to 60 kg.

Criterias of choice

Choosing a stand is not difficult. Considering a number of factors, you can accurately purchase the model you want.

During the purchase, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • type of musical instrument installed on the rack;
  • its weight;
  • the amount of equipment the cradle must hold;
  • the age and height of the student or performer;
  • rack appearance (color, design);
  • cost and quality of goods;
  • conditions in which you will have to use the stand (home, touring).

For a lightweight keypad, an X-post made of aluminum is sufficient. It is compact, easy to adjust, and you can pay a minimum price for it. For the heaviest equipment, it is better to purchase a wooden stand or an expensive reinforced metal model.

Wooden racks are chosen for stylized interiors, they are used at home, stationary. They are not suitable for children who are growing and require adjustment of the product for the height and incline of the equipment.

For touring musicians, it is best to purchase lightweight, quick-folding and well-adjustable models. These include racks Z, X, XX, "column", tripod. When folded, they are quite compact, easily fit into the trunk.

When the model is determined, the quality of the product should be checked. All latches and fasteners must work flawlessly. When unfolded, the rack has to be stable, without a hint of loosening. It is better to choose models with the simplest possible regulating mechanisms, they are easier to repair, and there is practically nothing to break in them.

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