Gifts for children

What to give a child of 8 years old?

What to give a child of 8 years old?
  1. Age features
  2. Basic gift ideas

Surprising a modern child with any gift is a very difficult task. By the age of eight, today's children have almost everything one could dream of at their age. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to find a present that could please a child. What to give a child of 8 years old? All the answers and original ideas are already waiting for you in our material.

Age features

Before you start choosing a gift for an eight-year-old child, be sure to take into account his age, character and individual characteristics. 8 years old means that the child already goes to school and achieves the first success. Many parents and relatives only think of practical gifts that will definitely come in handy during their studies. But you don't need to focus on your studies. After all, in addition to school, children have their own hobbies and interests. Also, do not forget that this is still a child who still plays with pleasure and enthusiasm.

You do not need to choose a gift, limited only by the age category of your child. It is also important to take into account the interests of the child.

As a rule, at this age, children are already interested in sports, attend various creative circles and lead a very active lifestyle. That's why the gift should be not only useful, but also able to reflect the inner personality and peculiarity of your child. There is no specific framework and rules that indicate which gifts should be given by parents, and which should be given by relatives or family friends. The main thing is that the child likes the present, is practical, interesting and of high quality.

Basic gift ideas

In order to make it easier to make a choice and purchase the right gift for the holiday, we have compiled a small rating of those gifts that will definitely delight eight-year-old boys and girls.

With the next holiday approaching, parents and relatives go shopping in the hope of finding a useful and interesting gift for the child. Of course, it is quite possible for an 8-year-old child to give something from toys. For example, many girls dream of modern dolls and even collect collections. Boys won't give up on radio-controlled cars either. By the way, such cars can also be collected. Therefore, if your child has a positive attitude towards such toys, then why not please him with such a present for his birthday or New Year.

If your child is already indifferent to toys and does not surprise him with a new dollhouse or another typewriter, then you should pay attention to other products. Today, you can easily find interesting and popular board games that can be played with the whole family or with friends.

You can opt for sets that are designed for outdoor games.

You can also choose a science experiment kit or a creative kit as a gift.

And you can also choose a present that will be a great addition to the student's hobby. For example, if a boy has a positive attitude towards sports, then you can give rollers or sneakers-rollers. For a girl who is already interested in needlework, a mini sewing machine is perfect. When choosing a gift, remember that he should bring benefit and pleasure to the child. So, it is worth taking a closer look at what kind of gifts can be the best for your child.

Electronic gadgets

Of course, all kinds of gadgets are very popular. No child of this age will refuse such a gift as tablet or phone. Today the telephone has become a necessity for every student. This is very convenient, since the beloved child is always in touch, parents can control his movement and know for sure whether he has come home or is still at school. In this case, it is impossible to give advice on which phone to choose for a child of this age.

Many parents choose the simplest phone models that have no games and no Internet connectivity. In this case, you can donate special watch, which you can call and with their help, you can track the movement of your beloved child. Today, such a watch phone can be chosen in any color and the variety of designs is also pleasing. In addition, such watches have other additional useful functions, for example, an alarm clock and a pedometer.

If the child already has a phone, then you should pay attention to tablet. Of course, many parents are against the idea of ​​a child with a lot of modern gadgets. Therefore, before purchasing such a gift for a child of friends or relatives, consult with the parents. If you still want to opt for a tablet, but do not want your child to spend a lot of time on the Internet, then you can choose a model that does not have an Internet connection.

In such a tablet, you can easily download a special program for convenient and comfortable reading of books, educational games and programs. Such a gift may well be beneficial if you make the right choice.


Despite the fact that in our modern time children are increasingly interested in computer games and spend time with electronic gadgets, the book is still a desirable gift for many. Thinking about such a gift as a book, various works of art immediately come to mind.

If you want to donate an interesting book by a popular author, then be sure to ask the parents what kind of books the child loves the most. For example, many boys at this age are very fond of various books about adventure and travel. And girls can read interesting and funny stories about schoolchildren, recognizing their classmates in the main characters.

In addition, many modern children are very fond of children's detectives. In this case, you can donate a whole series of books.

And you can also choose books or encyclopedias, focusing on the hobbies of an eight-year-old student. For example, if a boy or girl is not indifferent to animals, then you can choose a whole series of colorful and interesting encyclopedias about our smaller brothers. Many children at this age become interested in technology, space or history. Therefore, if you know for sure about the tastes and preferences of an eight-year-old student, then a thematic encyclopedia will be the best gift for any holiday.

If the child attends any sports or creative activities, then you can purchase an interesting guide. For example, a boy will be interested in learning a lot of new and useful things about his favorite sport. And a girl may like a handbook of a young artist or needlewoman.

Before buying this or that book, be sure to ask your parents if they have one in the house. If you hand over the second copy of the colorful encyclopedia, then your gift will gather dust on the shelf.


In the category of smart gifts, you can consider all types of board games, interesting puzzles and sets for scientific experiments. Today you can find both classic board games and highly original ones. Of course, if the child is keen on chess, then you can give a special gift option. But, as a rule, children of this age like other games. For example, you can choose "Monopoly" or the classic "Russian Lotto". Such board games will captivate all family members, because it is interesting to play them at any age.

Also, take a look at the various board games marked 8+. You can find very interesting, intelligent options that will be interesting to play at any age.

As a gift, various puzzles and even constructors are quite suitable.

After learning about the tastes and preferences of the child, you can find quite suitable options. In addition, you can present as a presentation home science experiment kit, thanks to which every student will be able to feel like a young chemist.


If you want to give something unusual, original, then pay attention to set for growing crystals at home or on an ant farm. Both a boy and a girl will like such a gift. Thanks to the original present, children will be able to follow the life of ants day after day or grow crystals of different colors and sizes with their own hands.

If an eight-year-old student is keen on space, then you can donate not only an encyclopedia, but also a whole home planetarium. Thanks to such an original and useful gift, it will be possible to study the planets of the solar system and not only.

Perfect for a creative person modern 3D pen, thanks to which it will be possible to create various volumetric objects.

Or you can opt for a set for a young magician or clown. Such a gift will be appreciated by a child who shows artistic abilities from childhood.

What shouldn't be gifted?

Many relatives try to present a practical gift for the holiday. As they say, such a present that will definitely come in handy on the farm. But, as a rule, such gifts do not bring any pleasure to children, despite the fact that they are intended specifically for them. It is worth considering what, after all, should not be given to children.

  • You shouldn't give a gift to a child bed linen, a blanket or a set of towels. Such gifts, as a rule, are appreciated by mothers, but children will not be happy.Of course, for the holiday, you can choose a set of bedding or a beautiful bedspread with the image of your favorite cartoon character. But still, this is not a gift for a child. Such a set may well become an excellent addition to the main present, but by no means an independent gift. Moreover, such items can be bought as needed and for no reason at all.
  • Among the unwanted gifts for boys can be distinguished kits that include hygiene products. Having received such a gift for a holiday, the boy will experience ambiguous feelings, so this idea should be abandoned. As for girls, it is quite possible to give them a similar set, which includes children's nail polish, hair spray, baby cream and other little things that girls like at any age. But again, this option is better presented as an additional bonus, and not limited to just one set.
  • Since an eight-year-old child is already a schoolboy, most relatives give various stationery. The gift is undoubtedly practical and useful, but it will not bring any joy to the child. Notebooks, pencils, paints and so on can be bought as needed, so it is also better to refuse such an option.
  • You shouldn't give a whole a bag of sweets. Modern children cannot be surprised with a bar, even very expensive chocolate. Indeed, in our time, you can buy any sweetness at any time. Therefore, there is no need to present sweet gifts. But as an addition to the main presentation, it is quite acceptable.
  • Also, it is not worth giving pet, even if you know for sure that he has long dreamed about it. It would be right if the parents present such a surprise. But the rest of the relatives should be given such gifts only with the consent of the parents.
  • It is not entirely correct to give to eight-year-old children money. As a rule, children of this age can spend them on various entertainments and sweets, and as a result, there will be no memories of the memorable day in the form of a gift.

There are other gift options for children over the age of eight. All the details can be found in the video below.

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