Clothes and footwear for girls

Raincoats for girls

 Raincoats for girls

The raincoat belongs to the type of outerwear designed for cold snaps and bad weather. They are widespread in both women and men, and of any age. Many mothers prefer to buy raincoats for their daughters, because often they are not only practical, but also fashionable, which means that even the finicky will remain satisfied.


As a demi-season clothing, the raincoat is not designed for severe winter frosts, but is ideal for rainy, chilly autumn or spring.

The child in it will not overheat, but also will not freeze thanks to insulation. Water-repellent fabrics and hoods keep you dry. The raincoat is also convenient because it is easy to clean it from dirt and drops if your girl loves active entertainment on the street.

Products for young ladies often have numerous fasteners, elastic bands and ropes, with which you can fit them to a specific figure and adjust the degree of fitting of the sleeve, collar, and hood.

In addition to practical advantages, it is worth noting the popularity of raincoats, and, therefore, a wide range of models in many stores. Models can be very different from each other, so you can easily choose clothes for any, even the most whimsical, taste. In addition, the raincoat helps to keep the clothes under it or the hair of little fashionistas, who often find it important to keep the perfect hairstyle done by their mother, clean and dry.


First of all, raincoats should be divided according to the principle of seasonality. Although they are considered demi-season clothes, that is, intended for autumn and spring, there are models that are suitable for both summer and warm winter. They are made mainly of lightweight, but waterproof materials. Regardless of the style, a raincoat can be considered winter if only it is sufficiently insulated.

Children's and teenage fashion is in no way inferior to the variety of adult women's clothing.Often raincoats for girls will look no less fashionable than their mothers.

A raincoat and a trench coat should be attributed to autumn and spring. Classic or strict styles in combination with pockets, cuffs, turn-down collars, belts. Single-breasted or double-breasted, they are most often fastened with buttons. The robe-cloak, in turn, does not have fasteners, as this is a wrap-around product. It may not suit very little fashionistas, as it opens up easily, but it will be just right for teenage girls.

The raincoat-jacket, in turn, is fastened with a zipper or buttons, and there are often elastic bands and a hood on it. Among them, it is worth highlighting quilted raincoats decorated with patterns of stitches in the form of diamonds or ornaments. There is also an elongated raincoat park, the style of this jacket has become very popular in recent years.

The raincoat can be safely attributed to summer raincoats, since it is not intended to be worn in the cool season, but it will provide great protection from dripping rain and heavy rain. Mention should be made of the cape with slits for the arms and the so-called "boot".

In addition, raincoats can be divided into classic and festive. The former have traditional styles, monochrome colors and their priority is practicality, so that the child is not only warm, but also comfortable to play. The latter may be less convenient for active entertainment, because you can often find all sorts of decorative elements on them.

Models by age

Even the smallest beauties care about how they look. Therefore, children's raincoats are all fashionable.

In children's models, you can often see a free cut so that you can dress the child warmly, and it will be easier for a fidget to move like that. For the same purposes, it is better to take a shortened model so that long things do not hinder the movement of the legs.

Additional elements that make it possible to fit clothes to the body play an important role. In addition, it is important that naughty children do not take off their outerwear if they suddenly feel hot, so you are unlikely to find a model without fasteners. Raincoats and raincoats are considered the most comfortable and practical for babies when it comes to summer

In recent years, it has become popular to produce clothes that differ from adults only in size. Fashionable raincoats of all styles are sewn on girls. Maybe a trench coat is not always comfortable for a four-year-old baby, but it certainly looks stylish. However, there are also such products that do not allow you to forget that there is a child in front of you. These are raincoats of bright unexpected colors, with bright patterns or decorative amusing elements, for example, ears on the hood.

For teenage girls

The older the girl, the more she wants to look not only smart, but elegant. However, there is a model variation for adolescent girls. At 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 years old, many still like to make a choice in the direction of colorful, but memorable things with ponytails or cartoon images on the fabric.

Older girls want to imitate idols or their mothers.

If babies purposely copy adult models so that they look cute, then teenagers have their own youth style and standards adapted to their characteristics.

For teenagers, raincoats and parka raincoats are widespread. Particularly pretentious ladies may opt for robes, but parents need to make sure that the child does not freeze.


The most traditional length is to or just below the hips. Such raincoats keep heat quite well and do not let the wind through, besides, they are comfortable. Cropped raincoats will be convenient for playing in the yards or other active entertainment, because they do not hinder movement. Of all of them, the warmest models will be below the knee length. The choice depends only on the preferences of the mother and daughter, as well as the purpose for which the clothes are bought.

Material and insulation

The choice of children's clothing should be approached especially carefully, because not all kids can tell about what is most convenient for them.

The fabric from which the raincoat is sewn must have some important properties: water resistance, resistance to abrasion and damage, because children love to actively run in playgrounds. The material should be soft and pleasant, lightweight, but warm and windproof. Many raincoats are made of hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly, which means absolutely safe materials.

For raincoats, cotton fabrics with a special treatment (paraffin or Teflon spraying), synthetic fabrics, membrane materials are used. Raincoat, gabardine, cotton and linen, nylon, bonding, spandex, taslan, duspo, polyurethane, taffeta - all this is a potential composition for the future raincoat.

Recently, corduroy, velvet, suede, denim and even leather have been used for some styles of raincoats. It should be borne in mind that they are more susceptible to damage, which means that for very small and active ones, more practical options should be chosen.

Do not forget about the insulation material. The synthetic winterizer is widespread and its heat retention rate is quite enough for demi-season raincoats. Fleece is designed for lower temperatures, but requires special care, otherwise heat saving properties may be lost. Heaters can be natural, for example, goose down or sheepskin wool lined. A convenient option is a raincoat with a removable lining.

Color solutions

Girls' raincoats have no color restrictions. The most common are classic (black, gray, brown) and bright (lilac, red, pink, blue, green, yellow). Not without completely light products, for example, beige, or even completely white. Keep in mind, however, that children often get dirty, so dark colors are more practical.

As for the embellishments, here too the designers have a rich imagination. On the raincoats every now and then there are floral prints, patterns of various geometric shapes, images with cartoons or animals on the things of smaller customers. A popular color scheme is a cage or peas.

Fashion trends spring-autumn [2016] The so-called "family bow" is the trend of this season. Mothers and daughters love to dress up not just in the same style, but in the same way, so in some stores you can immediately find sets of adult and children's clothing.

Sports style is no less fashionable this year, so a raincoat park will be very useful. High collars, deep hoods, as well as internal pockets can be found on many products this season. Along with sports, delicate looks with complex multi-layered styles are in trend.

Bright colors are fashionable, as well as combinations of contrasting ones. One of the most stylish will be the combination of white and light green, light green colors. Leopard and "cucumbers" are popular ornaments - bright spots that form patterns. For decoration, ruffles, beads, flounces, and occasionally fur trim are used.

Brands and manufacturers

Companies and brands in many countries are engaged in the production of children's clothing, including raincoats for girls. For example, Finnish Reima, Italian Pinetti and Borelli, Spanish Mayoral, Swiss Stillini, Turkish Verscon, Baby Rose, SWEEPER. Do not forget the Russian brands Barkito, Brinco, Gulliver, Jan Steen, and ACOOLA and Pelikan enjoy special love not only of parents, but also of children themselves.

Selection Tips

When buying a raincoat, first of all, you should take into account the season in which this product will be used. Depending on this, pay attention to the material and the presence or absence of lining. Remember that the main thing is not only not to let the child freeze, but also not to overheat him in a relatively warm season. Think carefully about the need for optional items such as a hood and pockets. Do not forget about the weight of the product, because it will be difficult for babies to wear heavy clothes for a long time.

It is worth considering the character of the child.For example, if we are talking about a fidget girl who will immediately climb trees and jump through puddles, then give up cotton and light things.

Listen to the opinion of the girl, because they become fashionistas from an early age.

Do not forget about the decor - if it is planned that the raincoat will be worn every day, in any bad weather, and possibly undergo constant tests, for example, the surfaces of slides or sand in a sandbox, then it is better to abandon bulky decorations.

What to wear with?

A raincoat is an outerwear, therefore, first of all, it is worth considering its combination with shoes, gloves, hats with scarves. Complete with a raincoat, both practical rubber boots and boots or ankle boots look good.

In good sunny weather, flat shoes and sneakers are also suitable, the main thing is to be sure that it will not rain. And, of course, don't forget about the colorful umbrella to complete the look.

As for the clothes under the cloak, different lengths allow different sets to be worn. You can safely wear skirts and shorts under elongated models, since the legs will still be warm, but you shouldn't neglect warm tights. With cropped jeans or leggings will look great. Depending on the weather, you can safely wear both T-shirts and sweaters under the raincoat.

Beautiful images

  • The cropped cloak is perfect for active explorers. Do not be afraid of bright combinations of colors and ornaments, it is so great when everyone around admires a stylish baby!

  • Little ladies can be as businesslike as their parents. So you should take note of a comfortable sports raincoat with a hood so that the wind does not puff out your ears. In good weather, you can safely afford sneakers, but fashionable jeans and a handbag will complete the look.

  • A transparent summer raincoat can become not only outerwear that protects from the rain, but also an addition to the main image. A raincoat will allow you to see that underneath is a stylishly matched blouse with a skirt or shorts. Be sure to end the set with rubber boots and an umbrella!
  • Raincoats for the whole family. Choose a model that is suitable for both the smallest children and adolescents, so that everyone around you can see how close-knit and friendly your children are!

  • If you choose matching rubber boots to match your raincoat, you get an incredibly stylish bow, and most importantly, applicable to any weather!

  • Do not be afraid of original things with unusual designs. Girls will be happy to feel like cute kittens, ladybirds and unicorns.

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