What to give mom on March 8?

Needless to say, choosing a gift for a mother is always a very exciting and anxious moment. The most dear person wants to choose by all means something the best and most unusual. And if kids and schoolchildren may well present gifts made with their own hands, then older children generally try to give the necessary and useful gifts for the home or personal needs of the mother. We will try to figure it out and give practical advice on choosing presents for March 8 for beloved mothers.

We show imagination
The stores offer a wide range of different gift options. But they do not always satisfy our desires. Therefore, the thought periodically arises to do something by ourselves. Also, this option is most optimal for young children. After all, they are not yet able to buy anything.
Such presents always delight with their originality and uniqueness. In addition, it is very pleasant to realize that the child has spent his energy and used his imagination to make a gift. For any mother, this is one of the most valuable gifts.
Flowers remain the most popular gift, but little children are not even able to buy them. But it is in their power to make them on their own from paper or other scrap materials.

Homemade postcards
Since kindergarten, children are taught to make postcards. March 8th is a great way to present such a sign of attention to your grandmother, sister or mother. Do not think that it always looks childishly naive or even ugly. Today you can find many workshops on making truly unique postcards with your own hands. Let's analyze one of them right now.
Flowers are the most common decoration for March 8 cards. There are many ways to make them from colored paper. The main idea is to make a blank for the card itself from cardboard and decorate its outer side with such flowers. Inside, the most sincere wishes can be located.
Therefore, we will analyze how to make different types of flowers for a postcard. If you wish, you can stick a bouquet of the same buds or use different flowers in the composition.

Tulips are very delicate spring flowers. Unfortunately, they don't last very long. But paper tulips will delight their owner for a very, very long time. The most beautiful options are obtained from corrugated paper.
To make one tulip, cut 2 identical squares from the corrugation. Next, you need to fold each of them in half and again in half. As a result, you should get a square, but smaller in size. Now we take scissors and cut out the petals. Leave the middle uncut, so that the 4 petals connect in the center. We do the same manipulation with the second square.
Now we need to collect our tulips. We insert one blank into another so that their center points coincide, and glue it. Unopened tulips look very delicate, so you need to collect all the petals and fix them in the form of a bud with glue.
Make sure that the petals of the upper and lower blank are staggered, then the bud will look the most organic.

Chamomile on a postcard is one of the simplest options. We take white paper and draw an even circle of the required diameter. Next, you need to draw the petals. To do this, draw small arcs along the diameter of the circle. In the center, we mark the core with a small circle. From the points where the arcs touch the circle, draw straight lines to the center. Next, it remains only to cut out the blanks, cut the petals along the drawn lines and glue a yellow circle in the center (you can just draw it).
In order for the chamomile to look more natural, we curl the tips of the petals with scissors or a pencil, passing along them from the back side. Now you can arrange them in any order on our card blank. If a bouquet of daisies is supposed, then you can additionally cut leaves from green paper and also glue them.
The stalks, if necessary, are drawn with a felt-tip pen.

Rose is a great gift for March 8th. Making it out of paper is not difficult at all. Prepare colored paper in the shades you want. These can be both traditional pink and red tones, and unimaginable gold or blue. Cut out even squares from them. We will not give the exact dimensions, since almost any square can be turned into a rose. Accordingly, the larger its sides, the larger the flower will turn out.

Next, we calculate its middle and start drawing a spiral. Make sure that it is as flat as possible, and does not "go" to one side or the other. We arm ourselves with scissors and cut the square in a spiral. There should be no sharp corners on the outside. Now it remains to twist our rose. For this, a knitting needle, a skewer or a simple rod from a handle is perfect. It is necessary to start twisting from the middle, since it is there that the diameter of the circles is the smallest.
Such a rose is glued to the paper with the base down. It should give the impression that you are looking at the flower from above.
By the way, it is quite possible to leave such roses on the leg if you plan to make a bunch of them, and not a postcard.

Layered flowers can also be made from paper. Depending on the shape of the petals you make, the final result will also depend. But the execution scheme for such colors is identical. First, make the required number of blanks (squares or circles). The more there are, the more voluminous the flower will turn out.
Next, draw petals on the blanks. They should be connected in the center.In order for the petals to look more natural, they need to be slightly bent down.
A smooth downward curve made with scissors or a pencil will look most organic.

An even more original version of the postcard can be made using felt. This material is available in a wide variety at craft stores. In this case, the manufacturing scheme will not differ in any way from that which is applicable for ordinary paper. But such a postcard will definitely remain in the memory for a long time and will become a worthy decoration. We only note that for gluing the parts, you will need to purchase a special glue. Craftsmen use a glue gun, but it is quite expensive, so you can get by with ordinary office glue.

Handmade soap
It is unlikely that ordinary soap would qualify for the title of a worthy gift on March 8th. But if you make this hygiene item with your own hands, then the situation changes dramatically. At the same time, it will be possible to decorate it at will, reflecting the symbolism of the holiday.
If you think that you cannot do it, then you can turn to the masters for help. Such items are easy to find at fairs. Also, craftsmen often offer their products through social networks.
You can easily find such pages or groups in your city by asking the appropriate request.

Another option is to purchase a soap making kit. They can be found in specialized craft stores. The instructions describe in detail the entire process of making the bars. And all the necessary ingredients will already be included in the composition. Therefore, even a guy will be able to cope with such a task. Do not think that needlework is the lot of only the weaker sex. Vat preschool and school age in educational institutions, we all did crafts, regardless of our gender.

Most of us think that only a professional can paint a good picture. There is a deal of truth in it. But mother will not evaluate professionalism, but with what love and care the work is made. In addition, even if you do not have a special art education, you can quite cope with some simple techniques for making real paintings.
If the children are already adults and they have their own child, then you can make a unique painting with handprints. For this, a background is selected.
If the sheet is white, then it can be pre-painted with gouache or pastel in any order, making beautiful smooth color transitions.

Next, you should collect all family members and engage in joint creativity. We paint the palm of each participant in different colors and make prints on the future picture. The originality of this gift also lies in the fact that the mother will have to guess where the prints of her beloved daughter are, and where are the son-in-law or grandson.

Having looked at some of the recognized masterpieces of world painting, one involuntarily arises the confidence that "I could do that too." One has only to remember the famous "Black Square" by Malevich. So why not create your own masterpiece! Oil paints are perfect for this. Pour water into a wide bowl or dish. Start dripping paint of different colors from above. With a thin slick or knitting needle, you can create intricate patterns and interweaving of tones.
Now we need a piece of cardboard. Gently lean it against the surface of the water. All the colors will settle on the canvas. All that remains is to dry the picture well and make a decent frame.
You can buy it or make it yourself from scrap materials.

What to present to a wonderful hostess?
DIY gifts are a good option for congratulations. They are original, beautiful, but often completely impractical. Good hostesses will always appreciate gifts that will be useful to them in everyday life.
Many people think this is corny.... But even with the help of such a gift, you can show your respect and care. Take a look at your mom's kitchen set. Perhaps she has been planning to buy an item for a long time, but everyone “does not get their hands on it”. Or the old objects are already in an obscene state. March 8 is a great occasion to please mommy with the necessary and easy-to-use devices and accessories.

And do not think that only expensive equipment in the form of a robot vacuum cleaner or a coffee machine belongs to this category. You can find the right gift without spending a lot of money on it.... After all, who, if not your mother, knows about your financial capabilities?... That is why you can often hear from her the phrase: “No need to spend money!”, “It's very expensive, why spend that kind of money!”.
This is a manifestation of their concern for their own children.

Kitchen utensils
One of the universal gifts is a set of towels and holdings for the kitchen. On the eve of the holiday, you can easily find thematic options. But, as a rule, good housewives always have these accessories in stock. Therefore, it is impractical to give another set of towels, knowing that mom has them in stock.

In this case, it is better to take a closer look at other little things. For example, maybe an old grater has become obsolete, or the cutting boards are cracked and darkened. But here you need to be careful enough - if your mother (or you) is a superstitious person, then you should not give a set of knives. Some people think that this is a quarrel.

You should also pay attention to the dishes. It often beats, and therefore it becomes necessary to periodically buy it. It is better if in style it will be combined with the one that is already in the house.
Especially if the plates, saucers and mugs are made in the same style. Today these are most often sets of tinted glass.

Any hostess will confirm the rule that there are no unnecessary dishes. This is especially true for those who are used to celebrating holidays with a large family circle. Indeed, in order to prepare treats, one or even two containers are sometimes not enough for all guests.
It is worth considering the fact that non-stick coatings often deteriorate.
And not only manufacturers, but also independent experts advise against using dishes with scratches and other flaws.

If you think that mom has enough versatile ceramic pots and pans, pay attention to more original options. For example, these can be ducklings, bouillon dishes, baking dishes, or a frying pan with an unusual square shape.
It should be noted that here it is important to pay great attention to the quality of the product. It is better to pick one good item than several cheaper and lower quality items for the same price. Mothers are very sensitive to the children's gift and will try to keep it as long as possible. So let it be a thing that really makes sense to keep.

Household helpers
Every year manufacturers of kitchen appliances release new gadgets that can facilitate the daily work of hostesses. But not all of them can pretend to be a gift for mom. For example, if a woman is of old age, it will be difficult for her to deal with complex devices with many settings and functions.
When choosing a kitchen helper, pay attention to ease of use. In addition, do not forget about the personal preferences of your beloved mom. Do not spend money on an expensive coffee machine if it prefers tea or cocoa more. Also, not all women are accustomed to using devices such as steamers. They may be convenient, and the food in them turns out to be healthier and more correct, but what good is it if it will not be used.

Remember that my mother cooks with great pleasure. Maybe she really lacks a good meat grinder or it has become very difficult to cope with the preparation of meat by hand, then it is worth thinking about purchasing an electric version of the device.
For those mothers who like to delight homemade baked goods, the planetary mixer is an excellent option. These are the ones used by chefs and pastry chefs for kneading dough. It will be very convenient to whip cream or whites for cream and dough.
Or maybe you won't have to invent an original gift if you know for sure that the kettle or toaster, which you use often, is out of order.
Then it will be more expedient to purchase this particular necessary item.

Choosing a gift for a clever and beautiful woman
On a beautiful spring day on March 8, I would like to emphasize that mom is not only an excellent housewife, but also just a beautiful and beloved woman. Therefore, personal care gifts will come in handy.
The choice of this or that option should be based on the personal preferences of the person gifted. If mom has long wanted to go to a concert of a group or a musical, then give her this opportunity. Or maybe she is not generous enough to herself and, instead of going to a beauty salon, she prefers to buy things for her husband, children, grandchildren. Let her pamper yourself.

Subscription for massage or spa
Only one of the gift options is indicated in the title. But nobody knows your mother better than you. Therefore, choose the option that suits her the most. For example, if you know that your mother is visiting a beautician, then you can purchase a gift certificate for his services.
A universal present will simply be a certificate for a certain amount in one of the beauty salons. Most good firms provide this service. Even if a woman does not resort to the services of makeup artists, beauticians, eyebrow artists, even she will not refuse a good manicure and pedicure.
The specialists at the salon can also select a hair restoration program. After all, their condition is daily negatively influenced by bad ecology, stress and other factors.
Therefore, it will be very useful to treat and improve their appearance and structure.

A set of quality cosmetics will be an excellent gift. But it is worth finding out in advance if she is allergic to individual components. If in doubt, pay attention to the hypoallergenic rulers. Like any other quality item, good cosmetics are not cheap. But don't go for very expensive options. Perhaps mom will really like this product, but she will not be able to purchase it for herself in the future.
Pay special attention to the decoration of the gift. In stores, you can be offered ready-made options for holiday packaging, but you can make it yourself.
Show your imagination, and then even ordinary tubes with cream will look elegant and beautiful.

Theater ticket
Remember when, in the hustle and bustle of everyday worries, my mother allowed herself to go to the theater. Visit the theater or opera in your city. Perhaps the arrival of a famous troupe or an interesting production is expected in the near future. Consider also that mom does not go there all alone. To do this, you must purchase a ticket for yourself or your spouse.

Photo album
Today, less and less people began to print photos. And remember how pleasant it is to turn the pages of photo albums and relive pleasant moments. Digital media is very convenient. But there is a huge emotional difference between viewing frames on a computer and in a photo album.
You can also donate a completely filled photo album. After all, your parents did not start printing photographs too often. Collect a good selection of where you are in the photo with them. You can also place shared photos with grandchildren and relatives there.
If you do not have so many joint photos (this happens often when you do not live together), then just go to visit your mother in advance and transfer all the photos from her computer to a USB flash drive.

We share interests
Do not forget about the individual characteristics and preferences of the mother. Perhaps it will be very interesting for her to attend a master class. You can easily find such options even in a small town, as they have been very popular lately.

For a woman who is fond of art, you can purchase a ticket to an exhibition or any cultural event. Remember what your mommy loves.
It can be knitting, sports or embroidery. such themed gifts always hit the target.
But do not offer your mom too extravagant or extreme options. This is especially true for older women. A gym membership may not be necessary due to health conditions. It can also be a mistake to buy a ticket to a contemporary art exhibition. Everyone interprets it differently. And whether the older generation will like such an original improvisation of classical values is a big question.

Choosing a gift for mom is not an easy task. The beloved and dearest person wants to give all the best, but there are not always funds for this. Remember that your attention and care is the best reward for any mother. Show your imagination and make sure that there is a smile on her face. And this can be done with a minimum of funds in the wallet.
DIY gift ideas for mom are in the next video.