Do-it-yourself tanks for February 23

It just so happened that many residents of the countries of the former Soviet Union pay special attention to the holiday on February 23. Of course, not everywhere this day retained its official status, however, men who served in the Soviet army still consider Defender of the Fatherland Day one of the main holidays of the year. On February 23, women give interesting gifts to the stronger sex. Still, the best military-related present is a tank is not just a toy, but a handmade fake.

We make crafts from socks
Socks are an actual gift option for February 23rd.
- This is an important attribute of a comfortable life.
- A man feels the attention and care of his beloved woman.
However, today it is very commonplace to present the defender of the fatherland with a gift set of socks. The sock set will look much more interesting in the form of a do-it-yourself themed craft.
- Roll the socks so that the heel is on top. Then smooth out the folds that appear and hide the excess protrusions.
- For tracks, 4 socks are used. They must be twisted and fastened with rubber bands.
- With the fifth toe, you need to go around 4 finished rollers.
- The tower of the combat vehicle is made from the sixth sock.
- The tape is wrapped around the pencil or marker. The gun is inserted into the body of the cockpit.
- It remains to decorate the craft with a gift ribbon.

Remarkably, a soft tank can be created not only from socks, but also from underpants.
What else can you do?
February 23 is an important holiday for men of all ages. On this day, it is extremely important for women to show attention to their beloved defenders of the fatherland and make appropriate gifts.It will not be possible to “dodge” a banal postcard. And if it is enough for a little boy to buy a plastic tank in a children's store, when creating a gift for an adult man, he will have to be creative.

A tank is a combat vehicle that is an important element of the army theme. That is why his image is chosen by the majority of the fair sex to create a voluminous presentation. You can make a gift tank for your husband, dad or brother from a towel, cleaning sponges, even napkins... If you have free time, you can design a gift craft in the form of a tank from plywood or foamiran... By the way, a similar present can be given to a man for a tankman's day.

Made of cardboard
A cardboard tank is one of the best ways to congratulate men on February 23rd. For work, you will need corrugated cardboard, gouache and glue.
- It is necessary to take cardboard of 2 different colors. Cut out long strips 1 cm wide from them. You should get 12 parts.
- 1 strip is taken, its tip is coated with glue and rolled into a tight circle. According to a similar principle, it is necessary to make 8 wheels, where 4 will receive a large size, and the rest will have a smaller diameter.
- Wheel blanks must be connected to form a caterpillar. For this, 2 strips are taken and glued to the wheels from below and from above.
- You need to take cardboard, cut out a rectangle. Its length must match the length of the tracks. The width of the rectangle should not exceed 10 cm. On the cut-out triangle, it is necessary to retreat from the extreme parts by 2 cm and make folds. Next, a similar detail is made. With prepared rectangular bases, it is necessary to wrap the tracks from the bottom and top sides.
- Take cardboard of a different color. Strips 4 cm wide are cut out of it. They are wrapped around the sides of the structure so that the tracks get a believable look.
- Another sheet of cardboard is taken and cut into thin strips 1 cm wide. Round parts must be formed from them and placed on top of each other to form the image of a tower.
Then a pencil is wrapped in cardboard and inserted into the turret of the tank, playing the role of a cannon.

From cans
The figure of a tank, created for a gift on February 23, may have a humorous and tasty meaning. You can use cans of soda or lemonade as a base. To work, you will need 4 iron cans of a drink, a small pack of chips, a small pack of crackers, corrugated paper, some thick cardboard, a sleeve, a cardboard box and double-sided tape.
- It is necessary to cut out rectangles from cardboard, the dimensions of which coincide with the width and length of the iron cans. On the long side, you need to glue a few pieces of double-sided tape. Banks are laid on top, playing the role of caterpillars. For a stronger hold between the jars, you can insert double-sided tape.
- A sheet of cardboard is taken and fixed on the top side. After that, the workpiece is wrapped in corrugated paper, preferably green. You can wrap it in several layers. Then paper of a contrasting color is taken, 2 strips 4 cm wide are cut out of it. With their help, it will be possible to mark the caterpillars.
- A cardboard box is taken, cut in half. A hole is made in its central part where the bushing is inserted. If it is absent, you can use a marker. The structure must be wrapped in corrugated paper and glue its ends with double-sided tape. Behind the turret of the tank, you need to hide packages with snacks.
- The only thing left to do is to decorate the tank. It is imperative to glue the red stars on the sides of the cockpit, add inserts resembling connecting seams to the barrel of the cannon.

From plasticine
Plasticine - material familiar to everyone, which can be used by both adults and children. It will not be difficult to mold a tank out of it as a gift for February 23rd. For work, you will need green and black plasticine, some cardboard, matchboxes, a skewer, a plastic knife.
- You need to take both plasticines in your hands, knead them well, and then combine them to get a suitable color for future crafts.
- First you need to blind the tower. To do this, a ball is rolled, slightly flattened, and then it is given the shape of a cone.
- Next, the body of the tank is molded. A matchbox is taken and pasted over with plasticine, and then connected to the tower.
- It is necessary to roll up the balls from which the tank tracks will be made: 10 large and 4 small. Each ball is flattened, a pattern is made on them, imitating wheels. Then black plasticine is taken, long strips are rolled, slightly flattened, and then superimposed on the wheels.
- It remains to make the muzzle of the cannon. To do this, the skewer should be glued with plasticine and inserted into the tower.
All the elements of the plasticine structure remain to be assembled into a single whole.

From sweets
Men, like children, are the real sweet tooth, which means they will be happy to receive a sweet tank on February 23rd. For work, you will need cardboard, corrugated paper of green and black shades, candies and a box from which the base of the tank will be made.
- You need to make a tower. Cardboard is taken, folded in the shape of a trapezoid, connected with a glue gun.
- It is required to cut out the sides of the cardboard and cover the empty sides of the tower base with them.
- Using corrugated paper, the base of the craft is pasted over.
- It is required to cut long strips from cardboard and connect their ends with glue. The cardboard should be cut across the inner corrugation.
- From the same cardboard, it is required to cut ovals smaller than the inner diameter of the tracks. Improvised tracks and ovals must be pasted over with corrugated paper.
- The glued oval is inserted into the caterpillar with a small depression, and is fixed with glue on the back side.
- Next, you need to free the finished caterpillar, cut out a few more ovals, but already clearly corresponding to the diameter. The ovals are also pasted over with corrugated paper and applied to the seamy side to hide the ugly part of it.
- All prepared parts must be connected together.
- The muzzle is being drawn. To do this, you need to cut off a piece of corrugated cardboard, remove the top layer, twist it into a tube, and glue it over with paper.
- A hole must be made in the tower where the muzzle of the cannon is inserted.

The basis for the subsequent decoration is ready. Next, you need to glue the tank with chocolates. It is preferable to use bars for the design of caterpillars. To decorate the base of the tank, ideally choose square candies. For the sides of the tracks, you can use chocolate medals.

By the way, an edible gift can be created from any product. The main thing is not to use quickly perishable food. Even in packaging, it can quickly deteriorate.
From matchboxes
You can make an unusual and cool tank from the most ordinary matchboxes. For work, you will need a cotton swab, a cap from any plastic bottle, gouache, colored paper of black and green colors.
- First you need to take 2 boxes of matches. With their help, make the markup of the future wrapper.
- Cut the wrapper along the contour.
- It is necessary to glue the boxes with colored paper.
- It is required to cut 2 strips to decorate the upper block of the tank craft. The width of the 1st strip should be the width of a matchbox. And the width of the 2nd strip should correspond to the length of the matchbox. They are glued over the third box.
- The resulting foundations are of different sizes. The smaller box is glued on top of the larger box.
- A cannon is made from a cotton swab.
- We glue the "Moment" on the tower to attach the bottle cap.
- It is necessary to paint the base with the appropriate colors.
- Buttons are used to decorate the wheelsets.
- A long strip of black paper is folded like an accordion, and then gently glued to the wheels, creating the image of caterpillars.

Origami is the perfect way to create a tank craft.
- You need to start work by creating wheels.There should be 7 of them: 3 wheels on the left and right sides of the tank, 1 wheel - a tower. The 1st wheel requires 72 green modules, 6 yellow and brown modules.
- The next stage in the creation of a tank is the tracks. They should consist of long, thin strips of 7 rows. After creating the required length of the caterpillar, the strips are bent, the wheels are inserted inside.
- For the next job, you need to take 4 matchbox, a wooden block and a perfume cap. A hole is made in the matchboxes where the tower will stand. Next, you need to create 2 bases that cover the back and front of the tank. Each individual piece is made from 7 rows. Prepared blanks must be glued.
- It remains to connect the base of the tank and the tracks.
- The last stage is the installation of the tower. The 7th wheel has already been prepared for her.
It remains to make a hole for the cannon.

From paper
Paper is the easiest material for making crafts, including a tanka.
- You need to take 4 matchboxes for the base of the craft and 1 for the cabin. Everything is pasted over with colored paper.
- The cockpit box must be pierced with an awl to insert the muzzle.
- A hole is made in the middle of the cab so that it can rotate in different directions.
- The muzzle can be made with a Q-tip or a lollipop skewer.
- It is necessary to take a rod, heat it over a fire, cool it on metal so that a caked plug forms at the tip.
- The rod is threaded through the cover, cab and track base.
- It is required to cut 5 strips of 1.5 cm wide from dark paper. They are folded like an accordion and glued to the base. Circles are created from the remaining strips and glued to the end of the base.

Made of wood
It is much more difficult to arrange a craft in the form of a wooden tank. Not every woman can cope with this task. But if she has the basics of carpentry, then she will certainly cope with the work.
- The rectangular bar must be divided into 2 blanks: a tower and a hull. The cylindrical bar is divided into 8 wheels.
- The outline of the tank is drawn on paper, the template is carefully cut out with scissors. A bar is superimposed on it, with the help of a chisel, excess protrusions are removed.
- The tower is being prepared. Using a paper template, the wooden part is shaped into a trapezoid.
- All elements must be sanded.
- Next, the wheels are prepared. The diameter of 4 wheels should be larger, and the diameter of the remaining ones should be smaller.
- The hull and turret must be painted green and the wheels black. At the center point of each wheel, you need to drill a small hole and fix them on the large base of the tank according to the principle of 2 large wheels in the center and 1 small one on each edge.
- It is necessary to secure the turrets and the muzzle. A hole is drilled in the center, where the half of the pencil is inserted, and it is also pushed into the tower.
The resulting craft must be covered with transparent varnish.

Salted dough
A tank made of salted dough looks quite original. For the manufacture of the main material you will need: 1 tbsp. flour, 0.5 tbsp. salt, 3 tbsp. l. PVA, 0.5 st. water. The kneaded dough should be pliable and pliable.
- Initially, the base of the tank and the cockpit are molded.
- Then the tower is prepared.
- The cannon is twisted and connected to the tower.
- Caterpillars and wheel circles are molded from individual pieces of dough.
- The craft must be dried in the oven.
- When the dough has dried, you need to wait for the craft to cool down. Then cover it with PVA glue and paint with gouache.

There are no special recommendations for making a gift for February 23rd. However, there are some tips that women should heed.
- When preparing a gift for the defender of the fatherland, you need to know his tastes and preferences. Some men will not resist a sweet tank, while others need to present a brigade of combat vehicles out of socks.
- If a more serious gift is purchased as a present, it can be supplemented with a plasticine or cardboard craft.
- You need to know your capabilities.Not every woman can make a tank out of wood.

For information on how to make a tank out of sweets with your own hands for February 23, see the next video.