Birthday gifts

What to give a girl for 18 years old?

What to give a girl for 18 years old?
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Birthday Gift Options
  3. Guy surprises
  4. Original ideas
  5. Useful Tips

Choosing a gift can be a daunting task. This is especially true of gifts that are presented in honor of significant dates. Coming of age is such a holiday. The matter becomes more complicated when you choose a gift for a girl, because the female gender is more picky about gifts and their components.

What to give a girl for 18 years, what criteria and principles to be guided by, how not to miscalculate with a present - you will find the answers to these and some other questions in our material.

Criterias of choice

First of all, when choosing a gift, you must be guided by personal characteristics, as well as the characteristics and traits of the birthday girl (cheerful, active, modest, and so on). There are several types of people who like to receive different types of gifts.

So, for example, many people prefer to receive gifts of money, because they themselves know exactly how to dispose of money, or they save money for a big purchase.

There is a category of people who adore various souvenirs and memorable gifts (for example, figurines, paintings, engraved items). Such people value memories and when they look at such a little thing, they warmly remember the person who presented it to them.

There is also the opposite type of girls who like to receive practical and necessary gifts. They prefer to use gifts rather than store them on shelves and closets. If you are dealing with such a birthday girl, then it is important to be aware of her tastes and preferences.

Do not hesitate to ask what the young lady wants to get - this way you will acquire a truly desired present, and also free yourself from the difficulties of choosing the perfect present.

When choosing a gift, also it is useful to be guided by the girl's hobbies. So, if the birthday girl is fond of sports, then for 18 years you can donate a new sports uniform or equipment.

If you know about the plans of a young beauty for the future, then you can present a significant or symbolic gift related to her goals. A white coat can be a good option if a girl dreams of becoming a doctor or an animal if she plans to work as a veterinarian.

Birthday Gift Options

There are a lot of options for gifts that can be presented to a girl on her 18th birthday. However, it is important to choose exactly the one that the young birthday girl will remember and like... If you approach the selection and purchase process wisely, then the coming-of-age holiday will remain in her memory for a long time.


Who knows their daughter better than their own parents. The inner circle is certainly aware of even the most secret desires, aspirations and goals of their already almost adult child. In addition, many parents feel their responsibility to help their child settle in life, so most often it is the family environment that gives expensive and high-quality gifts.

If the girl's mom and dad are sure that their child is already independent enough, and also have material resources, then the best gift for your 18th birthday will be an apartment or a car.

In order to raise the family spirit and unite all relatives, you can do the renovation of the apartment all together, as well as attract the closest circle and friends. Real estate is never a bad investment, but it is worth considering the fact that if the daughter subsequently plans to leave her hometown, then such a gift may become superfluous.

As for the car, a certificate for passing driving courses will be an excellent addition to such a gift. By choosing such gifts, you will definitely impress your child, as well as provide him with such necessary things in the modern world.

If an open and free relationship reigns in your family, then before a big expensive purchase, consult with the birthday girl herself. The ideal option is a joint choice of a car or an apartment, in which case everyone will be satisfied.


Choosing a gift for your best friend can be a real challenge. This is especially true for a presentation on such an important holiday as the eighteenth birthday. Before buying any thing, think carefully about everything, consult with your parents, as well as with the parents of the future birthday girl - it is likely that they will offer you valuable advice.

If you and your girlfriend are both sentimental and romantic, then A good gift option would be to present a certain symbol of your friendship. Here you need to start from your budget: it can be a frame with your general photo or a silver bracelet or an engraved pendant - only your imagination limits you.

Also, do not forget about your friend's hobbies. So, if a girl is fond of music, then give her the accessories necessary for her favorite musical instrument: a violin bow or a guitar pick. If a friend is fond of sports, then she can be presented with a subscription to her favorite gym, if handicrafts - a set for embroidery, drawing - canvas and paints.

Try to approach the gift as individually as possible. Do not give banal and universal things, because your girlfriend is one of the closest people to you. Try to make her party special.


A good gift for an eighteen-year-old sister will be wardrobe items. These can be both ordinary things in their classic design, and cool, funny and unusual options. Moreover, there should be no problems with the selection of the size, because it is known that quite often the sisters wear each other's things, which means that they also know the sizes.

If you want to be more serious about choosing a gift and make it solemn, then present an evening dress or an expensive business suit. For a more relaxed mood, go for casual items like jeans, T-shirts and sweaters.

In any case, start from the time of year and season when your sister is celebrating her birthday. Climatic conditions also play an important role - clothing must meet these characteristics.

Simply put, if your sister celebrates her birthday in the cold season, then give her a jacket or sweater, and if in summer - shorts or a light sundress, and not vice versa. It is in this case and under the same circumstances that your gift will be relevant and immediately find practical application.

Accessories and shoes are also great options. For example, you can give a designer bag or shoes that you can wear to a gala event. However, in this case, it is important to consider the style of clothing and lifestyle of the sister - do not buy high heels if she is not wearing them, and don’t give a stylish classic bag if the birthday girl prefers to dress up in a sporty style.


A new electronic gadget or accessory to it will be an appropriate present for the niece's coming of age. Such things are never superfluous, so you will definitely not go wrong with such a gift. Moreover, more and more new versions and additions are being released today, which will not only impress the birthday girl, but also become a practical gift and will be actively used.

Speaking about specific examples, it is worth noting that the necessary gadgets include, for example, laptops and personal computers, tablets and smartphones, smart watches, cameras and camcorders, and much more.

In the process of buying any of these gadgets, be sure to consult with a sales assistant, specify all the useful characteristics, as well as the functions and capabilities of the purchased item.

If the budget does not allow you to purchase an expensive item, then you can pick up a stylish accessory for those gadgets that the birthday girl already has. Accessories can also be a great addition to a basic gift. When choosing accessories for gadgets, make sure that you know the name and model number of the electronic device that your niece possesses - so you will definitely not go wrong. As an accessory, you can choose headphones, a case, a mouse and similar items that will definitely come in handy for a young 18-year-old lady.


Jewelry is considered a traditional gift for the goddaughter. Such a present will be especially relevant on the day of the girl's majority. Among all the variety of jewelry, the most relevant will be rings, earrings, as well as chains with pendants and pendants.

A spiritual gift that will be filled with meaning will be a chain with a cross - it is very valuable to receive such a gift from the godmother. If you gave such a piece of jewelry for christening, then do not despair. A pendant in the form of an icon of a saint will be an excellent addition to the chain that the goddaughter already has. In this case, it is important to remember about the individual approach.

Earrings or a ring will also be nice gifts. A matching set can be purchased if possible. Such gifts will appeal to every girl, and will also protect and preserve her throughout her life, because they were presented by one of the most dear and significant people.


A present for a classmate, if she is not your close friend, maybe symbolic and traditional. So, a book or a new diary would be an excellent choice.You can also present a stylish satchel or an original stationery set.

If your classmate has a sweet tooth, then please her with a beautiful set of chocolate or unusually decorated sweets. A funny postcard with handwritten wishes will be a good addition to such a gift.

If you want to give a good and expensive gift, but you do not have enough material resources to purchase it, then a club gift can be an excellent way out of the situation. Any girl, even the most demanding and spoiled girl, will appreciate a quality gift from a group of relatives or friends.

Guy surprises

Each girl on her birthday expects a special and unusual gift from her young man. You can give your beloved a bouquet of scarlet roses or a ring, but you can also be more creative.

First of all, when thinking about and planning a gift for your beloved one should focus not on material things, but on the atmosphere and memories you can create. That is why it is very important to think about presentations that you can make yourself. If you are not a craftsman or an artist, then our simple but interesting tips will help you.

A romantic dinner can be a good gift for a girl. You can invite the birthday girl to an expensive restaurant and order delicious dishes, or you can organize a festive evening on your own. This requires imagination and a little effort.

To create a romantic date, you first need to think about the menu. If you do not have a distinct culinary ability, then you should not try to cook gourmet cuisine - a simple appetizer and a small main course will be enough. First of all, the girl will appreciate your efforts.

It is also important to create romantic atmosphere. Candles, balloons, rose petals and pleasant music can help you with this. If you plan to present your beloved with a material gift, then this can be done during dinner. Such a gift can be a ring, keys to your apartment, as an offer to live together, as well as any other gift that will become a symbol of your mutual love.

Original ideas

If you do not have enough material resources, are tired of standard gifts, or just want to be original, then a handmade present would be an excellent option.

Let's look at several options for such original gifts.

  • With your own hands you can make photo album or book. Scrapbooking and decoupage techniques, as well as any other options and methods of needlework, will help you with this.
  • If you cook well, then a girl for 18 years can be presented with a delicious cake or an original set of cupcakes. Such a gift will delight not only the birthday girl, but also all the guests of the celebration.
  • Anyone with artistic talent can do cool and unusual drawings for a t-shirt or mug. You can also give a portrait of the birthday girl or a funny cartoon.
  • Writing an author's song and performing it in front of guests - another option for a creative and creative presentation. A similar, but more romantic option is to write a poem that you can read on the girl's birthday under her windows.
  • To organize an original gift, you can contact the advertising company of your city and agree about placing a billboard with a photo of the birthday girl and congratulations. However, keep in mind that the billboard must be in the path of the girl's constant movement. If this cannot be done, then invite her for a walk in the part of the city where the billboard will be located.

Among other things, you can present the girl with gifts that will enrich her not materially, but spiritually. Such gifts can be subscriptions to a museum or library, as well as vouchers to a sanatorium or travel.

Useful Tips

  • Remember that wrapping is an essential element of any gift.Do not be lazy and beautifully wrap your present in gift paper with an unusual print or use foil. Add ribbons or other decorative items to the packaging.
  • Also, do not forget that you can present flowers to the girl with any gift.
  • Prepare in advance for the moment of direct presentation of the gift: come up with a speech or learn a verse, wish the birthday girl all the best in her new, already adult and adult life. Do not skimp on hugs.

For information on what to give a girl for 18 years, see the next video.

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