Gifts for children

What to give a child for a month?

What to give a child for a month?
  1. Features of choice
  2. Rattles and pendants
  3. Chaise longue for babies
  4. clothing
  5. Linens
  6. As a keepsake for parents
  7. Useful things

Upon arrival from the hospital, young parents rarely want to collect guests in the house. This is due to the fact that the young mother feels tired and is still weak for meeting relatives and friends. In addition, after sterile conditions in the hospital, the newborn is very vulnerable to foreign viruses and bacteria. He needs time to get stronger and grow up. And the young mother will have to recuperate and establish a new mode of life.

Features of choice

A month after the birth, the parents are ready to show the newborn baby to the relatives. They invite to the first acquaintance with the baby and the closest friends. The invited guests, accordingly, think about what is best to present to young parents. Everyone wants to bring not just a beautiful, but also a useful gift to the baby.

Monthly babies are usually given rattles, nipples and clothing to grow. More specific gifts are discussed in advance with the parents.

In a trusting relationship, the baby's mother may well ask to buy something necessary. For example, sterilizer or device that warms the bottles for the mixture... Or a sling scarf for carrying a baby. This carrying method frees up mom's hands to do household chores. In this case, the baby is always with her.

A chaise longue for children from 0 to 6 months is also often asked for by new parents. You can present a comfortable pillow for the mother for more comfortable feeding of the baby. Or buy a special sleeping cocoon for your baby. They are sold in different versions. The consultants in the store will devote in detail to everyone for whom this is relevant.

It will always be a win-win option to give a baby for a month a large package of disposable diapers. It is advisable to clarify which brand to choose. Parents will probably decide in advance of a month of caring for a child what is best for his skin and more convenient to use. There are special models on sale that are more suitable for a boy or a girl.

It is worth asking a young family what it takes to make the gift really practical. When buying useful gadgets to facilitate the everyday life of parents (video or baby monitor, anti-colic bottles, mixtures, etc.), it is worth adding a toy to the present.

Rattles and pendants

A month-old baby already manages to see the contours of the objects around him more clearly than at birth. His vision is developing at an accelerated rate. Now is a very important period for training visual skills. Useful toys can help him with this. But for all children's things, you must definitely ask for a quality certificate and other accompanying documents. Remember that you are purchasing an item for a baby.

Hanging toys for a crib or a stroller are very functional and useful for the development of crumbs. The pendants are often attached to musical units and offer double benefits for sight and hearing.

Choose bright, but not variegated elements. In principle, black and white toys are recommended to train the eyes of a month-old baby. If they are located on mobiles moving in a circle, observing them will be doubly useful.

It is advisable that the toy does not emit too loud a sound. This also applies to rattles. The child is shown to develop hearing, but not to be frightened.

At this age, the baby makes chaotic movements with the handles, touching the pendant toys. It is desirable that they are light and soft. Otherwise, the baby may hit himself by accident.

Rattles in priority should be those that can be taken in hand. That is, light, with a narrow handle. In addition, toys should not smell anything (even pleasant). Without small parts on the outside and certainly solid, without the slightest notches and cracks on the plastic. Ideally they should be made of cloth.

Sooner or later, the toy will end up in the baby's mouth. Therefore, close attention is paid to its quality. However, this applies to all other children's products.

You can buy only high-quality and certified goods!

Chaise longue for babies

If there is an opportunity to spend a significant amount on the purchase of a gift, a sun lounger would be an excellent option. Better one in which the position of the child is regulated. The monthly toddler has a long way to go to take a sitting position. His back should be physiologically comfortable and safe to recline in a chaise longue.

A good portable sun lounger is a great gift for mom and baby. It is easy to carry the baby from place to place in it. He can sleep there in full view of his parents, securely anchored by the seat belt system. Often, hanging toys are included in the kit, a growing baby will not be bored to spend time watching them.

Although pediatricians do not recommend staying in a sun lounger for a long time.


If you decide to give a month-old baby clothes, it is better to take things that are sewn out with seams. The skin of the crumbs is still very delicate, and the seams from the inside can injure it.

It is better to choose colors bright, but not flashy.... It will be interesting for the kid to examine his hands and train his visual perception. Blouses it is preferable to choose with "closed palms". So called scratches protect the baby's face from his own marigolds.

The baby still does not know how to control his limbs. Involuntary, erratic hand movements can injure him.

It is also not recommended to buy blouses that are worn over the head. It is uncomfortable in early infancy. It is best to buy a small bodysuit. When choosing clothes, you should consult with the baby's mother, she will tell you what is more necessary for him right now.

It is better to avoid buying too much for growth.Often they do not wait in the wings, do not fall into the season or turn out to be not in height.


Most likely, a spare kit will never be superfluous, just like a blanket for walking in a stroller or a blanket for the arena (for the future). Trust the parents to buy the pillow. Among the many modifications, you may not guess with the one that will be needed in the near future.

The main thing is that all purchases from textiles are distinguished by a natural composition and high quality. The paint should not harm a defenseless baby.

Fabrics must be breathable, soft, so as not to irritate the delicate skin of the baby.

As a keepsake for parents

Parents will definitely like the gifts that will keep in the future all the memorable moments of the life of their beloved child. It is very popular to place photographs from birth to one year old in special albums.

You can come to the bride with a set for making a plaster cast of the palm or foot of a son or daughter. The box for storing the navel with a clothespin, tags from the maternity hospital, the first cut curl, a tooth will also cause tenderness. etc. Such a thing is made to order, and certainly rarely does any of the parents buy it in the first time after the birth of the heir.

Useful things

It will be inexpensive to buy a small special thermo bag for bottles... In it, you can save water (milk) for your baby for a walk at exactly the temperature that is comfortable for him to drink.

Household appliances, unlike clothes, can be donated for the future. For example, a blender or a steamer to make a puree for complementary foods. Better to take something compact, but solid... So that the thing will serve for a long time and benefit the parents.

Parents may also find it useful a recycler for disposable diapers, so as not to endlessly collect garbage in huge bags. And whatever you choose, focus on your income and the age needs of your baby.

Feel free to ask your parents what is missing to make caring for your baby easier and easier.

For toys for babies, which will be a great gift for 1 month, see the video below.

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