Gifts for children

Useful and original gifts for newborns

Useful and original gifts for newborns
  1. Features of choice
  2. Universal gifts
  3. How to choose gifts for a girl?
  4. What presents to present to the boy?
  5. What can you do with your own hands?
  6. Packaging options
  7. What shouldn't be gifted?

The arrival of a child is an important event in any family. Of course, relatives and friends want to congratulate their parents from the bottom of their hearts and give them a good gift. However, choosing an original and at the same time useful present is not so easy in this case. There are many factors to consider and be aware of good options and bad ideas. The nuances of choosing a gift for a newborn will be discussed in this article.

Features of choice

When thinking about what to give a newborn, it is worth remembering your experience or imagine yourself as a happy parent. Don't be shy about asking your baby's mom a direct question about her needs. In this case, it is easier for grandparents, because they regularly communicate with the parents of their grandson, and sometimes live together. Choosing a gift for a niece or nephew is a little more difficult, let alone friends and acquaintances.

Some women prefer to receive money or a certificate as a gift at a children's store. So they themselves can choose exactly what they need. Others like the surprises and gifts that donors have chosen with all their hearts.

If the parents of a newly born baby give you freedom of action when choosing a present, you should first consult with other guests invited to the holiday (discharge, christening or other significant day). This will avoid repetitive ideas and awkward situations. If you want to give happy parents something big and expensive (like a stroller or washing machine), you can pool your finances.

When choosing gifts for twins, do not buy identical paired items. Let them differ in patterns or colors. Remember that even children who look alike are different personalities. Each of them is special for a parent, so a mother is unlikely to want to dress her kids in exactly the same overalls.

In any case, approach the purchase of a presentation with responsibility and love. So you can not only "check in" in front of the baby's parents, but also help them at such an important and serious stage.

Universal gifts

There are gifts that are suitable for a child of any gender. Let's consider the most popular options.

  • Toys. They surround the child from birth. For the smallest, actual options will be rattles, funny rubber animals for swimming. A great option is a mobile for a crib. Multi-colored elements move in a round dance, entertaining the baby, and a pleasant melody lulls him to sleep. Chewable silicone beads will be useful for a small child. Developing complexes, rugs are always desirable for parents.

When buying, it is important to make sure of the good quality of things. It is better to give preference to European (including Russian) manufacturers.

  • Diapers. Caring for an infant implies the obligatory presence of them. While some may find such a gift to be too trivial, it can be quite rewarding. The main thing is to check with mom what products she uses (company, size). As for cakes and other diapers, many consider this idea to be original. However, it should be understood that the products used to create the "masterpiece" will no longer be used for their intended purpose. Therefore, such a surprise cannot be called practical.
  • Stroller. This gift can be attributed to the best options. It is only advisable to ask the parents what their ideas about the ideal stroller are. The desired characteristics and shape of the model, color preferences are important.
  • Bedding. A set of underwear for a baby, a summer or winter blanket, a soft blanket are excellent gift options. You can also help parents equip the crib with soft, protective bumpers.
  • Bed. This item can be a welcome gift for a family that has not yet had time to acquire it. You can choose a transformer model. She will "grow" together with the child, saving parents from the need to frequently update the furnishings of the child's room.
  • Washer. If the family does not have this valuable unit, the situation needs to be corrected. You can update the technique if it cannot be called new for a long time. Even a small model with a delicate wash cycle can be very useful.
  • Baby changing table. Another essential piece of furniture for a young mother. It will make the process of changing your baby's clothes more convenient.
  • Humidifier. The organization of the optimal indoor climate is very important for the health of the child. This device will allow you to get rid of excessive dryness of the air, reduce the amount of dust particles in it.
  • Electronic rocking chair. This interesting device will help parents to calm down the baby and distract from household chores. Modern models are equipped with vibration massage, musical accompaniment, and have several operating modes. Manufacturers present options in the form of a chair, deck chair, swing.
  • Baby monitor. With this device, a mother will always know what mood her baby is in. She can safely move around the apartment, watching the child from a distance.
  • Baby clothes. Beautiful and comfortable baby clothes will delight any parents. The main thing is to choose high-quality clothes made from natural materials. Simple models that can be easily put on and off are preferred. The presence of decorative small details (rhinestones, beads, pompons, etc.) is undesirable. The kid can accidentally tear them off and swallow them. Buy things that can be used in the near future, and not clothes "for growth".
  • Gifts that create memory. Most parents from the first days of their baby's life record all the important moments. A modern camera will help you take memorable pictures. Cute photo frames and colorful baby albums are a great way to decorate them.
  • Certificate. A document that allows you to purchase any baby products for the specified amount is an excellent present that will delight any mother. If you don't know what to give, stop at this option.

How to choose gifts for a girl?

Any of the following gifts can be presented to the parents of a newborn girl. The only caveat will be the choice of the design of things. Traditionally, delicate shades (pink, purple, yellow) and matching prints (bunnies, bears, flowers, hearts, etc.) are chosen for girls.

An airy canopy for a crib would be an appropriate gift. Also, girls are more often given baby cosmetics (shampoos, powders, etc.). It is important to choose high-quality hypoallergenic products without fragrances and other harmful additives.

Of course, among the presents for the parents of the little princess, children's albums and “treasure chests” for storing the first curl or the first fallen milk tooth in the traditional “girly” design often appear.

What presents to present to the boy?

Gifts for boys tend to be more discreet in design. The color range usually includes cyan, blue, green, red. Albums are decorated with drawings of airplanes, cars, rockets, although variants with the image of animals are not excluded. Wardrobe items at this stage also differ mainly in prints and shades.

What can you do with your own hands?

Talented needlewomen can make a gift with their own hands. You can sew a set of clothes or underwear for your child. It would be a great idea to make a soft developmental complex in the form of a rug with various additions.

Handmade scrapbooking albums are much more spectacular than products bought in a store. The same goes for the little family member's "treasure" boxes. You can sign the product with the name of the baby or make a touching inscription (for example, "Our little prince"). It all depends on your imagination.

If you have never been fond of needlework, but you really want to put a piece of your soul into a gift, you can attend a master class that will help you not only create a present, but also design it in an original way.

Packaging options

The beautiful design of the presentation can distinguish it from the crowd of others and show your attentive attitude towards the parents of the baby. For example, it can be a large basket of gifts wrapped in cellophane and decorated with a luxurious bow. If you are giving one small item, you can wrap it in bright paper and add a congratulation card.

If you want to get creative and make the packaging unusual, you can use one of the ideas below:

  • heart-shaped box (for a girl);
  • a set of towels or bedding in the shape of a locomotive (for a boy);
  • packing in the form of a small beautiful stroller;
  • a box made with your own hands using the scrapbooking technique (with lace, beads, pretty drawings);
  • a set of bathing accessories packed in a baby bath;
  • a set of towels in the form of a bouquet;
  • imitation of a postal parcel with seals.

What shouldn't be gifted?

      Going to congratulate young parents on the birth of a baby, it is important not only to have an idea about the most useful and desirable gifts, but also about what to give in no case is it worth it.

      • Natural flowers. Almost all women like beautiful bouquets, but do not forget that plants are the strongest allergens. The body of a young mother is still weakened, and the presence of a small child in the house obliges to create the cleanest air possible without unnecessary aromas. Buy balloons instead of a bouquet.They will create a festive atmosphere and will not harm anyone.
      • Multiple nipples and bottles may be redundant or even unnecessary. Take your time to buy everything that is on the shelves of the children's goods store. Even in the absence of the opportunity to buy something expensive, you can find a really useful gift.
      • Toys for middle-aged children. Soft bears, cars, airplanes, dolls will not come in handy for the baby for a long time. In the meantime, they will simply take a place in the nursery and attract dust to themselves. Better give what a young family needs now (rubber toys, "little toys", etc.)
      • Medicines. Even expensive and high-quality pharmaceuticals bought in case of a baby's illness are not the best way to please a mother. Believe me, if necessary, the parents themselves will purchase what the doctor advises. It is better to wish the child health and give something positive.
      • Baby food. All children have their own individual characteristics. Therefore, the food you have purchased may not be suitable for your particular baby. Parents decide such questions themselves together with the doctor.
      • Books related to the education of children. Of course, such literature often contains very useful information. However, you cannot know how the mother of the newborn will perceive such a gift. She may feel that you do not believe in her ability to raise a child well without outside help. Therefore, it is better to abandon such an idea.

      See the video below for a master class on decorating a gift for a newborn.

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