Gifts for children

What to give a child up to six months old?

What to give a child up to six months old?
  1. Age features
  2. Fundamental rules
  3. Popular toys
  4. Useful gifts
  5. clothing
  6. For memory

Some time after the appearance of the baby in the house, the parents invite relatives and friends to visit to introduce a new family member. In this case, a baby cannot do without a gift. It is customary to give presents to a boy or girl when they come to visit. There are other events when it is necessary to choose gifts: goddaughter or godson for christening, for 2, 3, 4 or more months, New Year, Christmas and so on. I really want the gift to be useful, like it and bring joy.

Age features

A two-month-old, three-month-old, four- or five-month-old baby is still too young to move independently. The most difficult thing, perhaps, is to figure out what to give the child for 2 months, after three months the activity becomes more obvious, the wakefulness time increases, the baby begins to be attracted by objects. But you can always choose a gift, running a little ahead, because children grow up very quickly. It is important to remember that during this period of life, the baby tastes everything, so when choosing a toy, you should know that sooner or later it will be in his mouth.

After six months, the child is already sitting and perceives the world in a different way, so gifts from birth to 5 months differ significantly.

Fundamental rules

Before you buy a toy, pay attention to points such as:

  • quality of materials - this is the main criterion to be guided by; in no case give toys and clothes of dubious production, since low-quality materials can cause allergies and even provoke poisoning;
  • convenience - this applies, first of all, to toys that the baby will hold in his hands - they should be light and easy to fit in the palm of the hand;
  • Colour - After two months, babies begin to distinguish colors, they are attracted by everything bright, catchy, so restrained colors and pastel colors are not the best choice, give preference to catchy colors, colorful design.

    Do not hesitate to ask what to give - it is better to buy the desired item without a surprise. Originality does not always work with children, if you do not know exactly what to give, buy a certificate in a children's supermarket.

    Refrain from buying a bouquet for the baby's mother, he may have an allergy, but a bouquet of fruits is an excellent solution.

    Popular toys

    If you would like to gift a toy, there are several options to consider.

    • Rattles. This is the very first toy of the baby, it is at this age that the crumbs are able to appreciate all the charm of the thundering little thing. She attracts their hearing, attention, they look at the rattles with pleasure, drag them into their mouths. The main thing is that it is small so that it is convenient to take it. Discard options that can injure yourself or easily tear off small parts.
    • Teethers... This is another hit of the kids. Active teething can begin at almost any age, but even before it begins, children taste everything, this is how they learn about the world. Teethers are designed to be gnawed on. Here, too, it is important that the baby is comfortable to hold and chew on.
    • Small toys. They can be made of plush, fabric, equipped with various details that rustle and squeak. They have tiny mirrors, bright details. Such toys can be hung in a stroller, crib, children's rug so that the baby touches them, touches them with his fingers, and hits them with handles.

    This range includes connector toys that give the child a feeling of security confidence, something familiar when mothers are not around.

    • Interactive models. Toddlers love to watch bright toys that ring, play, blink, make sounds, move, and so on. Pay attention to the ability to adjust the sound or the absence of too harsh sounds.
    • Finger toys. This is a kind of puppet theater, with the help of which you can arrange real performances for your kid.
    • For bathroom. Babies love to swim, and they do it with great pleasure when there are toys in the bathtub. These can be ducks, frogs or other bright animals, bathroom books.
    • First books. It is better to start acquaintance of the baby with this category with soft books, books for bathing, hard little books.
    • Developing rugs. This is a great gift for both the baby and the parents, as it makes it possible to put the baby down for a while and do something during this period, for example, drink coffee or wash the dishes. When choosing a rug, focus on the quality of the materials and the number of toys that can lure him.
    • Mobile in a crib or an arc with toys... Another way to give a young mom some rest. The baby is safe in the crib, the mobile is spinning, playing the simplest melodies and attracting the baby. Pediatricians recommend giving preference to models that can be washed, since dust accumulates on rag toys, so they will need to be washed periodically.
    • Manege. This device is a great help for many mothers, because in the arena the actively turning baby is safe. You can hang an arc with toys there.
    • Developing aids. Now it is very fashionable, if you know that a young mother is a supporter of development from the cradle, you should give her a set of developmental activities, for example, "School of 7 Dwarfs" or "Clever Girl".
    • Musical toys. This category will come in handy for the baby a little later, but he will definitely appreciate a small bright pipe or balalaika right now.

    Useful gifts

    If you are a down-to-earth person and love useful gifts, this category is for you. Making life easier for young parents is now quite simple, pragmatism in these matters is a very good quality, especially if you know that the financial situation in the family makes you save. Practical gifts for babies include the following:

    • baby cosmetics - Beforehand, be sure to check if the crumbs are allergic to any lines, what kind of cosmetics they are using now, so as not to harm;
    • night light will allow the mother not to turn on a bright light, getting up at night to the baby, while not staying in complete darkness;
    • textile it is never superfluous, because children are such impractical creatures, feel free to buy bed linen, towels, napkins for babies;
    • observation devices, for example, videos and baby monitors will help the mother go to another room, calmly cook in the kitchen of a large house, without worrying that the baby will wake up and she will not hear;
    • cocoons - studies have shown that children feel much more comfortable, cozy, protected in them, it is enough for a mother to transfer it from a stroller to a crib;
    • things for bathing - bathtub with or without a stand, ladle, pillow, circle, hat;
    • thermos and sterilizer for bottles, if the baby is bottle-fed;
    • rockers, swings, sun loungers - this is a great choice if the baby is not too tame; if he always asks for pens, give mom a sling or a scarf;
    • fitball for gymnastics;
    • baby car seat;
    • feeding chair.


    First of all, pay attention to the quality, naturalness of the fabric, the absence of decorations and the size corresponding not only to age, but also to a real little person. So feel free to ask your parents a question. In general, this is a rather controversial gift category, it must be borne in mind that children grow up very quickly, so he does not need too much clothes, he will instantly grow out of it. It is worth assessing the need for such a presentation. Once the decision is made, you can choose options such as:

    • diaper cocoon will allow mom to swaddle the baby in an instant, without tormenting with ordinary diapers;
    • a variety of costumes, bodysuits, overalls, booties, socks, romper, hats;
    • transformer jumpsuit, which is great for walking and traveling in a car seat.

    There are original bouquets of children's clothing, you can give your mother such a spectacular gift.

    For memory

    This is a very popular category, because parents will definitely buy clothes, dishes and toys themselves, but they may not have time and energy left for emotions. You can choose the following keepsakes:

    • a blanket with a stadiometer, where you can make monthly marks of growth;
    • a development calendar, where mom and dad will make notes about the events that have happened to the baby, his development;
    • sets for the formation of casts of handles and legs of the crumbs;
    • a certificate for a photo session for a baby or the whole family;
    • photo album, crumbs development book;
    • original metrics;
    • photo frames for the whole family;
    • boxes in which you can store baby's things: a tag from the hospital and others;
    • personalized silver spoon.

          You can buy memorable gifts for your little daughter, such as:

          • head adornment;
          • earrings;
          • bodysuit with ruffles, skirts;
          • jewelry pacifier;
          • booties with rhinestones.

          Boys are often given the following gifts:

          • nipple with antennae;
          • bodysuit with a drawn tie;
          • hat with the BOSS logo;
          • souvenir machine.

          For information on what to give a child under one year old, see the next video review.

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