Pinschers: characteristics, types, selection and care

Many lovers of four-legged pets want to see a dog in their house, which will become not only a home guard, but also a loyal friend for the whole family. But when faced with the choice of a pet breed, many are lost, not knowing which one to choose.
One of the very bright, cheerful and easy-to-train dog breeds is the Pinscher. It is a relatively heterogeneous group with many varieties (Austrian, Japanese, etc.), which provides a variety of sizes, colors and proportions. The Federation of Cynologists International (FCI) classifies the Pinscher group as Pinschers, Molossians, Swiss Herding Dogs and Schnauzers.
A bit of history
There are two theories of etymology regarding the word "pinscher". The first refers us to the German language (pinscher), and the second to the English verb to pinch, that is, to pinch, to pinch. Perhaps this is due to the fact that dogs of this breed had their ears cropped.
In an earlier time, pinschers were widespread mainly in Central and Western Europe (Alsace, Holland, northern Switzerland, counties of Baden and Bavaria). In 1835, Dr. H. G. Reichenbach, in his book on dogs, compiled the first description of the pinscher.

At the first officially organized dog show in 1878 in Hanover, the pinschers were presented to the general cynological community, and 2 years later, Richard Strebel developed the world's first pinscher standard.
In 1895, Joseph Bertha founds the Pinscher Club, whose task is to differentiate the Pinschers and define them as independent breeds.
Pinschers have a genealogy close to schnauzers, and the peat spitz (Canis Plaustrus) became the progenitor of the Pinschers.

Group representatives
The FCI distinguishes 5 officially recognized varieties of the Pinscher breed: Dobermans, German and dwarf, Austrian and Affenpinschers. Some of the names may be known as the King's Pinscher, Miniature Pinschers, and others.
They all have in common - all species have developed, athletic muscles, a strong skeleton, all have endurance, mobility, love and know how to jump high... The pinscher's coat is always short, so in cold latitudes it is difficult to establish year-round living of the pet outside the home.

By temperament, these dogs are mobile, close to sanguine. And also they are distinguished from other breeds by courage, vigilance, alertness to strangers. Aggression towards other dogs is possible. Dogs of this breed have excellent flair, hunting and territorial instincts. But absolutely all of them need good upbringing, since the excess energy inherent in these animals, without control, can result in some destruction.

Austrian pinscher
A relatively rare variety of the breed, derived from local species of dogs, which were dubbed marsh dogs, and older types of pinschers. Since the Austrian Pinscher is mainly associated with farming, the breed was on the verge of complete extinction when they were no longer used in the local economy. After World War II, the number of this breed has dropped dramatically., but still partially preserved to our times.

In 1928, the Austrian Pinschers were recognized as an independent breed, which is characterized by a squat and stocky nature. Consider the characteristics of this type:
- at the withers, they can reach up to half a meter;
- have a shaggy and curled tail;
- on average, animals weigh up to 18 kg;
- a pear-shaped head and a wide skull;
- short muzzle has a pronounced transition to the frontal part;
- lips fit snugly to the muzzle;
- large nose, expressive dark eyes and ears, which can be either standing or drooping;
- powerful neck, long barrel-shaped rib cage;
- despite the short back and wide loin, the dog has strong limbs and a high tail;
- the coat is rather dense, there is a thick undercoat;
- the coat itself is smooth, short hairs, which in rare cases can reach medium length.

This type of pinscher group can have several color options: red-brown, brown-yellow, fawn with red and black with red. White spots may appear on the neck, chest, muzzle, tail and paws.
This breed is characterized by such qualities as diligence, hard work and cheerfulness, but they perceive a person not as a master, but as an equal, equal inhabitant of your home. They are usually used in farming, but they can also be trained to hunt foxes, for example.
With regard to health, it should be noted that dogs of this species very rarely get sick., have a sharp mind and have a playful, ardent temperament.

Affenpinscher (aka "monkey pinscher")
Distributed in Western Europe. It is believed that they once separated from the schnauzers, and that pugs, older breeds of pinschers and Belgian griffons were also involved in the development of this breed.
This breed was recognized in 1896 and to this day has clear established characteristics.
- The growth of the animal can be up to 30 cm at the withers, and the desired weight is no more than 6 kg;
- The coat is a not too long pile, the length of which reaches 2.5 cm. There is also an undercoat.
- For this breed, only black color is allowed (options "black with gray hair" are possible), brown, black and tan.But earlier, gray, yellow-brown, gray-brown, dark brown, red colors, as well as white legs and chest were allowed.
- The animal has large and dark eyes, erect pointed ears.
- The jaws are closed and can protrude somewhat forward.
- This species is characterized by a lean body with a deep chest and parallel limbs.
- The structure of the hind legs is characteristic - the angles of the joints are not very pronounced, so it seems that the legs are brought directly under the body.

The temperament is very playful, and the energy is disproportionate to the size. The Affenpinscher can also go far in defending its territory (even showing its teeth), so this breed is not a very good choice for families with small children.
Inherited the name of its breed from its creator Friedrich Louis Dobermann. During his lifetime, the dogs of this breed were called Thuringian Pinschers, and after his death they acquired the now well-known popular name.
Oddly enough, it is the Dobermans who are a large copy of the Miniature Pinscher., and not vice versa. Friedrich Louis Dobermann used to create the breed of Bocerons, standard German Pinschers, Rottweilers and some dogs, the breeds of which belong to the hunting species.
The Dobermans were singled out as an independent separate breed in 1863.

A number of characteristics of this breed are noted.
- At the withers, animals reach 70 cm, and the average normal weight is 45 kg.
- From above, the dog's head looks like a blunt wedge: the forehead is flat, there is a noticeable transition between the forehead and the muzzle of a small size.
- The muzzle itself is deep, wide and the lips fit snugly against the jaw.
- The teeth are white and form a scissor bite.
- The eyes are of medium size and dark in color. But for certain shades of wool (ash, brown) lighter colors of the iris are acceptable.
- Dobermans do not have cropped ears, moreover, they are located at the highest point of the skull. The neck is dry, muscular, the withers are well defined and quite high.
- The back is rather strong and not very long, and the powerful loin is moderately arched.
- The animal has a wide chest with an oval in diameter, the belly is tucked up, and forms a curvature.
- The limbs are strong and long in relation to the body.
- The hairline has no undercoat, and the hair itself is a straight, hard and rather short pile.

Doberman Pinschers are famous for their temperament, but despite the complex nature, the dog of this breed is able to cope with impulses of aggression on its own. The high mental abilities of these dogs and the potential for training are noted.
German pinscher
The oldest breed of Pinscher, which took part in the formation of other breeds (except for the Austrian species, which had a formation in parallel with the German). Their appearance dates back to the 18th century, and the place of origin is considered to be the southwest of the country. This area is characterized by the distribution in earlier times of "swamp dogs", which have characteristic external features inherent in some varieties of pinscher.
In addition to the name "German Pinscher", this breed is also called standard. If we turn to history, pinschers were not originally a separate line of development with schnauzers - puppies from the same litter were divided into smooth-haired (and named pinschers) and wire-haired, which were later called schnauzers.

Later, the breeders came to the conclusion that it would be most expedient to separate these two breeds, because even in the Pinscher pedigrees, only Pinschers were entered, and only Schnauzers were included in the Schnauzer pedigrees.
In 1884, the breed of the German Pinscher was officially allocated, moreover, the standard was approved 4 years earlier., with a subsequent revision in 1895 and another in 1923. It is noteworthy that due to the proximity of Schnauzers and German Pinschers, the standards of their breeds are very close - they differ almost only in wool.
The growth of German pinschers is up to 50 cm, weight - up to 20 kg.

German Pinschers are very funny and perky dogsin need of education and early establishment of social contacts with the owner. A German pinscher brought up in this way is absolutely non-aggressive towards family and friends, but still it is better not to take risks and not leave him alone with the kids, otherwise the pinscher may inadvertently injure the child. Nevertheless, under the supervision of adults, the German Pinscher plays well with children, since he has remarkable patience and forgives children a lot of liberties regarding himself.

The German Pinscher deftly plays on the owner's weaknesses, trying to captivate him with his affairs, distracting him from his pranks. If the maneuver fails, the pinscher tries to bribe the owner with sincere remorse. Therefore, you should be careful with the charms of this undoubtedly charismatic dog. German Pinschers get along well with other pets and are often able to involve them in their own affairs, showing the qualities of an entertainer mass.
Among the German pinschers, the so-called harlequin pinschers are distinguished. This is another branch of the German Pinscher breed, distinguished by a special color - the so-called merle. It is for the harlequin pinschers that merle of different shapes is characteristic - a white base color + black torn spots.

Miniature Pinschers or Miniature Pinschers
They appeared at about the same time as in Germany they began to breed "ordinary" Pinschers. The fact that they are no less effective in trapping rodents and no less selflessly protecting the owner and his property played into the hands of these kids, but they eat an order of magnitude less.
Miniature Pinschers have more pronounced traits of character of the breed, a more expressive temperament. This creates certain difficulties in the training and exhibition process. The watchdog instinct in these dogs awakens up to 5 months, and from that time on, when a stranger appears in the house, the dog seeks to take a place between the stranger and the owner, protecting him.

Miniature Pinschers are not very fond of attention, and they have no need for constant affection. These dogs have a very well-defined family circle, moreover, if your pinscher is not the only pet, then he will soon try to establish his supremacy in the hierarchy of pets. But the pinscher will not realize this through fights.
From the owner, he requires a strong hand and an iron will, otherwise he simply will not obey him.
His loyalty to the owner is so strong that your little friend will come rushing by at your first call.
In the process of growing, the Miniature Pinscher shows remarkable curiosity, but at the same time it is very prudent and very quick-witted. If you do everything right, in the process of upbringing you will get a faithful dog that will not be overly aggressive, while showing diligence and remarkable mind.

In 1880, the first standard for the breed of miniature pinschers was established, in 1895 a club of fans of this breed was founded.
- The growth of the mini-pinscher is up to 30 cm, and the weight is up to 6 kg.
- Miniature Pinschers are very agile, hardy, have an athletic physique for their proportions. The shapes are predominantly square, and the more fragile and graceful outlines are regarded as defects.
- The nose has a black lobe that can be easily displaced, the nasal bridge is straight.
- The eyes of these dogs are dark and very expressive.
- Either erect V-shaped ears or hanging ears of the same shape. Hanging ones have the ends close to the cheekbones.
- The neck is slightly arched and short, blending smoothly into the withers. The back is small and strong. The croup is rounded, the area of transition to the tail is indistinct.
- The ribcage is quite wide and oval in shape. The limbs are strong, strong and graceful.
- The coat is harsh, smooth and shiny.

According to the standard, miniature pinschers are red and black and tan, moreover, the tan should have a rich color and a certain localization - above the eyes, on the breast, pasterns, the inner side of the hind legs, below the base of the tail. Their gait is similar to that of a horse - raising its forepaws high, which is why the breed received a specific nickname - "riding pony of the poor".
There are Russian, Australian and Japanese versions of the miniature pinschers. But you should be careful when choosing a puppy of this variety, since very often a mixed breed of a toy terrier or a cross with other small breeds is given out for purebred miniature pinschers.
How to choose?
To the selection of puppies should be approached very responsibly:
- you should choose a reliable site for buying a puppy - trusted friends, a shelter with a good reputation or breeders who are positively known in the circles of dog breeders;
- it is advisable to go to this business with an experienced dog breeder who has knowledge of dog breeds, who knows how to bite through tricks and find tricks in various sentences;
- it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the breed standards of the current revision.
When choosing a puppy, you should take a closer look at the bitch and litter.
If the bitch is well-fed, well-groomed and gives the impression of a happy dog's life, then her puppies will most likely be the same. In turn, if the dog is not properly fed, does not receive the necessary care, then it can run its puppies. Next, you should look directly at the puppies. Pay attention to their interaction with each other, how they play, eat, resolve conflicts. Lethargic puppies or puppies that are inactively eating should be alert.

Then you need to choose a puppy for your character. There are two ways to do this.
- The first is to kneel down and call the puppies over to you. First, the most courageous and curious will approach, then a little less courageous, and you should choose from them. But note that in this situation, both aggression and excessive cowardice are not welcome.
- The second is to scare the puppies by stamping their feet loudly. Of those who do not recoil, you can choose your own pet.
After you have looked after a particular puppy for yourself, you should engage in a detailed examination of it. It is necessary to assess the bite of the dog, whether there is discharge from the mouth, what is the condition of the mucous membrane, as well as the teeth. It is important to examine the dog's coat, claws, eyes and ears, and to assess the dog's gait.

The mucous areas should be pale pink, the conjunctiva of the eyes should be clean, without a vascular network. The ears should be clean, without the separation of any liquids, and the coat should be uniform, shiny, dense, with a color without bald spots.
And you should also consider your ability to keep the dog. If you want a not very gluttonous pet for apartment living, then a miniature pinscher is your option.
It is advisable to keep the Doberman in a private house, providing it with regular food. The rest of the breeds of the Pinscher group are characterized by a more moderate appetite, and will suit you perfectly.

How to name?
Pinscher puppies have different names depending on the sex, personality or outstanding characteristics of the dog. There is a general set of tips for choosing a dog's name.
- You should take a closer look at the dog, maybe it has physical features that can push you to answer the question about the nickname.
- Observation of the character and behavior of the pet can bring results. Perhaps there will be some traits in his manner, worthy of perpetuating in a nickname.
- The nickname should be euphonic and easily digestible. The abundance of consonants (especially hissing) sounds is difficult for an animal to memorize.
- The name should not be too pretentious - it is difficult, and can cause ridicule in the eyes of others.
- The name should match your dog's general traits.
You should not give a large dog an affectionate name, as well as a decorative dog should not be given a formidable nickname.

The girl can be named, for example, Yasin, Amin, Bardi, Vesta.
Names such as Janes, Winston, Lucky, Loki, Shuster and others are suitable for boys.
General rules of content
Most Pinschers are quite capable of living in an apartment, but for Dobermans it will be difficult.All Pinschers tend to be more hierarchical than average dogs, so it is especially important with them to prove who is the boss.
Be sure to set rules and frameworks for both the pet and yourself. - Pinschers have a heightened sense of justice, so they will not follow the rules established by those who are not themselves ready to follow them and observe order. And even in this case, some pinschers will perceive you at most as an equal partner, only of a larger size.

It is very important to provide such leisure for your baby, who will be happy for him and will spend all his strength, because unreleased energy can be transformed into destructive potential - peeled sofas, gnawed chairs and broken flower pots.
Encourage your dog's impulses to play active, especially if the environment is not threatened with destruction. Therefore, on the street, you should give all the best with your dog to the maximum, then at home the pet will be calm and balanced.
Keep in mind that the pinscher's coat does not allow them to spend the winter outdoors - some pinschers cannot walk without clothes in winter, it does not matter if you have an adult dog or a puppy. And at temperatures below +7 degrees, some species may even need boots. And if it's hot outside and the sun is bright, you may also need light clothing - to protect the dog from sunburn, and be sure to water.

Consider if you have other pets. It is ideal to raise a pinscher with other animals even from puppyhood - then it will be easier for him to adapt to his family circle and get used to them.
You need to immediately be puzzled about the appointment of a place for sleeping, eating and temporarily determine the place of the toilet, since at first the pinscher will energetically look for where to do his business, where to eat and where to sleep. And if you do not choose places in advance, it will be more difficult for the puppy to get used to it later.
But it is best to start teaching your pet to relieve himself on the street from puppyhood.

The health of the Pinscher largely depends on the diet, since a well-nourished dog rarely gets sick. Pinscher can be fed with both natural food and dry food, but only one thing. If you have chosen natural food, then it is necessary to include raw beef, horse meat, hypoallergenic poultry meat in it.
The amount of meat should be between 60 and 80% of the diet. The rest will mainly consist of cereals and vegetables, but you can periodically add dairy products and multivitamins. You can substitute boneless fish for meat twice a week.

Here are some guidelines for eating pinschers.
- Adaptation. If you take a puppy from breeders, listen carefully to what complementary foods they introduced during weaning from mother's milk in order to feed the most similar food.
- Consistency. If you initially chose one thing (canned food, dry food or natural food) - stick to it until the end.
- Caution. New products should be introduced gradually.
The portion should be strictly for one meal. For every kilogram of body weight, you need 25 g of food in a single serving. When fostering the eating habits of the Pinscher, it is necessary to teach that feeding takes place at the same time, and after 15 minutes there may not be food, so you should not be picky and turn your nose up.

From 8-10 days after receiving the puppy from the breeders, new products are introduced into its diet, gradually, observing it carefully. The frequency of feeding is something like this:
- up to eight weeks - up to 8 times a day;
- up to three months - 5;
- up to four - 4;
- up to five months - three times a day;
- from six months to old age, the dog is taught to 2 meals a day with unlimited drinking.
When it comes to dry foods, be aware that premium and super premium foods, veterinary diets and holistic foods are ideal for your dog's digestion.

Pinschers are quite unpretentious in matters of hygiene. But this does not mean that you can ignore the pet in terms of care. The animal must be bathed at least once a week, and it must also be brushed with a massage brush so that it removes old hair, epithelial elements, and also disperses the subcutaneous and intradermal blood flow.
Shampoos need special ones containing proteins to make the coat look more well-groomed. For dogs with sensitive skin, special hypoallergenic balms can be used to treat dry skin that can be caused by shampooing.

After each walk, you need to wipe your paws with special wet wipes or wash them with shampoo.
It is necessary to regularly cut the claws so that the floors, furniture, and also the animal itself are not damaged in case a claw that is too long breaks. And also it is necessary to regularly examine the eyes, ears and condition of the pet's teeth, if necessary, clean them.

Training begins long before learning the basic commands with building discipline in the dog-owner relationship. Necessarily the first commands learned by a pinscher puppy should be "place" and "fu" / "no", but at the same time you should not be too strict with the puppy. You must show patience and perseverance, demonstrate determination to become the leader of the pack.
Since the Pinschers are predominantly sanguine in temperament, they will easily learn commands., but you will have to try a little to secure it. These dogs are very inventive and welcome the form of play. Therefore, if you arm yourself with rewards in the form of caresses and sweets, as well as your dog's favorite toys, you can significantly speed up the process.

It is important to maintain, cultivate and channel the territorial instinct and the instinct of ownership in the right direction for the pinscher to be a good protector of your home.
Proper pet handling, good upbringing and proper care will transform your dog into a true friend, loyal and loyal family member.

For interesting facts about the Doberman breed, see the next video.