What to give a girl for 5 years?

The fifth anniversary is a bright and memorable event for any girl. To make this day special, parents often celebrate a holiday in children's playrooms or cafes, order animators, and select a thematic scenario. And of course, no children's birthday goes by without gifts. To surprise a five-year-old girl, parents and loved ones should worry about a present in advance.

When choosing a gift for a girl, it is worth learning about the features of the age of five. During this period, children are active and inquisitive. They get to know the world around them, draw conclusions from the experience gained, try to imitate adults, trying on various social roles. Due to their age, many five-year-old girls love to fantasize. They imagine themselves as fairies, princesses and queens. At this age, they will be delighted with the presented costume of a sorceress, sorceress or favorite cartoon characters.

By the age of five, the child has a fairly well developed logical and creative thinking. The girl, although she gravitates towards society and collective play, can occupy herself. That is why many are advised to choose gifts for the development of intelligence and imagination. At the age of five, many girls experience "leaps" not only in mental development, but also in physiological development. Their muscles develop, their skeleton gets stronger.
Therefore, during this period, various gifts for physical activity will come in handy.

At 5 years old, many girls still have no secrets. They willingly share their experiences and impressions with their parents and others. If a child dreams of something or wants to receive something specific as a gift, he will definitely tell about it in a conversation. Because of this openness, many parents know what can be given to a girl for 5 years. If, nevertheless, difficulties arose with the choice of a presentation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the gift options below.

The best gifts from parents
A birthday present for a five-year-old daughter should not only be original and memorable, but also useful for the child's development. It is worth considering the options for such presentations in more detail.
- Sets for role-playing games. The selection of such sets is extensive. It is easy to find on sale everything you need to create your own store, beauty salon, pastry shop, cafe. You can purchase a set for playing the hospital, school. To make a gift to your liking, you need to observe your daughter, take a closer look at what she likes best - playing with her mother's cosmetic bag and its contents, taking care of her toys and treating them, spending time in the kitchen helping with cooking. It is worth starting from the girl's preferences and presenting the appropriate set.

- Dolls or baby dolls. These toys are suitable for role play. With them, the girl will be able to feel like a mother. Trying on this social role, the baby in the game will solve adult problems, babysit the doll as if it were her child, lull her and feed her. At the age of five, interactive dolls are popular. They can talk, walk, drink from a bottle. In order for such a gift to bring only positive emotions, you need to choose positive characters.

- Educational toys. Such gifts will be especially useful for girls who are going to first grade in a year and a half. Toys to develop your intelligence, imagination or fine motor skills will help you prepare for the challenging school life. You can give puzzles to a five-year-old - there are desktop and floor variations, 3D pictures on sale. Various constructors or mosaics are referred to as educational toys.

- Gifts for physical development. For a 5-year-old girl, such gifts will bring not only joy, but also health. Depending on the budget, you can choose the following gifts: hula-hoop, fitball for gymnastics, skates, skis or roller skates (in accordance with the season of the holiday), scooter, great.

Usually dads choose gifts for sports for their daughters. They strive for the child to develop physically, be active and vigorous. Moderate physical activity is the key to good sleep and good health. To please the girl, you can equip one of the corners in her room with a wall bars.
This is a sports complex, thanks to which the child will be able to engage in physical activity while at home.

What can you give to your granddaughter?
It is more difficult with the choice of a gift for the grandparents of the birthday girl. Of course, they want to pamper their granddaughter, especially on this significant day for her. Grandparents should remember that gifts should be given in the interests of the child. At the age of five, girls strive to actively imitate their mother. Because of this feature, they will like toys that copy adult things. For example, it can be a toy washing machine or dishwasher, iron, refrigerator. The choice of such gifts is huge. Such gifts will become an integral part of role-playing games.

For the fifth birthday, you can give your granddaughter a book. There are many variations of such presentations. You can choose the following:
- primer - it will be especially useful for girls preparing to go to school soon;

- audiobooks - these are "talking" editions; they have a built-in speaker, thanks to which the book itself will tell interesting stories and fairy tales to the child;

- books with children's poetry;

- products with puzzles;

- books with Russian folk tales.

In addition, you can please your granddaughter with creative kits.Such gifts will appeal to girls who love to make something with their own hands. The list of possible gifts for creativity is as follows:
- kit for a young artist (it may include markers, pencils, gouaches or other types of paints, crayons, pictures with numbers);

- kits for modeling - may include not only plastic mass, but also a variety of molds;

- sets for quilling, origami, weaving of beads and bracelets from beads.

Often, granddaughters are presented with unusual, but useful gifts in everyday life for their 5th birthday. It can be a lamp, a children's clock or a night light with an appropriate design, bed linen with the image of your favorite cartoon characters, a backpack.
Interesting ideas for goddaughter and niece
Being a godparent, uncle or aunt for a little girl is a responsible task. As a sign of attention and love, you need to give your child a birthday present every year. Choosing a present for a goddaughter or niece can be a real puzzle. Relatives obviously will not go wrong if they give the birthday girl a "fashionable" surprise. It can be a pretty dress or a fancy costume. Girls who love to "show off" in front of the mirror will appreciate such a gift.
Little women of fashion will also be pleased to receive other gifts.
- Various jewelry, jewelry, beautiful elastic bands, bows and hairpins. Any girl will certainly find use for such a present. She will be able to try on jewelry for herself or "dress up" her favorite dolls.

- Children's cosmetics. A cosmetic set for children can be purchased. It usually includes lip gloss, nail polish, eye shadow. Cosmetics made for little girls are harmless. It does not cause allergic reactions and is easily washed off with water. Having such a set, the fashionista will stop climbing into her mother's cosmetic bag and will be able to open her own beauty salon.

- Handbag or backpack. There are a lot of options for such accessories for girls. Handbags or backpacks can be large, small, colorful, shiny, fanciful, or shaped like toys. Such a gift is very useful. Going to kindergarten or for a walk, the girl will be able to put everything she needs in it.

- Chest or box with a lock. The present will appeal to girls who love to hide "secrets" from prying eyes.

Tickets to a circus, a theatrical performance or a bubble show are great gifts.
This original present can be supplemented with an unusual bouquet of sweets or soft toys.
How to please your sister?
Sister's fifth birthday is a great occasion for heartfelt congratulations and presenting a long-awaited gift. The list of presents that can be given to a little hero of the day may be as follows:
- stroller for a doll or baby doll - there are both large "vehicles" and small strollers on sale; most models have the ability to fold, due to which they will not take up much space when the child does not play "mothers and daughters";

- house for a doll and various toy furnishings;

- soft toy - a teddy bunny, a bear, a fox can complement an existing collection of animals and become a favorite;

- interactive toys - they can walk, sing, dance and even talk; such a gift will delight the five-year-old;

- light dance floor mat - suitable for an active person who loves sports and physical activity;

- vinyl based decals - with their help, the girl will be able to decorate her room to her taste;

- children's version of the smartphone - such a phone can sing songs, recite poems, imitate beeps when you call; if a girl loves role-playing games, she will certainly find a use for this present;

- moving toys - it can be radio-controlled cars, trains with a railway or other "means of transportation"; do not think that such gifts are only for boys, many girls also like to play with toy vehicles.

A sister for her fifth birthday can be given a coloring book (paintings by numbers), a book with stickers and various tasks, abacus, a tablet, an analogue of a blackboard.
Inexpensive souvenirs for twins
The birth of twins is a double joy in the family. Together with such happiness, there are double chores, since each of the kids needs to be given due attention. This also applies to the choice of gifts for the five years. In order not to offend girls, you should not buy one gift for two. There are two children, which means there should be two gifts. From inexpensive souvenirs to twins, you can choose the following:
- personalized stainless steel or silver spoons;
- two frames made in the same stylistic performance;
- magnets;
- pendants;
- medals and badges.
Twins are often given the same sets of clothes, various jewelry, boxes with a lock.

Unusual gifts and surprise-impressions
An extraordinary gift for a five-year-old girl is a certificate for attending any exciting events. This could be a candy making workshop or other creative learning lessons. A little girl will certainly be delighted with activities such as:
- horse riding;
- swimming with dolphins;
- show of funny magicians;
- flight in a wind tunnel;
- jumping on trampolines;
- going to the water park or riding various attractions.

When choosing a presentation, first of all, you should try to eliminate platitudes. If the child has several lying idle dolls, another rubber doll is unlikely to please the girl. Whatever the chosen gift for the five-year plan, do not forget about the main "attribute" of the birthday - a cake with 5 candles.
The little hero of the day will definitely appreciate such attention to her person.

More options for a gift for a girl - in the next video