What to give a 7-year-old boy?

A seven-year-old child may have already been brought up enough to behave with restraint, but nevertheless, he is probably looking forward to his birthday, sincerely counting on gifts. A good present can give him a feeling of complete happiness, and an unsuccessful one, accordingly, can disappoint and ruin the whole impression of the holiday. To prevent this from happening, you should be wise when choosing a gift for a little birthday boy.

Age features
A 7-year-old boy is, as it were, at a crossroads - at about this age he ceases to be a preschooler and turns into a student of the elementary grades of school. Unlike status, character does not change instantly, as does habits, and yet the changes are obvious - they even concern hobbies, and therefore can be reflected in birthday gifts.
So, at preschool age, the main task of the child was to play and have fun, even if cunning adults laid down a certain development program in these activities. The school assumes a completely different level of responsibility, it already places a greater emphasis on learning, even if this process does not have an interesting game shell.
Of course, on the birthday of a seven-year-old boy, you cannot give him a purely practical thing that does not carry any entertainment functions, but it is not in vain that it is at this age that children go to school - by this moment they usually already have quite developed perseverance, memory and logic in order to effectively learn.
Toys have not gone anywhere yet, they will be useful to the kid for at least a couple of years, but now the number of the same books can be gradually increased.

A boy who has grown to go to school, of course, is a relatively formed personality, he has his own preferences and wishes, which he is able to express unambiguously. By the age of 7, many children are already thinking about what they would like to receive as a gift, therefore it is possible that the child does not even have to think specially - he may have a prepared answer. You can, of course, act more cunningly in order to keep the intrigue - then you just need to observe the boy and his hobbies, without asking the question about the gift directly.
Children are known for their inability to hide their emotions, so it is doubly important to give a gift that the birthday boy will love. At 7 years old, the boy still does not know how to completely control his emotions - he may not express clearly his resentment if the donor is not very familiar to him, but from close people he expects maximum attention to his wishes.

Choosing useful gifts
At the age of 7, relatives strive to give their beloved son, brother, godson and grandson developing gifts, not really thinking about the fact that the baby is still in the process of all-round development, therefore almost everything can bring certain benefits for the birthday person.
Naturally, the main developmental gift in all ages is a book. The first grader already knows how to read, but is still more interested in bright pictures, so the design of the book should be appropriate. At the same time, the boy's curiosity at this age is very great, he is proud of the fact that he can receive information on an equal basis with adults, therefore you can once again spur his interest in knowledge by buying not so much art publications as encyclopedias.
It is important not to give a blunder here - if suddenly the child is clearly not interested in technology, even the best encyclopedia can go unnoticed, so pay attention to hobbies.
In addition to the techniques mentioned, typical boyish interests may include biology (both modern animals and dinosaurs), history (pirates, knights), geography (distant lands and their customs, space), as well as the supernatural (vampires, ghosts, zombies) ...

Board games, if the rules are already clear to the child, are also of great benefit. In addition to raising the mood, each game stimulates a certain skill, at least training logic or dexterity, fine motor skills of the hands or speed of reaction. Even the same "walkers" with bricks that a child could have mastered two or three years ago, help to improve mental arithmetic and develop the child's communication skills, since they require constant interaction with other players.
No matter how primitive the game may seem, it is able to teach the owner to play at least with dignity, but if you need to sit on it for a long time, it develops perseverance and the ability to concentrate attention. The most complex examples gradually teach how to work out a strategy and achieve a set goal. In some places, of course, even computer games have a similar educational effect, but they have much less space for communication, and board games are much more useful in terms of maintaining vision and correct posture.

The designer, in the opinion of many modern experts, can theoretically be useful even for mature adults - what can we say about seven-year-old boys who are also polls interested in such gifts. Small details allow you to work out fine motor skills of the hands, while engineering thinking also develops, because the child first has to mentally see how a completely new whole is obtained from individual parts.
In this sense, the most useful are those constructors that allow the assembly of completely new crafts that are not based on the attached instructions. At the same time, the modern assortment of sets allows you to choose a set in full accordance with the interests of the birthday person, let him build whatever he wants, be it a car, a knight's castle, a modern warship or a whole city. Again, perseverance (and after it - and the ability to long-term learning) will only benefit from this.
Often, gifts that are directly related to science can cause boyish delight. The same globe, due to its brightness, can attract a kid, and if he is generally interested in geography and travel, and among his belongings there are already favorite encyclopedias of relevant topics, a copy of the globe will not stand idle.

For young biologists, a microscope that allows observing microorganisms can become an original gift, however, in this case, the intensive participation of parents will not interfere.
The telescope can even be appreciated by a person of any age and gender, but if the boy is fond of space, the opportunity to better study the stars will be an amazing gift for him.
The more popular binoculars are often included in this category, and although a child is unlikely to use them for scientific purposes, such a device can stimulate his interest in technology.
Popular options
In principle, above we also considered popular options for gifts that can be given for a 7-year-old boy's birthday, but there they were focused on generally recognized usefulness. In this section, we'll take a look at some of the best interesting solutions besides those described above.
Toys are not an unusual gift for a seven-year-old, but the need for them is still very high.
This is not even an option, but a mandatory attribute of a birthday at 7 years old, otherwise the holiday will be hopelessly ruined.

- Creativity and related gifts - an inexpensive, but often demanded option. Be guided by the interests of the child - it can be just an album for stickers about the same pirates, or maybe a set for burning wood. If a boy shows a serious passion for art, it's time to start playing along with him more and more seriously - at this age, both a guitar and a full-fledged easel will already be an appropriate gift.
- Sports presentations are also eternally relevant, because seven-year-old children are usually distinguished by amazing activity. The most obvious solutions are either personal transport (bicycle, scooter, rollerblades, skates, skate), or a variety of balls (primarily football). In recent years, the installation of wall bars or horizontal bars has become more and more popular, sometimes even with a swing right in the apartment, which can also make the little boy very happy.
- At 7 years old, the child usually already understands the meaning of money, and often parents, not being able to immediately buy the desired toy for the baby and wanting to accustom him to responsibility, stimulate the collection of funds themselves. By giving money, you will not miss the gift - the birthday person will choose it according to his own taste.
- Sometimes material things are not needed at all - emotions and the real atmosphere of the holiday will be more valuable. Most boys will be genuinely happy going to the circus, and if suddenly the child for some reason has not yet been in zoo, this option will also be very useful. Depending on the hobbies of the birthday person, various master classes or planetarium.
- Pets are a popular wish of seven-year-old boys, but such a gift must be agreed with the parents. Such a present perfectly develops a sense of responsibility, but a pet can quickly get bored with a baby, and this is not a toy that you can just throw away.

What shouldn't be gifted?
There are certain types of gifts that seem like a good option to adults, but will not be appreciated by a boy of seven under any circumstances. Such decisions should be avoided, since they will not provoke anything other than disappointment, which means that the giver will also feel uncomfortable. So, let's consider what you can't give.
- Any items not by age or gender. Choose gifts so that the child can use them now, and even with a margin of at least six months or a year. He will no longer rate products that are too childish as boring, and games that are too complex, for example, will not be understood by them, and they will also gather dust. Think what you are buying: If the gift is associated with girls, the young man may be insulted to the core.

- Clothes, footwear, bed linen. In ten years the birthday boy will look at such things with a completely different look and will consider them a good present, but now they are not important for him. Parents will buy all this, regardless of whether the baby has a birthday or not, and therefore such a gift is in no way associated with the holiday. The only option is if a print of the child's favorite theme is applied to the thing, because the gift looks very cool in the boy's understanding. However, even then, you should not single out such a solution as the main gift - it will fit in as a good addition to something really standing in the eyes of the child.

- Hygiene products. In principle, everything can be said about them as about the previous point, with the difference that even pragmatic adults are often not happy with such a gift - it is too banal and cheap. This is more of a sign of attention, and even then a minimal one, and the birthday man wants an atmosphere of a miracle on his holiday.

- Confectionery. Again, this is a nice bonus to the rest of the gifts, but nothing more. Even if the baby has a sweet tooth, he will not be particularly surprised at a cake on his own birthday, unless you extremely strictly limit his menu. The same cake can be ordered so that it looks like some kind of beloved by the boy, and the birthday boy will love it, but you can imagine his disappointment at the moment when you say that this was the main gift.

- School supplies. This choice is almost always unsuccessful - many children dislike school, and will not appreciate that the holiday budget has been spent on necessary, and not special things. In theory, however, the same trick can work here as in the case of clothes - sort out the boy's hobbies and choose a backpack that he likes and will help him gain authority among his classmates.

Review of gifts for a boy of 7 years old see below