Original bouquets of sweets for March 8

If on March 8 you don't want to give banal flowers, you can give the woman a bouquet of sweets. This is both a beautiful and original present, at the same time its ingredients are edible. Such a gift will greatly delight practical girls, as well as all, without exception, those with a sweet tooth.

You can order the production of such a bouquet to professionals, or you can spend a little time and create a unique composition yourself. The costs in the latter case will be minimal - for sweets and decoration material.
And, of course, a woman who will be given such a gift will be endlessly pleased - be it a mother, teacher, colleague or friend.

What do you need?
It all depends on what kind of filling is planned for the bouquet. It can be an exceptionally sweet, candy gift, or flowers and sweets will harmoniously get along side by side. Or maybe a teddy bear will hold the chocolates. Or the gift will not be a bouquet at all, but a beautiful round box.

You can put in a bunch assorted sweets, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallows or lollipops. Maybe you will choose vegan sweets made from nuts and dried apricots with prunes, combined with fresh fruits.
Of course, the gift should not please the person who presents it, but the one to whom it is intended.

Besides, the size of the future presentation is important: whether the presentation of a symbolic gift is planned, or it must have amazing dimensions. It depends on how much "filler" is required and how non-budgetary (or, conversely, budgetary) the gift will turn out.

If you plan to collect exactly a bouquet, then you will need:
- sweets, marshmallows, meringue, fruits, berries and much more - everything that is planned to be used as components of the composition;
- wooden or plastic skewers;
- electrical tape, wire, scotch tape;
- scissors;
- a foam ball of the required diameter - it is he who will serve as the basis for the bouquet, securely holding each skewer in the correct position;
- corrugated or colored paper for creating flowers;
- wrapping paper or mesh, fabric for bouquet decor.

Unusual ideas
In fact, any idea for decorating a bouquet of sweets can become unusual, especially if a person makes it himself.... After all, there are no two absolutely identical products made by different people. The same is true for gifts. For example, you can arrange your present not as a traditional-shaped bouquet, but as a flower pot in which sweets "grow".

Or execute ball-shaped bouquet, on which sweets and berries are fixed over the entire surface.

The combination of fresh flowers and sweets is always perceived favorably, especially if the composition is composed in such a way that it does not lose its attractive appearance as the tasty ingredients are “pinched off” from it. And for this just choose lush flowers - lilies, gerberas, spray roses, peonies or chrysanthemums. With their voluminous petals, they will fill the resulting voids, and the present will delight its owner for a long time.

And how original they look mini bouquets in beautiful paper corner bags!

Little princesses can be gifted delicious composition of «Kinder surprises».

For those who want to independently collect a bouquet from start to finish, you can offer make flowers from candy. Below are some step-by-step instructions.
To create tulips, you will need scraps of fabric (or corrugated paper) of the appropriate colors, small candies (so that they can be placed inside the bud), dense green fabric like felt - leaves are cut out of it. It's good if you have green duct tape or scotch tape. And you also need as many skewers as there are planned flowers in the bouquet, and scissors.

The required number of blanks is cut from colored fabric or corrugated paper. If it is fabric, then the blank should be large enough so that the candy can be completely wrapped in it. If it is paper, then a bud is formed from 3-4 petals, inside of which there is sweetness.

A skewer is inserted into the lower part of the tulip, which must be secured with tape or electrical tape. If the skewers are hidden under wrapping paper or a net, then you do not need to wrap them with tape to the very bottom. If not, you need to carefully wrap the skewer with completely green electrical tape. The place where the flower and the skewer are fastened is hidden with the help of leaves pre-cut from the green material. Since the leaves of tulips are quite large, no joints should be visible..
The more neatly the flowers are made, the more elegant they look.
After all the buds are decorated, they must be collected in a bouquet. Further, it can either be tied with a beautiful ribbon to match, or decorated with a net or wrapping paper.

Candy tulips look great without additional decoration, but if you add marshmallows or macaroons to the composition, it will become even more delicious. It should be borne in mind that marshmallows, berries, cookies, and meringue are perishable things., therefore, it is advisable to hand over the gift within a few hours after its manufacture (ideally, an hour or two).

From round candies
"Rafaello" or "Ferrero Roche" - sweets that are loved by little girls and their mothers, and even grandmothers. Therefore, the bouquet containing these round sweets will always be received with enthusiasm.

There are some nuances in making a gift from them with your own hands, for example, it is difficult to stick a skewer into them. That is why a foam ball is most often used as the basis for such a bouquet, on which sweets are carefully glued.

If you do for each "Rafaello" candy your wrapper made of beautiful paper, fixing it with a skewer, you can collect a completely traditional bouquet. And you can also glue a bottle of champagne with round candies, giving such an original gift to your best friend - a fan of fun parties.

To make these flowers, you need to take white corrugated paper, thick green wire (it is wrapped around the bottom of each candy, forming a conditional stem), a glue gun or ordinary PVA glue, as well as candy.
As blanks for flowers, rectangles of the desired size are cut out. The corners are cut off the rectangles, giving them the shape of the petals. Next, you need to slightly twist the top of each petal with scissors, and, on the contrary, stretch the bottom, as if pressing down on the paper. One lily has 5 petals. If there are buds in the bouquet, they need 4 petals, they do not need to be twisted.

Petals are sequentially attached to each candy (bottom)... It is much more convenient to do this with a glue gun - this way the gluing points are less noticeable. If the gun is not available, the glue must be applied with a toothpick or cotton swab to prevent it from leaking.
After the required number of flowers and buds are formed, the bouquet is collected. If you wish, you can add other sweets to it, preferably white or blue. This also applies to wrapping paper - its shade should be combined with lilies.

The algorithm for making these flowers is similar to the previous one. with the only difference that poppies require red corrugated paper, and the shape of the petals will be different. Each poppy needs 6-7 petals, and as for their size, it's up to the person who makes the bouquet.
Since the poppy is distinguished not only by its bright shade, but also by the presence of a large number of stamens inside each flower, for a more naturalistic appearance, you can take brown corrugated paper. If the candy is wrapped in a black wrapper, it can be placed in the center of the flower right away, if not - pre-wrap in black corrugated paper. You can hide candy in any wrapper in a poppy bud. To make a bud, you need 3 red petals and 2 beige ones.

Poppies will look original not in wrapping paper, but in a wicker basket - this will require 7-9 large flowers. As companions to these bright colors, multi-colored apples, pears, grapes are suitable.

On skewers
Skewers are a versatile remedy with which you can put almost any sweetness into a bouquet - from large berries to "Kinder surprise". And this means that both a restrained composition for a teacher and a dizzyingly voluminous one for a beloved woman can be created on wooden or plastic sticks.

You can put on skewers not only sweets, but also bars so beloved by teenagers - "Snickers", "KitKat", "Bounty"... Such a bunch can be assembled in just 10 minutes, and it will bring a lot of joy.

If the girl for whom the present is intended is a supporter of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, she can also be given a sweet bouquet... But you need to collect it from healthy sweets, for example, candies made from nuts and dried fruits, berries, gluten-free and sugar-free bars can enter there.

For recognition of tender feelings, suitable a bouquet, on one of the skewers of which a plush toy is fixed with a heart in his hands (by tradition, this is a bear cub, but it can be a kitten, a puppy, or a bunny).

You can create of chocolates on skewers multilevel compositions, they look very impressive. You just need to take care of a more durable package that can keep the bouquet in its original form.

Ready examples
The variety of bouquets of sweets for March 8 can only be limited by your imagination. Here are just a few examples.
Such a delicate bouquet will appeal to a girl of any age.

It is impossible to resist the marshmallow airiness and multicolored marshmallows.

Roses and candies - what could be more romantic?

You can't tell right away that these tulips are not real.

It's even a pity to have such beauty.

You can watch a master class on making a bouquet of sweets on March 8 in the next video.