Birthday gifts

What can you give your mom for 70 years?

What can you give your mom for 70 years?
  1. Best options
  2. Selection recommendations
  3. What shouldn't be gifted?

Choosing a gift for your beloved mother for 70 years is not entirely easy. First of all, he must express his affection and gratitude to the woman who gave life, and besides, he must not repeat himself and be original. In fact, there are a lot of ideas on this topic, you just need to be creative and remember what exactly mom loves and what she is fond of.

Best options

When choosing a gift for a mother for a 70th anniversary, of course, one should proceed from her taste preferences, character and lifestyle.

Practical gifts

If your mommy prefers to receive items useful in everyday life as a gift, then on the 70th anniversary she needs to present something in this spirit.

  • Warm soft blanket. At this age, people become thermophilic, besides, wrapping a soft cloth, she will remember you and your care.
  • Linens... This thing will never be superfluous, and a woman with a practical mindset will definitely appreciate your choice. Just choose high-quality lingerie with an unusual but discreet pattern. If your mom is a person with a creative outlook on life, then try to present her with fashionable 3D lingerie - most likely, she will be satisfied.
  • Electric massager. This also includes the famous "Almag" and other medical devices. At 70, few people have any health problems, so a gift that will help your mom feel better will come in handy anyway.
  • Rocking chair. This is a gift for an amateur, therefore, when purchasing such a chair, be sure that your mother will not be annoyed by unhurried swaying.
  • Table lamp or lamp in the room... Refreshes the interior and fills the room with soft light.
  • Shawl, stole. This can be presented as a gift if your mother is not an avid knitter who can make any knitted product of different sizes with her own hands.
  • Household appliance: a bread maker, a slow cooker, a vacuum cleaner of the latest model, a double boiler, a grill, etc. The main thing is that your mother will be able to understand the instruction manual for the electrical appliance that you will present to her for her birthday, because there are many pensioners who are afraid to contact any electrical appliances. In this case, your gift will lie unpacked until the hero of the day thinks to give it to someone.

All of these items can be the best gift option for mom for a 70th anniversary. A practical birthday girl will surely appreciate them and will certainly use them in everyday life.


Seventy is a day that happens only once in a lifetime. And, what a sin to conceal - not all of us are given to live to see this momentous day. Therefore, if your mother is an impressionable person and she treats her birthday as a kind of milestone, then you can give her a gift that will be more symbolic than practical. The following options are ideal for such an undertaking.

  • A retro style photo album with her favorite photos. To be original, you can place the pictures in reverse chronology - from the newest to the pictures taken in her childhood. Thus, you will create a little illusion of rejuvenation for your mother, which will surely touch her.
  • Virtual photo frame, made using digital scrapbooking technique. If your mother is “friends” with modern technologies, then she will definitely like such a gift.
  • Film edited from frames from the family archive... Well, who is not moved by such a cute present? Tears of joy and nostalgia will be provided to all those present.
  • Family tree... Of course, such a gift requires a certain investment of time and money. On the other hand, for my mother, such an anniversary happens only once in her life.
  • Mother's portrait. Contact a professional artist and they will create a portrait of your mother in the style that you say. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to first ask her to pose - now there are a lot of painters who are able to create a very realistic portrait based on several photographs.

There are other options for budget gifts.

  • Living flower. You should only give a plant that does not need very difficult care. After all, if your mother is not a fan of fresh indoor flowers, then, giving her some rare sample that must be watered 5 times a day, create a certain temperature and humidity, fertilize with expensive fertilizing, then instead of a nice gift, you will create a lot of extra trouble for your mother. , and this will smear the joyful impression of your congratulations.
  • Organizer... This very useful thing is used to store things that are especially valuable or dear to a particular person, or all sorts of little things. Most likely, your mom also has many different items, accessories and other details that need to be organized and stored in one specific place. With the help of an organizer, she will be able to free up space and always have the necessary things at hand.
  • Cane... Perhaps your mother, like many people of her age, has certain problems with the musculoskeletal system. In this case, a beautiful and comfortable cane will be very useful for her.

If you have sufficient funds and want your mother to remember this anniversary for a long time, then you can give her tourist trip. Choose the direction depending on her preferences and your financial capabilities.

If your mom is curious and loves to learn about the peculiarities of other cultures, then a trip to China or India is ideal for her.If your mother prefers to taste all the delights of a seaside resort to intellectual rest, then give preference to Turkey or Egypt. If you want to send your mom on a shopping tour, then you should choose a European destination. But if you can't afford such routes or your mother is an unshakable patriot, then organize a tour of Russian cities for her, because we also have a lot of interesting places in our country: St. Petersburg, Crimea, Altai, Kazan, Golden Ring, etc. ...

You can also organize a rest for the hero of the day with benefit and, for example, buy for her a ticket to a domestic sanatorium or a foreign medical resort. So mom can combine business with pleasure.

Another option for a 70th birthday gift for a mother is a ticket to a special event. For example, it can be a trip to the ballet, to the opera, to an exhibition, to a concert of a popular pop star.

If your mother is attentive to her appearance, then it will be a good gift for her. a certificate for visiting a beauty salon or SPA-cabinet. If your mom is overweight, you can donate a membership card to attend classes in special groups for people aged 60+. But when mom is an energetic person, with pronounced creative abilities, you can present her certificate for attending any courses, for example, in cooking, pottery, painting, landscape design.

As you can see, there are a lot of options - there would be a desire to please the hero of the day. Still, the main thing when choosing a gift is your love, which you want to express with the help of a present. Therefore, if your gift is "from a pure heart", and when choosing it you will take into account the inclinations of the birthday girl, then regardless of its value, your mother will be satisfied and will be grateful for your attention to her.

Selection recommendations

The gift must be purchased taking into account the preferences, lifestyle and hobbies of the birthday girl. Now you are given a unique opportunity to check how close your relationship is with your mother and how well you know her.

Also, you need to take into account the venerable age of the hero of the day. Therefore, gifts that would delight her at 25 will not always be appropriate for a 70th anniversary. Of course, for the most part, people of this age category value practicality, reliability and maximum ease of use, therefore, when choosing a presentation for an anniversary, it is worth starting from these criteria.

Pay attention to the surroundings of the celebration itself. If mom decided to celebrate her anniversary in a narrow family circle, then you can limit yourself to just purchasing a gift and a bouquet of flowers.

If the hero of the day gathered all her friends, acquaintances, colleagues and neighbors, rented the largest banquet hall in the restaurant, then this suggests that this date means a lot to her and it will be important for her to impress the guests.

In such a situation, additional pathos is indispensable. You can give her a postcard the size of her height, order musicians to perform her favorite song, or simply purchase a large gift so that when you present it to your mother in a gift box, everyone in the audience will feel awe. Of course, this may seem silly to you, but try to be condescending to the woman who gave you life, and forgive her for her weakness. After all, people at this age really need encouragement and recognition of their merits, especially if this happens in public and comes from children.

What shouldn't be gifted?

There are no special categorical restrictions regarding the choice of a gift for the mother's seventieth birthday. Of course, it is important here to proceed from her personal preference. After all, if, for example, you present a set of pots to a woman who hates cooking, or give a kitten to a hero of the day who is allergic to pets, then her impression will most likely be sharply negative. So keep in mind that if you are at an impasse with the choice of a gift, then just ask your mother what she would like to receive on her holiday.

Believe me, this will be better than giving an item that your mother wants to give to someone else or hide somewhere far away, leaving it unpacked.

For more information on what else you can give your mom for 70 years, see the next video.

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