Gifts for children

What to give a 13-year-old boy?

What to give a 13-year-old boy?
  1. What should be considered?
  2. What can you give your son?
  3. Options from friends
  4. What to give your brother?

Thirteen-year-old boys are in a transitional nervous age, therefore they do not always adequately respond to various situations. Choosing a birthday present for such a birthday person is a really important task - you will have to try very hard to please him. If parents, on the eve of an important date, begin to focus only on their tastes or on what seems useful to them, they can greatly offend their son.

What should be considered?

When a boy turns 13, he, in fact, is not yet an adult, but no longer belongs to children. Therefore, both the one and the other extreme may be inappropriate. A birthday present for a teenager should match his hobbies and interests. Perhaps he is still a fan of comics or some cartoons, or is already interested in business or is seriously involved in creativity or sports. In this case, a collectible toy that one boy will really like will only cause bewilderment and disappointment in another.

However, at 13, guys tend to become very private and reluctant to share their interests. In this situation you should ask about the gift directly, involve close friends or try to find out in correspondence - sometimes this type of interaction turns out to be more effective. In addition, it is important to remember that 13-year-olds are unlikely to be interested in something classic or even old-fashioned. Durability, versatility and outward modesty are qualities that a person begins to appreciate with age.

Regardless of what kind of gift is planned for a teenager, it should be trendy, modern and stylish looking.

Preparation of a surprise presentation can be carried out according to a three-stage scheme. First you have to find out what is now fashionable and relevant precisely in the environment in which the child revolves, what his friends are interested in and what they dream about. The easiest way is to clarify the information with the birthday boy, but if the rough teenager does not make contact, then you will have to show observation. For example, a simple inspection of a room can provide the required data.

Then you have to decide on the budget. Since the interests of modern youth are often costly, it will be more convenient to cooperate with one of the donors and make a joint present. For example, it is logical for parents to team up with grandparents, and friends to chip in within the same company.

Finally, you will have to think about what the gift should still be - educational or entertaining... The older generation always favors developmental gifts, but the teenager himself will not necessarily like it. In this case, it is more logical to observe the golden mean.

In addition, parents often either disapprove of the child's hobbies, or seek to impose their own ideas about what a teenager should do. Such adults are advised to remember whose holiday is planned after all.

What can you give your son?

It is easiest for a 13-year-old son to give money. While this gift is considered rather commonplace, it is still appropriate. Children of this age appreciate when they are treated like adults, and by presenting a sum of money and giving the opportunity to choose how to spend it on their own, this is what parents demonstrate.

Experts believe that the choice of a monetary gift should be determined depending on how the teenager reacts to it, and also whether he will let him down on some unhealthy things. In addition, it is appropriate for a 13-year-old boy to present the first bank card with a certain amount, to which pocket expenses will later be transferred. Such a gift will be not only pleasant, but also useful, because it will allow the son to get acquainted with financial services and learn how to plan his own budget.

Of course, parents will most likely want to make a gift that is more developing, but this does not always resonate with adolescents. However, It can be a good idea to donate a book if you consider your choice thoughtfully. You may like high-quality fiction, and a dashingly twisted detective story, and an interesting historical book with unknown details, and a boring encyclopedia, and modern non-fiction.

Of course, if a son is interested in a certain author or direction of literature, then he will have to look for a suitable novelty based on this.

Good gifts are various sports items. To support a healthy endeavor, you will have to choose rollers, a football or basketball ball, a skate, a bicycle or water scooter, a jumper or some kind of equipment or accessories.

If a boy is engaged in a certain type of creativity or strives for this, then it will be easy for him to pick up a present. Musical instrument, easel and paints, woodcutter - for a person with a hobby, any item can become a gift. If a guy spends a lot of time at the computer, doing programming or graphic design, then perhaps he should be presented with a comfortable palm rest or a high-quality chair that does not harm posture.

For a young traveler, gifts such as a backpack and other hiking equipment, a compass, carabiners and climbing ropes, a thermos, special dishes and other useful equipment are suitable. The jack-of-all-trades will love a full-fledged set of tools, just like his father.

Certainly the thirteenth birthday - this is a great opportunity for a child to purchase a pet. When the parents are well acquainted with the wishes of the birthday boy, they can choose the animal on their own, but in case of doubt it is better to visit the nursery together.

If the son is interested in science himself, then you should definitely support this interest. Parents can present a microscope or telescope for their birthday, a set of experiments in chemistry, electronics or physics, or pay for an online course in the area of ​​interest.

A beginner photographer should present, if not a full-fledged camera, then at least some accessories for it. Again, it will be appropriate for a teenager to attend a master class by an eminent photographer or training lessons on portrait or event photography. Parents should not try to guess with the choice of clothes, especially for school, but with the purchase of branded sneakers or an expensive leather backpack, they will be able to guess.

Of course, it is from the parents that the son will expect some expensive gifts, for example, laptop, smartphone or tablet, player or camera. A book lover will also appreciate the e-book. By the way, despite the child's apparent adulthood, he may also like a radio-controlled toy. Of course, the model should be of high quality and moderately serious, but suitable for age.

If relatives want to make a memorable gift that will serve for many years to come, it makes sense to think about a wristwatch with an engraving "from mom and dad." Of course, modern models are also suitable - either youthful design, or a "smart" version with the ability to use for communication.

Options from friends

It is easiest for friends to come up with a gift for a teenage guy. Cool and modern accessories can be selected for the gamer. A video card, a licensed disc with a new game, a controller, virtual reality glasses or even a console will definitely please the birthday boy. Clothing is exactly the area from which it is more appropriate to pick up a present for a teenager's friends. They are the ones who know what is in fashion now, what is relevant among classmates and what corresponds to the subculture to which the company belongs.

Therefore, the choice of skinny jeans, a backpack with a logo or a T-shirt with photos of rock artists should be entrusted to your friends.

Who better than friends to buy cool inexpensive souvenirs for a birthday person, for example, a convenient flash drive-transformer, a desktop drum kit or a stylish cap? This also includes a spinner, modern puzzles, or something similar.

An excellent gift would be an impressionsuch as tickets to a sporting event or a paintball certificate. From modern entertainment, it is worth mentioning a quest, during which participants need to get out of a closed room, or a laser tag. The opportunity to visit a climbing wall or go-kart will be no less joyful.

A high-quality webcam will greatly simplify interaction on Skype or other similar program. Good headphones are indispensable for school and everyday life. The ant farm is considered a fashionable and modern anti-stress fun that also has an educational function. In the absence of funds, friends can make a movie made up of pleasant video memories as a gift, or order a T-shirt or a mug with a photo.

What to give your brother?

If relatives are close and aware of each other's interests, then a brother should buy an item to replenish the collected collection or some kind of hobby. In the first case, it may turn out to be a reduced model of a car, ship or plane, a rare stamp or an old coin, a kit for assembling from parts of a famous building, or something else.

As a complement, it would be nice to present some kind of accessory, for example, a storage album, a magnifying glass or tweezers, cleaning napkins and other useful accessories.In terms of hobbies, many boys at this age may be fans of comics, a particular sport, or fantasy universes. An excellent gift for them will be a ticket to the game of their favorite team, replenishment of the collection of books or comics, figurines of characters or other unusual souvenirs.

By the way, a multipurpose folding knife will be a good gift for your brother - it will definitely come in handy for a teenager.

See below for more details.

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