Birthday gifts

What to give a 14-year-old boy?

What to give a 14-year-old boy?
  1. Age specifics
  2. Best options
  3. What won't work?

Fourteen years is the age when a teenager has too many emotional upheavals, therefore it is very important that at least a birthday does not become a disappointment. At the same time, the older generation does not always understand modern youth and their needs, therefore it is not so easy to guess with a gift.

Age specifics

To understand what to give a boy for 14 years, you need to understand well who the young man is at this stage of life. And this is not so simple - this is the difficulty of the transition period, that childhood is already noticeably receding into the past, and in the nascent adult life, the guy has not yet had time to orient himself even approximately. Even if you noticed his interest in a certain topic, you still run the risk of "getting into a puddle" when choosing a gift for your son, friend or brother, since teenage interests change like a kaleidoscope. It's another matter, if the taste does not change, any hit with the gift on the target will be appreciated.

Another problem of the age under consideration is that the future birthday person seeks to become as independent as possible, which is expressed in increased secrecy. The easiest way is when the culprit of the future celebration himself regularly voices his dreams, but the boy can go a completely different path - somewhere he already understands the difficulties with the parental budget and is embarrassed to ask, but somewhere he is simply not sure of the approval of his wishes by adults. He will also tell his peers what he is dreaming about, but his parents will have to guess.

True, one general rule stands out: young people strive for the recognition of others, and among young people it is customary to meet by dress even more than among adults.

It is very important to be trendy, fashionable and modern, so sometimes you just need to buy what is “cool” and “everyone has”. Accordingly, it is advisable to study the topic in advance, otherwise you can buy something that will bring the young man “under the monastery” in the eyes of his peers. However, in general, certain promoted branded products, whichever product is meant, should gain approval.

When choosing a gift for a boy at the age of 14, it is important not to give something "childish", such a present will definitely be perceived with hostility as belittling the dignity of the birthday man. At the same time, for 14 years it is already possible to give almost everything that is given to an adult. It should be noted that it is often not the gift itself that matters, but the person from whom it was received - a present can receive a "bonus of approval" if it is presented by a really important and close person, and vice versa, even a good gift received from a minor (in the eyes birthday boy) donor, will not cause too stormy joy, although it will not hurt.

Best options

The circle of interests of adolescents can include the most unexpected things, so there is definitely something to choose from. Another thing is that we cannot consider absolutely all the options, because this is a topic for a book of impressive thickness, so we will consider only a few of the most popular options. It should be noted right away that none of them is still one hundred percent hitting the target - it all depends on the particular boy and his interests.


It is never original, but this gift is the closest to the concept of the ideal. The reason for this lies at least in the fact that it is not so easy to ask a secretive birthday person what he wants - so let him choose himself, without even telling everyone else, but the donor will definitely not be mistaken when choosing. If the boy lacks material values, he can spend money on them, but if he has everything he needs, he can invest in the immaterial, simply by throwing a dream holiday for himself and his friends.

Another plus of money as a gift is the fact that you once again emphasize: you are an adult and already capable of managing your own money. In recent years, there has even been a tendency to open an account in the name of a child and give him a bank card as a gift - this both elevates the birthday boy in the eyes of his peers and teaches him basic financial responsibility.

Note that you need to give money with caution, especially large sums - sometimes you should first consult with your parents about such a presentation.

Unfortunately, the modern world offers many opportunities to spend money not in the best way, and if the birthday person is theoretically inclined to this, it is better not to give finance at all.


About a decade and a half ago, with the massive spread of the Internet and gadgets, the conventional wisdom emerged that young people stopped reading. On the one hand, it is foolish to deny that new entertainments do not draw away some of the attention of adolescents, on the other hand, it is naive to think that everyone else has read it before - to whom it was alien, he was looking for other ways of entertainment before.

For most thinking teenagers, a book is a good gift, if only it is chosen competently. It may be fiction, but then you should know for sure that the birthday person will be interested in the plot, as well as the fact that he has not read this book, and there is no such work in his home library.

However, fiction is usually not an expensive gift and rarely completely captivates a teenager, therefore it is better to buy him an expensive gift edition dedicated to the subject of his interest. It can be a book about space or some specific aspects of history (navigation, aviation), weapons, technology, and so on.

Typically, such tomes are supplied with very colorful illustrations on a large scale, and although the information provided in them can often be found on the Internet, the very fact of the body of knowledge gathered together is impressive.


This is not only a good way to earn the respect of friends, but also just an opportunity for pastime and entertainment. Psychologists have long identified the reason for the mass dependence of young people on gadgets - they give a chance to disown the imperfect world, completely plunging into a completely different atmosphere, where you, an ordinary person, can reach unprecedented heights.

If the gadget can also be used for training, and the birthday man himself understands this perfectly and uses it, then such a gift is absolutely good from any side.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight a group of gadgets that are good in themselves and do not require any additional details. This is primarily a smartphone, but also a tablet, laptop or even a camera. Such a present is not a cheap one - but by clearly saving on a gift, you will drive the teenager into depression because of the contradiction between expectations and reality. On the other hand, by spending money, you may make a wonderful contribution to the future, if the boy squeezes the most out of the gift, learns something useful and will achieve heights in the future.

A separate segment of gadgets is those devices that are usually used by gamers as an addition to the same smartphone or computer. Having updated the hardware or gifted a modern video card, parents will not listen to thanks for long - the birthday boy will immediately run away to play, but believe me, he is happy. Fans of virtual driving will need a controller in the form of a steering wheel with pedals; most teenagers will also appreciate virtual reality glasses.

If you have money, you can also donate a new game console - there will be something to play with the whole family.

In the end, if you know the boy's tastes well, the licensed version of the popular game will also be a good present.

Sporting goods

By the age of 14, the boy's activity on average decreases, but many not only do not give up sports, but on the contrary - they begin to engage in it meaningfully and purposefully. Such teenagers, of course, will appreciate it very much if you meet them halfway in their hobby and donate the necessary equipment. It can be the same ball, punching bag, wall bars or any type of exercise machine. By the way, from about this age you can begin to swing a little, so even a rack with a barbell may be relevant.

Naturally, personal transport remains always appropriate, the use of which also has a positive effect on health - we are talking about bicycles, roller skates, skateboards and hoverboards.

Such a gift can completely change the boy's lifestyle, but his new hobby will definitely not be among the worst possible.

If regular training has become the norm for a young man, a fitness tracker - a gadget that allows you to track the load - will come in handy.

What won't work?

At the age of 14, the birthday person is usually no longer so picky - now he already understands that even a practical (as opposed to a typically “festive”) thing can be useful, and therefore is a good gift. Nevertheless, you can still make a small "stop-list". The things included in it usually do not cause unbridled happiness in adolescents, if it is a gift for their own birthday.

  • Linens. This gift is good for the hostess, but the guy, and even at the age of 14, does not dream of such a gift. As a child, he could at least be interested in a cool fairy-tale print, but now it won't work anymore.
  • Casual wear. Such a gift is practical, but is not perceived as an element of the holiday - it turns out simply boring. Theoretically, of course, you can give a really comfortable and beautiful thing, but you can't always figure out how a teenager himself looks at these parameters.
  • Blankets, pillows and other home textiles. A totally inappropriate gift for the same reasons as bed linen.
  • Cosmetics... Due to adolescent increased hormonal levels, cosmetics are often used by adolescents to hide acne, but giving something like that is undesirable.A good gift is one that you can brag to your friends, and even if they don't scoff at cosmetics and draw parallels with girls, not every young man will find the courage to admit that he looks normal only thanks to special means. The only exception to the rule is perfume - its use is not shameful, and such a gift itself can be very expensive, that is, it can emphasize status.

Ideas on what to give a boy for 14 years, see below

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