Bathroom Tile Design

Bathroom decoration with tiles has long been a classic of the genre. This popularity is due to its physical characteristics. First of all, this material is not afraid of moisture, which is very important for rooms such as a bathroom. A variety of design options, textures and sizes allows you to create a unique interior.

Tile as wall decor
Apart from their main function of protecting walls from moisture, tiles are undoubtedly part of the overall decor. The times when it was monotonous and expressionless have long sunk into oblivion. In some municipalities, you can still find these dull paintings with tiles in white or blue.
If we talk about tiles for apartments and private houses, then its choice is huge today. This gives room for a flight of imagination. Decorating walls in a bathroom is not only a finishing method, but also a real tool for creating a beautiful and unique interior.

Knowing this, manufacturers offer us all sorts of options. Today, few people decorate walls from floor to ceiling with identical tiles. Let's consider what are the main decor options.
Horizontal separation
This decor has already become a classic in bathrooms. He implies that the wall is divided into two parts. The top or bottom can be larger, or both are equal. At the same time, the lower one is decorated with tiles in darker colors, and the upper one is decorated in light colors.

For this design, tiles are purchased in two colors. The main one has a more neutral background, while the second one can be with a bright pattern or ornament.Colorful tiles are placed along the walls in a chaotic or strict geometric order. With a minimum of cost for decor, such a wall will look original, since the number of combinations is limited only by your imagination.

Monochrome execution
The same tiles are used for the entire surface of the walls. It looks especially interesting in the version with large tiles, where the joints are practically invisible.

Vertical separation
Wall decor can also have a vertical orientation. In this case, you can easily zone the space. For example, separate the area of the bath itself from the area where the sink with the mirror is located.

Fashionable colors and patterns
It is very important to choose the right color for your bathroom tiles.
In most cases, this room is devoid of windows, and therefore it is necessary to rely only on artificial lighting.
Competent selection of colors and patterns will make the room cozy and light.
White and pastel colors
They look very gentle. Considering the fact that the bathroom is a rather intimate space, such a design will be in perfect harmony with the direct purpose of the room. Besides, light colors always visually increase the area... If your bathroom cannot boast of large dimensions, then give preference to this particular color scheme.
Don't think that a solid white tile will resemble a hospital room. Today on the market there are all kinds of its variations, which have nothing to do with the above "design".

We associate this color with a cloudless sky and sea. And what could be better and more pleasant than such pictures. The blue bathroom is so peaceful. By immersing yourself in your own thoughts, you can arrange for yourself a real relaxation course. Besides this color will create a feeling of spaciousness and purity.

Intense and positive yellow energizes us. But it is worth considering one feature of such a tile. Yellow color is able to visually reduce the room, although it belongs to the light range. It should also be understood that there should not be too much bright yellow. Otherwise, you risk not getting a stylish bathroom, but a big "yellow spot".

This color is unique in its properties. If we talk about its effect on the human psyche, then scientists have proven that it can be compared with an antidepressant. It allows you to calm down and feel in harmony with yourself, while at the same time giving strength and filling with energy for future achievements. This positive shade works well in the bathroom. It will be especially relevant if there are children in the house. After all, they are so fond of everything bright and memorable.

Have you ever wondered why the grass and foliage is green? Nature has thought of everything for us. This color is soothing, it caresses the eye and gives a feeling of comfort and confidence.... If you perform a bath in such tones, then you can count on quality rest and recuperation.
If you use other natural motifs (stone, bamboo, wood) in the design, then the room will turn out to be light, pleasant and natural.

This radiant color is refreshing and soothing. A room in such tones seems to be illuminated by an inner light.... If we take into account the fact that in the bathroom you can constantly hear the noise of water, and the drops, just look, fall on the tiles, then involuntarily there is an association with the turquoise sea and salty drops. This feeling can be enhanced by choosing beach-themed bathroom textiles.

Blue has an infinite variety of shades. And each of them has its own character. Deep dark blue is associated with respectability and confidence, a rich shade evokes a lot of positive emotions, muted blue shades suggest philosophical thoughts. This color belongs to the dark range, and therefore you should not use it in large quantities if the bathroom itself is modest in size.

The color is suitable for romantic and creative people. He tunes in a certain way, when looking at the purple ornament and patterns, unexpected interesting ideas and thoughts come to mind. Although purple and lilac can be quite vibrant, they do not hurt the eyes or cause irritation.

Red and burgundy
Although these colors belong to the same color scheme, the impression they produce varies greatly. Red is meant to excite. It is best used as accents. In this case, he will show his best side. A completely red room can cause confusion and even rejection. But the calmer burgundy is devoid of such disadvantages. If you think over the lighting correctly so that the bathroom does not seem small and dark, then it can be used to the fullest.
The color of a rich ripe pomegranate will certainly appeal to self-sufficient and self-confident individuals in the future.

Dark tones
One must be extremely careful with their use in bathrooms. The abundance of gray and graphite can make a room feel cold and uncomfortable. Almost any dark area visually reduces space, therefore in small rooms it is better to use it as a complementary or accent color.
We have analyzed all the main colors of the rainbow spectrum. But everyone understands perfectly well that there are a million shades and undertones of each color. Which one is right for your bathroom is hard to say. To a greater extent play a role here personal preferences.
With the correct use of any of the colors, coupled with lighting and thoughtful details, you will get a unique design project.

In addition to the basic tone of the tile, it can have various patterns. This greatly enlivens the space, giving it style. It's easy to get confused in the variety of patterns and patterns. Each of them is good and unique in its own way. When choosing, be guided by your own feelings. You should like the drawing, but besides that, it should blend well with other interior elements.
Floral motives
Such a design has the right to be not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. He is gentle and romantic. You can decorate the bathroom walls with delicate tulips, bright roses, and romantic forget-me-nots. Manufacturers offer a wide range of similar designs. At the same time, the flowers themselves can be made in a watercolor style, resemble the patterns of the Gzhel stylist or imitate photographs.

Oriental patterns
They are interesting, bright and unusual. But such an original design is not suitable for every apartment. The fact is that if the whole apartment is made in a classic style, then the bathroom with oriental motives will seem like a foreign object, and not its continuation. For connoisseurs of such extraordinary ornaments on the market there is a wide selection in various colors.

With the help of correct lines or zigzags, you can change the geometry of the space. If necessary, it can be extended or increased in the height of the room. And also the correct lines are often used for zoning.

Nautical design
A good choice for bathrooms. Modern materials allow you to create a complete illusion of a rocky surface. Pebbles are not only painted on the tiles, but also have volume. Therefore, you should not think that the design in the style of a sea beach is only the notorious painted shells (which can often be found in Soviet interiors).

Imitation of natural materials
The tile can completely copy the pattern of marble or wood. The introduction of such natural materials into a city apartment makes it more alive and closer to nature.

Tile texture
In addition to the pattern, bathroom tiles can have different textures.
If even in the recent past, manufacturers pleased us only with standard glossy models, today you can find absolutely unique design options.
Tiles made from ordinary facing material have become a real design element and can be compared in beauty to works of art.
Standard material familiar to everyone from childhood. He has only one significant drawback. When light hits the tile, glare is created. If there are multiple light sources, glare can interfere and irritate the eyes. The pluses include ease of care. It is enough to periodically wipe a smooth glossy surface with a damp cloth.

This tile looks great. She shows herself in all its glory when it is necessary to repeat a natural pattern or material. Excessive gloss only spoils the picture. Here it will be immediately unclear whether it is really a tile in front of you, or whether it is a tree, brick and something else. Despite its matte surface, the tiles do not absorb dust and other dirt. She is not afraid of moisture, which is very important for the bathroom.

It can also be found under the name semi-gloss. But the essence does not change from this. This texture does not have that bright shine, which is characteristic of gloss, but it cannot be called completely matte either. A pleasant muted shine is able to show the beauty of the pattern and emphasize the restraint and intelligence of the interior. In terms of physical parameters, it is in no way inferior to glossy tiles, and just as easy to clean.

A special type of tile with a unique visual effect. It is possible to create interesting waves, weaves or other geometric shapes with the help of such a tile. It has volume on the front side. Its manufacturing technology is more complex, so don't be surprised if it costs more than its sleek counterparts.

Pleasant irregularities
Today you can find tiles that are pleasing not only to the look, but also to the touch. The texture can be rough or wood-like. Wherein each vein will be felt, and it will be possible to see it even with the naked eye.

A drawing or ornament on a tile is not only carefully drawn, but also has volume. For example, flowers will look more vivid and natural. If the tile imitates brickwork, then all the joints and gaps between the bricks will be visible.
The volume makes the tiles more expressive. Often you can find monochrome options, a pattern or pattern on which stands out only due to volume, and not color. These options are very interesting.
With a one-color general background, the tiles will not look boring and monotonous.

The so-called glass tiles, externally, really resemble this material, only in a colored embodiment. It differs from glossy in its translucent texture. This texture gives the room volume.

What styles are there?
In addition to the generally recognized styles, designers each year come up with unique options that combine two or more directions. There is no special sense in separating them into separate types. After all, fashion is fickle, and today a mixture of eco-style and loft is relevant, and tomorrow, perhaps, a mix of Art Deco and Art Nouveau will be at the peak of popularity. To have a general idea of how many styles and trends exist in the design of bathroom tiles, here are just the most popular ones.
- classic;
- high tech;
- minimalism;
- art deco;
- provence;
- loft;
- country;
- ethnic style;
- oriental motives.

These are not all options. Each of them is unique and has characteristic features and characteristics. It should only be noted that if you have conceived a bathroom design in one of them, then try to embody it in all even minor details and elements.
Brands and their collections
There are many brands and manufacturers of bathroom tiles on the market. They differ in quality, variety of assortment provided and price.
They can be divided into 3 large segments: budget, mid-range and premium. At the moment, each of them has its own leaders.
The budget segment is represented by several brands.
- Keramin. Quite a large number of collections in different styles. Among the most popular are the collections "Deja Vu", "Granada", "Glamor", "Venice".
- Kerama Marazzi. Here you can highlight the delicate collection "Country chic" loved by many.
- Cersanit. A large assortment of tiles in the classic style is presented in the collections "Alicante", "Alba", "Chance".

Tiles in the middle price segment are produced by several companies.
- Intercerama... High quality tiles. Among the favorites are the floral designs in the Brina collection.
- Fap Ceramiche. A decent choice for a modern apartment. You can find your version in the current collections "Roma Classic", "Milano", "Brickel".
- La Fabbrica... Elegant and very stylish tiles are presented mainly in pastel colors. The very name of the main collections inspires and evokes the most pleasant feelings: "Amazon", "5 Avenue", "Charmetal", "Fusion", "Stone Art".

Premium tiles are of high quality.
Real design and unique options can be found here. True, such a luxury will have to pay a lot. Among the recognized market leaders, one can single out Laminam Kanka, Grazia Vecchie Majoliche, Vallelunga Foussana.

How to choose a design?
It is difficult to talk about creating a unique author's design when it comes to a small one of 4 sq. m bathroom (for example, in the "Khrushchev"). And even then, such a quadrature is achieved by connecting the toilet and the bathroom. But this is not a reason to abandon it altogether.
Of course, in non-standard layouts with a large bathroom, there is room for the designer's fantasies, but small rooms also deserve attention.
Family composition
If the family has small children, then parents often try to reflect this not only in the interior of the children's room, but also in the bathroom. Indeed, babies are much more interested in splashing around in the bathroom if the walls are decorated with bright drawings.
But this approach often does not justify itself. Laying tiles is costly and laborious. And kids grow up quickly. In addition, even the brightest design can quickly get bored. Changing bathroom tiles every year is impractical. In this case, we can advise you to stay on neutral shades of smooth tiles. And bright applications and other bathroom fixtures can be purchased additionally.

Room area
For spacious rooms, there are practically no restrictions on the choice of design. The only thing to consider is small drawing will be invisible and will not show itself in all its glory. Small and variegated details are lost against the general background. If you “dress” all the walls in such a pattern, then it will start to ripple in your eyes. Therefore, when choosing a tile with a pattern or pattern, select its size as well. It should be proportional to the area of the bathroom.
For small rooms, on the contrary, large volumetric decorations are contraindicated. They enhance the impression of a small, cramped space.
If you need to visually expand it, then they will help light colors and horizontal stripes... It is better to use the vertical one only in certain areas, it pulls the space up, while concealing it in width (length).

Tile size
Of great importance is not only the pattern and design of the tile, but also its size. When laying, gaps (seams) are left between the tiles. This is a necessary technical condition. And even if you embroider the joints with grout in color, you will still see vertical and horizontal stripes (with traditional styling). The selection rule here is simple - the larger the room, the larger the tile size should be.

Laying method
The same tile will look different with different installation methods.Therefore, when choosing a design, be sure to think about exactly how and in what order the tiles will be attached to the wall. The most popular methods are:
- classical (the tiles are laid in even rows, the borders of all rows and columns form a regular grid);
- diamond-shaped (tile rotated 45 degrees, only suitable for square tile models);
- brickwork (the rows are offset relative to each other).
There are other more complex styling variations. All of them are designed to diversify the design and make the interior original.

Personal preferences
When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of all family members. This room is common, and everyone, without exception, uses it. It would be unfair if only one member of the family liked her. That's why before buying, discuss which design each family member prefers... Better to go to the store together and find a compromise when buying.
Fashion trends
Just like in the world of haute couture, design has its own trends. They change almost every year. Is it worth chasing new trends? There is no definite answer here. If the novelty suits your taste, then why not apply it. But if this is just a tribute to fashion, then think carefully. In a couple of years, it will no longer look so fashionable and relevant, and you will get bored altogether. (after all, you didn't really like it at first, but it was fashionable).

It should also be borne in mind that there are long-term trends that can be applied without too much fear.
For example, not so long ago, designers suggested getting rid of tile joints, and instead of tiles, use large-sized porcelain stoneware slabs. This combination looks very stylish and natural. There is nothing pretentious and extraordinary here. This means that you can not be afraid that in a couple of years your bathroom will become outdated and become a relic.

Apartment style
When choosing a design for a bathroom, do not forget that it is part of an apartment, and not an independent isolated unit. Try to keep the style consistent. If the whole apartment is in the loft style, then the Art Deco bathroom will look like an alien room in the common space.

Beautiful examples in the interior
Large size tiles are gaining more and more popularity. The absence of gaps between the tiles creates the illusion of a single canvas. Finishing with real marble in this case would have cost much more. The tile is in no way inferior to him in beauty and physical characteristics.

Mosaic can decorate any bathroom. But you also need to be careful with her. If you overdo it, then your eyes will certainly start to ripple. As a color accent, it manifests itself perfectly.

The nautical style is one of the most suitable for the bathroom. It is so nice to imagine that you are now not in a stuffy metropolis, but on the seashore, drenched in the sun.

Unusual ethnic patterns on the tiles add sophistication and originality to the bathroom... They look especially impressive in matte finish. And do not be afraid that matte tiles during operation will show themselves worse than glossy ones.

How to make a modern bathroom interior, see below.