How to choose a gift for a teacher on March 8?

On International Women's Day, it is customary to congratulate not only relatives, but also teachers. Gifts are given on behalf of the entire class by the parent committee. As a rule, in elementary school, gifts are presented to the class teacher, and sometimes to teachers who teach additional classes, such as art, music or physical education.
In this article, we will look at the most popular and original gifts for school teachers, offer budget options and give some tips for choosing that are recommended to consider when buying.

Selection rules
It's always nice to give gifts, especially when a person plays an important role in your child's life. It is even more pleasant to realize that the recipient liked the present. The choice of souvenirs for the teacher on March 8 is not as easy as it seems at first glance. First of all, it is important to observe the subordination - after all, the teacher is the official person at the school, so not every gift will be appropriate. The thing should be not only beautiful, but also practical, so the parent committee should think carefully and choose the best product that can be presented from the class.

When buying a presentation, it should be understood that the teacher is a woman and she will be pleased to receive a gift according to her interests, and not one that will remind of work and study. Any stationery, manuals and encyclopedias can be presented on September 1st or on Teacher's Day, then they will be in place. And on International Women's Day, it's better to give something more interesting. To make it easier to guess with a surprise, try to consider the following factors before purchasing a product:
- the age of the teacher;
- social status;
- hobbies and hobbies;
- Lifestyle.

Naturally, asking the teacher about the above aspects is not directly recommended; she may hesitate and hesitate to give an answer. Better just watch her, because from the beginning of the school year until March 8, there is enough time to learn about the woman's preferences, even if she is teaching the class for the first year. Often, when talking with parents, they can talk about a hobby or hobby that they are doing. Some talk about how wonderful they went to the theater or an exhibition - try to draw conclusions from their stories and take them into account when discussing. You can consult with the committee of other elementary grades, which will surely throw up an interesting idea and help you out.

The age of the teacher is a very important aspect that should be considered first of all. It is not recommended to give cosmetics, fashion accessories or gadgets to elderly teachers, but young girls will like such gifts. It is much easier for young teachers to choose gifts, as they perceive humor better and will laugh with pleasure if you arrange a friendly joke. Be sure to pack the present beautifully and present it with a smile and warm words, note that it is from the whole class.
Any gift can be supplemented with a beautiful postcard with an original and kind poem written by children by hand.

There are a number of surprises that should not be given to teachers.
- A lot of sweets... As a rule, the teachers themselves hint that they do not eat a lot of sweets, so you should not purchase chocolate sets and other sweets, as, most likely, they will be donated. Better to replace them with healthy fruits.

- Perfume and decorative cosmetics. These items are too individual, each scent is revealed in different ways on people, and cosmetics may not match in color or texture. If you still want to please the teacher with women's gifts, buy a gift certificate at a perfume shop, let him make his own choice.

- It is strictly forbidden to give personal hygiene products... This is too intimate a question, so it is better to bypass it.

- Trick surprises. Gifts such as splashing cigarettes, ice with flies and chewing gum with beetles and cockroaches can be accepted with humor by friends, but not by a teacher.

- Alcohol... Quite a controversial present, which can be perceived ambiguously, and even offended some women.

- Household... This refers to the means for cleaning, washing and cleaning the house. It is not recommended to give such a present to anyone at all, of course, it will definitely come in handy, but it will not bring joy.

- Bijouterie... Adult women do not wear accessories made of metal or plastic, so no matter how beautiful the jewelry is, it should not be given. Still, on March 8, it is better to present a piece of jewelry made of gold or silver.

- Hair styling devices. It is incorrect to give styling products, such as a hairdryer, curling iron, iron, electric curlers and others. The teacher can take this as a hint of his unkempt and sloppy appearance. Do not allow doubts in appearance, this is at least incorrect.

Original ideas
There are a number of original but very pleasant surprises that teachers of any age will appreciate.
Present your favorite teacher as the winner in the category "Best Teacher". The shops sell copies of Oscar statuettes with a plate on the pedestal, where you can apply any engraving at the request of the customer... Complete the statuette with certificates, medal and flowers. Pleasure on the recipient's face and a joyful sparkle in the eyes are guaranteed.

Certificate for attending courses
In addition to material things, on March 8, you can also present positive emotions or new knowledge. Nowadays, a lot of interesting master classes in various directions are being held. If you know that the educator loves to cook, get her a cooking certificate. You can choose a general topic or a specific one, for example, a master class in baking, cooking Italian or Georgian cuisine.
Many older women want to learn how to draw beautifully. A real holiday for them will be attending painting lessons from a professional.

Table fountain
A solid and unusual present of compact size can be placed in any room. It is designed to relax and create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Such gifts are universal and you can be sure that the recipient will definitely not have such a thing.

Certificate in SPA or beauty salon
On women's day, I want to pamper myself with women's joys. A certificate for visiting a spa or beauty salon is one of the best gifts for any woman. There is little that can be compared with a relaxing massage procedure, the ability to get a manicure and styling. A well-groomed woman is always happy and makes those around her happy.

Table biofireplace
Another interesting and really warm idea. A small fireplace has many advantages: affordable price, compactness and mobility. They will decorate any corner and make evenings even more comfortable in the family circle.
It is recommended to purchase a special refueling liquid complete with a desktop biofireplace, it is sold in bottles.

Useful gifts
As a rule, parents try to present their favorite teacher with something practical and universal.
A set of dishes will never be superfluous. You can buy a whole set for six people, consisting of large, small and deep plates, as well as two oval dishes. If there is no way to give such an expensive surprise, you can limit yourself to a set of glasses for champagne or wine. A cutlery set for at least six people will also come in handy. These presents are sold in beautiful wooden cases.
For those who like to bake delicious cakes and pies, you can choose a baking dish or a cake stand.

Home textiles
Another useful present. A great idea would be a beautiful set of bedding, however, when buying, be sure to check the material by touch: it should be dense and of high quality. Synthetic sets are distinguished by a low price - you should not save on the teacher, especially since the thing will be bought for general cool money.
The perfect solution would be a soft blanket or bedspread. A set of soft towels with personalized embroidery is considered a universal present.

Indoor plant
If the teacher is fond of floriculture, the best surprise for her will be a small houseplant, which is easy to care for. As a rule, such flowers are inexpensive, but they bring a lot of joy. It is not recommended to present a cactus, as it probably already flaunts on the teacher's windowsill. Get bright orchids, petunias, roses, Kalanchoe and other types of indoor plants that are unpretentious in care... You can ask in advance what kind of flowers are missing on the windowsill or find out about the existing ones so as not to repeat themselves.

Natural cosmetics set
A surprise like this is optimal for a young teacher who loves to take care of herself. However, decorative cosmetics is excluded, since it is not always possible to choose it correctly. A great option would be a body or hair care kit.... In beauty stores, you can find a wide range of assorted kits, including shampoos, conditioners, hair masks and many body care products.
Items such as deodorant or razors are excluded as gifts.

In this case, we mean small home appliances. It is impossible to give a vacuum cleaner or a dishwasher, as large gifts immediately catch the eye and the teacher may have problems. The best choice would be an electric kettle that can be used both at home and at work. A toaster, sandwich maker or small slow cooker will surely delight women who don't have much time to cook.

Digital photo frame
This compact photo frame will decorate the interior of any living room. Supplement it with a small flash card, where photos will be uploaded, because it is from it that information will be read.

Office decoration
A working present can please the teachers who teach additional subjects. For them, you can buy things that will be useful in the learning process and relate to their lesson. For example, a geography teacher can be presented with a large globe or a lamp with an illustration of a map of the world. For a teacher of literary reading and the Russian language, you can buy portraits of famous writers or a set of books. Physics and chemistry teachers will be delighted with the sets of flasks and test tubes.
You can make an original gift in the form of a phone case with the name of the item.

Gift Certificate
The most versatile present that will help you not to rack your brains. Certificates can be donated to a cosmetics and perfumery store, a hardware store or a hardware store. If the teacher has children, she will be delighted with the certificate to the children's store.... Fortunately, almost every store offers a similar service, so you just need to choose a direction, and the teacher will choose everything on her own.

This is a very sensitive topic that causes a lot of controversy in the chats of the parent committees on every holiday. Of course, a bill with a large denomination is considered the best gift for any occasion, however, it should be presented very carefully. In many educational institutions it is strictly forbidden to give money, and if this rule is violated, the teacher may have serious problems.
If your school is not so strict with this matter, you can please the teacher by giving him an envelope and a box of chocolates. Some people buy a small jewelry box and put their money in there.
Try not to tell anyone about such presentations, at least it will not look very nice on your part.

Budget options
If there is no way to give an expensive present, you can limit yourself to a budget option.
Sweet gift
As a tasty gift, you can present a large box of various chocolates. There are shops specializing in the sale of merry chocolate of interesting shapes and colors. You can order a personalized box with chocolate for the teacher... There are many pieces of chocolate inside, each with a letter printed on it. The price varies depending on the size of the text. It is not necessary to give only chocolate, you can purchase a large set of oriental sweets.

Tea set
Depending on the personal preferences of the teacher, you can give a collection of tea or coffee. Coffee sets usually include several types of coffee beans; the hotel can be supplemented with an electric or copper turkey for brewing a drink. If the teacher loves to spend time with a cup of tea, a large selection of various tea varieties will be the best choice for her..
You can complement the present with a set of a tea saucer and a cup.

Gift basket
These baskets are usually filled with fruits, sweets or cosmetics. You can create a similar surprise yourself. In addition to tasty and healthy products, you can put something from the office inside, for example, a beautiful paperback notebook.

Cupcake set
Personalized cupcakes or mini-cakes will be a great option for a gift on March 8th. You can donate cupcakes with a photo of the teacher, they are prepared to order.

Bright, beautiful and fragrant bouquets of flowers will be the perfect addition to any surprise. It is better to first find out about the teacher's favorite varieties - if it did not work out, you can donate classic roses, tulips, peonies, lilies, gerberas or orchids.

Video greetings
Mini-film with congratulations from each student and members of the parent committee.Ask the children to say a couple of warm words to the teacher and tell about pleasant memories associated with her. She will be very pleased to hear beautiful words from her students.... You can also bring your school colleagues to the case: ask other teachers to congratulate your class teacher on the holiday and wish you all the best.
For interesting gift ideas for March 8 for a teacher, see the next video.
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