How beautiful to give money for a birthday?

Money is one of the most popular birthday gifts. Such a presentation has many advantages over buying a souvenir, accessory or technical device. The main plus of a monetary gift is that it gives the birthday person the opportunity to independently choose for himself exactly what he needs most now. Thanks to this, the giver insures himself against erroneous purchases.

Original options for men
Giving money just like that, from hand to hand, is not the most interesting decision. Such a present, along with other gifts, should be presented beautifully.... There are many original and pleasant ways to present a certain amount of money. Let's take a look at some of the most non-trivial solutions for male birthday men.

In the bank
Money can be donated at the bank. Such a container only seems boring and unattractive. This is actually a cool and creative solution. For example, you can make a kind of impromptu "birthday bank" for a guy.
Everything here is built on a play on words, because in this case we are not talking about the bank where the money of all its clients is kept. This means a real glass jar, in which gift dollars or rubles lie.

The jar containing the money can be decorated with a sticker with a serious inscription - "bank". A cute bow next to the lid will be useful.
You can arrange such an interesting gift as follows. First you need to prepare all the necessary materials. These include:
- the present itself, that is, money;
- scissors (you can use a tool with a special curly cut);
- colored ribbons with which you will tie up gift bills;
- a printer and paper to print a suitable label for the jar;
- double sided tape;
- glass jar (it is recommended to take an attractive figured container).

Having prepared everything you need, you can get to work.
- First you need to prepare the jar. It must be perfectly clean. It is advisable to use a new can that has not been used before. The capacity should not be too large, it is worth purchasing a neat miniature jar, it will look much better.
- Next, you need to carefully roll up the bills, which you plan to present to the birthday boy. They should be carefully tied with colored ribbons.
- Further prepared bills can be transferred to a clean jar.
- The printer should print a couple of original labels. One of them will be glued to the container lid. It should contain the name "bank" - here you can show your imagination. The second label will be for the side of the glass jar. Here, too, you can print the name of a non-existent bank or some kind of humorous inscription.
- Glue prepared labels will be easy and simple using double-sided tape. Next, the jar should be tied with a charming blue bow.
That's all. As a result, you will get a very interesting present that will definitely cheer up the birthday person. This method is very popular today. Giving money to a guy as a gift in this way is a great solution.

In the bag
It is possible to present a cash gift not only in a beautiful glass jar with an impromptu label - fresh ideas do not end there. Birthday bills can also be handed in a bag. It is easy to prepare such an unusual present, it will not take a lot of free time. Let's analyze it step by step, how can you make such a surprise for a guy.
- First you need to sew carefully small bag made of fabric. It is advisable to choose materials similar to a simple burlap in shade and texture.
- After that you will need clearly draw a noticeable dollar sign on the prepared bag.
- Instead of such a bag it is quite possible to use a gift or even a translucent version.
- Roll up the bills which you plan to present to the birthday boy, in neat tubes. Secure them with a cute string.
- Then the prepared bills must be sent to a bag and tightened with a ribbon.

Such an unusual present can be safely given to a man. Both the giver and the giver will enjoy the process of giving, because it is so nice to give and receive a real bag of money!
Refined ideas for women
Ladies, too, should not be deprived of creative gifts. In this case, more often they turn to more sophisticated packaging options. Let's get to know them better.

In the form of a bouquet
Every girl loves beautiful fragrant flowers. If they are made of money, it doesn't hurt them in the least. The idea of handing money to a young lady in the form of a bouquet can be treated ambiguously. Someone will definitely like this decision, but someone may be upset and angry at the sight of crumpled banknotes.

To make a spectacular bouquet of banknotes with your own hands, you will need the following materials:
- the bills themselves (it is advisable to use brand new bills from the bank, and not old, shabby and in places torn money), about 3 pieces will be needed for one flower;
- the wire from which the stem of the bouquet will be made;
- green ribbon or fabric - these details will be needed to neatly wrap the formed stalk;
- green colored paper - leaves for the stem will be cut out of it.

Before you start working with banknotes, they should be slightly moistened on one edge. After that, the corners of the banknote are folded. Further, the crease should be done in the middle part of the bill, as if forming flower petals.They should be nested within one another.
Then you will need to prepare the stem from the wire, wrap it and add leaves. Then buds can be attached to this part.

Registration in this way is easy, but you need to act very carefully so that you do not accidentally tear them during crumpling of banknotes.
There are other ways to make a bouquet of money. Let's analyze one of them step by step.
- Prepare a real bouquet of fresh flowers. Be sure to first wipe the stems so that they are completely dry. If they do remain damp, the bills may become soaked due to this.
- Next, you need to take an even bill and carefully wrap the stem of the flower with it, making the fixation with glue.

In this case, it is permissible to use simple PVA glue or glue stick. But you should be very careful if you are using the first adhesive: it must be applied to banknotes in a very thin layer.
This option for creating a bouquet of money also has its drawbacks, because the bills will have to be coated with glue. You must act very carefully.
In frame
If you want to beautifully give a girl money on her birthday, then you can turn to this popular method. To make an original present yourself, you need to stock up on:
- photo frame - it is better to take a small frame of A5 format;
- large bill – here you only need one banknote, therefore you should prepare the money in advance and only after that start making out the present;
- kind and funny congratulations - it is this that will give your present a special humorous touch.

A similar non-trivial gift is created as follows.
- First, you need to carefully open the frame. On the base intended for the photograph, you need to lay out a background paper sheet of dark colors. This can be the same insert that was originally located in the selected frame, but you can also use a separate dark sheet. A dark shade contrasting with the rest of the scales will further highlight the light banknote.
- Glue a good wish onto the frame or a comic admonition about spending this banknote.
- Slightly above the inscription you will need to carefully put the bill. After that, you can safely close the frame.
- Prepared present you can additionally pack it in a beautiful gift wrapping so that the birthday girl does not immediately understand that you are planning to give her money.

To make such a gift look more positive and funny, it should be supplemented with a playful signature.
How can you beat a gift?
Such a useful and necessary gift for everyone can be very interesting and fun to beat. There are different methods to cheer up not only the birthday man, but also the guests who came to his birthday. Let's look at some interesting options.
In souvenir shops and many online stores you can meet a decorative shovel, which is permissible to hand over to the birthday person along with the money. In this case, the desire is meant “to row money with a shovel”. Instead of a souvenir shovel, you can pick up a simple children's shovel, attach a small pocket to it and put banknotes there so that they slightly look out of it. Such a present will surely please the birthday person or the birthday girl.

There is another original way to beat a cash gift. It is called "Money in one hundred rubles."
It is not recommended to hand over bills to women in this way - they may be offended. Better to play men like that.

Students and just creative people can beat the money present in a different original way. At the same time, banknotes wrapped neatly in a roll of toilet paper... You can give such an extraordinary present not with an angry mockery or mockery, but, on the contrary, with the best wishes.

How can you not give?
If you decide to give a friend, acquaintance or relative a cash present, then you definitely need to know how to hand it over.
- You shouldn't take out your wallet sitting at the table, and then counting the required amount in front of all the guests and the birthday person. You must first prepare the amount that you plan to hand over to the hero of the occasion. Prepared money does not need to be kept in your wallet or bag. It is better to put them in a special envelope if you do not resort to more original solutions. Of course, it is better to use a gift envelope rather than a plain postal envelope.
- Do not under any circumstances announce to guests exactly how much you are giving to the birthday boy. However, this does not mean that one should give money in silence. A small congratulatory speech will be very appropriate at the time of the presentation.
- Try not to hand over frayed and old banknotes. It is worth picking up fresh bills.
- You can't give a birthday boy a change. Do not put it in an envelope, pouch, or jar. Of course, the exception may be those cases when it is provided by the script.
- If there are two birthday people in the same family celebrate their birthday on the same day, then two cash presentations should be prepared. You should not give such a gift in a single envelope or bag. Each of the birthday people has the right to receive his own separate present.

Interesting examples
Money can be donated in a variety of ways. Particularly interesting and fun is the presentation of a cash present, if it is designed to be funny and original.
- You can hide a cash gift under a chair or a birthday chair. This must be done secretly so that you are not caught doing this. After that, it is worth asking the hero of the occasion to look under the mentioned items - there will be a surprise waiting for him.
- A small, attractive pillow can be sewn specially for the sofa and invest in it. As a result, an interesting present will come out - two in one. The presented amount will be spent by the birthday person or the birthday girl, and the pillow will remain as a detail of the situation.
- An interesting solution would be to purchase a toy house in a children's goods store. Present such an unusual present to the hero of the occasion and wish that he always had finances in his house. After looking at what is inside, the birthday man will see the hidden bills.
- It is quite possible to prepare an original poster with your own hands., under the glass of which to put brand new bills. The birthday boy will independently decide when to use the content of the presentation.
- You can give a cash present in cabbage... For this, a large head of cabbage is taken, cut into two halves. Several bills are put inside (always in cellophane). Then you need to wrap the cabbage with foil and tie it with a lot of beautiful satin ribbons. Such a present will truly surprise the birthday boy.
- A very interesting and bright solution is the presentation of money in balls. To do this, you need to pick up opaque balls. They are placed on a bill together with confetti. The balls will need to be inflated, and then tied together. Give such a bright present and ask the birthday boy to burst the balloons.

Useful Tips
When presenting a monetary gift, it is necessary to congratulate the birthday person. If you don't want to say standard wishes, you can read out verses of your own composition - this is an unusual solution that will surprise and delight the person celebrating his birthday.
If money is given to a woman, then it is desirable to "back up" it with a beautiful bouquet of fragrant flowers. You can put a small bag with bills in the flower arrangement itself.
Comic gifts (for example, money in a roll of toilet paper) should be given only to the person with whom you have known for a long time and know him well. A person you don't know much about may not understand your humor.

The ideal idea of giving money for a birthday should be chosen based on the character and preferences of the birthday person.
For information on how to give money beautifully, see the next video.