Birthday gifts

What to give a 17-year-old girl?

What to give a 17-year-old girl?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. List of gifts from loved ones
  3. How to please your friend?
  4. Original presentation ideas

The seventeenth birthday is an amazing age when a girl is no longer a teenager, she entered youth, but is still the hero of the occasion and not an adult. Therefore, choosing a gift for 17 years is a very delicate matter. An inept or inappropriate gift can greatly offend, hurt, make you doubt yourself, your strength.


Before thinking about what to give a 17-year-old girl, you should clearly understand some of the psychological characteristics of age, which at this age stage determine the birthday girl's worldview. Of course, we are all different, we have different characters and temperaments, goals and values, and by the age of 17, a girl usually has a formed, but still fragile system of her own values.

Usually 17 years is the age when a girl is in her final year of school or has already graduated from it and is preparing for admission or entered a university. In any case, this age is an important time for self-determination, choosing your own path, and a good gift can support good spirits and determination.

Seventeen-year-old girls are very attentive to how they look, they pay a lot of attention to their appearance, because the realization of their femininity has already come, and many have already noticed how much they know how to please the representatives of the opposite sex. But there is still an unpleasant feature from adolescence. - the girl strives to find flaws in her appearance even where they are objectively absent.

That is why a gift that can "hurt a living", for example, a hoop for weight loss or a gym membership, if a girl is not involved in sports at all, can cause an ambiguous reaction.

This age marks an important period of opening your inner world.Girls are already interested in the spiritual, they do not identify themselves with their peers, but are more inclined to emphasize their own uniqueness. A successful gift for 17 years is always closely related to the characteristics and preferences of the girl. The gift should emphasize individuality, personality.

List of gifts from loved ones

It is the parents, godfathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents who know the characteristics of their 17-year-old relative better than others. For so many years, they managed to study well the character, temperament, hobbies and interests, life plans of the girl, and therefore who, if not them, should choose a successful gift for someone who will soon officially become an adult. There are many options to please a girl. In addition, the task of choosing a gift for a daughter, a present to a goddaughter, sister or granddaughter can be noticeably facilitated by the hero of the occasion herself - she is already at an age when you can safely ask her what she wants and get a specific answer.

If you want to make a surprise, give something unexpectedly and guess with a gift, try to choose something from the presented list of ideas.

The girl will certainly be delighted with such gifts from parents and other relatives.


    You can donate a new smartphone, but make sure that it meets youth requirements (it had a good camera to take selfies, did not "hang", had a large amount of memory and a beautiful design). A very useful gift for a graduate (applicant, student) will be a tablet computer or laptop. Today, many books in the educational process in universities are presented in electronic format. Be sure to buy a convenient case for the tablet, and a carrying bag for the laptop, because the girl will definitely take her gadgets with her to study.

    If the girl has all the necessary gadgets, consider the numerous accessories for them, perhaps she needs a selfie stick or wireless headphones.

    Also worthy of attention are gadgets such as smart fitness bracelets, which will calculate the calories at lunch, and help plan physical activity, and calculate how many steps you have taken per day. You can give a smart watch that has Internet access, can connect to a smartphone.

    Sport equipment

    Only a 17-year-old who is involved in sports should give such gifts.

    If the girl is far from this, the gift can be regarded as a hint of her shortcomings (imperfections in her figure, appearance).

    If a girl loves rollerblading, feel free to choose beautiful and comfortable roller skates for her, if she is not indifferent to cycling, give her a bicycle. For tennis lovers, good rackets and tennis balls are suitable.

    If a girl visits a fitness club, then you shouldn't come up with anything out of the ordinary. There are two options - either buy a home simulator so that she can keep in shape without leaving home, without being distracted from preparing for exams, or pay her a subscription to her fitness center and pool for a year in advance - such a gift will be very pleasant for lovers of an active lifestyle ...

    Interesting entertainment

    The best way to make your birthday unforgettable is to present something that will impress. Any things, even the highest quality and most expensive, sooner or later fail, cease to serve their owners. Impressions are what stays with us for life. Based on this, you can give a girl a ticket to a concert of her favorite band.

    At the same time, do not forget to give a double copy of the ticket, because it is unpleasant and dreary to go to a concert alone.

    And having two tickets in hand, a girl will be able to call a friend or girlfriend with her and spend a wonderful evening, memories of which will remain for a long time.

    In search of an unforgettable experience, you should not "go too far": if a girl is fearful, timid, not dreaming of conquering Everest and serving in the female Airborne Forces company, you should not give her certificates for parachute jumping, kayaking and so on.There are many more relaxed and safer activities. It all depends on what the area of ​​interest of the hero of the occasion is: lover of large companies and adventures - give a certificate for an event quest for 5-6 people, if a girl prefers needlework to an adrenaline rush, give her a ticket to a master class by a famous artist, sculptor, embroidery master or creating soft toys.

    Fashionistas will benefit from a ticket to a fashion show, a certificate for several lessons of professional makeup.

    Theme party

    Give your daughter a party outside the home. And it must be in style - the Little Mermaid (if this is her favorite cartoon character), the "Chicago mafia", the Marvel Avengers - she must decide on the style herself. Think over everything to the smallest detail - from the costumes of guests and hosts to the decoration of tables and dishes. Be sure to complement the gift with a professional photo session. - pictures from such a holiday will surely adorn the birthday girl's page on social networks, as well as a long and pleasant memory.

      Nice bag or backpack

      This is a very practical, necessary gift - a girl will be able to carry it with her to school, and will also be able to walk with him. Choose youth models, designer items.

        If you are at a loss with a choice, ask a close friend of your daughter or goddaughter to help with this - the same age knows well what is in fashion now.

        Or just give your daughter or granddaughter a gift certificate to the store of bags, backpacks and accessories - she herself will be able to choose what she will definitely like. For a bag or a backpack, consider buying a convenient and stylish wallet for a girl, because she already has money at her disposal, and carrying them in a pocket or a bag pocket is not very aesthetically pleasing and convenient.


        With it, a girl can begin to form her own personal collection of jewelry, the same as that of her mother. Therefore, to the ring, bracelet or earrings that you choose in the jewelry store of your daughter or sister, be sure to grab a small but neat exquisite casket - in it she will put her jewelry. And this, and the next, which will begin to give her the groom, husband, children in the future.

        For 17-year-old girls, when choosing jewelry, it is very important to avoid massiveness, large stones, and rough elements.

        It is better to opt for miniature items with small stones, openwork ornaments, light and lightweight silver jewelry, white gold items.

        How to please your friend?

        Friendship is of particular importance for a 17-year-old girl, and therefore friends usually prepare their own, special surprises for her birthday, which are designed to indicate the importance of this friendship for the birthday girl.

        What to choose for a friend is not an easy question; there are also a great many options.

        • Book with a "safe" cache - seemingly an ordinary book volume, in fact - a real repository for girlish secrets - notes, jewelry, money and everything else that romantically-minded seventeen-year-olds want to keep secret from others.
        • Hike to a water park or amusement park - a great option to remember childhood, spend a day off with friends, riding on merry-go-rounds or water slides.
        • Decorative and care cosmetics - girls often discuss among themselves preferences in cosmetics, creams, balms, perfumes. That is why sometimes friends know more about the tastes of the birthday girl in choosing cosmetics than their own relatives.
        • Books or certificate to a major book network - the gift is appropriate if the girl loves to read, is interested in this, needs some kind of literature that is important for preparing for admission. If you are not sure that you yourself can cope with the choice of books, feel free to take a certificate.
        • Fashionable household items - it is better to opt for cozy home slippers with illuminated soles, on kigurumi pajamas, which are so popular today among teenagers and young girls. Such things will definitely show how much the friend values ​​the birthday girl's comfort.
        • Antistress toys and objects - School leavers are very nervous, they are constantly in tension. In principle, the first year of university is also a stress factor, and therefore a good anti-stress will not hurt. This can be a battery-powered foot massager, a tabletop set with a clock and a stationery stand with a small aquarium in which a single goldfish or several guppies swim.

        Original presentation ideas

        An unusual gift can be considered a portrait, which you order from the artist from a photograph of the birthday girl. You can portray a girl not in an ordinary way, but in the form of a princess, fairy or sorceress. If she dreams of becoming a doctor - in the form of a doctor, if an actress - then on a stage strewn with flowers. You can make a friendly cartoon, the main thing is that it is offensive.

        Some interesting ideas can also be attributed to the number of unusual gifts for 17 years.

        • Unusual interactive alarm clock - he will not only wake him up with a signal at the right time, but will also force him to get out of bed, since you can silence him only by catching him, and the alarm clock can fly or run.
        • Decision Coin and Prediction Ball - on a coin that looks like a Chinese coin, instead of heads and tails there are the words "Yes" and "No" - this will help you make decisions or look for answers to questions that may arise in a variety of situations. And the fortune ball is just a fun toy that works in much the same way.
        • Fan and thermo mug from USB - both subjects are interchangeable if a girl spends a lot of time in her studies at the computer. There is ventilation and heating of tea so that it does not cool down and cooling drinks in the summer heat so that they do not get warm.

        For a 17-year-old girl, any gift, even the most ordinary one, can become original if you present it correctly.

        Plan and do a funny and exciting rally, at the end of which you will be presented with a present. Organize a quest, during which the birthday girl will have to try to find her gift. Hire climbers who will come down from the rooftop in Batman suits in the morning and knock with a bouquet of flowers and a gift right at the window of her room on the 25th floor.

        There are also a great many ideas on how to present a gift. It is better to talk about this with a close friend of the girl, she knows exactly which scenario can be closer to the dreams of a young person. Remember that 17-year-old girls are very romantic, very sentimental, they are easy to touch, and therefore try to put your heart and soul into the process of giving.

        In the next video, you will see ideas for original gifts for a girl on her birthday.

        1 comment

        I understood everything. Thanks!


        the beauty
