Gifts for children

What to give your daughter?

What to give your daughter?
  1. What should not be gifted?
  2. Universal
  3. Adult Gadgets
  4. Developing
  5. Original ideas
  6. Creative

When choosing a gift for their daughter, parents face difficulties. It's no secret that not everything that is considered good for mom or dad is considered a good present by the daughter. We will help you understand this topic, suggesting what your daughter will like depending on her age.

What should not be gifted?

It is useless to hope for joy when presenting a gift if it is not in the children's interests. If your daughter is fond of drawing, but is completely indifferent to knitting, the choice of a presentation is obvious. It is in vain to try to instill this interest in her by buying needlework kits. You can ask about hobbies, but even the high price of the set will not guarantee children's interest. It is also useless to put pressure on your daughter, hinting at the high cost: this can discourage any desire to do anything.

You should not give presents for everyday life: the girl will not perceive them as a gift. Pajamas, socks, scarf, hat, boots, sports or school uniform will not be a gift for her. In theory, this is all and so it should be in a children's wardrobe. Daughters are not always happy with flowers - this is considered an addition to the main present. Also, not everyone understands gifts such as body care products.

There is no need for useless gifts like a spinner, for example. He not only does not teach anything, but also takes away free time from the child, which the girl could spend, if not on rest, then on something developing. Such gifts include anti-stress mass or hand gum. There is no need to instill in your daughter a craving to crush something out of anger from childhood, repeating the manufacturers' imposed stereotypes.

It is necessary to teach her to control her emotions.


Depending on the daughter's age and the type of event, parents can give her different gifts. For example, the simplest option is a greeting card. Often it becomes an addition to a sweet gift (say, a bouquet of chocolates). However, for a little daughter who is accustomed to eating sweets all the time, this is unlikely to be something memorable or special.

Sometimes parents give their daughter money. This is a good presentation option for a girl who collects them for something expensive. Someone considers the gift to be controversial, but with skillful disposal, the child receives exactly the present he dreams of. And these are positive thoughts and consideration of his interests. Of course, you can give money, knowing what exactly your daughter is going to spend it on.

You can give a girl and a piggy bank. In order to quickly collect the required amount for the thing she wants, you can choose an option that will attract attention. For example, you will quickly collect money in coins if the piggy bank asks for them from you. For example, it can be a unique character in the Japanese cartoon "The Faceless" with a dish for coins, which he eats after they are placed on the dish itself. The daughter's friends will also like the present, who will also contribute to the feeding of the funny character.

Someone gives books to daughters... I must say that this gift has become controversial today, because it is more suitable for girls who adore reading various literature. However, they often upload books to an electronic gadget or even choose an audiobook, where they have the opportunity to plunge into the desired atmosphere due to the expressive reading of the actors.

Adult Gadgets

Of course, modern children love modern toys, among which gadgets are considered the best present. Based on the type of holiday and the funds available for purchase, parents can give their daughter:

  • a good computer or laptop with sufficient memory;
  • a graphics tablet with a visualizer screen;
  • an electronic photo frame to create your album;
  • a modern smartphone model with a panoramic camera;
  • a robo toy with a set of specific options;
  • portable USB-device for contactless control of a computer or laptop;
  • alarm clock with a creative projector, decorated in the form of a cube;
  • stabilizing device for smooth video recording without camera jumps;
  • a drawing robot that performs drawings according to a given program;
  • Launchpad for creating electronic music;
  • holographic projection of a night light with a specific volumetric image;
  • a light panel with a set of letters of the English alphabet to create reminders or wishes for the day;
  • portable mini-safe or e-book;
  • a ring that replaces a smartphone or keyboard projection;
  • fitness watch with pedometer, clock, timer, and sleep tracking.

In most cases, a teenage daughter uses gadgets not only for recreation, but also for her development.

For example, for the same electronic frame, she will be able to create beautiful pictures by arranging them in a graphic editor. A graphic tablet will allow her to develop drawing skills, which, possibly, will affect the choice of a future profession. The e-book will certainly find application: you can load textbooks into it, thereby relieving your back from the weight of the total weight of the school bag.


This series includes gifts that contribute to the formation of certain skills. For example, depending on children's interests and age, this may be:

  • synthesizer or microphone for karaoke;
  • dance rug;
  • a camera with a good lens;
  • volumetric, standard puzzles or a robot toy, which must first be assembled;
  • a set of cards for building logical chains;
  • easel with canvas and art paints;
  • set for professional salon manicure;
  • diving equipment with parents.

For a little

The choice of this or that option should be based not only on the interests of the daughter, but also on her age. For example, it is better for a small child to present a toy with which she can play different games. Depending on the budget and the daughter's age, this may be:

  • a robotic cat with touch sensors, purring when touched;
  • robotic fish, actively behaving in the aquarium;
  • a robotic dog performing several different commands;
  • a beautiful doll or character of your favorite cartoon;
  • a large stuffed toy, dollhouse, or large castle;
  • a set for modeling, implying work with a special plasticine mass;
  • a "kitchen" set that allows you to create a food point for your favorite toys;
  • a “home doctor” kit so that the daughter can “treat” her toys;
  • a set of a young artist or a logic toy;
  • glowing LED Rubik's cube;
  • magnetic cube or neo-cube, magnetic or ordinary constructor;
  • a set of clothes for your favorite doll or accessories for playing with it;
  • a set of toys for a home puppet theater;
  • a stroller for your favorite doll, a wardrobe with clothes.

    When choosing a present for a little daughter, you need to pay attention to the fastening of small parts and the smoothness of the forms. For example, for a baby, you should not buy a constructor consisting of small parts: it is quite enough to buy a maxi version. The same can be said about educational puzzles.

    For children of younger or preschool age, it is preferable to take sets with large image elements.

    Original ideas

    There is a category of gifts that stand out from the general background with their creativity. Moreover, their price can be quite acceptable. For example, depending on the girl's age, you can give her:

    • erasable ink pen;
    • a mug designed for the lens of a professional camera;
    • thermos designed for a can of Coca-Cola;
    • a portable speaker designed in the form of a funny dancing dog;
    • t-shirt with equalizer or mini fan with LED light.

      A growing pencil can also arouse interest in my daughter. Outwardly, it is no different from an ordinary simple one, and can be used as usual. However, when it wears off, it can be planted in a pot of soil, which will eventually grow a houseplant in the pot.

      Someone May Like basketball cup for tea, cocoa and ice cream... Unlike conventional counterparts, this model has a basketball hoop into which you can throw sugar cubes, marshmallows or M&M's. Of course, not the most practical option, but it differs from the usual, and this is exactly what teenagers love.

      You can also give a surprise present. For example, if a daughter is fond of the work of her favorite band, a ticket to a concert of her favorite artist may be the best gift for her. If she is just learning to take care of herself, you can give her a visit to a stylist who will teach you the rules for choosing a wardrobe, applying a make-up and creating a beautiful hairstyle.


      Perhaps, these gifts are more often given by friends and peers. However, in some cases, they may well be presented by daughters and parents. For example, little girls will be delighted if mom or dad gives them unique super-durable soap bubbles that you can play with by changing their shape.

      Teenagers love unusual things, and each girl's range of creativity can be limited. Some people like something made with their own hands, others prefer exclusively store products. For example, it can be a flexible wireless mouse for a laptop or computer, or a glowing powder.

      Creative personalities who love to experiment will not remain indifferent to waterproof sand, which dries instantly when taken out of a glass of water.

      Others like the glow-in-the-dark powder, through which they create a lot of creative selfies, posting on their pages in social networks.

      A daughter can also please a gift such as an umbrella that changes colors in the rain. The thing is unique and unusual, but at the same time practical, its color range can be different. This gift can change the attitude towards bad weather - as you know, children react very strongly and negatively to cloudy weather.

      For how to make a do-it-yourself birthday present for your daughter, see the next video.

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