
All About Wood Burners

All About Wood Burners
  1. What it is?
  2. Description of species
  3. Top brands
  4. Spare parts and components
  5. Selection Tips
  6. How to work with the device?

Woodburning is a popular craft with a rich and long history. In another way, it is also called pyrography, which translates as "drawing with fire." At one time, the first masters performed patterns of various complexity with heated metal rods and needles. Now those who are interested in this type of art should learn all about wood burners. Thanks to such devices, the whole process has become as safe as possible, and at the present time, children are also fond of burning.

What it is?

A modern pyrograph is a rather simple electrical device from the point of view of design and operation. It consists of the following elements:

  • transformer, which is the basis;
  • power regulator;
  • connecting cord;
  • a pen;
  • working tip (sting), with which drawings are applied.

Many models of the devices under consideration are equipped with replaceable nozzles made of brass and other materials. They allow you to create ornaments with different depths and brightness. With their help, you can draw even the smallest details or paint over large fragments. Of course, the wider the assortment of tips included, the better. However, if necessary, you can always purchase suitable tips of any shape.

The principle of functioning of burners (pyrographs) looks quite simple. If we consider an elementary version of a string device, then it is worth noting that a nichrome wire is located on its handle. It is energized by the voltage generated by the transformer.Due to the effect of an electric current, nichrome begins to heat up to operating temperature.

If desired, having a relatively modest list of components and relevant knowledge, the simplest burner can be assembled with your own hands. In this case, the key point will be a properly sized power supply.

It is important to remember that this structural element must provide at least 5 V and 4.5 A for a long time.

Description of species

At the moment, manufacturers offer craftsmen and lovers to create beautiful things with their own hands, a fairly wide selection of the described devices of different types. The choice of a specific model in this case will directly depend on the purpose for which the pyrograph is purchased. Taking into account who will operate the device (professional or novice, adult or child), the following options can be considered:

  • burners equipped with a wire (nichrome) feather;
  • devices with a solid (replaceable) sting;
  • laser units, also called wood engravers.

The first two points will be relevant for everyone who wants to do applied art, regardless of experience and abilities. In the situation with laser devices, it is necessary to highlight the key features, namely:

  • the ability to apply a pattern to any, including undried, wooden surface;
  • increased productivity;
  • the thickness of the material to be drawn should not exceed 2 cm;
  • you cannot work with chipboard;
  • you will not be able to create shadows in drawings;
  • the ability to apply ornament not only to wood, but also to leather and plastic surfaces.

Do not forget that home-made devices are an alternative to these types of burners.


In this case, we are talking about machines for drawing a pattern on a wooden surface with a so-called lavalier working element. The nichrome tip is made of small wire. In this case, the current is supplied directly to it. Many of these models are equipped with spare needles, the shape of which, if necessary, can be easily changed with pliers.

The main advantages of wire tools include:

  • the presence of a power regulator;
  • quick warming up of the tip;
  • the ability to draw the smallest details and thin lines.

Speaking about the disadvantages of such devices, it is necessary to highlight the relatively high cost of a number of models. It is also important to note that they are quite capricious, since nichrome often simply burns out.

As practice shows, this option will not be the best choice for novice craftsmen.

With a hard feather

First of all, it is important to note that it is this type of wood burners that is currently the most popular. The hard tip models are very similar in design and appearance to soldering irons. Their working element is a replaceable nozzle, most often made of brass. A nichrome wire is placed inside the tip, to which voltage is applied. As a rule, pyrographs of this type are sold complete with a set of tips of various shapes and purposes.

Explicit pluses:

  • solid case for the transformer;
  • maximum simplicity and ease of use;
  • reliability and durability of nozzles;
  • affordable cost.

The disadvantages include the following important points:

  • slow heating and cooling;
  • lack of a regulator;
  • on many models, the handle heats up noticeably;
  • difficulties in applying thin ornamental elements due to the removal of the working surface from the handle;
  • prolonged use can lead to overheating and, consequently, damage to the device.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that such a device will be the best option for children and beginners. It is important to follow safety rules when replacing tips on pyrographs of the described type.The nozzle being used must be completely cool after turning off the burner.

Top brands

Analyzing the ratings of pyrograph models directly, as well as manufacturers, it is worth considering that now there are devices on the market that belong to different price categories. Popular include the following manufacturing companies.

  • "Vyaz" - a Russian brand under which devices are offered both for beginners and professionals.
  • "Orbit" - a company specializing in the development and production of compact pyrographs for children. The models are characterized by fast heating and ease of use.
  • "Tenth Kingdom" Is another domestic brand, under which a fairly wide range of goods for creativity is produced. Mostly these are electric burners, aimed at users over the age of 8. The sets are of good quality at an affordable cost.
  • Pebaro Is a German brand.

The manufacturer offers modern, high quality wood burners designed for schoolchildren.

  • Multi Art - a company representing the Celestial Empire and offering fairly high-quality models at a competitive price.
  • Rexant Is a Russian manufacturer of electrical equipment, tools, as well as television and audio equipment.
  • Stayer - a German company specializing in power tools and a wide range of consumables.

It is very difficult to unequivocally answer the question regarding which brand of burners is better. This is due to the fact that the selection criteria in each case will be individual.

Spare parts and components

Taking into account the variety of burning devices on the market, manufacturers offer potential buyers a fairly wide range of components. So, in situations with burners that have a hard sting, we are talking about whole sets. At the same time, the list of components contains convenient stands for devices and attachments of various configurations. In addition, the delivery kits include special paints and brushes.

For example, there are tips for soldering irons called "Hot Knife". For modern woodburners, including professional devices, the following types of needles are currently available for purchase:

  • regular classic and flat;
  • medium, narrow and versatile;
  • sharp;
  • textural;
  • balloons;
  • for writing;
  • for tinting;
  • curly different shapes;
  • "Putty knife";
  • "Finger";
  • "Wedge";
  • "Beak";
  • "A spear";
  • "Bayonet";
  • "Rhombus";
  • "Square";
  • "Feather".

In the catalogs of specialized stores and online sites, spare parts for repair work are also presented. Unfortunately, even the most reliable devices fail. That is why you can always find on sale, in addition to needles for electric burners, nichrome wire, as well as handles, collet clips for needles and other elements. Do not forget about cords and transformers, including those equipped with regulators.

Selection Tips

Which apparatus will be the most suitable can be determined taking into account the experience of the master himself and his goals. For beginners, it will be quite enough not the most powerful model, in which the functions of a working tool are performed by solid tips. Such devices allow you to apply patterns of different complexity, as well as provide an opportunity to gain valuable experience.

But, regardless of the skills available, the pyrograph should be selected individually, as they say, under your hand.

When buying modern electric burners, experts and experienced craftsmen strongly recommend focusing primarily on the following important points.

  1. Type of apparatus. In this case, it must be remembered that devices equipped with hard tips do not have power regulators. The fragility of the wire working elements (feathers) will be no less significant.
  2. The performance of the model, which is directly determined by its purpose. So, for professional units, this indicator starts at 40 watts. At the same time, children and those who are just getting acquainted with the art of pyrography should consider options with a power in the range of 20-30 watts. Of course, the speed of work will be low, but this approach will allow you to better master the technique and acquire the necessary skills.
  3. The level of operational safety of the device. This characteristic is one of the key ones, especially when it comes to choosing a pyrograph for a child. In addition, professionals also pay attention to the presence of the stand and the ergonomics of the handle.
  4. Contents of delivery. This refers primarily to the availability of replaceable tips for models with solid attachments. Sets of 7 or more elements are considered the best option. In addition, it is important to ensure that the operating instructions for the burner are available. Also, for children and beginners, sketches of simple drawings, from which you can immediately start practice, are an appropriate addition.
  5. Functionality. Some modern models of the described equipment make it possible to apply patterns not only on wood, but also on plastic, fabric and leather surfaces.
  6. Price category. It is no secret that the financial side of the issue often becomes a key selection criterion. And here it is strongly recommended not to overdo it with savings.

Naturally, you will have to pay the corresponding amount for professional equipment.

As a rule, professionals do not have any problems with choosing the best model. But when buying a burner for a child or a novice craftsman, it is worth remembering that the model must meet the following basic requirements.

  • The simplicity of the design of the device, the elements of which must be made of high-quality materials. For many, appearance plays an important role in parallel.
  • The presence in the delivery set of basic accessories, the list of which includes a stand, protective caps for nibs and other important little things.
  • The presence of detailed, but at the same time understandable instructions for use. Educational schemes, as well as simple drawings for the first works, will also be useful.
  • When choosing models with wire nibs, make sure you have a spare loop.

In addition to all of the above, you should focus on devices designed for drawing pictures not only on wood. When deciding on the choice of such machines, it is important to remember that now there are both universal and narrowly focused models on sale. That is why it is required to know in advance and clearly what materials to work with.

Characteristics of burners that affect the choice of a particular model, in addition to the power and heating temperature.

  1. Length of the working part (tip). The less this indicator is, the more convenient it is to use the device. This is especially true when making small details of the applied drawings, which turn out to be more accurate with a short pen.
  2. The number of protective plates on the handle. In principle, in practice, one plate can cope with its tasks quite well, but their tandem is considered the best option.
  3. Handle thickness. This parameter is determined taking into account the anatomical features of the master's hand. The key to high-quality burning and achieving the desired results will be the convenient location of the holder.
  4. Wire thickness.

If the pyrograph is purchased for a child, then a too massive cord will increase the weight of the device and, therefore, complicate its use.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that often potential buyers are interested in how important the number of nozzles is. As a rule, this moment is decisive mainly for professional craftsmen performing complex work.If we are talking about a complete set of amateur sets, then 5 variants of handpieces are quite enough. It turns out that it makes no sense to overpay for attachments that are unlikely to be used.

How to work with the device?

As you can see, the working part of the pyrograph is very similar to a regular pencil. Based on this, working with a burner is in many ways identical to drawing. However, it is important to always remember that this kind of pencil, or rather, its nib (sting), is very hot.

In a simplified form, the process of drawing a pattern on a wooden and any other surface using the described devices is as follows.

  1. The preparatory stage, within which it is necessary to select the object itself for "drawing" and prepare it. In particular, the wood needs to be leveled and sanded to avoid damage to the working part. For novice craftsmen, the best choice would be plywood, which is a relatively inexpensive and almost immediately ready-to-use material.
  2. Drawing a pattern, taking into account the features of which nozzles for the burner will be selected. Experienced and talented craftsmen often do without sketches.
  3. Burning itself. Along the previously marked lines, a pen is applied (burned out) with a pen heated to the operating temperature, while holding the handle of the device like a pencil. Work begins, as a rule, with drawing the outer contours. Straight lines are required to be done with the fastest possible movements and without effort. To create a bolder line, you just need to slow down the advance of the working tool. When making curvilinear elements of the pattern, the burner must be held strictly perpendicular to the surface to be formed.
  4. Finishing the product with fine-grained sandpaper, painting (if necessary) and varnishing it.

Thanks to the introduction of advanced technologies, drawing on wooden surfaces in the described way has become as safe as possible.

But, despite the seeming simplicity of the burning process, it is required to focus on the following important points.

  1. Pyrographs are intended for use by children from the age of 8.
  2. The child should be engaged in burning exclusively under the constant supervision of adults.
  3. The device (burner handle) should be on a stand when heating, cooling, and during breaks in work.
  4. The handle must be held correctly to avoid burns.
  5. It is highly recommended to take breaks from work at intervals of 10-15 minutes.
  6. The pyrograph can only be used after it has completely warmed up.
  7. During the drawing process and immediately after turning off the device, it is strictly forbidden to touch the pen (hard nozzle).
  8. Replacement of tips is carried out only when the device is turned off and completely cooled down.
  9. After completing the work, the burner must be disconnected from the mains.

Modern models of the considered devices for creativity allow you to create real masterpieces with minimal experience. To do this, it will be enough to show patience and imagination. And compliance with safety regulations eliminates the risk of injury and fire, and also prolongs the life of the device.

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