Gifts for children

What to give a 14-year-old girl?

What to give a 14-year-old girl?
  1. Age features
  2. Top useful gifts
  3. We take into account interests
  4. Ideas for fashionistas
  5. If the budget is tight

Girls at the age of 14 are very contradictory: they rarely know what they want and have practically no unshakable attitudes regarding their own place in this world. These are no longer children, but they are not yet adults, and therefore the choice of a gift for such a person is a troublesome and responsible business.

Age features

14 years is adolescence with all the ensuing consequences. And in each case, the pubertal period proceeds with individual characteristics. But almost all girls at this age tend to sharply, sometimes rapidly, change their own views, beliefs, and hobbies. The young lady begins to pay more attention to her appearance, she wants to please the representatives of the opposite sex and this is a completely normal situation. So the girl grows up psychologically, turns into a girl.

Girls at this age are easily offended, they can be offended even with a word thrown inadvertently, a look and an inappropriate gift too. They are suspicious, critical of their own appearance and at the same time - great romantics in their souls, dreamers and dreamers.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a gift for a young person of 14 years old.

It should also be remembered that the girl is still looking for herself, she mentally tries on different images, professions, life path, beliefs every day - she does not yet have formed her own. But she may have very specific wishes, for example, often at this age girls dream of a large tattoo on their entire arm or back, of pink hair, like the heroine of an anime. That's why it's worth asking a teenager's opinion about a possible gift, but you definitely don't need to rush to fulfill all the wishes of a fourteen-year-old beauty.

When choosing a gift from adults, a certain amount of prudence is required, but you should not give the child what you like and obviously dislike the hero of the occasion. Look for compromise options.

For a young person at the indicated age, it practically does not matter from whom she will receive the desired gift, since notions of what is decent and what is not, have not yet settled in a beautiful young head. It is up to the donor to take this factor into account.

Give a girl such a present, which will exactly match the degree of closeness of your relationship. A strange gift will be beautiful panties from a distant relative who last saw the girl in toddler age, but the same panties as a gift from mom will be quite appropriate and pleasant for a girl.

To get off with a book on duty with trendy advices for teenagers or a soft toy is the lot of the weak and indifferent. If the hero of the occasion is dear to you, go to the choice of a gift for her based on her character, interests, hobbies, wishes, but taking into account the principles of rationality and decency.

And before you start choosing, check out the list of what to give is definitely not necessary.

  • Home slippers, pajamas, bathrobes - we are talking about the most ordinary products of this kind, but the kigurumi suits that are fashionable today, which teenage girls use both as home clothes and as warm winter pajamas, may be quite appropriate if a girl dreams of such an image.
  • Any presents which are designed to somehow correct the shortcomings in the appearance of the young person (girls at the age of 14 are already sensitive to their shortcomings). Therefore, a book about how to lose weight in three days, how to turn from an ugly duckling into a swan in a week, as well as sets of cosmetics to fight acne will only offend a girl. An exception is anti-acne cosmetics and care products, presented, for example, by a mother or grandmother.
  • Gifts designed to correct the character and inclinations of the child. We are talking about encyclopedic and scientific publications that some parents present to their children who do not want to study well in the hope that books, stationery and other attributes of excellent pupils "will make a real person out of their daughter." They will not do it, but only cause bewilderment and chagrin.

The exception is cases when a girl is really interested in science and wants to receive a reference book or an encyclopedia as a gift.

Top useful gifts

Thinking about a gift for a young fourteen-year-old person who is someone for you, for example, a daughter, a friend, a sister, you can go into such impenetrable jungle that it will be difficult to figure out what a teenager needs and what you want to present to him. The gift should be pleasant, desired and in demand, useful specifically for the girl. We present some of the most common options that are chosen for the fourteenth birthday (birthday), for the New Year and Women's Day for persons of the specified age.

  • Gadgets... Gifts that fall into this category are considered the most desirable among teenagers. If we specify the names, then most often teenage girls want to get a new smartphone, tablet computer, laptop or netbook, an e-book, a smart watch with a built-in calorie counter, steps, as well as the ability to go online and send messages. Whatever the attitude of the older generation to gadgets in the family, this is a win-win gift option. In addition, the usefulness of gadgets with their moderate use cannot be denied: they can store and use electronic textbooks, programs for preparing for exams.
  • Accessories for gadgets. It is quite appropriate to accept such gifts from friends and classmates, especially since they are not so expensive and you can find quite budgetary and affordable options for any solemn occasion.These presentations include a selfie stick, a fashionable case for a phone or tablet, a stand for gadgets, and headphones (wireless devices are especially popular today).
  • Cash. An excellent gift option if, by the day of the celebration, not a single worthy idea has appeared, or the girl is not a close relative of you. Girls at this age are very fond of buying something themselves, usually they save up for something, and the donated money will be very useful to them. It is only important to understand that it is bad form to stick the birthday girl or the hero of another occasion in a fist with the words of congratulations. Present a safe-deposit box with the first installment in it, or put the bills in a beautiful envelope or make a bunch of them, inflate a balloon, inside which I will lay the presented bills neatly folded and tied with thin ribbons.
  • Interior things - oddly enough, but girls at the age of 14 and women at the age of 50 are very fond of things to decorate the interior. A gift will come in especially handy if the girl has her own separate room. You can present, after asking in what style the room is furnished, a stylish suitable table lamp, separate comfortable sofa cushions, a fluffy and soft blanket, high-quality large posters depicting her favorite artist, musician, athlete. For any interior, a stylish and useful night light is suitable, which projects the starry sky onto the walls and ceiling, as well as an unusual alarm clock, which, for example, needs to be caught or shot with a laser pistol so that it will be silent at the appointed time.
  • Toys - the girl has grown up and the Winx dolls will no longer suit her, although they used to cause wild delight. The toys should now be completely different. Usually, at the age of 14, girls greatly appreciate anti-stress toys, for example, a soft toy-heating pad for bed, a spinner, an interactive ball of magic predictions, a perplexus ball, and other puzzles. At their leisure, many girls take great pleasure in collecting puzzles and this is not unusual. Among board games, give preference to "Mafia" and "Monopoly", and among games for a large company, you should pay attention to "Twister".
  • Book - it is better if it is electronic. Her girlfriend will be able to fill with works of her own taste. But if a girl prefers paper books, then it is best to give her a certificate to a large book distribution network, in which she herself, within the framework of a paid certificate, will be able to choose those books that are really interesting to her.
  • Gift certificates - this is, in general, a variant of a monetary gift, but with a deferred perspective and intended purpose. If a girl dreams of going to a beauty salon, why not give her a certificate there - let her feel like an adult, having done a manicure and a haircut in a real beauty salon. A pet lover can be presented with a certificate at a pet store, and a lover of sports and an active lifestyle can be presented with a sporting goods store.

Sweet sets are also useful and versatile gifts. Today it is possible to order a personalized chocolate set with personal wishes on each candy.

Girls love flowers, jewelry, perfume (if you know exactly which scent a young fashionista prefers).

We take into account interests

If the sphere of interests of the young princess is known, it is better to choose a themed gift that she can use in her favorite activities. A thematic gift of interest should not be too expensive, because the interests themselves at this age often change, but it must be necessary. Here are some hobby gift ideas.

  • For a girl who is fond of cooking, cooking - a cookbook with bright illustrations and step-by-step recipes, an original kitchen apron with an unusual pattern, a set of silicone molds for baking muffin muffins, cupcakes or curly lollipops, a set of food colors and decor for cookies and pastries that the girl will bake with her own hands.
  • To a young lady who loves to do needlework, kits for creativity are suitable, for example, paintings with a set of threads for cross-stitch and satin stitch, silk, sequins; knitting kits, kits for self-sewing soft toys, kits for weaving from beads, creating stained glass windows, making fridge magnets, soap and so on - there are a great many options.
  • A girl with musical ability and the desire to sing, play musical instruments, you can present a karaoke microphone, a synthesizer (including a mini-version), a musical instrument (violin, flute, guitar, etc.). Teenagers attending music schools will be delighted if you bring a set of music books and a certificate to a music store, where the child will choose exactly what he needs, for example, a replacement saxophone cane of the required size.
  • To a girl who enjoys dancing, a pair of shoes in which she can dance, or a certificate to a sporting goods store, where she can choose such shoes, will do the trick. You can present a tracksuit or T-shirts, tops, and a young dancer will be happy with a comfortable and reliable hair clip, which is known to interfere with training and performances. You can give a ticket to a performance of your favorite dance group, as well as an interactive dance rug that will help the girl warm up at home and have dance battles with her friends, since in some models of dance rugs there is the possibility of a competition between two dancers.
  • To a girl who is fond of drawing, photography, you can donate everything that is necessary for a young artist. A real camera is an expensive gift, but sometimes parents and relatives join together financially to fulfill their daughter's cherished dream.
  • Collector girl I will definitely be glad to see a new exhibit in my collection, be it porcelain elephants, plush crocodiles or postcards with views of Paris.
  • Girls who love fitness and sports will be happy if they receive something that will benefit them in this business - running shoes, a new tracksuit, dumbbells, skis, ice skates or even a home exercise bike. You can present a girl with a certificate for visiting a gym, swimming pool, fitness group for teenagers. Most likely, the girl will be happy with a new bike, skateboard, hoverboard, roller skates and a set of protection for riding them.
  • To girls who adore natural sciences, experiments, you can present an electron microscope with a set of biosamples and the ability to prepare your own, a telescope for studying celestial bodies, a set "Young chemist" or "Young physicist".

Ideas for fashionistas

Choosing clothes or accessories for a teenager is a very difficult task, because fashion does not stand still, besides, a particular girl may have individual preferences. We can say with confidence that a girl will not refuse a fashionable thing, as well as an interesting accessory, for example, an umbrella with a print, a handbag or a backpack, a scarf or sunglasses, but she still has to choose such things herself. Therefore, it would be better to give her a shopping trip to the store with a pre-agreed amount, within which she can choose the things she likes.

With jewelry, everything is somewhat simpler - it is difficult to find a girl who would not be happy with beautiful earrings or a ringlet, but you should not give too expensive jewelry, because at this age children are very mobile and absent-minded, an expensive jewelry can break, get lost. It is better to choose jewelry that will exactly match the style of the fashionista.

It is important to remember that massive, heavy jewelry is not suitable for a teenager; it is better to give preference to thin, graceful bracelets, chains and earrings.

Cosmetics are also one of the gifts teens coveted.Many girls at the age of 14 are already beginning to use decorative cosmetics, but without an accurate knowledge of the preferences of a young beauty, choosing shadows, lipstick and mascara for her is not worth it. It is better to give preference to cosmetics for teenagers, avoiding a direct hint of acne and other "delights" of puberty.

Almost any girl will be pleased with the presented hairdryer, curling iron, and irons. But such gifts are best presented in a set with thermal hair protection products, as well as with clear recommendations that frequent thermal exposure ruins hair.

You can also give a teenager at the age of 14 his own manicure set.

If the budget is tight

If you have a limited budget for a gift, don't worry - even inexpensive gifts can be amazing, especially if they are handmade. You can bake a box of fortune cookies for a girl, sew or knit a very interesting phone case, you can give a hand-made box for various girlish secrets and little things. Bouquets made of chocolates and wrapping paper, homemade hairpins made of beads and leather look very interesting and solemn; bracelets, headbands, lovingly adorned with your skillful hands.

Among inexpensive gifts, you should pay attention to a personalized mug, from which a girl can drink tea or cocoa in the morning, as well as a smart keychain that whistles to a prearranged signal and allows its mistress to quickly find a bunch of keys where this keychain is attached.

In the next video, you will find examples of gifts for a 14-year-old girl.

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