How to make chicken from newspaper tubes?

Even for novice craftsmen, it will not be difficult to make chicken from newspaper tubes. The craft will become not just a beautiful souvenir, but also an excellent gift for the Easter holiday. The most important thing is to stock up on all the necessary tools and materials, and also follow the instructions from the master class.

What is required?
Before starting the process of weaving chicken, you should prepare the necessary materials, as well as tools. Materials required:
- newsprint;
- PVA glue;
- acrylic lacquer;
- thin wire;
- fishing line;
- water-based stain.
From the tools you need to prepare scissors, knitting needles, a glass salad bowl and medical gloves, if necessary.

Manufacturing technology
It is not entirely difficult to guess that the process of weaving a souvenir begins precisely with the twisting of newspaper tubes. If you do not want to spend extra money, then you can use old newspapers. The product will be more neat if you use clean newsprint. If you wish, you can buy one in almost any printing house.
It is better to cut A3 paper into 4 identical strips. The width of one of them will turn out to be about 7-7.5 cm. It is best to twist it with your hands on a flat and smooth surface, for example, on a table. You need to try to twist so that the tubes are dense and even. A slight taper in diameter is obtained only at the ends.
It is necessary to glue the tubes with PVA glue (although you can use a glue stick in the same way for this purpose, but of very good quality). You need to work with PVA very carefully, trying not to stain the outside of the tube. Otherwise, it will be difficult to paint these places.

Staining the tubes should be done with a stain. When all the tubes are painted and dried, you can proceed to the most interesting thing - the weaving process.
Weaving a chicken is not very difficult, but the work is painstaking, therefore it is performed in several stages.
- You need to take 4 pairs of tubes and braid them with a simple string. The working tube should gradually grow. If the tube is very thick, then you need to make a dent on it and only then put on the next one. It is important to try to keep the connections hidden under the working tube.
- With the help of a thick knitting needle, the racks must be moved apart... Tie each of them with a string. Weave the bottom to the optimal size.
- Next, you need to take a glass salad bowl, put it on the woven bottom and weave several rows using the "string" technique. Further, the technique does not change, but weaving is carried out already from three tubes.
- If you pay attention to the gaps between the posts, then they come out big enough. To reduce them, you need to add additional racks at each gap.
- Further you need to weave a string of three tubes, placing them at the beginning of the row behind the racks.
- Complete the row to the end. When one rack remains, it is necessary to take the closest working tube and weave in front of two for a third.
- Then you need to take the second one from yourself and weave it too. Similarly, the third.
- The last tube should be tucked into the rack and brought down. At this stage, leave it in this state.
- There should be two working tubes left. They need to weave a string of two.
- When the row is completed, you need to try to make the transition to the next one as imperceptible as possible. So, when the last non-braided rack remains, you need to take the nearest working tube, then the second. In the second row, exactly the same actions should be done.
- At this stage, you need to add one working tube and weave a string of three.
- Before that, you need to pull out the shape a little and weave a row, pulling it... This is necessary to give a more rounded shape. To do this, the racks need to be slightly directed towards the inside.
- At the end of the row, nothing needs to be changed, since then the tubes will need to be refilled. The farthest from yourself should be tucked under the first (with which the row began). And the second one after it should be tucked under two tubes at the beginning of the row. The tube located closer to the rest does not need to be filled anywhere.
- Everything must be glued and carefully tucked in. Remove the tail from the seamy side. Then you need to tuck the tail from the first of the three ropes. You need to act carefully so as not to disturb the drawing.
- The tips should be pushed outward. If everything is done correctly, they will be clearly visible from the front side. It is better to press all the tips with your fingers and glue it well so that the structure remains reliable.
- You will need some wire to complete the next step. It is necessary to weave the breast and head from it. From 9 racks, 4 pieces should be cut, after one. As a result, you get 5 racks. Insert the wire into the extreme and middle. Chintz weaving is carried out with one working tube.
- Further, the weaving should go to the narrowing. When the distance becomes small, it is necessary to weave the three tubes, which are located in the middle, together. Then weaving goes in three racks. If the racks run out, you need to build them up. After a few rows, the posts need to be trimmed. Weave a thin head and neck. Everything needs to be well greased with glue and tightened.

The Easter chicken is almost done. The only thing left to do is the pen.
It needs to be made on three racks, cut the wire along the entire length of the handle, insert it into the racks. A newspaper tube must be put on the wire. Now it remains only to paint the chicken in the desired color or leave it as it is, since the tubes were originally stained with stain.

Beautiful examples
Easter chickens made from newspaper tubes can be of any complexity.It all depends on the skills of the master. The most attractive compositions are:
- a black chicken with a red decor - bright and original;

- classic brown chicken with a scallop;

- bright Easter cockerel.

Almost any composition can be made. You should start with simple figures, gradually improving your skills.
For information on how to make chicken from newspaper tubes, see the video.