Birthday gifts

What to give a girl for 2 years?

What to give a girl for 2 years?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. What kind of toy can you give your daughter?
  3. Rating of the best gifts for goddaughter
  4. What should a granddaughter choose?
  5. Gift ideas for niece

When a person chooses a birthday present for his loved one, he wants not only to please him with his attention, but also to give something really useful and necessary. As a rule, he represents what a particular relative or friend would like. If the recipient of the gift is a two-year-old baby, then the presentation options become much more. They will be discussed in this article.


Before starting a conversation about what is useful for a girl at 2 years old, you should familiarize yourself with the features of this age.

Two-year-old child:

  • completes the development of the pot;
  • collects toys, for example, a pyramid or nesting doll;
  • learns to draw;
  • learns to recognize colors;
  • begins to play with the dolls in the game of "mothers and daughters": dresses them, feeds them, lulls them;
  • builds houses from cubes;
  • can load a machine with something and carry it;
  • learns to eat independently;
  • learns to dress independently.

As you can see, the age of two is a time to master many skills, so a toy should not only be bright and beautiful, but also carry some kind of practical benefit, teach something. This means that you should choose a gift for the baby based on just such considerations.

At the same time, do not forget that when giving a gift to a child, it should be interesting, first of all, for the child, and not for his parents.

There are known cases, and there are many of them, when relatives gave the child a toy that was too complicated for his age, for example, a prefabricated railroad, an interactive doll with many functions, an intricate board game. The child could not figure it out on his own and lost interest in her.As a result, the toy was either removed "until better times", or redirected, or the parents played it themselves.

What kind of toy can you give your daughter?

Parents, as a rule, know the personal characteristics of their child better than others, because it would be a mistake to think that all children at this age are similar to each other and are fond of the same thing. Of course, they have common features and hobbies inherent in gender and age, but someone likes to draw more, and someone loves to sculpt; some girls enjoy playing "kindergarten", "daughters-mothers" or "beauty salon", while others build houses, ride cars, put together puzzles.

The correct solution for determining the main hobbies of the daughter would be the offer to provide "a little bit of everything", and she herself will be able to choose what she likes best.

However, the development of the child should be comprehensive, therefore, even if the parents see that the baby is crazy about drawing, you should not give her gifts only in this topic. It is better to buy her a book in which you can not only color the pictures, but also read a fascinating story, get to know the characters. It is also worth suggesting that she mold these characters or buy soft toys that look like them.

You can play a scene from a book with your daughter. After a while, the parents will see that the baby herself will begin to invent new stories and fantastic characters, and then embody them through sculpting and drawing.

As a result, a creative person will grow up with a vivid imagination and a rich inner world.

Below is a list of the most useful educational toys for two years of age.

  • Constructor... It is advisable to give something similar to "Lego" so that there are large bright blocks from which the little one could build not only a house for her favorite doll, but also a garage for a car, a boat, a turret and much more.
  • Dough or kinetic sand for modeling. You should not give plasticine to a baby at this age - the fact is that at 2 years old, the child's hands are still too weak and will not be able to properly knead the hard plasticine mass. And a special dough for modeling, like kinetic sand, has a soft, pliable structure, it is pleasant to knead it in the palms of your hands, which, by the way, is very useful for the development of motor skills.
  • Cubes... You can buy ordinary wooden ones or, for example, with images of animals, fruits, household items, in order to learn to remember their names while playing. Cubes with letters and numbers will also be useful.
  • Ball... Everyone loves to play ball - both girls and boys. You can take it outside and have fun with peers or parents. And if there is a dog at home, then she will not mind playing ball with the young mistress.
  • A set of children's dishes and products... The baby, looking at how her mother prepares dinner, will want to try to do it herself. But it is still too small to be allowed near the stove or to be trusted with a sharp kitchen knife for cutting food. In this case, a toy set will come to the rescue, which includes pots, and plates, and mugs with spoons - everything that is needed for a little cook. The hostess herself will be able to "prepare" a hearty dinner and invite dad and mom to it. However, in this case, it is important to ensure that the kit does not contain too small items that the child could inhale or swallow.
  • Books... There are a great variety of options here: from simple coloring books to colorful anthologies of fairy tales. You can also give a cognitive encyclopedia about dinosaurs or other animals - this will allow the baby to significantly expand her horizons.
  • Wooden "labyrinths" for the development of fine motor skills. The child moves bright wooden figures along the wire frame, thereby developing finger motor skills. "Labyrinth" is more of a toy simulator than entertainment.
  • Pyramid, matryoshka and other similar toys, where you need to put a ring or other geometric figure on the post, or insert a smaller figure into a larger one. One of the variations of the training pyramid is a plaque with three columns, on one of which you need to string red rings, on the other - yellow, on the third - green. There may also be such a variant of the pyramid: on one column - squares, on the second - triangles, on the third - circles.
  • Board games. Boards are very popular now, into which figures need to be inserted along the cut outlines. There are themed games - "pets", "fruits", "transport" and other variations.
  • Dolls... For a two-year-old, the best choice would be a baby doll, which you can bathe, feed, swaddle, and lull. Barbie, Bratz and other "adult" dolls are still difficult for the baby to perceive - she simply will not know how to play with them correctly. In addition, these dolls often have small parts or accessories that a small child can choke on.
  • Sets "zoo", "farm", "dinosaurs", "insects" and others. They carry both a game and a learning function. You can tell your daughter about each character: what he can do, what sounds he makes, what he eats, what his children are called. The child will be able to come up with stories with these characters and play them.
  • Everything for drawing: albums, paints, crayons, wax pencils. Through the drawing, the baby will be able to open her inner world, to embody her fantasies. You just need to remember that you should choose safe products that do not contain toxic substances. Regular honey watercolor is ideal. Pencils are best given from wax - they are not as sharp as wooden ones, they do not require sharpening, and at the same time they are very bright, and drawing with them is a pleasure.
  • Jigsaw puzzles... The best options from this category are wooden ones, with bright large fragments. One of the interesting options is a puzzle of the "Dress a fashionista" type. It has a set of clothes and a doll on which these clothes need to be attached. This game is like dressing up paper dolls.
  • Transport... Contrary to opinion, playing cars is not the prerogative of boys. Some girls are happy to ride their toy friends, transport "loads" in the back. If the parents noticed that their daughter is such a "car enthusiast", then it is better to give her a truck with a folding body or a convertible so that you can roll dolls and animals.

Another option for such a gift is transport for the birthday girl herself: a sled, a scooter, a tricycle.

Rating of the best gifts for goddaughter

Godparents are a "second family" for the baby, for this very reason they are chosen especially carefully, trusting only the closest people. Naturally, they want to please their little goddaughter with something unusual. Below are some gift ideas for goddaughters.

  • Young doctor's set. Such a present is not just paraphernalia for playing "in the hospital", because by "nursing" toy animals, dolls, the child learns to care and compassion. Therefore, such a set will be a very useful gift.
  • Educational tablet or smartphone. This attribute is a novelty in recent years. It is inexpensive and has several functions: it reproduces the sounds of animals when you click on the corresponding image, sings children's songs, tells rhymes and fairy tales.
  • Set "Shop". A young lady will really like such a gift. The set contains a cash register, toy money, a basket with goods. This set is good in that you can play the "store" both alone and with peers and relatives.
  • Toy household appliances, furniture. The child will be happy to furnish a dollhouse or just a corner in the apartment, "invite" dolls, animals, and prepare food for them. In this case, communication and socialization skills are formed.

What should a granddaughter choose?

Babies always associate grandparents with something kind, warm, understanding, therefore, a birthday present from them should be appropriate.

  • Colorful book with stickers. These can be the characters of your favorite cartoon, animals, dinosaurs, insects and other images. Stickers must be glued in a certain order (along the contours), which also forms attentiveness.
  • Kigurumi pajamas. Even some adults are in awe of these colorful themed pajamas - let alone kids. A two-year-old baby will really like this cute pajamas in the form of a panda, a kitten or a dragon, therefore, she will be happy to sleep in it.
  • Glowing sneakers. Some kids get naughty when they are dressed for a walk. But to put on bright sneakers, on the sole of which a light flashes at every step, not a single fashionista will refuse. Every walk will be a joy for her.

Gift ideas for niece

The little daughter of a sister or brother always evokes special affection. It is quite natural that you want to please your niece with something special, especially on such a momentous day.

  • Nice dress and shoes. The little princess also needs a "royal" outfit. To do this, you need to ask her parents for the height and length of the foot, and then choose a festive "ensemble". And let the baby wear it only a couple of times in her life (after all, children grow up quickly), but she will be able to feel like a princess from her favorite fairy tale and will remember that her beloved uncle or aunt gave her this fairy tale.
  • Diadem... This can be both an addition to the previous version, and a completely independent gift. The baby will be able to wear it not only for games, but also for a walk. Some guys even go to kindergarten with her.
  • Children's cosmetics. You can please your niece with a set of hypoallergenic cosmetics for children. Such a set, as a rule, includes eau de toilette, hygienic lipstick (sometimes pearlescent), nail polish. It is better to complement the present with beautiful hairpins, rubber bands, a bright comb.
  • Magnetic slate board. Such a gift is one of the useful ones. On the magnetic side, you can attach letters, numbers, learn to form words and solve examples, and on the slate side it is very convenient to draw with crayons.

While the child is small, you need to please him more often.

Of course, you should not indulge every whim of your beloved child, but you cannot limit everything in everything, because the main thing in a gift is attention and its relevance.

If you do not know what to give a girl for 2 years, see interesting options in the video below.

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