Gifts for children

What to give a child 5-6 years old?

What to give a child 5-6 years old?
  1. What should you consider when choosing?
  2. Useful gifts
  3. Presentations for creative children
  4. What to choose for active children?
  5. Unusual ideas
  6. What can you do with your own hands?

If you are invited to a birthday party, you need to try to make sure that the hero of the occasion is satisfied. Be prepared for the fact that if the birthday boy is only 5-6 years old, he will not think to hide his disappointment if it comes to that. This somewhat complicates the task of choosing a good gift, but if you have imagination and minimal initial knowledge, the task will no longer seem so difficult.

What should you consider when choosing?

From about the age of five, parents gradually begin to prepare their child for school, so they increasingly pay attention to various toys and games with developmental implications. The birthday guest can and should even help them. It should be borne in mind that by this time, the baby already has certain hobbies, and although you can interest the birthday boy with something new, where the probability of hitting the target will be much higher if you decide to donate something to which interest has already been shown repeatedly.

For example, Board games are considered a good gift at this age: they involve the whole family in the process. Another great option is various products for active pastime, unless the baby is one of those rare children who are completely calm and do not particularly like movement.

Finally, ordinary toys remain an eternal value, just remember that at this age, sexual interests are already very different, so we give boys strictly boyish gifts, and girls - girlish ones, without any dubious options.

Considering all of the above criteria, it's also a good idea to know what other guests are planning to give.It is desirable that the gifts are not only not repeated, but also diversified, because only board games, albeit interesting, will certainly raise the question of where the toys are, and the toys themselves will no longer provide either intellectual or physical development.

There is also a so-called stop-list of gifts - those things that would be a mistake to give. Here we include the following options:

  • clothes and shoes are too casual for a holiday, unless you give a chic dress to a real little princess who is crazy about them;
  • Simplified imitations - no beach balls if soccer was promised (or ordered);
  • hygiene items - except for special cosmetics for a girl who loves to spend hours spinning in front of a mirror;
  • school supplies - this will not please the child even at school, and now it is just too early to give it;
  • what you wanted yourself as a child - do not put others in their place, everyone has their own interests, especially since times have changed a lot.

Useful gifts

You can guess how to give a toy without this article, so let's go straight to things that are both interesting and useful. If you want your child to develop mentally, hone logic and abstract thinking, develop perseverance and patience, give educational gifts, especially since they can be for every taste and wallet.

A striking example is all kinds of puzzles, mosaics and constructors for every taste. The best choice is made by the fact that today the variety of assortment allows you to fully meet the tastes of the child - the plot may imply knights or princesses, heroes of favorite fairy tales, animals, technology, in a word, everything that can interest a six-year-old child. Truth, it is better to make sure in advance that the child is, in principle, interested in such a concept of pastime.

We have already talked about board games - they are good because they allow the family to get together, develop communication skills and even just teach you to play with dignity.

Depending on the rules of the game, the developmental effect can be different - even primitive "walkers" help speed up mental arithmetic, and even more complex patterns sometimes even teach you to set goals and come up with strategies to achieve them.

Among the toys, we will single out sets that imitate the activities of some adult profession - the same doctor or mechanic, magician or hairdresser. Thanks to this child not only develops imagination, but also begins to understand how society interacts and how money is made. In the future, this will help him understand what he would like to do in life, and the medical kit is also good because it dispels fear of doctors.

The book does not yet provide the maximum developmental effect, but now you need to start teaching your baby to literature... He probably does not know how to read yet, so the parents will have to voice the text, but if the publication is with bright pictures, the child will also like it. Having become interested, the birthday person will be much more willing to try to learn how to read.

One tablet could replace all the above gifts, but you should be careful with such a gift. The gadget allows different ways of using, but not all of them are useful, and some are even undisguisedly harmful. Since at this age the baby definitely does not have a sense of proportion, parental restrictions on the use of the gift can become a reason for resentment.

Presentations for creative children

Creativity itself has many positive aspects - it increases the same perseverance, develops imagination and even simply improves mood and helps maintain self-esteem at the proper level... In the future, such a children's hobby can develop to the level of professionalism, and then a grown child can become very rich and famous, so the question remains whether such a gift will not be more useful than the general developmental gifts from the previous section.

At the age of 5, the average child is still open to any kind of art - he has a lot of free time, and adults usually only contribute to an active search for himself. Some children already even have certain preferences in terms of the type of creativity, but in general, at the age of 5-6 they still donate not professional, but children's products. Potential artist you can donate albums, paints and brushes, the same easel. Musician you might be interested in a children's guitar or a simple synthesizer with a built-in tutorial. If the interest does not disappear, in the future you can think about bringing the hobby to a new level.

You can, of course, not approach the task so literally, but give a simple plasticine, because modeling is also creativity. Various origami or weaving kits can also find a tip in a baby shower.

What to choose for active children?

Adults keep fit in order to be healthy and look good, but children all over the world do it without any additional incentive - they just like this way of life. In fact, this is not only a pleasant, but also a very useful way to spend time, after all, health is really strengthening, and the coherence of movements is also honed.

One of the most predictable gifts for a child is, of course, a bicycle. Many children already at this age dream of such a gift, so it's time to make the dream come true, because a sense of balance in life will not hurt, and this transport can be used at any age. Other means of transportation can also be a good solution - scooter, rollers or skate.

Keep in mind that the gift should be available for use immediately, therefore, if the holiday falls in the winter, it is wiser to give a sled or skates, as an option - skis.

Most types of balls will also come to the court. Most preferable for a boy soccer ball, as well as any other football goods, for example, kit of the form of your favorite football player. Girls love football less, so either beautiful beach ball large size, or light volleyball equipment... Do not rush with basketballs yet - they are too heavy for a preschooler and can even knock him down.

Many parents today consider it necessary to organize a small playground right at home, if the neighbors do not mind. Homes can be installed and wall bars with primitive horizontal bars like rakkhods, and a swing, and a trampoline for jumping. If you have a suburban area, you can take the entire site out onto the street - so the child will breathe fresh air while walking, without competing with other children for their favorite swing, and always being supervised.

Some outdoor games or equipment can also be useful for them - speech, for example, about badminton or even twister... The latter, contrary to the opinion of its exclusively entertaining nature, trains stretching very well.

Unusual ideas

All of the above ideas are pretty trivial - most of the parents must have skimmed all these options at least once in their heads. By itself, a child of 5-6 years old is unlikely to chase really original options, but in some families, children have everything in such a broad sense that you can run into the indifference of the birthday man, even giving him something that any other child would be fabulous happy.

Contrary to popular belief, cool and interesting gifts can be inexpensive. - you just need to turn on your imagination and think about what might be interesting for a child. In fact, it is not always necessary to give material things - sometimes vivid emotions and the atmosphere of a real holiday are remembered much better than another typewriter.

Some parents focus on organizing the celebration - they hire special animators who entertain the birthday boy and his friends, holding, so to speak, a matinee for the elite.

If the child, in principle, is not spoiled by various spectacles, you can try to enter from this side. The kid loves animals, which means you need to take him to zoo, even if for this you have to travel to another city. Theoretically, a good solution may turn out to be a trip to the circus or water park... Sometimes even a trip to a special children's cafe - in the end, they deliberately try to make the children want to come back there again and again, so the kid should like it.

Choosing an intangible gift, you need to understand that for the vast majority of children, birthday is associated with gifts in the form of beautiful boxes with something valuable. For this reason, an intangible present is good in the case when there are also material ones and there are enough of them, otherwise it is not a fact that the hero of the occasion will appreciate what is happening at its true worth - he does not understand the full significance of money, for him even a large amount spent on a holiday is nothing if the result cannot be held in hands.

A rather unusual gift for a child of this age is a pet. Such a present is given not so often, if only because it requires a certain care and good treatment, and the new owner himself is not always able to provide all this for a living being, and then the worries fall on the shoulders of the parents. The child himself will most likely be happy with the cute animal, but adults may not appreciate such a gift. However, if the baby has asked for a long time, and he has a certain responsibility (at least in relation to the same toys), you can, having received the approval of the parents, give such a gift. It is good because it fosters responsibility for others and a sense of duty.

A dog or cat is the most common options for a living gift, but it is not a fact that it is for a birthday, because such a pet often becomes a full-fledged member of the family and is equally important for everyone. The advantage of this choice will be that the animal will become a friend for the child for many years. However, they often give smaller animals - rabbits and guinea pigs, hamsters and rats, if you have the appropriate hobby - an aquarium with fish.

There is also an option with parrots and other birdies, but they are usually quite noisy and can interfere with the child's normal sleep, so you should think about whether there is a separate place for them in the apartment.

What can you do with your own hands?

Souvenir products are usually made with their own hands, at the age of 5 the birthday man is not yet able to fully appreciate it, but in 10-15 years this kind of creativity can move a grown child to the depths of his soul. As with material gifts, this solution is easy. addition to the main presentations, it should not completely replace them, otherwise the hero of the occasion simply will not understand you.

The simplest solution is creating a photo collage in the form of a wall newspaper - it can be done using the old method of application, and with the help of modern computers.

If you have normal technology and video processing skills, you can even go further and edit a short film about the life of the hero of the occasion - in the future, these frames will become unique and invaluable.

    Clothes and shoes are usually included in the stop-list of gifts for babies, but you can make such a gift unique. To do this, you need to find out what the child is fond of and just put an image of your favorite character on a gift - today this service is available in any city. True, first you should make sure that you are not devoid of taste, and the gift will not provoke other children to jokes and caustic comments about the bearer of the donated things.

    In some cases, you can even get by with a hand-made craft, but be prepared that the child will be more interested in toys.

    For information on what to give a child 5-6 years old, see the next video.

    1 comment
    Godmother 11.04.2021 19:57

    I asked this question just recently, on the birthday of my godson. I wanted to give something unusual, but not as many people are doing now - money. The whole problem was that the child was spoiled enough, i.e. it was quite difficult to surprise him, and the budget is not too big. Stopped at the Lego set. I got it, gave it as a present and was very surprised that the child began to open and study it. Two days later, a call came from the godson's mother, she said that the guy was very pleased with the gift. In the future, I plan to periodically replenish his collection with other constructors.


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