Gifts for children

What to give to children?

What to give to children?
  1. DIY gifts
  2. Interesting surprises
  3. Original souvenirs
  4. Ideas for expensive gifts
  5. What kind of animal can you give?
  6. Sweet treats
  7. Useful things

Whatever the holiday, it is unacceptable to leave a child without a gift, because for children any event that does not present presents is either uninteresting or spoiled. At the same time, a lot has been said on the Internet about what can be given to children of a particular age, and these options are already so hackneyed that sometimes things from the list simply do not want to give - everything is too banal and uninteresting. In our review, we propose a slightly different concept for choosing gifts: there will be no division into age groups, but there will be a division into general categories.

DIY gifts

Honestly, most children are usually not very positive about gifts made with their own hands. Someday later they will understand that a self-drawn picture is very cool, and when a sweater or a scarf was specially knitted for you so that you would not freeze, this is a huge manifestation of care that warms up no worse than the thing itself. For now, they need something different - in childhood they are especially greedy for toys, but here you are unlikely to have enough opportunities to compete with modern industry.

Almost the only age group of children where self-made gifts will be accepted is kids up to 2-3 years old.

At this age, the child still does not know how to distinguish "cool" from "not cool", and, in general, is distinguished by a relatively weak intelligibility. In most cases, he does not even really understand the essence of the holiday and the meaning of gifts - in any case, he is provided with everything he needs, but he does not ask for anything special yet.

For this reason, the same knitted clothes (only strictly in size or slightly larger) are, rather, a gift to the parents from whom you take off part of the responsibilities, although the child will use it first. Now you are unlikely to hear gratitude from the baby, but somehow later you will be sure to be thanked.

An alternative solution for the same age is homemade toys. At this stage, in any case, they should be soft, they do not need an abundance of details, therefore they look very simple and are just as easy to make. If you have no sewing experience at all, then it may not work out, but more or less experienced women do it without problems.

You can also give a hanging educational cradle toy. Now a child will definitely not look for a brand label on a toy, so why not try yourself in such a business?

If there is a man who wants to take part in the independent manufacture of a toy, then, probably, the best solution would be to make a business board. Such a developmental design is designed to solve the problem when a curious child is intensely interested in sockets, a telephone, latches and many other things that will have to be mastered sooner or later, but so far the acquaintance is fraught with either a breakdown of these things or an injury to the baby.

Having installed all these (or any others - the same) on a wooden board zippers, valve taps, buttons) details, you will not only satisfy the curiosity of the little one, eliminating any potential danger, but also help him to develop and learn about the world around him.

Interesting surprises

Sometimes a child does not lack material values, but, paradoxically, it is not them that is most drawn. In the life of a little man, the main thing is unusual emotions, and they are caused only by an original gift.

That's why from a certain age, it is advised to present emotions as a gift. What exactly it could be, the child will tell you himself, he probably has certain wishes regarding this. Here are just a few examples: zoo, circus, dolphinarium, water park - all these are places that are interesting for children.

Here, of course, you need to understand who and what you are giving, because the impressions should be vivid, but this will not happen if a child visits the same water park several times a year. For this reason, such gifts are more relevant for those children who live in relatively small cities and are rarely chosen to go to large centers with their families.

Alternatively, you can organize going to some master class... At the same time, the donor must be sure that the child is interested in the activity that will be taught there, otherwise you will simply "please" the child with the next school. Relatively large (but not massive!) Popularity is distinguished only by dancing, modeling and painting.

Teenagers already have decently different interests - many of them, for example, should be given tickets for a concert of your favorite band or artist... Please note that only independent children should be allowed to attend such events, and even then, in some cases, questions may arise on the spot about why there are no accompanying adults.

In order to avoid such situations, it is better to immediately think over who will go with the children to the concert.

If a teenager is surrounded by interesting friends and is never alone, it would be very wise to give him something that he can share with his comrades the joy of. A striking example is going to the quest room for everyone.

If the teenager is also passionate about some topic, a good option might be themed gift boxes. So, a young coffee lover may be interested in a set of different varieties of coffee beans and a real Turk to them. For scrapbooking lovers a large set for this type of creativity will seem much more interesting.In fact, when choosing, you can focus on any hobbies of a teenager and then either look for an appropriate gift set, or compose it yourself.

Original souvenirs

It is generally accepted that various small souvenirs are not a very good gift for a child who always wants something more. This is not entirely true - at least as a complement to the main gift, a well-chosen souvenir will be well received.

A simple example is a mug. Of course, some ordinary drinking vessel, even if beautiful, will not cause violent delight. It's another matter if the donor shows interest in the child's hobbies and tries a little to make the present at least a little consistent with the child's personality.

Apply a print to the item that will please the person being gifted, - it can be a character of your favorite cartoon or TV series, your favorite music artist, as well as any other thematic drawing. Following the same logic, a postcard, flash drive, pillow, magnet, pen or calendar are selected.

And do not forget about a little trick - personalized gifts have a special symbolic meaning, and although they will not make a bad gift a good one, they can make a good one gorgeous.

Do not forget that a child is an impressionable person and sometimes he can be surprised with rather simple things that he has not yet seen in his life. In the future, the baby may become a very practical person, completely oblivious to the appearance of the donated items, but so far the most memorable gifts for him are various curiosities, especially if they also have at least some practical function.

You don't even have to invent any special thematic bindings - it is enough to play with the theme of the holiday in connection with which the present is being given. So, on Easter, gifts are usually not given, but you take and be original by giving table clock in the form of an Easter egg.

When choosing a souvenir, you should demonstrate a smart approach to its selection. Children need either a general trend, or something unique, so give something that everyone except the birthday person has, or something that no one else has at all.

Ideas for expensive gifts

If you are one of the parents or other close relatives of the gifted child, and the holiday is also quite significant, you probably want to please your baby with something really expensive. Even if he cannot yet appreciate the full scale of the presentation, you understand that this is the only way to make him happy and therefore you are ready to spend a lot on a gift. This approach has a right to exist, but certain risks must be taken into account.

Let's say children who have not even reached adolescence don’t give an expensive gold watch for immediate wear - the owner's inability to protect his property will become an additional incentive for intruders. The same logic holds true for various really expensive gadgets.

Gadgets have another problem: everyone has heard that they are too fascinating for children and adolescents, after which a person no longer thinks of himself without a constant presence in the virtual world, which interferes with learning and even normal communication with other people.

Due to this smartphones, tablets and laptops are presented to young children with great care, assuming parental control over the use of the device. At the same time, if a child seems to be responsible and is interested in the same science, for him such a gift may be the best solution, since most gadgets are designed not only for "stupidity", but also for learning.

If you want to choose an expensive gift, but there is a risk of not guessing with the choice, you can make the child choose a present for himself. True, many donors are afraid to give money, because it is impossible to control exactly how a young, unformed personality will spend it.

To set the direction for donated finances, children are often given certificates for purchases at a specific outlet. Let's say that many girls would be happy with high-quality cosmetics, but you, not being a parent, may simply not know the tastes of the hero of the occasion and give something that she doesn’t like or simply doesn’t fit into the wardrobe. And so the recipient of the gift will be able to go to the store and choose goods for a certain amount herself.

In the case of boys, this may apply to different clothes - many teenagers like to look stylish and it is not yet a fact that the adult donor understands fashion more than the gifted young man.

By the way, many teenagers are very fond of feeling independence and even it can be presented to them. In recent years, an increasingly popular solution has become opening an account in the name of a teenager, where a certain amount is paid by the parents, and even more often by the grandparents. It is assumed that the donors give the child a card and officially allow him to use the donated funds as he pleases. The symbolism of the gesture lies precisely in this card, since the cash handed over does not leave any trace after itself, but a piece of plastic that no longer allows you to withdraw money teaches young people a lot about financial responsibility and frugality.

Theoretically, a gift can be jewelry, but this, as a rule, is more interesting for a girl. At the same time, it is advisable to understand that your present should in no case become a reason for additional fears for the safety of your daughter.

What kind of animal can you give?

Even today, in the age of advanced digital technologies, many children still dream of a living gift. At the same time, as in the case of expensive presents, it should be understood that owning something like that is not only happiness, but also a certain responsibility. In the case of a donated animal, you cannot just take a bored presentation and refuse it - this is inhuman.

If a teenager already understands this and, expressing a wish aloud, more or less imagines what responsibilities await him, then the kids usually just want to play with the pet, but not always - take care of him on a daily basis. Therefore, in most cases, all the burdens fall on the shoulders of the parents, and those, for their usual duties, simply will not find time for one more ward and will not be happy with him, therefore it is imperative to consult with them before presenting. Even if the birthday man did not express a desire for such a gift, then he is extremely risky.

But if the decision to donate an animal looks reasonable, then you still need to figure out which one. For babies, some of the most typical pet will become a good friend - dog or cat... Small children will usually not be happy with restrictions in communication with an animal, and such a friend is pleasant to the touch, you can play with him at home or walk on the street. Both of these types of animals are quite clean and smart, it is relatively easy to care for them, which means that even a child could cope.

At the same time, such a friend lives for a long time and can stay with the child all his childhood, which is also a plus.

Various small rodents and poultry are already for schoolchildren. Such pets can seem cute and delight not only the eye, but also the hearing, they can also be touched and taken in hand, but the very fragility of the body structure of such living creatures suggests very careful handling of them.

Children may not understand their own strength and do not always assess the consequences of their actions, and after all, an injury or death of an animal can have an extremely bad effect on a fragile child's psyche.

Teenagers, as usual, have their own tastes and it can be difficult to guess with them. On the one hand, for an animal lover, a cat or a dog is equally good at any age, on the other - right now, more than ever, young people are ready to have something truly unusual.Right now, various shaggy spiders, snakes and similar animals are not disgusting, but an example of real coolness. However, even among adolescents, such hobbies are strictly not for an amateur, because never give such pets, if such a desire has not been expressed aloud.

Moreover, always admit the possibility that the expressed request for the purchase of such exotic could turn out to be a joke, but if you are sure that everything is serious, then think about implementation.

The fish tank is one of the more controversial living gifts for children. On the one hand, it is not only a very stylish decoration of the room, but also a good way to relax after a hard day, considering the calm life of the underwater world. At the same time, caring for the fish is not as simple as it might seem to an ignorant person, and an active child's life does not always provide for the possibility of a clear schedule for feeding and cleaning the aquarium. Such pets will not become a friend either, because they are usually not perceived as individuals.

Sweet treats

Forget that candies and other sweets are supposedly a purely children's gift. Sweet tooths can be of any age, and although such a gift today simply cannot be the main one, it will be perceived very positively as an addition to the main present. At the same time, giving just sweets, even if expensive ones, is possible only for a teenager who already understands the value of money well and is able to appreciate the attitude towards himself. In all other cases, sweets in general can be anything, but you need to be creative in their design.

So, recently it has been customary to give candies from which whole toys are assembled. This, of course, is a symbolic gesture - with the help of skillfully hidden scotch tape, a teddy bear, a car and any other figurines that a child will surely like is assembled from individual sweets.

Keep in mind that any boy wants to play with the same car, because if the car was presented to him only in an edible sweet version, he may get upset.

For a birthday, you can approach sweet surprises even more creatively by contacting professionals. Today, many confectionery shops in large cities accept special orders, offering to make a product of absolutely any shape and size. This allows one more time play with the child's hobbies and show him that you are interested in his hobbies... What exactly it will be, the parents in each case decide on their own.

At the same time, one should pay attention to the fact that self-made sweets are not yet in such demand as it may be in adulthood.

Useful things

Whatever one may say, many gifts are still aimed not so much at creativity as at utility and practicality. Do not think that this is unacceptable or bad - like adults, many children can understand that the main value of most objects is not at all in their appearance. At the same time, we, in principle, will not consider toys, since this is a self-evident gift for a child, and you yourself should remember from your childhood about the unacceptability of stationery sets and other school supplies in this role.

Many modern children do not like to read, but the upbringing and inability of adults from childhood to show a child that books can be interesting are to a large extent to blame. If the child is curious and interested in a certain area of ​​knowledge, you can give him an illustrated encyclopedia of relevant topics. This is a productive decision even for that kid who has not yet managed to learn to read - at first he will just look at the illustrations, and then, you see, the book will spur him on to learn to read.

Such things may not be very interesting for a teenager, but by this time he may be an actively thinking person who is interested in fiction of various directions.

Board games are another popular option for a good presentation if they are selected according to the age of the person being gifted. Almost all of them have certain developmental characteristics - at least they need to be played with a company, which means that communication skills are improved and the ability to play with dignity, which is important in life, appears. Depending on the rules, the game can contribute to the development of logic, fine motor skills, imagination, even primitive "walkers" for the smallest help to learn to count faster in the mind.

Sports gifts in childhood are relevant for almost every child. Today's children, however, are more and more absorbed in gadgets, but the most popular solutions like balls, bicycles or even just a set of equipment for their favorite athlete are still very popular.

Many parents are worried about the excessive activity of their babies, but in their case, movement is synonymous with good health, you need not to hinder, but to encourage, not forgetting about safety. In recent years, horizontal bars and playgrounds have been increasingly arranged right at home - then a child can ride a swing at any time and in any weather, and a teenager can keep fit.

Creative gifts in preschool and primary school age are given to everyone without exception - the child must try himself in everything in order to understand what is interesting to him... At the same time, you should support the kid in his creative hobbies, for example, if he loves to draw, often give him drawing supplies, including expensive and high-quality ones.

It is possible that in the future such a developing hobby will become the main source of income for the child and make him famous.

See the following video for other baby gift ideas.

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